Laba Turun, PGAS Tetap Bagi Dividen USD222,43 Juta

  • 4 months ago
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS) menetapkan dividen tunai tahun buku 2023 sebesar USD222,5 juta atau sekitar Rp3,6 triliun. Jumlah itu setara 80% dari laba bersih perseroan yang mencapai USD278,1 juta.


00:00From the topic of choices, we turn to the information of the voters' choice meeting,
00:03where the President of the State Gas Company, TBK or Pegas,
00:05ensured that it would continue to share dividends,
00:08even though it experienced a decrease in employment throughout 2023.
00:12The announcement will share a dividend of USD 222.43 million,
00:18or around IDR 148 per share.
00:23From the topic of choices, we turn to the information of the voters' choice meeting,
00:27where the President of the State Gas Company, TBK or Pegas,
00:30ensured that it would continue to share dividends,
00:33even though it experienced a decrease in employment throughout 2023.
00:37The announcement will share a dividend of USD 222.43 million,
00:43or around IDR 3.61 million,
00:46assuming a dividend of USD 16,266 per share.
00:50Or around IDR 148 per share.
00:53This number has increased from the previous year to IDR 141 per share.
01:00The dividend is divided from the clean coal of the year 2023
01:03at USD 278.09 million.
01:07Then, as much as USD 55.62 million
01:11will be used as the coal balance held for business development activities.
01:16The total value of the dividend is also equal to 80%
01:19of the clean coal balance held for business development activities in 2023.
01:22If we refer to the current price of Pegas at IDR 1,600,
01:26then the dividend is equal to 9.2%.
01:31Pegas continues to share dividends even though it experienced a decrease in employment in 2023.
01:36By opening a clean coal of USD 278 million,
01:40the dividend increased by 14.7% compared to the previous year
01:44at USD 326.2 million.
01:48Despite the increase in the consolidated income of the dividend
01:51amounting to USD 3.64 billion,
01:54the dividend increased by 2.53% compared to the previous year
01:58at USD 3.56 billion.
02:01Various sources of IDX Channel.
02:08And from the point of view of fundamental development for Pegas technically,
02:12Sam Pegas today also experienced a fairly deep correction
02:15along with a decrease in the share price of Sam Kabungan.
02:17But the note is the weakness that happened today.
02:20Previously, Pegas has experienced a significant increase,
02:23even to 16.40 and was the highest level in recent times.
02:29Let's go straight to the first graph.
02:31We will try to see how the movement of Sam Pegas throughout today's trading.
02:36You can see the graph on your TV screen.
02:39Opened in the first session this morning,
02:43the position for Pegas is at IDR 1,635.
02:47This level is the same as the previous trading closing position,
02:51precisely at 30 May at IDR 1,635.
02:55A few minutes after the opening, Sam Pegas was more tense at IDR 1,610.
03:00Then at IDR 1,130, the first closing session this afternoon
03:05again weakened to IDR 1,605.
03:07The weakness is more to the limit at the opening of the second session at IDR 1,610.
03:11Meanwhile, the current position for Pegas,
03:16the weakness seems to be more to the limit,
03:20even though the level is lower at IDR 1,590.
03:26Because intraday, it had weakened to IDR 1,580.
03:31We will try to look at the next graph,
03:33the movement of Sam Pegas in the last few months.
03:36Today experienced a fairly deep weakness,
03:38after Pegas has experienced a significant increase.
03:43You can see the next graph on your TV screen.
03:47This is the movement of Sam Pegas in the last six months.
03:52On December 18, Sam Pegas was still traded at IDR 1,065.
03:56IDR 1,100 strengthened in January 2024,
04:00at IDR 1,160.
04:02On February 7, it experienced a slight weakness again at IDR 1,155.
04:07In March, it experienced a strengthening and reached IDR 1,200.
04:11On April 17, it was traded at IDR 1,300.
04:16In May, it experienced a significant strengthening at IDR 3,100.
04:21Today, it reached the highest level at IDR 1,640 in the last few months.
04:26Even though at the opening of the second session,
04:28Sam Pegas experienced a correction
04:31due to profit taking after reaching the highest level at IDR 1,640.
04:36How about the valuation of the shareholder with some indicators?
04:40We will try to look at the next graph on your TV screen.
04:47The price-earning ratio is at IDR 5.06x,
04:51still below 10x,
04:53the PSR is at IDR 0.65x,
04:55the PPV is still at IDR 0.87x,
04:57and the PCFR is at IDR 2.56x.
05:01This is a combination of fundamental, technical, and valuation.
05:04Hopefully, this can be a reference for you.