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00:00:00 In the heart of a dense forest, a person takes a hike in the forest,
00:00:04 sinking into the mysterious depths of this wild nature.
00:00:08 But it is not an ordinary walk through the woods.
00:00:11 It will quickly take a strange turn, not to say frankly disturbing.
00:00:16 Our protagonist, a glow of audacity in the gaze, discovers a terrier hidden in the shade.
00:00:23 Curiosity takes him by surprise, and our explorer approaches it.
00:00:28 It is not a terrier, it is a fox.
00:00:31 And if it was a bad idea, and that it was better to run away ...
00:00:35 During the happy spring season, when nature is animated by a vibrant energy,
00:00:45 foxes always pursue the complex cycle of life.
00:00:48 It is at this time that foxes seek the comfort of their underground sanctuary.
00:00:53 The rest of the year, when the world around is luxurious, the fox prefers to lie in the sun,
00:00:59 and spends all his time on the surface, except when the weather is bad.
00:01:04 It is in the most unfavorable conditions that he takes refuge in his terrier, in the shelter of the bad weather.
00:01:10 These fox terriers usually only have a few entrances, sometimes covered with dirt and scattered debris.
00:01:20 During the winter months, foxes go digging with diligence of new galleries, in anticipation of the coming spring.
00:01:27 Sometimes, among the remains of their underground journey, we find remains of dead foxes,
00:01:33 witnessing the endless cycle of existence within these complex underground networks.
00:01:38 If we explore the surroundings of a fox terrier,
00:01:45 we will notice fresh traces of meals outside the terriers, during the months of April to June.
00:01:50 It is at this period, when the foxes have played in the north, the forest of their presence,
00:01:54 that we can find remains of their feasts, a sign of this new life that is developing.
00:02:00 So what do these terriers look like?
00:02:07 After all, they are not the only animals that sell tanniers in the forest.
00:02:11 Let's get into the heart of the matter now.
00:02:14 Fox terriers, impenetrable remains of these spying beings,
00:02:17 are generally located in areas where the greenery is abundant.
00:02:21 These animals can hide under the branches of a tree or take refuge under imposing rocks.
00:02:26 If you come across a small hollow hole that seems to be cut to size for a fox,
00:02:31 and that you smell this incomparable aroma, accompanied by other revealing clues such as scattered bones,
00:02:37 it is that you have probably discovered a fox tannier.
00:02:41 Alas, my curious friend, there is no infallible recipe to know where these canid rusees choose to set up their tanniers.
00:02:52 They have an amazing ability to adapt to various environments,
00:02:56 whether it is open meadows, dense forests, or even the pitiful tundra.
00:03:02 Imagine a little, the terrier of a fox is composed of at least four or five parts.
00:03:10 There is the main entrance, the access tunnel, the main tannier, and a secret room that serves as a food reserve.
00:03:17 Depending on the size of the meadow, there may be additional rooms to accommodate the entire family of foxes.
00:03:24 Now visualize the opening of the tannier of a fox.
00:03:30 The entrance and access tunnel form a corridor that goes down from one to three meters underground,
00:03:36 connecting the outside world to the shelter of the owner who is there.
00:03:40 Ah, but that's not all, foxes, as warned administrators, store all the treasures they have found in their tanniers.
00:03:48 Yes, they have their own food cache where they hide all these delicious finds.
00:03:54 The number of rooms in the tannier can vary depending on the size of the meadow,
00:03:59 because these rusted animals make sure that there is enough space to put down and raise their adorable meadows.
00:04:06 They can even dig additional tunnels and create other entrances, in case the need arises.
00:04:13 Let's talk about culinary affairs now.
00:04:17 Foxes are warned gourmets who stock up on large quantities of food, ready to face the winter and the season of love.
00:04:24 However, they are not hoarders. They usually put aside just what they need for the coming times,
00:04:30 since they do not have the chance to find a fresh prey every day.
00:04:34 Bays and fruits often feed their food, while these delectable carcasses are at the center of their gastronomic menu.
00:04:42 Are you curious to know if fox terriers are close to each other?
00:04:49 If the earth is rich in food and fresh water, you can sometimes find two or three tanniers in a radius of 25 square kilometers.
00:04:58 However, if resources are scarce, you may have to extend your search to a radius of 50 square kilometers to find a terrier.
00:05:07 But the adventure does not end there.
00:05:12 Foxes, loyal to their foggy nature, often have several tanniers.
00:05:16 They keep their main tannier, often called "native tannier", and the sentimental value that goes with it.
00:05:23 In addition, they keep a rescue tannier to face unexpected circumstances.
00:05:28 Let's not forget either their ability to appropriate or borrow abandoned tanniers.
00:05:34 They're smart little ones, aren't they?
00:05:37 Let's now talk about these wonderful animals.
00:05:41 Foxes are a multitude of species, variations, and sizes scattered throughout the planet.
00:05:48 But the star is the red fox, which can be found on all continents, except for the Antarctic ice.
00:05:55 If most foxes prefer the tranquility of rural landscapes, don't be surprised to see them venture into urban and suburban areas, where their path can cross that of man.
00:06:10 Ah, the encounters between fox and man, it's the story of two extremes.
00:06:15 Some benevolent souls try to win the trust of these animals by offering them treats and pampering them.
00:06:22 On the other hand, there are those who tremble at the simple sight of a fox, fearing their ferocious and fierce nature.
00:06:29 Now imagine this scenario. What happens if a fox approaches you, or even attacks you?
00:06:39 In general, foxes are not a threat to humans, and they have no bad intentions.
00:06:45 They prefer to feed on small mammals or hens, reserving their aggressiveness for hunting or for their own defense.
00:06:52 However, cases of confrontation between humans and foxes have been reported, including a few incidents.
00:06:58 It is therefore essential to know the measures to take if a fox approaches or throws itself on you.
00:07:07 Foxes can indeed be domesticated. However, they remain essentially wild, and their acts can be quite unpredictable.
00:07:16 They can temporarily embrace captivity, then return to their primary instincts when they feel attacked, threatened, pulled by hunger or simply frightened.
00:07:27 Naturally, foxes consider us as potential threats, and it is in our interest to show the same caution.
00:07:36 Never try to approach a fox, even if it seems friendly and docile, because its temperament can change in a few seconds and take you by surprise.
00:07:45 Avoid sudden movements and resist the urge to approach you, because it could agitate or frighten our fox friend.
00:07:55 In most cases, when a fox sees a man nearby, it quickly runs away or hides.
00:08:02 However, if you find yourself facing a fox, the best step to take is to take a step back and give him the space he needs.
00:08:12 If a fox persists in approaching or if you meet several at a time, well friend, stay away from them and leave their territory to them.
00:08:22 Do not try to approach them or feed them, even less by hand.
00:08:26 Let them wander about their fox business while you watch them from a distance.
00:08:32 If a fox finds itself trapped, for example by entering your garage, it is imperative to remain calm.
00:08:42 Avoid raising your voice or causing unnecessary agitation, because this could encourage the fox to attack you.
00:08:48 On the contrary, remain silent, keep a respectable distance from the animal and offer it a way out.
00:08:56 Make sure the doors and windows are not obstructed by the wind, so that the fox can have the freedom it seeks.
00:09:02 In time, it will escape as quickly as it has become.
00:09:06 However, if luck does not smile on you and you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of a fox attack, do not forget to keep calm.
00:09:17 Refrain from dropping your dog on it or chasing it.
00:09:20 Let the fox go by itself.
00:09:23 If the latter persists and refuses to retreat, a loud noise or a few slaps from the hand can be enough to make it run away.
00:09:29 And you can now enjoy your walk in the forest.
00:09:33 If you have matches and they have become wet, do not waste time drying them.
00:09:46 Water can modify the chemical compound, and matches will simply not work.
00:09:52 To treat hypothermia, do not go into a hot water bath.
00:09:55 Fill bottles with hot water and put them under your armpits.
00:09:59 It will warm you up better than a hot water bath, that's for sure.
00:10:02 When you are thirsty and you do not have a lot of water, do not keep it so that it lasts longer.
00:10:08 This can lead to even more serious dehydration.
00:10:11 Instead, drink each drop and try to find more water as soon as possible.
00:10:16 Hydration is essential, whatever the weather.
00:10:19 But the idea that drinking hot liquids will warm you up better is a myth.
00:10:23 No amount of hot liquid can increase your body temperature.
00:10:27 In addition, you can drink cold water faster than a hot drink, and this will help with hydration.
00:10:33 Never tickle a deer, because its inhabitants will show themselves defensive.
00:10:38 Think about it, and try to escape by jumping into a lake or a river will be useless.
00:10:44 The bees will wait for you to go back to the surface and attack you.
00:10:48 After tickling the deer, run as fast as possible and do not turn around.
00:10:53 Sucking the venom of a snake bite may introduce more bacteria into the wound,
00:10:58 and even poison the person trying to help.
00:11:01 Instead, take a picture of the snake, lie down while waiting for help, and try to stay calm.
00:11:07 One of the most logical things to do when you are cold is to cover yourself by layering layers of clothes.
00:11:13 It's usually true, but not if you put on cotton clothes.
00:11:16 When the cotton is wet, it loses all its beneficial properties and can make you feel much colder.
00:11:22 You should always wear woolen clothes because they are much better insulating.
00:11:27 Never drink water from cacti.
00:11:29 It can give you a terrible stomach ache and even paralyze you.
00:11:32 Unless it's a hamster-shaped cactus, but even then it's too risky.
00:11:37 Instead, try to eat the fruits of the plant, they are full of juice.
00:11:41 When you are chased by a predator, never jump off a cliff into the water.
00:11:46 It's much more dangerous than meeting the predator.
00:11:49 If you jump from a high place, the surface of the water will seem as hard as concrete,
00:11:55 or the water could be too shallow and you will hit the bottom.
00:11:59 GPS is not the best navigation tool.
00:12:02 It is reliable and easy to use, but it can fail.
00:12:06 You should learn to use a map and a compass.
00:12:09 They won't let you down if you know how to use them correctly.
00:12:13 A drop of water can seem bad and smell a little, but water is water, isn't it?
00:12:20 Unfortunately, boiling water can eliminate bacteria, but not the heavy metals it contains.
00:12:26 These can cause serious health problems.
00:12:29 A better option is to find spring water to boil.
00:12:33 Consuming wild berries in the forest is dangerous.
00:12:37 First of all, you have to check if they smell good.
00:12:40 If they smell like pears or almonds, avoid them.
00:12:44 Then take one, rub it on your forearm and wait 15 minutes.
00:12:49 If your skin starts to peel, don't eat these berries.
00:12:52 If you bite into a berry and it tastes bitter, itchy or soapy, spit it out.
00:12:57 Never suck stones to get water.
00:13:01 It is believed that when you do, your body produces more saliva.
00:13:05 And it hydrates you.
00:13:07 It's not true.
00:13:08 If you don't drink water, nothing will help you.
00:13:11 Worse still, you can choke on the stone.
00:13:14 Eating meat and raw fish is really dangerous.
00:13:18 Yes, we eat sushi, but it's usually salted fish, which are mostly safe.
00:13:24 In nature, always cook the meat and fish before eating them.
00:13:28 Foam doesn't grow only on south-oriented surfaces.
00:13:32 It can grow anywhere, depending on the temperature.
00:13:35 So never use it to orient yourself.
00:13:38 You might as well use more reliable sources.
00:13:41 For example, keep in mind that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
00:13:47 Following birds to find water is a myth.
00:13:50 They could fly anywhere.
00:13:52 Terrestrial animals, like deer, are a much better option.
00:13:55 They usually know where the water source is.
00:13:58 Many survivalists claim that you should eat what the animals around you eat.
00:14:04 Bad news, it's completely false.
00:14:06 Birds and squirrels eat berries that are super dangerous to us.
00:14:10 But they don't hurt them.
00:14:12 And some animals eat toxic plants to become venomous.
00:14:17 If a squirrel is hanging on you, never burn it.
00:14:20 It can lead the animal to vomit directly inside your skin and cause a massive infection.
00:14:26 Try using a credit card to break the seal and remove the squirrel.
00:14:31 Or if you have enough courage to wait an hour, the parasite will fall once it is fed.
00:14:36 No matter how strong you are, hitting a shark on the nose won't save you.
00:14:42 It is commonly believed that they have tons of nerves in the nose.
00:14:46 And in a way, it makes them vulnerable.
00:14:49 But it has been proven to be false.
00:14:51 If you find yourself in water infested with sharks,
00:14:54 hitting the animal in the gills or eyes is much more effective than hitting the nose.
00:14:58 After spending some time in the forest, you realize that you are lost.
00:15:04 And the first thing you start looking for is food.
00:15:07 But you can actually live six weeks without food.
00:15:11 The first thing you have to do is find water and shelter against the elements.
00:15:15 Do this and worry about food later.
00:15:18 Do not kill when you meet a bear.
00:15:22 If it's a black bear, you won't play for long.
00:15:25 Soon, it will be reality.
00:15:27 You should only kill if it's a brown bear.
00:15:31 Remember this saying, "If it's black, fight.
00:15:34 If it's brown, go to bed.
00:15:36 If it's white, say good night."
00:15:39 You should not swim parallel to the shore if you find yourself in a current of ripping.
00:15:43 Instead, try to swim at an angle far from the current and towards the shore.
00:15:47 Remember, you should not feel too much resistance while swimming.
00:15:52 When you are lost, do not spend all your energy trying to make a fire.
00:15:56 First try to build a shelter.
00:15:58 This can protect you from the elements,
00:16:00 and you will have a place to rest and sleep after a long exhausting day of survival.
00:16:06 Bonus tip.
00:16:07 Always build a bed in your shelter.
00:16:09 You will feel warmer when you are off the ground.
00:16:12 Being stuck in a desert will certainly make you feel warm.
00:16:15 But to avoid getting even warmer,
00:16:18 do not take off your clothes.
00:16:20 The fabric is used as insulation and keeps you cool.
00:16:22 Unless it's a big wool sweater, of course.
00:16:25 Most people living in hot climates wear white clothes covering their whole body to avoid overheating.
00:16:33 Eating snow can cause additional dehydration.
00:16:37 Your body will use more energy to melt the snow and, consequently, more liquid.
00:16:42 Take your time and melt the snow first, then you can drink the water.
00:16:46 Also, make sure to only melt pure white snow.
00:16:51 A discoloration means that it contains something other than water, especially if the snow is yellow.
00:16:56 If you stay in the cold for too long, you could catch nasty frostbites.
00:17:02 If you recognize the symptoms, never rub your hands against each other.
00:17:06 It could damage your skin even more.
00:17:09 The best thing to do is to immediately seek medical care.
00:17:13 You see a cave, and the first thing you do is light a fire.
00:17:17 I mean, cavemen did that all the time.
00:17:20 So it must be correct, right?
00:17:22 Oh, the accumulation of smoke can be very harmful.
00:17:25 Instead, try to cover yourself with plant leaves to warm you up.
00:17:29 Getting bitten by a jellyfish hurts a lot.
00:17:32 And urinating on a jellyfish bite won't help you.
00:17:35 It will only make the situation worse.
00:17:38 Wash the area with salt water and ask for medical assistance.
00:17:42 It will avoid an uncomfortable situation.
00:17:45 Trust me.
00:17:47 This black snake with a menacing look won't hurt you.
00:17:52 It doesn't have a tail.
00:17:54 You may have mistakenly thought that this creature was nothing but a black mamba,
00:17:58 but it's just an harmless color.
00:18:01 There is a characteristic sign that can help you determine if a snake is really dangerous.
00:18:07 Crocodile species do not have a venom distribution mechanism.
00:18:11 Therefore, their bites won't do you much good.
00:18:15 But if you see a snake with a tail, then you are really in danger.
00:18:20 If you come across a snake, it is better to leave the area
00:18:24 and ask for help from a fauna professional to identify the reptile.
00:18:28 Here are some tips to help you distinguish the two types.
00:18:31 Observe their behavior, their habits of nesting and their habitats.
00:18:36 Some snakes can shake their tails as a warning.
00:18:39 In addition, venomous snakes generally have triangular-shaped heads,
00:18:43 compared to non-venomous snakes that have rounded heads.
00:18:52 It's time for a little optical illusion.
00:18:54 Can you spot a snake here?
00:18:56 You'd better be careful because a Boomslang is hiding in this tree.
00:19:00 This unnoticeable reptile has mastered the art of camouflage and he likes to pretend to be a branch.
00:19:06 In addition, Boomslangs may not have the best odor,
00:19:10 but they compensate for this by their ability to detect the chemical compounds present in the air.
00:19:15 By using their tongue, they gather the smell molecules
00:19:19 and press them against the sensory receptors of their mouths.
00:19:22 This snake is venomous.
00:19:24 Just look at its claws.
00:19:26 However, when it does not intend to use it,
00:19:29 the snake just has to carefully fold its claws back.
00:19:33 Boomslang snakes and humans have something in common.
00:19:39 Both have a quantity of accessories made of keratin in their bodies.
00:19:43 The nails and human hair are made of keratin and the snout is also made of it.
00:19:49 The characteristic sound produced by these sinuous creatures
00:19:52 is similar to the sound that we humans can make when we rub our nails against each other.
00:19:58 But these reptiles do it extremely fast, so that it sounds almost like a whistle.
00:20:04 Every time these snakes moult, they add a new segment to their snout.
00:20:09 But it's not as if a snake was older.
00:20:12 The more segments it has, the more their snouts can be worn out or break, just like our nails.
00:20:18 Boomslang snakes, as well as many other snakes,
00:20:21 have an internal ear with a unique structure that does not include a tympanum.
00:20:25 This means that they cannot capture the sounds of the air as we do.
00:20:29 Instead, their internal ear is connected to their jaws
00:20:33 and they use this mechanism to feel the vibrations.
00:20:37 Biologists are still trying to determine whether these snakes detect changes in environmental pressure
00:20:44 or mechanical vibrations in their bodies.
00:20:48 They are also quite selective eaters.
00:20:51 Boomslang snakes do not eat only when they are hungry,
00:20:54 and adults usually wait about two weeks between each meal.
00:20:58 The time they wait can vary depending on the frugality of their last meal.
00:21:02 These stealthy hunters usually target mice, rats, squirrels and rabbits.
00:21:08 But they will not refuse a small bird if they manage to catch one.
00:21:13 Snakes have a juvenile sound.
00:21:16 However, they tend to have a more robust appetite,
00:21:20 eating sometimes up to once a week.
00:21:23 Now, look at their huge snouts.
00:21:26 They are the same as hypodermic needles, hollow and sharp,
00:21:30 allowing them to inject their venom.
00:21:33 What is very practical is that these snouts are articulated
00:21:36 and lie flat against the upper jaw of the snake when its mouth is closed,
00:21:41 so as not to flow perpendicularly only when it strikes.
00:21:45 Mokasindo, as they are called,
00:21:49 owe this name to the white color inside their mouths,
00:21:53 which they exhibit when they feel threatened.
00:21:56 These semi-aquatic snakes move effortlessly both in water and on land,
00:22:01 which is also why they are nicknamed "thermosensitive"
00:22:05 with their eyes and nostrils nestled between them.
00:22:08 They have an extraordinary ability to detect the smallest variations in temperature
00:22:12 and focus precisely on their potential prey.
00:22:16 It is rare for Mokasindo to attack humans.
00:22:19 They rather reserve their venom to respond to a provocation.
00:22:23 Here is some advice on how to distinguish non-venomous water snakes from their dangerous counterparts.
00:22:28 While water snakes have a slender silhouette,
00:22:31 Mokasindo have a heavier and more robust presence.
00:22:34 Another difference is that water snakes have elongated tails and heads
00:22:39 and are proportioned to their neck,
00:22:41 unlike the large and thick head of a Mokasin.
00:22:44 The pupils of water snakes are round and differ from vertical pupils,
00:22:48 similar to those of cats, Mokasins.
00:22:52 In addition, non-venomous snakes do not have the characteristic facial faux-sacs of vipers
00:22:57 that Mokasindo have.
00:23:00 When they feel in danger,
00:23:02 non-venomous water snakes resort to an ingenious tactic to imitate their venomous cousins.
00:23:07 By flattening their bodies and heads,
00:23:09 they aspire to appear more massive,
00:23:12 thus resembling Mokasindo.
00:23:14 However, a keen eye can discern the superficiality.
00:23:18 The flattened head of the water snake takes a triangular shape,
00:23:21 distinct from the robust and thick head of a Mokasin.
00:23:25 Here is another venomous star among all,
00:23:31 the copper snake.
00:23:32 Their muscles recall the smell of cucumber,
00:23:34 and their venom is quite particular too.
00:23:37 Would you be in trouble if this snake bit you?
00:23:40 Yes, absolutely.
00:23:41 Does this venom help to cure deadly infections?
00:23:44 Well, in a way.
00:23:46 It is not a fully proven fact for the moment,
00:23:49 but researchers have been testing this theory for a long time,
00:23:52 and they have noticed that the venom of the copper snake
00:23:55 could, if not to cure serious conditions,
00:23:59 slow down their progression.
00:24:01 However, they are the most venomous bite of all snakes in the United States,
00:24:05 although antivenin for water snakes is not always necessary.
00:24:10 The copper snakes are known for their unaggressive nature,
00:24:13 because they are shy and discreet creatures.
00:24:16 They represent less than 1% of snake bites in America.
00:24:19 Their venom is a powerful neurotoxin that paralyzes the nerves,
00:24:23 and because of their small teeth,
00:24:25 they have to chew their prey to inject the venom.
00:24:28 When they feel threatened,
00:24:29 the copper snake rolls up the end of its tail
00:24:32 to deceive its attacker on the location of its head.
00:24:35 The mysterious and fascinating Mamba Noir
00:24:41 made of the rocky savannah its kingdom
00:24:43 and nestled near the termite mounds.
00:24:45 With a range of colors ranging from gray to dark brown,
00:24:48 it owes its name to the dark inside its mouth.
00:24:51 The Mamba Noir is among the fastest snakes in the world,
00:24:55 reaching speeds of 15 to 20 km per hour on a flat surface.
00:24:59 Despite its terrible reputation,
00:25:01 attacks on humans are not proven,
00:25:05 and this snake is actually responsible
00:25:07 for a small number of fatal incidents every year.
00:25:11 The viper of the pyramids has the fascinating ability
00:25:15 to produce a sound that gives goosebumps.
00:25:18 Accompanied by an impressive demonstration,
00:25:20 the unique shape of its scales
00:25:22 allows it to create a whistling or a prolonged grunting
00:25:26 while it moves in a particularly terrifying way.
00:25:30 These sounds serve as a clear warning
00:25:32 to anyone who would be immediately close to the snake.
00:25:36 Despite the many victims that can be imputed to it,
00:25:39 without any treatment,
00:25:41 the bites of the viper of the pyramids
00:25:43 are only deadly in less than 10% of cases.
00:25:46 This strongly contrasts with the Cobra Royal and the Mamba Noir,
00:25:49 whose untreated bites are much more deadly.
00:25:52 The vipers of the pyramids are known for their extreme aggressiveness
00:25:55 and their lightning strikes,
00:25:57 which make some of the snakes the most alive
00:25:59 and the most unpredictable in the world.
00:26:02 When you walk in nature,
00:26:06 remember not to disturb the snakes you meet there,
00:26:09 even if they no longer seem completely alive to you.
00:26:12 Some vipers act like loposomes
00:26:15 and can attack if you disturb them.
00:26:17 If you see one, give it some space.
00:26:20 As for snakes,
00:26:22 they are generally quite shy
00:26:24 and will not bother you unless they feel threatened.
00:26:27 Trying to catch or hit a snake is a must,
00:26:30 because that's when most bites occur.
00:26:33 And don't let them overdo it.
00:26:36 Even the smallest snakes can be dangerous.
00:26:39 Thus, baby brown snakes even give birth to venom.
00:26:42 It is therefore preferable to admire them from a distance.
00:26:45 Every year,
00:26:47 more than 7,000 Americans are victims of snake bites,
00:26:50 often due to unforeseen attempts to manipulate or fight them.
00:26:54 It is crucial not to do anything about it
00:26:57 and to seek medical emergency help in the event of a bite.
00:27:00 Understanding how to differentiate venomous snakes
00:27:03 from non-venomous snakes
00:27:05 is the key to assessing potential risks.
00:27:08 Contact a professional if you are not sure of the exact nature of a snake
00:27:12 and never handle one in the palm of your hand,
00:27:15 even if it seems harmless.
00:27:17 "Prudence is the mother of certainty",
00:27:20 a proverb that is always better kept in mind.
00:27:23 Here is a list of things to know.
00:27:26 If an electric line falls near you,
00:27:29 you should run away.
00:27:31 The electric current now passes everywhere in the ground.
00:27:34 When it comes in contact with a leg,
00:27:36 it crosses the body of the person and comes out through the other leg,
00:27:39 thus striking the whole body of a powerful discharge.
00:27:42 If you get lost in the forest,
00:27:46 listen carefully to the sounds around you.
00:27:49 Maybe you will hear the sound of a river running.
00:27:52 Head towards the sound and then go downstream.
00:27:55 People often build houses near water sources.
00:27:58 Lakes or ponds.
00:28:00 Sooner or later, the river will lead you to a place where people can help you.
00:28:04 Never eat snow if you get lost in an icy place and you are thirsty.
00:28:10 The cold snow inside your body will cause hypothermia.
00:28:14 You will quickly lose heat and then freeze on foot.
00:28:17 It is preferable to melt a little snow over a campfire and then drink it.
00:28:22 You see these green potatoes in the supermarket.
00:28:25 Do not eat them, because they are toxic.
00:28:28 Potatoes produce solanine,
00:28:31 a toxin that protects them against insects.
00:28:34 The production of this poison increases under the hot rays of the sun.
00:28:37 Of course, to be intoxicated by solanine,
00:28:40 you have to eat a lot of green potatoes.
00:28:43 But even if it is just one potato,
00:28:45 it will not be good for your body.
00:28:47 So why eat it?
00:28:49 Pepper spray is perfect for self-defense.
00:28:52 But if you are afraid to use one,
00:28:54 you can keep a powerful flashlight in your bag.
00:28:57 Turn on the light in the eyes of your attacker to dazzle them.
00:29:00 In addition, this self-defense method will not hurt anyone
00:29:03 and you will avoid disadvantages in case of contempt.
00:29:06 If you leave a pan with oil on a stove,
00:29:11 the oil can catch fire.
00:29:13 In this situation,
00:29:15 extinguishing the flames with water will be out of the question.
00:29:19 The water particles will descend to the bottom of the pan,
00:29:22 evaporate and push the oil up,
00:29:25 which will lead to a fire.
00:29:28 The best way to extinguish a fire is to remove the oxygen,
00:29:32 cover the pan with a lid and remove it from the burner.
00:29:36 Flames are not the scariest thing about fires.
00:29:40 Smoke is much more dangerous
00:29:42 because you can get poisoned very quickly by inhaling carbon monoxide.
00:29:46 Therefore, always try to stay as close as possible to the ground
00:29:50 to cover your mouth and if necessary,
00:29:52 use a damp cloth to filter the oxygen.
00:29:55 Always put a small mirror or whistle in your pocket
00:29:58 when you go camping.
00:30:00 These two objects will help you find your group if you get lost.
00:30:04 The whistle will attract the attention of others by the sound,
00:30:07 and the mirror will do so by reflecting the sunlight.
00:30:11 When you swim in the sea near the shore,
00:30:14 there is a risk of getting caught in a current of ripples.
00:30:17 This underwater current will drag you further and further offshore.
00:30:21 Do not try to swim towards the beach against the current.
00:30:24 You will only waste your energy.
00:30:26 Always swim in parallel to the waves of such a break.
00:30:29 Once you escape this current,
00:30:31 you can safely return to the sand.
00:30:35 Imagine that your car is stuck on a railway.
00:30:38 Do not panic.
00:30:40 First, get all the passengers out of the vehicle.
00:30:43 Then you can compose 112 and report the incident.
00:30:47 There is a special number at each level crossing.
00:30:50 Give this number to the police,
00:30:52 and they will warn the train driver to stop before the specified section.
00:30:56 If you are caught in the middle of the crowd,
00:30:59 do not ask everyone around you to help you.
00:31:03 Most likely, no one will.
00:31:06 Not because people are mean,
00:31:08 but because everyone who passes will think that someone else can help you.
00:31:12 But if you choose someone and ask for help,
00:31:15 you will have a better chance of getting it.
00:31:18 Each car has a thermometer,
00:31:20 a device that tells you the temperature of the outside air.
00:31:23 Sometimes, manufacturers place these sensors behind the front bumper,
00:31:27 near the engine.
00:31:28 When driving, the thermometer is heated by the engine
00:31:31 and indicates a higher temperature.
00:31:34 Even if it freezes outside,
00:31:36 the device can tell you that it is hot.
00:31:38 Therefore, do not trust this thermometer if it is installed this way.
00:31:42 What happens if the road is frozen
00:31:44 and you drive while being completely sure that the bitumen is dry?
00:31:48 Do you smell that?
00:31:49 A strong smell of fish spreading suddenly in your house
00:31:52 can mean that an electric fire has started in a certain room.
00:31:56 Your socket or adapter is burning,
00:31:59 emitting this unpleasant smell.
00:32:01 Using ordinary baking soda is a good way to put out a fire.
00:32:06 If you do not have an extinguisher or access to water,
00:32:08 sprinkle the fire with this powder.
00:32:10 In addition, this substance can hide your smell from potential predators.
00:32:14 It is useful if you are lost in the forest
00:32:17 and you do not want wolves or bears to smell you.
00:32:21 Use ordinary charcoal and a plastic bottle to filter dirty water.
00:32:26 Cut the bottom of the bottle and slightly close the cap of its cap
00:32:30 so that the liquid spills into a thin net.
00:32:33 Put the charcoal in it and add water.
00:32:36 Let it pass through the charcoal several times.
00:32:39 Then boil this water.
00:32:41 You can now quench your thirst.
00:32:44 Always bring a chewing gum with you when you go out in nature.
00:32:49 If you get lost, the chewing gum will help you relieve stress.
00:32:52 You can also use this material as a fortune collar.
00:32:56 Always keep your car keys next to your bed.
00:32:59 If a thief breaks into your house, you can use it to alarm the car
00:33:04 and scare this rascal.
00:33:06 But installing a good security system in your house would be even better.
00:33:11 When you go skiing, there is always a risk of being caught in an avalanche.
00:33:16 If you find yourself under a thick layer of snow, do not try to get out immediately.
00:33:21 Your thoughts are confused and you must know where the top and bottom are.
00:33:26 Spit and see where your saliva flows.
00:33:29 Then start digging in the opposite direction.
00:33:32 When your plane lands on water,
00:33:36 your instinct can push you to put on your life jacket immediately.
00:33:40 But do not do this before you are in the water.
00:33:43 If you put on your life jacket and the water starts to fill the cabin,
00:33:47 it will be difficult for you to move.
00:33:49 First reach the emergency exit and then put on your life jacket.
00:33:54 When you feel that someone is following your car, make four right turns.
00:33:58 This way you will make a complete tour of the house.
00:34:02 And if the car is still following you after that,
00:34:04 go to the nearest police station.
00:34:07 Walking outside, you can notice or feel the hair on your head that starts to stand up.
00:34:14 Quickly look for shelter. The lightning is about to strike you.
00:34:19 The assistance dogs wear special jackets that reflect their status.
00:34:24 If such a dog approaches you, you might want to follow it.
00:34:27 Maybe you will save someone's life.
00:34:29 If a person is in trouble and there is no one nearby to help,
00:34:33 the dog will worry about someone to let it run.
00:34:36 During a fire, the flames spread more slowly if the doors of the room are closed.
00:34:42 So when you go to bed, close the door of the room.
00:34:46 It will hold the flames for a while.
00:34:49 But do not forget that it is always preferable to have a good fire alarm.
00:34:52 Tornadoes move quickly.
00:34:55 So if you notice a whirlwind that seems to be over the place,
00:34:58 you have to take your legs at your neck.
00:35:00 This means that the tornado is heading straight at you.
00:35:03 A smell of gas in the room indicates a leak.
00:35:07 Therefore, do not turn on the light.
00:35:10 The smallest spark could reduce the house to ashes.
00:35:14 When you scratch a person, his DNA remains under your nails.
00:35:18 This can be useful in the event of an attack.
00:35:20 Especially when your attacker has fled and you want to file a complaint with the police.
00:35:25 If you have disturbed a nest of frills or a rush,
00:35:29 run in any direction as fast as possible.
00:35:32 Sooner or later, the insects will stop chasing you.
00:35:35 But if you jump into the water, they will just wait for you to get out.
00:35:41 You fly over the Pacific Ocean when suddenly a storm hits the plane and shakes it.
00:35:46 The plane starts to descend and you lose control.
00:35:51 You quickly equip yourself with a parachute,
00:35:53 you eject from the plane and you land on an island.
00:35:56 Fortunately, you were the only one on board the plane that transported goods abroad.
00:36:02 Luckily, the storm did not damage your parachute.
00:36:05 You detach and head for the nearest shelter, under palm trees.
00:36:11 You wait for the end of the storm.
00:36:13 The next day.
00:36:16 The sun shines and the waves seem pleasant and friendly.
00:36:21 You wake up and look around you.
00:36:23 There is nothing but a large stretch of water that surrounds you from all sides.
00:36:27 There are no boats, no humans, no other living beings in the parishes.
00:36:32 You travel the island trying to find anything.
00:36:35 You don't even know what you're looking for.
00:36:38 On one side of the small island, you see scrap metal and remains of the plane that fell on the shore.
00:36:43 You rush there and try to see if there is anything useful.
00:36:48 Unfortunately, everything was destroyed except a sealed box that came out of it.
00:36:53 You open it and see dozens of duct tape rolls stacked on top of each other.
00:37:00 After crossing the island, you return to your camp dragging the duct tape box with you.
00:37:07 You try to understand what to do and suddenly you have a wonderful idea.
00:37:12 Some places on the island are difficult to access and as your shoes are damaged, you will make sandals.
00:37:19 To do this, you grab a few branches and try to use duct tape to make a new pair of shoes.
00:37:27 After several unsuccessful attempts, you are about to give up.
00:37:32 Then you attach duct tape to pieces of tree bark that are about the size of your foot.
00:37:38 These will be the soles of your new shoes.
00:37:41 The duct tape is smooth and will not hurt you.
00:37:44 After adding several branches, you wrap the tape around your feet and voila!
00:37:50 You have sandals in canvas duct tape.
00:37:53 You can now venture into the rocky parts of the island without damaging your feet.
00:37:59 As you walk along the island, you begin to feel the heat.
00:38:02 You wrap your shirt around your head, but it is not enough to protect you.
00:38:07 You use duct tape to create a hat with leaves.
00:38:11 You then place it on your head.
00:38:14 You can now leave in complete safety.
00:38:16 After a while, you come back with objects that you found on the island.
00:38:20 In the meantime, you begin to feel your stomach growling.
00:38:25 Then, on a rocky reef, you spot big crabs and delicious fish.
00:38:30 But you can't catch them with bare hands.
00:38:32 You grab a long branch and palm leaves and tie it all together to make a net.
00:38:39 You then use duct tape to reinforce it and you head for the reef.
00:38:44 You wear your lucky sandals and hat to protect your head.
00:38:48 And you transport the net to catch fish.
00:38:52 So far, you have only used two rolls of duct tape.
00:38:55 After a while, you manage to catch a few fish and crabs that you bring back to the camp.
00:39:01 You make a fire and start to grill your catch.
00:39:05 You sit on a log, but this seat is not very comfortable.
00:39:09 You take duct tape and make a mat.
00:39:13 Once the food is ready, you enjoy yourself.
00:39:16 But there is another problem, the water.
00:39:20 There is no fresh water in the surroundings, but a storm is coming.
00:39:23 In the meantime, you take a few coconuts and eat them as a dessert while drinking coconut milk to refresh yourself.
00:39:30 You prepare a small hut by gathering branches and leaves and tying them together so that the water cannot infiltrate your new house.
00:39:39 At the same time, you create a funnel with duct tape to collect rainwater.
00:39:46 After penetrating the funnel, the water is collected in an artificial pond, also made with duct tape.
00:39:52 At this stage, you have used almost half of the rolls of duct tape.
00:39:57 The storm begins to prepare and you stay inside your hut, where you have your new mat.
00:40:03 You get bored, so you create a chair and a table with duct tape to make the hut a little more comfortable.
00:40:10 It starts to rain and you notice that water has accumulated in the reservoir you built.
00:40:15 You drink it immediately by using a shell of coconut as a glass.
00:40:20 Your hut resists the storm and you fall asleep on your comfortable mat.
00:40:24 The next day, you check the reserve of duct tape and notice that you are halfway through your last roll of tape.
00:40:33 You have built a solid and secure hut and you have regular food supply from the reef.
00:40:40 You have already spent five days on the island.
00:40:44 So it's time to find a way out.
00:40:46 You have done your best to seek help, but nothing.
00:40:50 Not a plane or a boat in sight.
00:40:53 You desperately seek to get out of there, and you are lucky.
00:40:57 You see a cargo far away.
00:41:00 You have to act quickly.
00:41:03 After reviewing your box of duct tape, you decide to create a raft to go to the sea.
00:41:11 You gather enough food and water for the trip and you get to work.
00:41:15 You start by gathering big ronds for the base and you put them side by side.
00:41:22 You have a rope made of tree bark and leaves to tie the trunks together.
00:41:27 You make sure it's big enough to hold it.
00:41:30 You then take another series of ronds and you place them on the base,
00:41:34 then you repeat the same process to create a second layer.
00:41:37 This way you minimize the risk of sagging.
00:41:41 Finally, you stick duct tape on all the weak points to strengthen your raft.
00:41:45 Using a few branches, you create rams to move forward with pegs made with duct tape.
00:41:51 You see that you have used about 75% of your reserves,
00:41:55 including the duct tape you used to build the cabin and the furniture.
00:41:59 It is not as solid as new duct tape, but it does the job.
00:42:06 Once the base and the rams are finished, you create a small cabin to shelter your food and supplies and protect them from the waves.
00:42:13 You also make a wooden mast and use a piece of fabric as a sail.
00:42:18 You put the raft on the water and start to row.
00:42:22 So far, so good. You open the sail and take a break.
00:42:27 You turn around and look at the island that has been your home for the last five days.
00:42:34 You set off on a dangerous journey. You risk everything, but if you stay on the island for too long, you will certainly not make it.
00:42:40 It's already been an hour and the island is barely visible, but the boat is approaching.
00:42:49 You still have a roll of duct tape to use in case of emergency.
00:42:54 The waters are calm and you see dolphins swimming around you.
00:42:58 You eat fish and drink water before noticing that the waves have grown.
00:43:03 You prepare your sail and you put yourself in the safe.
00:43:06 Fortunately, your raft is solid.
00:43:09 Big waves crash against it, dropping some of your food and water.
00:43:14 But the raft is still in one piece.
00:43:17 The sun is setting and there is still no sign of life.
00:43:22 You use the rest of the duct tape to repair the raft.
00:43:28 Even if you lost food during the storm, you have your net to catch more fish.
00:43:32 You light a small campfire in a shell of coconut. You cook the fish and start eating.
00:43:38 You turn around and see a boat coming towards you.
00:43:42 You immediately catch a branch, light it and shake it so that the boat sees you.
00:43:48 It seems that you will miss it, but someone on the boat notices you.
00:43:55 They bring down a lifeboat to rescue you.
00:43:58 You can say that the duct tape really saved your life.
00:44:02 You are finally there. After all this training, you are ready for your first parachute jump.
00:44:09 Full of confidence, you head for the door of the plane when it reaches an altitude of 3,700 meters.
00:44:15 You rush into the air, but at the last second you hear the instructor shouting something to you.
00:44:22 "I didn't check your parachute!" You don't hear it when you are already away from the plane.
00:44:26 You only see his worried expression. It looks like something is not going as planned.
00:44:31 You pull the handle to release the parachute, but it does not deploy properly and opens in a kind of big bubble.
00:44:37 You start to spin faster and faster. You have turned it, but you have to grab it again.
00:44:43 Every second is crucial and from this altitude you have less than a minute to act.
00:44:49 You adopt the Bowman formation, spreading your body with your arms and legs to form an X.
00:44:55 This creates a little more drag, which allows you to stabilize a little.
00:45:00 Now you have more time to deploy your rescue parachute.
00:45:04 Still stunned by the turn, you try to remember where it is.
00:45:08 You grab what you think is the right strap and you pull hard.
00:45:11 Oh no, it's a leg strap! You have loosened the strap on your back and now you start to slip out of the straps.
00:45:18 It's not your lucky day. You hang on and you tighten the leg strap.
00:45:22 Oh yes, the safety procedure is now coming back to you.
00:45:25 Step 1. Get rid of the main parachute by means of the red handle. It's done.
00:45:29 Now you are free to fall again.
00:45:31 Step 2. Now find the silver handle of the trigger cable to eject the rescue parachute.
00:45:36 You have to hurry. The ground is approaching at high speed.
00:45:39 Where is this handle? Oops, it's here! Located to the left of your chest.
00:45:42 You pull on it hard.
00:45:45 Flop!
00:45:46 The parachute unfolds, stretches and slows you down.
00:45:50 You are now relieved. The breath cut, the heart beating like a chamade? Oh yes!
00:45:55 Finally, you can enjoy the view for about 10 seconds before landing on the ground.
00:46:00 Very slowly, feet first. It looks funny anyway. We put it back when you want.
00:46:04 As always, instead of taking the stairs, you use the elevator.
00:46:09 The chances that it is an accident are one in ten million.
00:46:14 You are a little more likely to be hit by lightning.
00:46:16 But today, you are unfortunately in this unlucky elevator.
00:46:19 As you go down from the fifth floor, the pulley system encounters a problem.
00:46:23 A cable is twisted and the elevator starts to fall.
00:46:26 Quickly, you lean back, placing one arm around your head to protect it from the impact
00:46:31 and the other arm on your face to protect it from possible objects falling.
00:46:35 You spread your legs evenly. In a few seconds, you are preparing for the impact.
00:46:41 The cable crashes and debris from above falls around you.
00:46:44 Well done! You avoided the injuries.
00:46:47 But is it possible to alter the impact force by jumping?
00:46:51 Think about it. If you jumped too early, it would be even more severe,
00:46:56 because your speed would increase in the descent.
00:46:59 And if you jumped too late, the speed of your jump up would make you hit your head,
00:47:04 because the elevator would have stopped.
00:47:07 You need to be at the precise moment of the impact so that your own speed is of any efficiency.
00:47:11 And without the ability to see through the steel, it would be a matter of luck.
00:47:15 It is therefore preferable to use the method where you lie down. Good luck anyway!
00:47:19 You go to work by car, passing on the same bridge as every other day.
00:47:25 Today, there is more traffic than usual. You are stuck in a traffic jam.
00:47:29 The bridge starts to crack.
00:47:31 Unfortunately, it is possible that bridges with a defective structure collapse under excessive weight
00:47:36 And that's exactly what happens.
00:47:38 When the bridge collapses in the river, your car starts to float.
00:47:42 The water slowly rises around you as it starts to flow.
00:47:45 You try to stay calm and take a deep breath.
00:47:48 You have up to two minutes before the car completely flows.
00:47:51 You have to act quickly and lower the window.
00:47:54 By removing your seat belt, you notice that the water has risen above the windows.
00:47:59 You try to open them, but they are completely stuck because of the pressure.
00:48:03 You missed your chance.
00:48:06 You sink even more and you think about opening the door.
00:48:08 Hmm, it's better not to do that.
00:48:10 It will make your vehicle sink even faster.
00:48:12 In addition, it will be even more dangerous to get out.
00:48:15 The car touches the bottom and the water slowly penetrates it.
00:48:18 You try to open the door, but the pressure is so intense that it does not move.
00:48:23 You think about the water coming in.
00:48:25 Maybe if you expected there to be enough water inside,
00:48:28 it could regulate the pressure, allowing your door to open.
00:48:33 You know that the little air that would remain, and if the doors still do not work,
00:48:36 it would be too big a risk.
00:48:38 Your only choice is to break the window.
00:48:40 You can easily do this thanks to the pressure of the water, which spreads quickly inside.
00:48:45 You take your last big breath by holding on to the frame of the window.
00:48:48 The car fills up quickly when the flow of water stops suddenly.
00:48:52 You swim through the window and you put your feet on the car.
00:48:55 You push up and you swim to the surface.
00:48:58 Phew, remind me never to do any carpooling with you.
00:49:02 Then you go hiking in the forest and you find the perfect place to admire the sunset.
00:49:07 You take a picture and it is superb.
00:49:10 But wait, which way to go to get back to the camp?
00:49:13 It's getting dark and you have no idea how you got here.
00:49:16 You check your phone. It has a map, so everything will be fine, right?
00:49:20 But you took too many pictures of nature and your battery is exhausted.
00:49:24 You can survive up to 3 hours without shelter in bad weather.
00:49:29 You can stay without water for 3 days and up to 3 weeks without food.
00:49:33 You have to consider your next actions in order of importance.
00:49:36 Your first task is to build a shelter.
00:49:39 You press a large stick against a tree to support a roof.
00:49:42 Then you build two walls on the sides, thus forming a solid frame.
00:49:47 There are a lot of leaves in the forest and you cover your roof with piles of leaves for insulation.
00:49:52 Inside, you build a nice mattress of leaves.
00:49:56 You enter and wait for the morning, hoping to have a restorative sleep.
00:49:59 You slept terribly badly, but you don't have time to leave a bad review on your favorite booking site.
00:50:05 Your next task is to find water.
00:50:07 You follow a slope of the field to finally reach a stream.
00:50:11 Clean water, check!
00:50:13 You keep walking in the direction of the current, hoping it will lead you to a river.
00:50:17 You have more chances to find people and traces of civilization along large waterways.
00:50:23 The hours go by and your stomach growls. You look around you for something to eat.
00:50:27 There are bees and mushrooms, but you don't recognize them.
00:50:31 It is better not to eat anything if you don't know all about its toxicity.
00:50:35 You look for insects under old trunks and branches.
00:50:38 You found some grains of flour that can be eaten raw.
00:50:41 Some insects, when cooked, can be an important source of iron, protein and vitamin B12.
00:50:47 You look at them and you lose your appetite very quickly.
00:50:50 We'll see later.
00:50:52 Finally, the stream throws itself into a river and just in front of it is a bridge, not the one that fell earlier.
00:50:57 You seem out of business.
00:50:59 You throw away these disgusting insects and you start your next adventure, find a restaurant.
00:51:03 Well, we will never go camping together either.
00:51:06 You are now walking in a field.
00:51:10 The wind rises and not far from there, a tornado is formed.
00:51:14 You start to move away from it by running, but you can't distance it because it moves up to 100 km / h.
00:51:21 The main concern is not the tornado itself, but the trees and buildings that the tornado carries,
00:51:25 transforming them into dangerous flying objects.
00:51:28 They are driven at a crazy speed because they are carried by fast winds that can approach you at 500 km / h.
00:51:34 You are looking for shelter, but there is none.
00:51:37 Your only option is a ditch that is not surrounded by trees or other breaking objects.
00:51:41 You settle in the ditch and cover your head with your jacket, holding it with your arms to protect you.
00:51:49 You lie flat with this thunderous noise all around you.
00:51:51 You feel like you're in a giant jet engine.
00:51:54 It's a terrifying sound, but luckily you're not on the way to the tornado.
00:51:58 You can hear the little debris whistling over your head,
00:52:01 and many of them are falling all around you with a deafening noise, but fortunately they spare you.
00:52:07 Everything becomes calm.
00:52:09 You stay lying down, controlling your breathing and trying to relax.
00:52:13 You don't get up, not yet, because the worst is yet to come.
00:52:18 Tornadoes can last a few seconds to more than an hour.
00:52:21 You don't take any risks and you stay in your ditch all the time.
00:52:24 Then, finally, when it's clear that it's gone, you take off your jacket and go home.
00:52:30 In the meantime, you're really wearing a jacket.
00:52:33 I'm deleting you from my contacts and I'm deleting you from my list of friends on social media.
00:52:37 Well, I'll do all that as soon as I get out of the hospital.
00:52:40 You're driving around with your friend Annie in the backcountry of Australia.
00:52:46 The sun is burning, but you see a group of cute kangaroos jumping.
00:52:50 You stop the car and go out to film them with your phone.
00:52:53 You even make a live story to impress your friends and followers.
00:52:58 Suddenly, one of the kangaroos rushes towards you at full speed, ready to fall on you.
00:53:03 Well, let's stop here for a second, just before you or your friend get hurt.
00:53:09 Kangaroos have extremely powerful legs and can jump up to 10 meters in height.
00:53:15 These powerful legs allow them to move at speeds up to 50 km/h, faster than any human being.
00:53:23 So if you plan to distance a crowd of angry kangaroos, or if it's just one of them, you have no chance of getting there.
00:53:31 They will have chased you and put you to the ground before you even reach your maximum speed.
00:53:36 Their tail is just as powerful and sometimes acts like a fifth limb when they growl peacefully in a field.
00:53:44 Like cows, kangaroos generally feed on grass, shrubs, moss and even mushrooms.
00:53:49 The tail is essential to the kangaroo's balance and represents half its size standing up, which can be as close as 1.80 meters.
00:53:58 Let's get back to our sheep. The kangaroo is only a few meters away from you.
00:54:02 The first thing you have to do is protect your body.
00:54:06 Turn to the side and stretch your arm.
00:54:10 Make sure your head is out of reach. Their legs are equipped with claws that are really better avoided.
00:54:16 The blows are carried by both feet. They then move their weight on the tail, then deploy their hind legs,
00:54:22 sending a double kick to their opponent. In this case, Annie and yourself.
00:54:28 The feet of these animals are huge, which makes them extremely dangerous.
00:54:32 Time is still frozen, so Annie and you take position, ready for the kangaroo attack. And... action!
00:54:40 The kangaroo stands in front of you like a boxer on a ring.
00:54:43 He gets closer, but you are in the right position to reduce the damage as much as possible.
00:54:47 However, even knowing how to defend yourself, facing a 1.80-meter kangaroo is not the best strategy.
00:54:54 The best you can do is to step back slowly without surprising him.
00:54:58 Do not turn your back to him, at the risk of being attacked from behind.
00:55:02 If beating in retreat is not enough, make him understand that he has won this battle.
00:55:08 Do not extend any visual contact, and if you can, try to crouch on yourself.
00:55:13 You may have missed some warning signs by watching them from afar.
00:55:17 Kangaroos did not kick because they were happy to see you.
00:55:20 In reality, they were signaling you not to approach.
00:55:24 When one of them jumped at you, he stood up high on his legs and flexed his muscles to assert his dominant position.
00:55:31 Your biggest mistake was to stop while he was peeing quietly.
00:55:37 Kangaroos were considered a threat and took up defensive action.
00:55:40 We can see several baby kangaroos sticking their heads out of their mother's pocket.
00:55:44 Female kangaroos have a pocket on their belly made of a fold of skin to shelter babies.
00:55:50 The newborns are the size of a grape vine, but they will soon reach the impressive size that we know them at an adult age.
00:55:56 After only 10 months, the young ones are ready to get out of the mother's pocket to start jumping on their own.
00:56:04 In fact, Annie and you have survived this confrontation for the moment.
00:56:07 But what happens if you find yourself facing a kangaroo 12 meters high?
00:56:13 I'm kidding, let's stick to the strict reality and highly probable events.
00:56:18 For example, what to do in case of encounter with a grizzly?
00:56:22 The first thing to know is that they are very cute when they gather in bays or scratch their backs against trees,
00:56:27 but their dark side far exceeds that of kangaroos.
00:56:32 You are on a picnic, Annie and you, when suddenly a grizzly approaches, attracted by the smell of food.
00:56:38 Do not panic, we will freeze the time again to give you a chance to think about what to do.
00:56:44 In general, the best way to survive a grizzly attack is to avoid it completely.
00:56:49 Grizzlies are big vagabonds, always looking for the best spots to feed.
00:56:54 The smell of this bear is impressive, and it is his nose that leads him directly to your picnic.
00:57:01 The bear is right next to you, do not panic, you just have to show him that you are only a visitor on his territory.
00:57:07 Step back slowly while speaking in a low and calm tone.
00:57:11 He must know that you do not hold his head because the dominant creature here is him.
00:57:16 There is a lot of tension during a face-to-face with a bear, so do not turn your back and do not run away.
00:57:23 This will only cause him to hunt you down and you have little chance of winning the race.
00:57:29 These animals are faster than humans and know how to swim and climb trees.
00:57:33 So unless you know how to get wings and fly, do not try to distance a grizzly.
00:57:39 Visual contact is also to be avoided.
00:57:42 Just like cute kangaroos, bears take this look very seriously and monitor each of your movements.
00:57:49 A direct and prolonged visual contact will be perceived as a sign of aggression or challenge.
00:57:54 Grizzlies are the kind to test their opponent by trying to scare him.
00:57:58 They can even simulate a charge to assess his reaction.
00:58:01 Whatever he does, you will have to hold on.
00:58:04 If the bear lowers his head and makes his neck sag towards you, it is because he intends to charge you.
00:58:09 As we have frozen time, for the moment we cannot know with certainty what his next move will be.
00:58:15 Let's dive back into the action to see what he's going to do, because you will have to plan your next move according to the bear's.
00:58:22 So, action!
00:58:25 The grizzly has not shown any signs of aggression so far, he is just curious about the scenery.
00:58:30 Remember the instructions, no visual contact.
00:58:33 Ok, the bear is now starting to show some hostility, which means he could attack you.
00:58:39 Stay where you are, he's getting closer.
00:58:42 The best thing to do in this scenario is to submit completely by lying flat on the ground and covering your head with your arms.
00:58:51 The bear could understand that you are submitting and leave.
00:58:55 Sometimes he manages to stay in the parishes for a while before leaving.
00:58:59 Fortunately, this bear only had some after the picnic, so he grabbed the sandwiches and left.
00:59:05 You were lucky this time.
00:59:08 But if the bear had decided to attack, you would have had to push him as far as possible.
00:59:13 Use all objects nearby that can serve as projectiles.
00:59:18 Use the most sensitive points, such as the eyes or the muzzle, and throw them with all your strength.
00:59:22 What distinguishes the grizzlies from other predators is that they are excellent trackers.
00:59:27 While you are hiking in the forest, you do not realize that you are no longer alone and that an invisible and threatening presence has been accompanying your walk for a while.
00:59:35 The grizzlies will track you if they think you are edible and can appear from nowhere at the right time.
00:59:43 Felines do not attack humans in principle, but who knows what can happen in the head of such a big cat?
00:59:48 The golden rule against a puma is about the same as for other animals.
00:59:53 Hold on and do not run away.
00:59:55 Running could trigger an immediate attack from the feline and he will catch you for sure.
01:00:00 These animals are strong and have very fast reflexes.
01:00:04 Their claws are powerful and their bites are even worse.
01:00:07 You do not want to be chased by one of them.
01:00:11 Whenever you face him, try to look bigger than the puma.
01:00:14 Raise your arms and puff your chest.
01:00:16 Always keep visual contact to try to assert your dominance.
01:00:20 You should not appear weaker to the subjects than to the felines, unlike the grizzlies or kangaroos.
01:00:26 On the contrary, you must show that you are more powerful than him.
01:00:29 So do not crouch and do not tremble.
01:00:32 He monitors each of your movements.
01:00:34 The rest of the events are based on him.
01:00:37 Let's go back, okay?
01:00:40 The feline is aggressive.
01:00:41 He is a tough puma and he does not want to lose his prey.
01:00:44 If the fact of appearing imposing does not give anything, try to shake your arms in all directions and shout very loudly.
01:00:50 If you can throw stones at him to scare him, it would be a plus.
01:00:54 The feline seems to want to attack.
01:00:56 Whatever happens, do not flinch.
01:00:58 After a while, he submits and runs away.
01:01:01 You won this time, but that does not mean that it will be the case next time.
01:01:06 If the puma takes it from you, your only option to stay alive is to defend yourself and fight back.
01:01:11 Rely on your environment to help you and above all, do not give up.
01:01:16 Are you ready for a special challenge?
01:01:19 You will not be able to leave the home of a bathtub of any type for a whole month.
01:01:24 And your friends will relay to deliver you food and drinks.
01:01:28 You can adjust the water temperature when you want it to suit you.
01:01:35 You are already excited and you are convinced that you will earn a lot of money, several hundred euros, when you have held a whole month.
01:01:42 This is a bet you recently made with your friends, in a simple fishing village while you were sitting in a bar.
01:01:50 You were far from suspecting that a simple conversation would lead to this.
01:01:54 You discussed the evolution of humanity and the conversation focused mainly on the possibility that humans evolve into aquatic mammals.
01:02:04 Becoming potentially amphibians.
01:02:06 "Evolution will prove it to us", you tried to tell your friends.
01:02:10 They were not convinced, even with your example of having your fingers shivering after being in the water for too long.
01:02:17 An evolutionary trait that we, humans, have acquired to have a better grip when we fish with bare hands.
01:02:23 Of course, your friends do not see how this could have anything to do with a possible evolution to an amphibian state.
01:02:30 You felt the need to prove them wrong.
01:02:32 And while your friends were sitting to have fun, moving on to something other than your conversation about aquatic evolution, you thought about it.
01:02:39 "How can I prove them wrong?"
01:02:42 Then the idea came. You got up, pointed your finger at the sky and said, "I bet I can stay in a bathtub for a whole month."
01:02:50 And now you are following the measures you seem to have suspected.
01:02:56 Your knowledge of the particular evolution of man gives you confidence.
01:03:00 And you know that there have been a few cases in the history of humanity where people have adapted naturally to live with the sea.
01:03:07 So it seems to you to be a sure bet.
01:03:10 For example, the nomads of the sea, from Southeast Asia, have been fishing in their own way for a thousand years.
01:03:16 By diving deeply into the water to catch their fish, armed with simple sagues, these nomads have adapted to become larger over the centuries.
01:03:25 This has allowed more oxygen cells to be pumped into the vital organs and more of them to be stored in order to dive into deep water.
01:03:32 This understanding is enough to galvanize you while you wait for the first day of the bet.
01:03:36 During the first hours, everything seems to be going well.
01:03:39 In fact, you find it easy and you have fun all day.
01:03:43 You say it will be the easiest money you have ever won and you list what you plan to buy with it.
01:03:50 You sleep well during the first night, but you are far from suspecting that your skin absorbs the water from the bathtub while you sleep.
01:03:55 Every hour that passes, a larger amount of water penetrates your skin.
01:04:00 Between the two layers, water bubbles form, creating visible bumps on its outer layer.
01:04:06 By waking up the next day, you are slightly alarmed to see the transformation of your skin.
01:04:13 You look at your hands. They are all white, with the skin crumbling, and your arms are covered with large clots full of liquid.
01:04:20 It's not nice to see.
01:04:22 You hear someone entering the bathroom and you try to calm down.
01:04:26 It's only the second day after all.
01:04:28 You have to harden yourself.
01:04:30 You have to win this bet, not only for the money, but also for your pride.
01:04:34 Your friend enters the bathroom with a tray of food.
01:04:38 His face quickly becomes pale when he sees the bumps on your arms.
01:04:42 Worried, he asks you if you are okay.
01:04:44 But, surprisingly, you feel very well and say that it's just a little bit of a problem.
01:04:49 You are curious to understand why there is no pain, given the appearance of your arms.
01:04:54 Without thinking, you start scratching the big bubbles on your arms.
01:04:58 You keep rubbing them to see the reaction of your skin.
01:05:01 You now have a feeling of freedom when your arms are exposed, as if you had been rid of a useless weight.
01:05:09 You find yourself with a new layer of scales instead of skin.
01:05:12 Your friend asks you to end the bet, given this sudden change of appearance.
01:05:17 But you say that you are okay and that you want to continue.
01:05:20 The stake is too high and you desperately want to win.
01:05:24 While your friend accepts and leaves, you ask to continue in a jacuzzi.
01:05:29 Your wish is granted, and now, not only your friends come to visit you,
01:05:35 but also the members of the village, very curious, because events like this one do not remain secret for long in such a small village.
01:05:42 Over the days, other scales appear instead of your skin, covering your legs, arms and the bottom of your body.
01:05:48 Your skin is still visible on most of your body, but the scales spread quickly, in the same way as a cutaneous eruption.
01:05:55 It does not take long for you to get tired of the jacuzzi, and your friends are happy to move you to the village pool, not far from the sea.
01:06:04 You now enter the last week of the bet, and the whole village is aware of you, the fish-man.
01:06:10 What you find incredible is that when people visit you in the pool, there is neither fear nor judgment.
01:06:17 People are simply delighted and intrigued by the spectacle you offer them.
01:06:21 The pool is large but not heated.
01:06:24 A teenager asks you if you are hot enough, but you do not notice the cold at all and you feel rather comfortable.
01:06:32 Your diet has changed a lot.
01:06:34 You mainly eat fish.
01:06:36 Palms have grown between your fingers and toes,
01:06:40 and small slots on each side of your ribs have opened, forming branches that allow you to breathe underwater.
01:06:46 As you continue to evolve, you try to reassure yourself by telling yourself that it is almost over, and that winning this bet was all that mattered.
01:06:53 You think back to what happened almost a month ago when you and your friends had made this bet.
01:07:00 You consider all this money. All this will soon have been worth it.
01:07:03 And then you can always go back to normal.
01:07:06 It will surely only be temporary.
01:07:09 The last day of the bet is finally coming. A big party has been organized to celebrate your victory.
01:07:15 All the villagers attend the celebration.
01:07:18 There is an orchestra and a big feast for everyone.
01:07:21 You have fun with the villagers, preferring to stay in your pool of course.
01:07:26 The teenagers throw fish at you and you catch them in your mouth while laughing at your own expense.
01:07:31 You jump in the air, making turns for the villagers who applaud each time.
01:07:35 As the party goes on, you slowly detach yourself from the celebration, meditating alone in your pool.
01:07:42 You feel that you are getting tired of the festivities and the tension.
01:07:45 You watch the villagers laugh and party.
01:07:48 You think you are no longer in your place in this little village.
01:07:53 You suddenly feel the urge to leave and the party is no longer of interest to you.
01:07:57 The money of the bet is not of interest to you either.
01:08:00 You don't care anymore that you have proven that everyone was wrong.
01:08:03 You only feel the urge to be free.
01:08:05 You swim to the edge of the pool.
01:08:08 It is night, so no one can see your attempt to escape.
01:08:11 By stretching out, the weight of your body out of the water is so heavy,
01:08:15 and your legs and arms are so weak, that you collapse and have to crawl very slowly to the beach.
01:08:22 Finally, you reach the edge of the beach and you collapse when you reach the water.
01:08:26 Out of breath.
01:08:28 The small waves of salty water that you feel splash your face, revive you after your exhausting journey.
01:08:34 Once you have gathered enough energy, you start swimming towards deeper waters.
01:08:39 And like a fish in the water, you swim with ease.
01:08:42 What you feel right now is to have been in a cage all your life.
01:08:47 Now you are finally free.
01:08:50 The graying sensation of the water and its unlimited relaxation seems heavenly to you.
01:08:55 As you swim further in the sea, you suddenly stop to look at the village for a moment.
01:09:01 You take a break and you look at what was once everything you knew,
01:09:05 and you listen to the sounds of the sea, thinking about your old existence.
01:09:10 You don't feel any emotion when you look back.
01:09:13 No regrets, no remorse.
01:09:16 You dive into the water, ready to start your new life under the sea.
01:09:20 It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon and you go shopping in your usual supermarket,
01:09:26 when you come across a packet of fresh products.
01:09:30 You check the information on the product.
01:09:32 It seems to have far exceeded its expiration date.
01:09:35 So, why this strange shape?
01:09:38 The answer is not always obvious.
01:09:40 For some types of fresh products, such as meat, fish or seafood,
01:09:45 or even salads and cheese,
01:09:46 scientists have developed a thing called MAP,
01:09:49 for Modified Atmosphere Packaging,
01:09:52 or Packaging en Atmosphère Modifié in French.
01:09:55 To keep these types of products relatively short in shelf life,
01:09:58 as fresh as possible,
01:10:00 a combination of gases is introduced into the packaging.
01:10:03 This happens before the product even reaches your store.
01:10:07 A French professor at the Montpellier Pharmacy School
01:10:11 came up with this method after noticing that fruits tend to stay fresh longer
01:10:14 in low oxygen storage conditions.
01:10:18 The types of gases contained in MAP packages can vary from one product to another.
01:10:23 But the main idea is to reduce oxygen retention,
01:10:26 generally replaced by nitrogen or carbon dioxide.
01:10:30 Don't forget that a packet of puffed salad,
01:10:33 even if it hasn't yet exceeded its expiration date,
01:10:36 is not necessarily good to consume.
01:10:39 The gases inside the bag can be a sign that the product is out of date.
01:10:42 That's why the best thing to do when buying
01:10:45 is to make sure that the product is not expired.
01:10:48 If it hasn't yet exceeded its expiration date,
01:10:50 check if there are any unusual odours or if the packaging is damaged.
01:10:53 If something seems abnormal to you,
01:10:55 it's better not to take any risks.
01:10:57 You can contact any store employee if you have any questions or concerns.
01:11:02 Nowadays, most supermarkets have a system
01:11:05 that allows a logical order of purchase,
01:11:08 so you can buy the non-perishable items first,
01:11:10 then add the refrigerated or frozen products,
01:11:12 and finally the fruits and vegetables
01:11:14 so that they don't end up crushed at the bottom of your basket.
01:11:17 And while we're on the subject of fruits and vegetables,
01:11:22 try to buy them in the morning if possible.
01:11:24 Those who stay there all day
01:11:27 can lose some of their shape and texture,
01:11:29 while others can be a little flabby.
01:11:32 Now, a little tip on waste management.
01:11:36 Try to consume more food than you intend to consume in a week.
01:11:38 Most fruits and vegetables don't even last that long,
01:11:41 so it's better not to give in to all your cravings.
01:11:44 Doing groceries with a full stomach can also help you,
01:11:47 just like doing groceries with a very well-established list of things you need to buy.
01:11:51 Carefully inspecting the packaging of each product
01:11:54 can also save you from later scams.
01:11:56 Refrigerated products must be fresh or touched,
01:11:59 while frozen products must be solid and without signs of leakage.
01:12:04 When you get home, make sure to refrigerate all the products you need as soon as possible.
01:12:09 In general, they should not stay out of the fridge for more than two hours,
01:12:13 otherwise their quality may be altered.
01:12:16 Buying aromatic herbs in pots may not be the first thing on your list,
01:12:20 but it's certainly something to consider.
01:12:23 Not only are they available for a modest price,
01:12:26 but they are also easy to grow and maintain.
01:12:29 Imagine a nice garden of aromatic herbs right there on your balcony
01:12:33 or even in your kitchen.
01:12:34 Wouldn't that be nice?
01:12:36 You'll always have fresh basil to top a pasta dish.
01:12:39 And while you're still at the store, don't forget to buy coffee filters.
01:12:44 You may not have a filter machine at home,
01:12:47 but they have many other uses.
01:12:50 They can be used to filter liquids,
01:12:52 to safely stack delicate porcelain in your cupboards,
01:12:56 or even to polish your windows or shoes.
01:12:58 If your favourite fruits and vegetables are on sale,
01:13:02 and buying large quantities of them would mean wasting them,
01:13:04 think about freezing them.
01:13:06 You can make reservations for smoothies,
01:13:08 especially in the cold season,
01:13:10 when the options are limited in terms of fresh fruits.
01:13:13 And don't be too happy to catch the first thing on your list,
01:13:16 especially if they may spoil quickly.
01:13:18 Stores re-supply their products according to the principle of first come, first served.
01:13:23 So the items at the bottom of the shelves are always a little fresher.
01:13:27 The same goes for tea, if you prefer it with coffee.
01:13:31 Choose tea leaves instead.
01:13:32 Not only will you reduce your expenses,
01:13:34 but you'll also be able to make your own homemade blend.
01:13:37 Tea leaves also have a stronger taste than tea sold in sachets.
01:13:42 As for other household items,
01:13:45 make reservations for light bulbs, paper towels and batteries.
01:13:48 There is a good chance that you will one day need one of these items.
01:13:52 That's why it's better to buy them in large quantities when they are on sale.
01:13:56 They will never be wasted and, let's face it,
01:13:59 it's always boring when the TV remote control no longer works,
01:14:02 but you don't have any more batteries.
01:14:04 Try to reduce the number of times you go shopping to buy just one item.
01:14:09 It's inefficient and you'll probably end up buying things you don't really need.
01:14:14 This shopping list is starting to make a lot more sense now, isn't it?
01:14:18 Another list that is worth making?
01:14:21 The one that contains everything you have in your refrigerator.
01:14:24 Try to create such a list at least twice a week.
01:14:28 Planning your meals at least a week in advance will also help you reduce your impulse shopping.
01:14:32 If you already know what you will eat for Wednesday's dinner,
01:14:35 why add something else to the basket if it's useless?
01:14:38 At the same time, try to be creative with your leftovers.
01:14:42 Why throw them away when you can mix and combine them,
01:14:46 or add some herbs or extra flavours to make them better?
01:14:50 Put your leftovers in transparent containers for more visibility
01:14:54 and don't be afraid to plan a leftover meal during the week.
01:14:57 It's just as pleasant to consider them as ingredients
01:15:00 rather than as vulgar leftovers.
01:15:02 Use the leftover pasta or steamed cooked vegetables
01:15:05 to make an omelette or an omelette.
01:15:07 Mix your cooked vegetables with a few tomatoes to create a sauce for the pasta.
01:15:12 Prepare wraps for the next day's lunch with anything from rice to meat,
01:15:17 and vegetables.
01:15:19 If you're really looking for the simplest way to keep leftovers,
01:15:22 you can always turn them into soup.
01:15:25 The side dish of vegetables from the day before can become a simple lunch
01:15:29 if you simply add a can of broth and mix everything.
01:15:32 Even a two-day-old loaf of bread can be saved if you cut it diagonally,
01:15:36 sprinkle the slices with a few herbs and olive oil,
01:15:39 and bake them for a few minutes.
01:15:42 You'll have some nice homemade croutons for your leftover soup.
01:15:46 A little bit of etiquette in terms of labels never hurts anyone either,
01:15:50 either because of the ingredients you've never heard of
01:15:54 or because you can't pronounce them.
01:15:55 You should generally avoid products with more than five ingredients in the packaging.
01:16:00 Even the way you shop at the supermarket can have an impact on what you buy and how.
01:16:06 If you prefer the carton bags, you're more inclined to buy things on impulse.
01:16:10 This is what a study published by the Journal of Marketing Research shows.
01:16:15 This happens because of the effort you put into transporting the articles.
01:16:20 By choosing a carton, you'll probably be comfortable enough to assess enough products
01:16:25 and read the labels carefully.
01:16:27 When your shopping list isn't too long, opt for the automatic carton if it's available.
01:16:32 Studies have shown that impulse purchases are reduced to 32%
01:16:36 if you have to scan your own articles when you leave.
01:16:39 This is because the normal carton line is specially designed
01:16:43 to prevent you from leaving articles that you could have reconsidered.
01:16:47 There is literally no place where you can leave your unwanted articles,
01:16:51 except for your basket.
01:16:53 And if someone else is following you, good luck getting back in.
01:16:56 Food on the shelves can also be a threat to your budget and habits.
01:17:02 Since people are more inclined to buy the articles they see first,
01:17:06 the most expensive products are placed at eye level
01:17:09 and the economic options are placed on the shelves at the top and bottom.
01:17:13 Take your time and scrutinize the aisles that interest you.
01:17:16 You'll be surprised to see that most of the articles placed on the upper or lower shelves
01:17:21 are often not only cheaper, but also less rich in additives or artificial aroma.
01:17:26 In short, be careful. Supermarkets are a real jungle.
01:17:30 In the unfortunate situation where you should flee from a dangerous animal,
01:17:36 the worst scenario would be not to see it in time.
01:17:41 Let's take a look at some of these predators with a piercing mind
01:17:44 that are not masters in the art of camouflage.
01:17:47 Do you know what is one of the piercing anagrams?
01:17:49 What do you say about snakes?
01:17:51 Ok, it's not exactly an anagram,
01:17:53 but snakes have a truly sickening perspicacity when it comes to biting you
01:17:57 before you even know that there is one nearby.
01:18:00 And they love to bite us.
01:18:02 It is estimated that 4.5 million people are bitten by these reptiles every year.
01:18:06 Unfortunately for humans, the snake with the highest venom yield
01:18:10 i.e. the amount of venom contained in the venom glands at some point
01:18:14 is also an expert in discretion.
01:18:16 Here is the Gabon viper.
01:18:18 No, no, don't get too close.
01:18:20 This species of snake is found in subtropical forests and savannas in West Africa,
01:18:24 especially in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo.
01:18:30 It usually reaches a length of about 1 to 2 meters and can weigh from 9 to 11 kilos,
01:18:35 which makes it one of the largest and heaviest vipers in the world.
01:18:39 And without forcing the trait,
01:18:41 this species also has the largest holes of all venomous snakes.
01:18:45 They measure at least 5 cm long
01:18:48 and fold back against the snake's palate when they are not used.
01:18:52 If you are not yet terrified by this creature,
01:18:55 it may be time to tell you that it has enlarged scales on its nose
01:18:59 that look like a pair of horns,
01:19:01 perfect to complete its wide triangular head and its vertical slit pupils.
01:19:06 As an animal that practices ambush,
01:19:09 this creature likes to draw from its marbled scales a brownish gray.
01:19:13 The Bitys gabonica, as it is scientifically called,
01:19:16 is a nocturnal hunter that can remain perfectly still
01:19:19 under the leaves and plants of forest soils
01:19:22 and patiently wait for its prey to pass before striking.
01:19:25 This snake is a carnivore.
01:19:27 Its diet mainly includes rodents, birds, frogs and lizards.
01:19:33 Its hunting ability is largely due to its ability to melt into its environment.
01:19:37 This makes the viper capable of killing larger animals such as mongooses and hares.
01:19:43 Needless to say, if you manage to spot a Gabon viper while walking in West Africa,
01:19:49 there are only two things to think about.
01:19:52 First, do not pet it.
01:19:54 Moreover, the best thing to do is to immediately flee.
01:19:57 Although rather slow and lethargic in nature,
01:20:01 it is one of the fastest bites.
01:20:03 Their head can move between 280 and 320 km/h during an attack.
01:20:07 And secondly, you might have to ask someone to walk in front of you, just in case.
01:20:12 Fortunately, the bites of these creatures are very rare,
01:20:15 because the Gabon viper is much more peaceful than other dangerous snakes,
01:20:19 such as the spicy viper or the black mamba.
01:20:22 This does not mean that you should not be careful.
01:20:24 When bites occur, it is often when a human foot accidentally walks on the creature,
01:20:30 because, as we now know, they are not always easy to notice.
01:20:33 For the unlucky ones who are bitten, the wound is really serious.
01:20:37 The venom of the Gabon viper is extremely dangerous
01:20:40 if it is not countered by an antidote within 2 to 4 hours.
01:20:43 Well, it is not a scoop that many snakes use the art of camouflage to their advantage,
01:20:48 since they are close to the ground and not especially large or big.
01:20:52 But why not take an interest in a larger creature
01:20:55 and that you imagine probably have no trouble spotting?
01:20:59 Let's take a leopard for example.
01:21:00 Leopards can be found in many regions of the world,
01:21:03 such as Africa, in some parts of the Middle East, in Asia, especially in China,
01:21:07 but also in India or even in eastern Russia.
01:21:10 On average, they can weigh between 50 and 90 kg and measure up to 2 meters,
01:21:15 not counting their 1 meter tail.
01:21:18 Generally yellow on top and white on the bottom,
01:21:22 leopards have dark spots arranged in rosettes all over their body.
01:21:27 The different patterns of these spots have confirmed the existence of several breeds of leopards.
01:21:31 Black leopards are perfectly equipped to track other animals at night by hiding in the shade,
01:21:38 thanks to their completely dark coating.
01:21:41 And if you think that the tanned coating of other leopards makes them easy enough to notice,
01:21:45 it is not the case.
01:21:47 In environments where there are many light and dark spots of different sizes and shades,
01:21:52 it is useful to have many spots or stripes.
01:21:56 Just think of the sun-lit areas of the African bush
01:21:59 and how the animal can use them to its advantage.
01:22:02 And as if this was not enough to behave stealthily,
01:22:06 leopards can also climb trees very well.
01:22:09 In other words, they can also track you from above.
01:22:12 What are the animals that are trapped by the leopard's camouflage capabilities?
01:22:16 Well, everything it can dominate, from small rodents to large antelopes.
01:22:20 But leopards generally hunt small and medium-sized prey,
01:22:25 such as bees and antelopes.
01:22:26 Fortunately, of all the species of large felines that you can meet during a safari in Africa,
01:22:31 leopards are considered the least likely to attack a human.
01:22:34 Most cases of dangerous encounters between leopards and humans
01:22:38 occur when the animal is weakened and unable to hunt.
01:22:42 In this case, everything is good to take.
01:22:44 Even if these encounters are rare,
01:22:46 this does not mean that you should not keep your eyes wide open
01:22:49 given their ability to hide, especially if you are in their territory.
01:22:53 In fact, it is useless to try to escape this animal,
01:22:55 which can reach a speed of 56 km / h.
01:22:57 It is interesting to note that this speed is in fact slower
01:23:00 than the maximum speed of most of the animals they hunt,
01:23:03 which once again shows the leopard's ability to hide to surprise them.
01:23:08 There are many environments in which the leopard's pelage
01:23:11 is to its advantage from the point of view of camouflage.
01:23:14 But do you know in which case it could not be very effective?
01:23:17 What do you think of the Arctic?
01:23:19 There, you may not notice a certain loss
01:23:22 of nose and cuddly that come to you,
01:23:23 because the rest of the owner's body
01:23:25 blends perfectly into the environment.
01:23:27 The owner in question is the polar bear.
01:23:30 If he can camouflage himself so well in his environment,
01:23:32 it is because he can be fooled for a conger.
01:23:34 But what is surprising is that the animal's pelage is not even white.
01:23:38 The fur of the polar bear is yellow, and its skin is black.
01:23:42 Polar bears use their camouflage to their advantage
01:23:45 not only for hunting, but also for their own protection.
01:23:48 Which is quite strange when we know that polar bears
01:23:51 are the largest species of bear and terrestrial carnivore in the world.
01:23:54 They can weigh up to 600 kilos and measure up to 1.5 meters at 4 legs,
01:23:59 that is, almost 3 meters tall.
01:24:01 Although it is difficult to spot because of its fur,
01:24:04 it is the art of patience that the polar bear prefers to use
01:24:07 to look for food.
01:24:09 A common hunting method is to stay perfectly still
01:24:12 near the breath hole of a seal.
01:24:14 And not only for hours, but for days.
01:24:18 Sometimes, this patience does not pay off.
01:24:21 And even when a seal comes up to breathe,
01:24:24 his slippery body means that on average,
01:24:26 polar bears catch only one seal out of five.
01:24:29 Polar bears are very good swimmers
01:24:32 and can also hunt in the water.
01:24:34 They can reach a speed of 10 km/h
01:24:38 by struggling with their front legs
01:24:40 and by keeping their back legs flat like a gull.
01:24:43 Their legs are slightly palm-shaped to help them swim.
01:24:47 They are generally able to hold their breath under water for 30 seconds.
01:24:51 Fortunately, interactions between polar bears and humans are very rare.
01:24:56 Between 1870 and 2014,
01:24:59 there were only 73 dangerous encounters documented between the two species.
01:25:03 As for the leopards and vipers of Gabon,
01:25:06 you really need to look for the bear.
01:25:08 The problem is that there is a good chance
01:25:10 that he will find you first if you have fun doing it.
01:25:13 Sometimes, creatures do not even use the art of camouflage.
01:25:16 They are simply so small that you can't see them.
01:25:19 This is the case of a species of jellyfish known as Malokingi.
01:25:23 This creature is generally not larger than 3 cm,
01:25:27 which is the equivalent of a human thumb.
01:25:30 Imagine that you are under the ocean
01:25:32 and that you are trying to spot something as small as this.
01:25:35 The Malokingi has four tentacles surrounded by a tissue that looks like a halo.
01:25:39 You can find this jellyfish mainly in the Australian waters.
01:25:44 This creature is nicknamed Robert King
01:25:46 because of an unfortunate encounter with an American tourist of the same name
01:25:50 who visited Australia,
01:25:52 bathed and succumbed to his bites.
01:25:54 You may think that jellyfish float aimlessly in the ocean all day,
01:25:58 but most of them are actually active hunters,
01:26:01 and the Malokingi is no exception.
01:26:03 This creature even has eyes equipped with lenses, cornea and retina.
01:26:08 They allow it to see real images
01:26:11 rather than simply differentiate between light and dark areas.
01:26:14 Despite its small size, the Malokingi is extremely venomous,
01:26:18 as discovered by the poor Mr. King.
01:26:20 When in contact with it, it projects a venom in the blood of other animals
01:26:24 thanks to its tick-like cells in the shape of arrows
01:26:27 located inside the tentacles.
01:26:29 Fortunately, it doesn't try to interact with people.
01:26:32 However, it is estimated that 150 million people
01:26:36 are bitten by all kinds of jellyfish every year.
01:26:40 It is therefore always better to be on the alert when you are underwater.
01:26:43 You are hiking in a sublime protected reserve in California,
01:26:47 and you find yourself facing a Puma.
01:26:49 Stay calm. You have to show it that you are not afraid.
01:26:52 Shout out in the direction of the animal and shake your arms.
01:26:54 If it doesn't work, throw stones, branches and anything you can get your hands on.
01:26:58 Aim for the ground in front of the Puma.
01:27:00 Never throw anything directly at it.
01:27:02 It would only make it more angry.
01:27:04 If the Puma approaches, protect your most vulnerable parts.
01:27:09 It will take the shot and try to catch your arms.
01:27:10 So tilt your head forward to protect your neck.
01:27:13 And don't make big movements with your arms.
01:27:15 When it realizes that you are not an easy opponent,
01:27:18 the Puma will probably back off and run away.
01:27:20 You are at Yellowstone.
01:27:23 Here you find yourself face to face with a grizzly.
01:27:25 It drinks water in a stream.
01:27:27 The safety distance is 60 meters.
01:27:29 The grizzly spotted you.
01:27:31 It stands on its hind legs and looks in your direction.
01:27:34 It is now the size of a normal-sized basketball player.
01:27:38 It weighs almost 360 kilos.
01:27:39 So you have no chance of winning.
01:27:41 You have to stay frozen in place.
01:27:43 Grizzlies have a bad eye, so they can't see you.
01:27:45 But then it starts walking in your direction.
01:27:48 Don't turn your back to it and don't try to run as fast as possible.
01:27:51 It will chase you.
01:27:53 You have to look bigger than you really are.
01:27:55 Shake your arms and spread your legs a little more.
01:27:57 Speak and constantly shout in the direction of the bear.
01:28:00 It will understand that you are not a simple deer.
01:28:02 Try to make a metal noise.
01:28:04 If you have food on you, don't throw it at the bear.
01:28:07 Put it on the ground and keep moving back in front of the animal.
01:28:09 If it starts running towards you,
01:28:11 your only chance is to lie on the ground and stay frozen.
01:28:14 Bears are not scarecrows.
01:28:16 So if it thinks you're not alive,
01:28:18 it will just sniff you, lift its shoulders and go.
01:28:20 Now you're going to dive on the Florida coast.
01:28:23 You have to protect yourself from the great white shark.
01:28:25 Never wear shiny and shiny jewelry when you bathe.
01:28:28 They attract sharks.
01:28:30 And never bathe you at night.
01:28:32 That's when they come out to get food.
01:28:35 Water spray can also attract this marine predator.
01:28:37 But if the shark is still swimming towards you,
01:28:39 the rule is this.
01:28:41 Do everything in your power to face it and win.
01:28:43 Try to stay calm and swim towards the beach.
01:28:45 If the shark takes you for food,
01:28:47 there is only one thing that can scare it.
01:28:49 Try to hit the shark on the nose, eyes or gills.
01:28:52 Now you're in Africa.
01:28:54 Here, in the high grass of the savannah, you see a lion.
01:28:56 And the worst part is that he sees you too.
01:28:58 The first thing you have to do is to keep visual contact.
01:29:00 Don't turn your back to the lion.
01:29:02 And don't run.
01:29:04 The lion, which weighs as much as three adults,
01:29:05 runs towards you at the speed of a car on the highway.
01:29:08 But he stops abruptly and keeps staring at you.
01:29:10 Lions often pretend to charge to scare their opponent.
01:29:13 At this stage, you must seem much bigger than you really are.
01:29:16 Spread your arms and make loud noises.
01:29:18 The lion can then make another false charge.
01:29:20 And if you don't move,
01:29:22 the lion will realize that you are a size opponent
01:29:24 and will go the other way.
01:29:26 Be careful, the lion is much more dangerous than evil.
01:29:28 If it keeps its babies, it will never stop.
01:29:30 And you will have no chance.
01:29:33 Your safari jeep takes you to the next place.
01:29:35 You see elephants drinking water peacefully.
01:29:37 These animals can measure 3 meters high
01:29:39 and weigh as much as 2.44.
01:29:41 They can even overturn cars with their powerful defense.
01:29:44 And here is precisely where one of them sees you
01:29:46 and shakes his big ears.
01:29:48 It's bluffing.
01:29:50 With his ears, the elephant wants to seem bigger and make you run away.
01:29:52 He is also afraid and will not rush at you.
01:29:54 You have to make the beast understand that you are not threatening it.
01:29:57 Don't scream and don't shake your arms.
01:30:00 Step back slowly until you have left the elephant's personal space.
01:30:03 But if he runs towards you with his ears against his head,
01:30:06 he is not bluffing.
01:30:08 Climbing a tree is not a good option for the moment.
01:30:10 He could hit the tree and make you fall.
01:30:12 He could even make him tilt with his big trunk.
01:30:15 You have to run in a zigzag.
01:30:17 The elephant is heavy and it is difficult for him to change direction quickly.
01:30:20 So little by little, you will start to move away from him.
01:30:22 But don't forget that an elephant can run at 40 km / h.
01:30:25 So it is unlikely that you will escape him.
01:30:28 Let's go now to the Nile River in Egypt.
01:30:30 There are the largest number of crocodiles in the world.
01:30:32 If you go camping,
01:30:34 set up at a distance of at least 50 meters from the shore.
01:30:36 This way, the crocodile will not find your camp at night.
01:30:39 Never leave the crocodile's sight.
01:30:41 It can take advantage of this moment and take you by surprise.
01:30:44 Their top speed is only 16 km / h.
01:30:47 But they can charge 13 meters per second from the water.
01:30:50 So the only chance to survive is to stay out of the water.
01:30:54 Otherwise, the crocodile's weak points are the eyes,
01:30:57 the tip of the nose and the membrane of the throat.
01:30:59 This membrane prevents water from entering the crocodile's throat.
01:31:02 When you run away from a crocodile,
01:31:04 be careful not to fall on a hippopotamus.
01:31:06 It is one of the most dangerous animals in the world.
01:31:09 They can be the size of a car and weigh as much as a big elephant.
01:31:13 In addition, they can run as fast as horses.
01:31:15 So they are sure to overtake you in a sprint.
01:31:18 The main thing is not to scare them.
01:31:20 If you are at a good safety distance,
01:31:22 draw his attention with a loud noise.
01:31:24 In general, he will try to get away from you.
01:31:26 Take advantage of this moment to back off too.
01:31:28 But if you see a hippopotamus barking,
01:31:30 it's a sign that you're breaking his comfort zone.
01:31:32 They can open their mouths at 180 degrees
01:31:34 and have the strength of a crocodile's bite.
01:31:36 You will not be able to beat him and you must flee.
01:31:38 The best option is to climb a tree or something high.
01:31:42 Hippos have trouble climbing high.
01:31:44 And if you manage to escape,
01:31:46 you will be one of the few people to have survived
01:31:48 a face-to-face with a hippopotamus.
01:31:50 There are also buffaloes that live here in the savannah.
01:31:52 They can be as tall as an adult man and weigh a ton.
01:31:55 And unlike lions and elephants,
01:31:56 they do not do false charges.
01:31:58 If you see this machine running at you,
01:32:00 it certainly has bad intentions.
01:32:02 Their powerful horns and skulls can bend metal plates.
01:32:05 They can turn a new car into a pile of scrap metal.
01:32:07 You can never distance a bison.
01:32:09 Your only option is to find the nearest tree
01:32:12 and run to it before the buffalo even starts charging.
01:32:15 If you come across a snake,
01:32:17 you must stay frozen in place.
01:32:19 There are an infinity of species of snakes
01:32:21 and you do not know if your opponent is venomous or not.
01:32:24 So you must absolutely avoid getting bitten.
01:32:25 Make slow and fluid movements backwards.
01:32:27 If the snake follows you,
01:32:29 stop and start tapping your foot.
01:32:31 The strong vibrations of the ground should make it run away.
01:32:33 If the snake bites you anyway,
01:32:35 try to remember exactly what it looks like.
01:32:37 Or better yet, take a picture of it.
01:32:39 To neutralize the venom,
01:32:41 you must take an antidote
01:32:43 against the specific venom of this species of snake.
01:32:45 You are now on your way to Northeast Asia.
01:32:47 As you cross a dense jungle,
01:32:49 you see a clearing.
01:32:51 Several wild boars and a group of hippos
01:32:53 are grazing peacefully.
01:32:54 One of them is a female with several young.
01:32:56 She is ready to protect them all.
01:32:58 So she is particularly aggressive with her entourage.
01:33:00 Oops, she spotted you!
01:33:02 Get ready to defend yourself.
01:33:04 If the boar makes loud and piercing noises,
01:33:06 it will hit you.
01:33:08 The first thing to do is to stay calm
01:33:10 and not move.
01:33:12 You are in good luck that the boar continues its way.
01:33:14 But you see that it starts running.
01:33:16 You then have several options.
01:33:18 You can run away,
01:33:20 you can face the enemy
01:33:22 and you can climb the nearest tree.
01:33:23 The first option is bad.
01:33:25 Wild boars can run as fast as Senbolt.
01:33:27 And when it catches up with you,
01:33:29 its sharp defenses will leave you no chance.
01:33:31 Option B, stay or kill.
01:33:33 False.
01:33:35 A boar can weigh as much as a motorcycle
01:33:37 and be almost as long as an adult.
01:33:39 A shot at 40 km / h will put you to the ground.
01:33:41 So the best option is to climb the nearest tree.
01:33:43 If there is no tree,
01:33:45 climb a car or a large rock.
01:33:47 You must be in a higher position than the boar.
01:33:49 When it realizes that it cannot reach you,
01:33:51 it will leave you alone.
01:33:52 Overall, the most important thing
01:33:54 is to stay away from wild boars,
01:33:56 never try to feed them or provoke them.
01:33:58 It's time for the big spring cleaning.
01:34:01 You put on a rag and a broom
01:34:03 to get rid of all these spider webs on your windows.
01:34:06 They have no chance this time.
01:34:09 By removing one spider web after another,
01:34:11 you suddenly notice mud with strange shapes
01:34:13 stuck under the roof and the porch.
01:34:15 What is it?
01:34:17 You suddenly realize
01:34:20 that it must be a mason geese nest.
01:34:21 With so many nests side by side,
01:34:23 there must be a nest.
01:34:25 Fortunately,
01:34:27 mason geese are solitary insects.
01:34:29 All these little huts are full of paralyzed spiders.
01:34:32 Sometimes up to 500 spiders
01:34:34 can be trapped in these boxes,
01:34:36 waiting for the young geese to hatch.
01:34:38 If the nest has holes,
01:34:40 it can indicate that it is old or abandoned,
01:34:42 because mason geese drill holes to leave their nests.
01:34:45 If you want to remove them,
01:34:47 you have to remove the nest.
01:34:49 If you want to remove them,
01:34:50 it is better to wait until night
01:34:52 when they are not so active.
01:34:54 Although they are quite placid,
01:34:56 if they feel threatened,
01:34:58 they will not hesitate to sting.
01:35:00 It looks like an insect was half-designed
01:35:02 and then its creator stopped.
01:35:04 The mason geese seem to really come from another world.
01:35:06 With mason geese claws,
01:35:08 a mason geese body
01:35:10 and a shrimp head,
01:35:12 this creature is a bit like the insect world's ornithorynch.
01:35:15 It is not venomous
01:35:18 and it only dies if you take it to the trap in your hand.
01:35:19 And if you really bother it,
01:35:21 it has another advantage in its sleeve,
01:35:23 its wings.
01:35:25 They can spit a brine liquid that smells bad,
01:35:27 just like the fly.
01:35:29 So just let them leave your house
01:35:31 and there will be nothing to clean.
01:35:33 The rocky basins are full of all kinds of plants and animals.
01:35:36 Marine creatures such as starfish,
01:35:38 marine herbs,
01:35:40 hermit crabs,
01:35:42 small fish and all kinds of octopuses.
01:35:44 If you think this little octopus has blue eyes,
01:35:47 it is better to leave it alone.
01:35:48 It flashes in neon blue for a good reason.
01:35:51 This miniature octopus has a venomous bite
01:35:54 a thousand times stronger than cyanide
01:35:56 and without any available antidote.
01:35:58 Do not try to tickle it with a stick
01:36:00 or pick one up.
01:36:02 It is not worth the trip to the hospital
01:36:04 or the morgue.
01:36:06 Earth snakes may be scary,
01:36:08 but marine snakes are of a whole other level.
01:36:10 In the Indian and Pacific Oceans,
01:36:12 there are about 50 different species of sea snakes
01:36:16 and they are as beautiful as they are dangerous.
01:36:18 Fortunately, they do not seem to care about us.
01:36:21 The sea snake of Dubois
01:36:23 is undoubtedly the most venomous in the ocean,
01:36:26 nicknamed so to speak by the sea snake in Beck.
01:36:29 Their venom would almost make you forget the bite of a cobra.
01:36:32 The venom of these two snakes is extremely dangerous.
01:36:35 Fortunately for us,
01:36:37 it can take hours to cause symptoms in humans
01:36:40 and they should wear diving suits.
01:36:44 If this fly lands on your arm outside,
01:36:46 you could scream a little,
01:36:48 we would not blame you.
01:36:50 The scorpion fly, as its name suggests,
01:36:52 has a curved tail that looks like a scorpion's dart.
01:36:55 But you can blow,
01:36:57 it is only used for coupling.
01:36:59 It also has a long beak-shaped head
01:37:01 that serves to feed it
01:37:03 after flying insects in the spider web.
01:37:06 To find the ideal partner,
01:37:08 it loves to make gifts in the form of saliva,
01:37:10 how romantic it is.
01:37:13 If you are in Africa,
01:37:14 you may pass next to this big bird
01:37:16 if you are not careful.
01:37:18 The sea snake will move when you pass in front of it.
01:37:21 Being able to measure up to 1.5 meters
01:37:24 and have a wingspan of 2.5 meters,
01:37:26 the sea snake looks like a predator,
01:37:29 although it is anything but.
01:37:31 Known as one of the slowest birds in the world,
01:37:34 almost a statue,
01:37:36 the sea snake only eats fish near the surface of the water,
01:37:39 without worrying about the world.
01:37:42 It is not at all afraid of humans.
01:37:43 Although it is not very talkative,
01:37:45 it will let you approach it enough to take some pictures.
01:37:48 If you hear a little squeak while you are in the garden,
01:37:51 it could be a mouse,
01:37:53 a squirrel or a rhino,
01:37:56 which tells you that you are too close.
01:37:58 They love to make noise when they are disturbed.
01:38:01 With their giant and scary horns on their heads,
01:38:04 they may seem able to defend themselves,
01:38:06 but this is not the case.
01:38:08 They only use it to move the leaves
01:38:11 and the sticks in their path
01:38:12 and to prevent other mammals
01:38:14 from coming into the female's parrots.
01:38:16 Not only do they have a horn on their head,
01:38:18 but they also have a Herculean strength.
01:38:21 They are able to lift their own weight 850 times.
01:38:24 It's like you could lift 65 tons
01:38:27 or 11 elephants.
01:38:29 Living mainly in China,
01:38:32 the little sea snake is adorable with its hair bun.
01:38:35 In any case,
01:38:37 until it turns around and reveals itself to be a vampire sea snake.
01:38:40 Fortunately,
01:38:41 this animal does not want to taste your blood
01:38:43 or wear a cape.
01:38:45 Only males grow these attributes
01:38:47 rather than woods during the mating season
01:38:49 to fight over territories and females.
01:38:52 These crows look more like elephant defenses
01:38:55 than tight-fisted teeth.
01:38:57 Not only do they have crows,
01:38:59 but they are also known to bark like dogs
01:39:01 and flee like cats when they are scared.
01:39:04 The red tide is a proliferation of toxic algae
01:39:07 that rises from the bottom of the sea
01:39:09 after particularly violent storms.
01:39:11 This algae looks a lot like ketchup
01:39:14 or rust thrown into the water,
01:39:16 but it's much worse for the life around it.
01:39:19 Fish and marine organisms
01:39:21 will try to escape
01:39:23 once exposed to the toxic algae present in their water.
01:39:26 It is not particularly harmful
01:39:28 for humans exposed to it,
01:39:30 but if you eat seafood contaminated with these toxins,
01:39:33 things can get a little worse.
01:39:35 So if the sea is red,
01:39:38 you should stay out of the water.
01:39:39 Some spiders like to harbor bright colors
01:39:41 to show that they are dangerous,
01:39:43 but not the Australian Atrax robustus.
01:39:45 This shiny black spider
01:39:47 does not need a torch
01:39:49 to prove that it is strong.
01:39:51 It can be very dangerous
01:39:53 if it decides to bite you.
01:39:55 It can stop your nervous system
01:39:57 in just 30 minutes.
01:39:59 Wearing their web in any shelter,
01:40:01 like old ronds, shoes
01:40:03 or even garden ducks,
01:40:05 the Atrax robustus like to live near our habitat
01:40:07 to feed easily.
01:40:08 When they have had enough of a place,
01:40:10 they leave their web behind
01:40:12 and go looking for a new place.
01:40:14 Some say that rattlesnakes are intrepid,
01:40:16 and in a way, they may be right.
01:40:19 When you are brave enough
01:40:21 to steal food from a jaguar,
01:40:23 a lion or a hyena,
01:40:25 what are you afraid of?
01:40:27 These cousins of the Atrax robustus
01:40:29 are not only ferocious,
01:40:31 they are super smart.
01:40:33 They are even known to use tools
01:40:36 like rakes, stones and mud
01:40:37 to climb up
01:40:39 and regain their freedom.
01:40:41 In addition to their physical resemblance
01:40:43 to the Atrax,
01:40:45 rattlesnakes have a dangerous gland
01:40:47 near their tail
01:40:49 that contains a powerful steaming machine.
01:40:51 They are brave,
01:40:53 smelly,
01:40:55 have an extremely elastic and resistant skin
01:40:57 and to top it all off,
01:40:59 they enjoy a strong immunity
01:41:01 against scorpions and snakes.
01:41:03 The best thing to do
01:41:05 is to be careful
01:41:06 and to be careful
01:41:08 with their teeth.
01:41:10 The Atrax is a very dangerous
01:41:12 and very dangerous species.
01:41:14 It is a very dangerous species
01:41:16 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:18 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:20 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:22 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:24 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:26 and it is a very dangerous species
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01:41:30 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:32 and it is a very dangerous species
01:41:34 and it is a very dangerous species
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01:47:52 and it is a very dangerous species
01:47:54 and it is a very dangerous species
01:47:56 and it is a very dangerous species
01:47:58 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:00 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:02 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:04 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:06 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:08 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:10 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:12 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:14 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:16 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:18 and it is a very dangerous species
01:48:21 People who live in the mountains or near nature
01:48:24 are used to the visit of bears
01:48:26 and generally do not fear them
01:48:28 Douglas Harder thus saw a black bear mother
01:48:31 and her two young ones emptying the bird feeder of his terrace
01:48:34 He also managed to go home after a while
01:48:38 to see that a bear had entered his kitchen
01:48:41 through a partially open sliding door
01:48:43 The intruder had scratched a wall
01:48:45 and chipped some treats before fleeing
01:48:49 The bear had just finished cleaning after the bear
01:48:51 when a bear pushed its head through its cage
01:48:54 These photos went viral online
01:48:57 Kristen Jones, on the other hand,
01:48:59 was visiting her parents in North Carolina
01:49:02 and had decided to do yoga on the bank of a lake nearby
01:49:05 She was wearing headphones
01:49:07 and did not hear the bear approaching her from behind
01:49:10 Suddenly, she felt someone sniffing and licking her neck
01:49:13 She thought it was her neighbor's dog
01:49:16 and extended her arm to caress it
01:49:18 which scared the animal
01:49:20 Kristen managed to take some pictures of the bear
01:49:23 fleeing
01:49:25 although no one believed in the story of this lechweal
01:49:28 She remembers this moment as the scariest of her life
01:49:31 and hopes it will never happen again
01:49:34 As for the bear, it was most likely in the parishes
01:49:37 looking for food, in the trash cans and on people's terraces
01:49:40 Scientists who observe polar bears
01:49:46 note how incredibly intelligent these animals are
01:49:48 The members of Polar Bears International
01:49:51 took hundreds of pictures to study these animals in detail
01:49:54 Before using a special cage
01:49:57 they took their pictures using a device
01:50:00 fixed at the end of a long pole which was lowered to a certain height
01:50:03 One day, the flash of the camera
01:50:06 triggered right in front of a bear's face
01:50:08 It did not like these paparazzi methods
01:50:11 but instead of destroying the camera
01:50:13 the bear calmly stretched its paw
01:50:15 then it stretched a claw
01:50:17 and planted it in the edge of the lens
01:50:19 The bear stayed like this
01:50:21 and did not release the camera
01:50:23 The photographer had tried to climb the pole
01:50:25 but it was a lost cause
01:50:27 After 15 minutes, the plantigrade
01:50:29 looked up at it
01:50:31 and finally released the camera
01:50:33 It was said that it was trying to send the clear message
01:50:35 to never use flash on it again
01:50:37 One day, Ross Macpherson's hand
01:50:42 a Scottish teenager
01:50:44 suddenly turned red
01:50:45 and started hurting him terribly
01:50:47 Shortly after, a painful cloak appeared
01:50:50 It was the size of an orange
01:50:52 It became very difficult for Ross to dress himself
01:50:55 The discomfort was intolerable
01:50:57 and he needed emergency medical help
01:50:59 to escape this nightmare
01:51:01 It turned out that he had accidentally
01:51:03 rubbed his hand against a plant of anodinous appearance
01:51:06 while he was cycling near his home
01:51:08 This nightmare had been caused by a very dangerous plant
01:51:11 The Caucasus Bear
01:51:14 The Caucasus Bear is a kind of toxic plant
01:51:16 which looks like many others
01:51:18 and is known as the most dangerous plant in Great Britain
01:51:21 Surprisingly, it belongs to the family of carrots
01:51:24 It is native to the Caucasus region
01:51:27 hence the name
01:51:29 People particularly appreciated it
01:51:31 for its impressive height
01:51:33 of nearly 5 meters
01:51:35 and for its appearance
01:51:37 It was first grown in the garden of Agrément
01:51:39 Then, suddenly, it was discovered
01:51:42 as a toxic plant
01:51:43 In the 80s, it was officially forbidden
01:51:45 in the gardens of England
01:51:47 The Caucasus Bear grows today
01:51:49 near rivers and canals
01:51:51 Recently, it has reappeared
01:51:53 in parks and gardens
01:51:55 It has been spotted all over the UK
01:51:57 This plant has received even more attention
01:52:00 during the last lockdown
01:52:02 when many people started
01:52:04 spending more time in their gardens
01:52:06 It looks like a bigger cousin
01:52:08 and more dangerous than wild celery
01:52:11 It also has long stems
01:52:12 and leaves
01:52:14 but these stems are quite large
01:52:16 with large white flowers
01:52:18 in the shape of umbrellas at the top
01:52:20 To see the difference,
01:52:22 pay attention to these leaves
01:52:24 They are pointy and clearly cut
01:52:26 and can reach up to 2 meters wide
01:52:28 The stems, on the other hand,
01:52:30 are thick and iridescent
01:52:32 with white, rigid hairs
01:52:34 and have well-marked edges
01:52:36 You could notice purple spots
01:52:38 on these stems, like in the Caucasus Bear
01:52:40 but this plant grows much taller
01:52:41 and has fewer leaves
01:52:43 Its stems can stretch up to 60 cm
01:52:45 The plant's stem can be really painful
01:52:48 It is full of a toxin called
01:52:50 "furocoumarine"
01:52:52 which makes the skin extremely sensitive
01:52:54 to sunlight
01:52:56 It can also cause long-term problems
01:52:58 called "sensitization"
01:53:00 which means that even years later
01:53:02 your skin could still react negatively
01:53:04 to sunlight
01:53:09 So, if you have the misfortune of touching it
01:53:11 and expose yourself to the sun
01:53:13 you will end up with serious burns
01:53:15 which form clots and take a long time to heal
01:53:18 People often keep scars for life
01:53:21 And there are not only skin burns
01:53:23 that you should be worried about
01:53:25 If the stem comes into contact with your eyes
01:53:27 it could even make you blind
01:53:30 So you should be particularly careful in the summer
01:53:33 when the plant is most active
01:53:35 Remember that you can be affected
01:53:38 even if you wear clothes or shoes
01:53:39 So try to stay away from
01:53:41 anything that seems suspicious to you
01:53:43 Symptoms can include a cutaneous eruption
01:53:46 dizziness and painful blisters
01:53:48 If you realize that you have accidentally
01:53:50 touched this plant
01:53:52 consult a doctor immediately
01:53:54 especially if you notice clots
01:53:57 The first care is to clean the affected area
01:53:59 with water and soap
01:54:01 and to cover it with a bandage
01:54:03 There are other ways
01:54:07 There are other extremely toxic plants
01:54:08 that could be found in your garden
01:54:10 or your neighborhood
01:54:12 while looking pretty and harmless
01:54:14 Do not be fooled by the beauty of the digital
01:54:16 This secret plant of digitoxin
01:54:18 which is used in medicine
01:54:20 to stimulate the heart
01:54:22 All parts of the digital are toxic
01:54:24 If you eat the leaves
01:54:26 you could have stomach pain
01:54:28 nausea, vomiting
01:54:30 or even worse
01:54:32 In the worst cases
01:54:34 it can even disturb your vision
01:54:36 and cause you hereditary heart problems
01:54:37 Beladone is one of the most toxic plants
01:54:39 Don't eat it
01:54:41 Any of its berries
01:54:43 contain enough tropanic alkaloids
01:54:45 to be fatal to an adult
01:54:47 It can be found in woods
01:54:49 although it is not as common
01:54:51 as it used to be
01:54:53 Its family is quite large
01:54:55 including tomatoes, potatoes
01:54:57 peppers, aubergines
01:54:59 peppers and jusquiam
01:55:01 Despite its frightening nature
01:55:03 it is possible to extract
01:55:05 an antidote for neurotoxic gas
01:55:06 Thus, although it is dangerous
01:55:08 it also has a unique quality
01:55:10 offering many medicinal uses
01:55:12 And finally, comes the saffrony
01:55:14 also known as
01:55:16 "dead finger"
01:55:18 or "devil's nose"
01:55:20 It is a very common plant
01:55:22 around rivers and lakes
01:55:24 Just like the coca berry
01:55:26 it is related to the acigu
01:55:28 another toxic plant
01:55:30 The acigu is a very dangerous plant
01:55:32 It can be deadly if you eat it
01:55:34 and it contains 5 different alkaloids
01:55:35 capable of causing
01:55:37 a severe paralysis of the nervous system
01:55:39 What is even worse
01:55:41 is that it is often found in the wild
01:55:43 around populated areas
01:55:45 These two plants, however
01:55:47 thrive in different places
01:55:49 and present different toxins
01:55:51 Each part of the saffrony
01:55:53 including its tubercles, stems and leaves
01:55:55 contains a powerful poison
01:55:57 called enantotoxin
01:55:59 This poison targets the central nervous system
01:56:01 and can cause severe convulsions
01:56:03 These two plants
01:56:04 are therefore not to be taken lightly
01:56:06 These are only relatively toxic plants
01:56:08 but there are also those
01:56:10 considered the most dangerous in the world
01:56:12 The aconite, also known as
01:56:14 "killer wolf"
01:56:16 or "minerva helmet"
01:56:18 is one of the most toxic in Europe
01:56:20 The mere fact of touching it
01:56:22 can be disastrous
01:56:24 due to its powerful neurotoxin
01:56:26 The aconite is found
01:56:28 all over the American continent
01:56:30 The sap of this tree
01:56:32 and its fruits are deadly
01:56:33 The rye is native to Africa
01:56:37 The seeds of this bush
01:56:39 contain rye
01:56:41 a toxin that is 6,000 times
01:56:43 more powerful than cyanide
01:56:45 But it also has an advantage
01:56:47 The oil of rye can be extracted from its seeds
01:56:49 The paddy ears are used in pottery
01:56:51 but they contain a toxin
01:56:53 called abrine
01:56:55 which is extremely powerful
01:56:57 So be careful with such accessories
01:56:59 The rose laurel
01:57:01 is a widespread ornamental plant
01:57:02 However, it contains toxins
01:57:04 that make it very dangerous
01:57:06 Although the intoxication is common
01:57:08 fortunately
01:57:10 the plant is so bitter
01:57:12 that no one would want to eat it
01:57:14 So deadly cases are rare
01:57:16 The jimpy jimpy
01:57:18 is a plant native to Australia
01:57:20 New Zealand, Indonesia and Malaysia
01:57:22 The plant has a funny name
01:57:24 but its stinging hairs
01:57:26 cause a terrible itch
01:57:28 that lasts for months or even years
01:57:30 Finally, the potato plant
01:57:31 although it is not as toxic as others
01:57:33 can be harmful if it is not eaten
01:57:35 The green parts of the potato plant
01:57:37 contain toxins such as
01:57:39 solanine and chaconine
01:57:41 Getting rid of toxic plants
01:57:45 that grow in your garden
01:57:47 is crucial
01:57:49 even if it is not always legally required
01:57:51 Especially because they could
01:57:53 spread in nature
01:57:55 giving a whole other scale to the problem
01:57:57 Here is what you can do
01:57:59 to protect yourself
01:58:00 First, wear protective gear
01:58:02 like gloves and masks
01:58:04 Cover your skin completely
01:58:06 and make sure nothing can touch it
01:58:08 Make sure to throw away this equipment later
01:58:10 or wash it immediately
01:58:12 with the most careful care
01:58:14 Be careful not to let toxic plants bloom
01:58:16 Try to get rid of them
01:58:18 when they are still small
01:58:20 and tear them off when the ground is wet
01:58:22 As for larger plants
01:58:24 you may have to root them with a fork
01:58:26 It is preferable to confer
01:58:28 the responsibility to the professionals
01:58:29 if the infected area is affected
01:58:31 Finally, make sure to get rid of the plant
01:58:33 as it should be
01:58:35 Do not throw it anywhere
01:58:37 because it can spread
01:58:39 and cause more problems
01:58:41 and stay on your guard in the future
01:58:43 because it can produce a lot of seeds
01:58:45 that last for a very long time
01:58:47 There is no need to panic
01:58:49 if you notice them in your garden
01:58:51 Be simply prudent
01:58:53 and take the measures
01:58:55 that are necessary
01:58:57 and do not go to specialized services
01:58:58 to tear them off
01:59:00 Fortunately, deadly cases are very rare
01:59:03 and even if you accidentally touch the plant
01:59:05 you should not have to worry
01:59:07 about going to the doctor as soon as possible
01:59:10 But why are some plants so dangerous?
01:59:13 It is all a matter of chemistry
01:59:15 and the evolution of plants over time
01:59:17 They develop toxins
01:59:19 to avoid being consumed by herbivores
01:59:21 If a plant is slightly more toxic
01:59:23 than its neighbors
01:59:26 it has a higher chance of survival
01:59:27 because the animals will avoid it
01:59:29 Interestingly, most of these plants
01:59:31 have become dangerous
01:59:33 to repel the great ancient herbivores
01:59:35 such as the mammoths or the orcs
01:59:37 but not humans
01:59:39 As a result, these toxins are not often deadly
01:59:41 The plant was only trying to make sick
01:59:43 those who ate it
01:59:45 so that they would not try the experiment again
01:59:47 Today, these great animals have gone extinct
01:59:50 and no one touches these plants on purpose
01:59:52 Alas, they had already developed
01:59:55 these paranoia mechanisms
01:59:56 So all we can do
01:59:58 is stay as far away from them as possible
02:00:00 Look at this cute creature
02:00:03 It looks totally harmless, doesn't it?
02:00:06 However, know that appearances are misleading
02:00:09 The blue-ringed octopus
02:00:11 is an extremely venomous species
02:00:13 Indeed, it is one of the most venomous
02:00:16 marine animals in the world
02:00:18 These creatures live in rocky bottoms
02:00:20 and shallow shores
02:00:22 and coral reefs
02:00:24 Despite their small size
02:00:25 of 13 to 20 cm
02:00:27 they are very dangerous to humans
02:00:29 if they are provoked
02:00:31 because their venom contains
02:00:33 a powerful neurotoxin
02:00:35 called tetrodotoxin
02:00:37 When the animal feels threatened
02:00:39 its first reflex is to flee
02:00:41 But if the threat persists
02:00:43 for example, if you do not give up
02:00:45 the idea of ​​picking up the octopus
02:00:47 it puts itself in a defensive position
02:00:49 and shows its blue rings
02:00:51 If the octopus is swallowed and approached
02:00:53 it can bite its attacker
02:00:54 which can end very, very badly
02:00:56 Contact with tetrodotoxin
02:00:58 can have serious consequences
02:01:00 and sometimes lead to
02:01:02 a total paralysis of the body
02:01:04 that is, the victim is perfectly aware
02:01:06 of those around her
02:01:08 but is unable to move
02:01:10 The victim remains conscious and alert
02:01:12 but because of her paralysis
02:01:14 she has no way to call for help
02:01:16 or indicate that she is in distress
02:01:18 It is interesting to note
02:01:20 that when she does not feel threatened
02:01:22 the octopus with blue rings is brown
02:01:23 or even a paler tone
02:01:25 That said, as soon as she feels in danger
02:01:27 she takes a psychedelic appearance
02:01:29 This behavior is called aposematic
02:01:32 In other words, the animal has vivid colors
02:01:34 to warn others
02:01:36 that they will not live long enough
02:01:38 if they attack it
02:01:40 Of course, the octopus with blue rings
02:01:42 is not the only dangerous animal
02:01:44 of harmless appearance
02:01:46 Look for example at this creature
02:01:48 with its duvet that gives it a plush look
02:01:51 The ability to touch it is irresistible
02:01:52 But be careful
02:01:54 The dart of the velvet caterpillar
02:01:56 can be very effective
02:01:58 It is called the cat caterpillar
02:02:00 Under this fur, there are thorns
02:02:02 with stinging cells like jellyfish
02:02:04 The reactions to the caterpillar toxins
02:02:06 are very different from one person to another
02:02:09 Some people can develop
02:02:11 reactions more serious than others
02:02:13 In addition, the extent of the effects
02:02:15 also depends on the thickness
02:02:17 of the skin of the affected area
02:02:20 In this case, unpleasant sensations
02:02:21 and cutaneous eruptions
02:02:23 disappear in a few hours
02:02:25 or sometimes in a few days
02:02:27 The next animal on our list
02:02:29 is the frog of the Dendrobatidae family
02:02:31 There are more than 170 species
02:02:33 of sea and sea frogs
02:02:35 and, curiously, all of them are not poisonous
02:02:37 Those that are secrete
02:02:39 extremely dangerous toxins
02:02:41 through their skin
02:02:43 The good news is that frogs
02:02:45 never use "sea" toxins
02:02:47 to hunt or attack
02:02:49 but only to defend themselves
02:02:50 Experts are not sure about this
02:02:52 but they suppose that the ability
02:02:54 of frogs to produce these toxins
02:02:56 could come from a food regime
02:02:58 rich in animals containing toxins
02:03:00 like mycelium or ants
02:03:03 The indigenous peoples of Central and South America
02:03:06 rub their arrows and their darts
02:03:08 on frogs
02:03:10 to obtain a poisoned tip
02:03:12 What must be remembered
02:03:14 if you touch one of these frogs
02:03:16 ask for help immediately
02:03:18 especially if it is the most toxic
02:03:19 shell of all
02:03:21 The flaming frog
02:03:23 is the only known venomous frog
02:03:25 This creature has incredibly
02:03:27 venomous muscle tissue
02:03:29 despite its tiny size
02:03:31 from 5 to 8 cm maximum
02:03:33 It is a dark-brown submarine animal
02:03:35 with two flat-bottomed tentacles
02:03:37 and eight arms equipped with suction cups
02:03:39 These arms sometimes contain
02:03:41 purple and yellow
02:03:43 Anyway, the most dangerous
02:03:46 is to avoid approaching
02:03:47 these intriguing creatures
02:03:49 and you will be safe
02:03:51 Predatory frogs
02:03:53 are known as very slow animals
02:03:55 This is the main reason
02:03:57 why they have no way
02:03:59 to capture their prey mechanically
02:04:01 They are not able to catch
02:04:03 another animal or bite it
02:04:05 Therefore, this sea frog
02:04:07 has developed a powerful venom
02:04:09 that helps it survive
02:04:11 Fascinating facts about these creatures
02:04:13 Among nearly a thousand species
02:04:15 the venom produced by each of them
02:04:16 are all different
02:04:18 Although the conchonic
02:04:20 is not a crow
02:04:22 it has a tooth in the shape of a harpoon
02:04:24 covered with venom
02:04:26 that they use to bite their prey
02:04:28 A tube-shaped structure
02:04:30 is at the end of a venom bulb
02:04:32 This tooth can gush from the tube
02:04:34 at a staggering speed of 643 km/h
02:04:36 Being slow
02:04:38 does not disturb these sea frogs
02:04:40 And as each species has its own venom
02:04:42 some of them can inflict
02:04:44 a minor sting
02:04:45 while others can seriously harm
02:04:47 your health
02:04:49 For example, for this little snail
02:04:51 that lives in the reefs
02:04:53 the venom that its tooth
02:04:55 releases by biting its prey
02:04:57 has no known cure to this day
02:04:59 If we talk about sea fish
02:05:01 you probably imagine a creature
02:05:03 in the shape of a balloon
02:05:05 covered with impressive thorns
02:05:07 Know that under these funny spikes
02:05:09 hides a vicious creature
02:05:11 The most dangerous part of this creature
02:05:13 is that it is like one of the
02:05:14 if not the most dangerous
02:05:16 and the most powerful in the world
02:05:18 The good news is that you will not be poisoned
02:05:20 if you do not eat the fish
02:05:22 So it is better not to hold
02:05:24 the Californian roll
02:05:26 Now look at this insect
02:05:28 and try to never get close to it
02:05:30 This is the Japanese giant frill
02:05:32 This monstrous creature
02:05:34 which can reach
02:05:36 5 cm long
02:05:38 is known to be very aggressive
02:05:40 Its impressive gill
02:05:42 makes the sting very painful
02:05:43 Some people do not survive
02:05:45 the sting of this insect
02:05:47 Even if its venom is not
02:05:49 the most powerful that exists
02:05:51 the large size of the creature
02:05:53 makes the dose important
02:05:55 In addition, if it is not one
02:05:57 but several frills that attack you
02:05:59 the consequences may be dramatic
02:06:01 The giant frill is not necessarily
02:06:03 hostile to people or other animals
02:06:05 but it will sting you
02:06:07 if you provoke it
02:06:09 To this magnificent creature
02:06:11 a bright blue creature
02:06:12 is called the blue dragon
02:06:14 Despite this frightening name
02:06:16 this creature is actually tiny
02:06:18 and is generally not bigger
02:06:20 than a grain of raisin
02:06:22 You can find it on the beach
02:06:24 or floating next to you in the water
02:06:26 But do not forget one thing
02:06:28 as pretty as this little frill
02:06:30 never touch it
02:06:32 Despite its tiny size
02:06:34 its sting can hurt very much
02:06:36 and all this because of their diet
02:06:38 Their favorite dish is the Portuguese gallery
02:06:40 a jellyfish whose venom paralyzes
02:06:41 small fish and crustaceans
02:06:43 Blue dragons first use mucus
02:06:45 to neutralize the famous
02:06:47 jellyfish's urticating cells
02:06:49 Then they fly these cells
02:06:51 to the tentacles of the Portuguese gallery
02:06:53 they store them
02:06:55 and concentrate them in their own tissue
02:06:57 They then release these urticating cells
02:06:59 in contact sacks
02:07:01 which makes their sting even more powerful
02:07:03 or worse than that of the Portuguese gallery itself
02:07:06 These impressive creatures
02:07:09 are extremely sneaky
02:07:10 and they are bright colors
02:07:12 but are masters of disguise
02:07:14 Indeed, this bright blue
02:07:16 is actually on their belly
02:07:18 When they float on the water
02:07:20 they melt into the water
02:07:22 but their grey back
02:07:24 serves as camouflage on the surface of the sea
02:07:26 Originally from Australia
02:07:28 the jellyfish Irukandji is tiny
02:07:30 and seems totally harmless
02:07:32 However, the appearances are misleading
02:07:34 and this little creature
02:07:36 the size of the nail of a human thumb
02:07:38 is particularly dangerous
02:07:39 During the high season
02:07:41 which extends from November to May
02:07:43 tons of beaches are closed
02:07:45 because of these little creatures
02:07:47 What makes these jellyfish
02:07:49 particularly dangerous
02:07:51 is their miniature size
02:07:53 People don't notice them
02:07:55 when they are swimming
02:07:57 The sadly famous jellyfish Boate
02:07:59 named so because of the cubic shape of its body
02:08:01 lives in the Indian and Pacific Oceans
02:08:03 If you see a creature
02:08:05 with a kind of square bell
02:08:07 which looks like a tentacle
02:08:08 don't come near it
02:08:10 And even if you only see one tentacle
02:08:12 without the jellyfish attached to it
02:08:14 don't come near it
02:08:16 and don't touch it
02:08:18 The jellyfish Boate can reach 3 meters high
02:08:20 and each of these tentacles
02:08:22 has about 500,000 microscopic fins
02:08:24 to inject their venom
02:08:26 Unlike other jellyfish
02:08:28 the jellyfish Boate are hunters
02:08:30 They can cling to you
02:08:32 by wrapping their thin tentacles
02:08:34 around your limb or your body
02:08:36 Given the danger of their venom
02:08:37 the experience would not be pleasant
02:08:39 would not be pleasant.
