Kinerja 2024 Moncer, RAJA Bagikan Dividen Tertinggi

  • 5 months ago
Emiten migas milik pengusaha Happy Hapsoro, PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA) sepakat membagikan dividen tunai tahun buku 2023 sebesar Rp160 miliar. Nilai tersebut sebesar 40 persen dari laba bersih perseroan di tahun lalu.

Nilai dividen yang ditetapkan Rp38 per saham, demikian hasil keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) Tahun Buku 2023, Rabu (29/5).


00:00From the topic of selection, we turn to the information of the purchase emittance.
00:03This is still related to the certainty of the dividend from a certain emittance.
00:07Where this time, PT Rukun Raharja TBK or Raja will distribute a large dividend of US $ 10 million
00:13or equal to Rp 160.6 billion from the results of the 2023 Book Year Review.
00:20Interestingly, this dividend distribution is the largest in the history of Persiroa.
00:26From the topic of selection, we turn to the information of the purchase emittance of PT Rukun Raharja TBK or Raja
00:34through the General Meeting of the Yearly Holders agreeing to distribute a large dividend of US $ 10 million
00:40or equal to Rp 160.6 billion from the results of the 2023 Book Year Review.
00:46Meanwhile, the remaining reserve of US $ 89.9 million will be used as a reserve.
00:53If we sum up the total amount of shares in the store and place a total of 4.22 billion shares, the dividend share value is Rp 38.
01:03However, throughout 2023, Raja recorded a net profit of US $ 25.6 million,
01:09grew by more than 150% annually, and became the highest earnings in the last 10 years.
01:15In addition, the total net profit of US $ 203.7 million increased by 61% compared to the previous year at US $ 126.6 million.
01:24Raja's management said that this dividend distribution is a commitment to ensure that the trust of the shareholders in Persiroa is maintained
01:32and consider the future of Persiroa's cash flows and operational funds.
01:37This dividend distribution is the largest in history.
01:40Over the past 10 years, Persiroa has distributed dividends below Rp 15 per share.
01:45Except for the results of the 2022 Book Year Review, Raja agreed to distribute dividends as large as Rp 67 billion or Rp 15.87 per share.
01:54In 2021, the dividend was divided into Rp 21.81 billion or Rp 5.16 per share.
02:02In 2020 and 2019, Raja's dividend was Rp 22.10 billion or Rp 5.23 per share
02:09and Rp 28.32 billion or Rp 28.32 per share.
02:15Various Sources, IDX Channel
02:24In the middle of the deep recession in today's trade, investors seem to have shifted their focus
02:32to the shares that share the dividend, including Raja.
02:35Where when today's recession has undergone a fairly deep correction,
02:39Raja is moving in the green zone, even experiencing significant strength.
02:44I will try to convey the movement of Raja's shares during today's trading session.
02:49Where Raja's shares were opened in the first session this morning,
02:54the position was at Rp 1,405 per share.
02:57This level experienced a slight increase compared to the previous closing at Rp 1,400 per share.
03:06Then a few minutes after the opening, Raja's shares experienced significant strength at Rp 1,495.
03:14Rp 1,495 per share.
03:16However, after touching this level, the strength is more limited.
03:20Even though it is still moving in the green zone, during the trading session in the first session,
03:25Raja's share strength is more limited.
03:29However, during the second trading session, Raja's share experienced strength back to Rp 1,475.
03:35However, in a few minutes during the closing of the second session today,
03:38Raja's share strength is also more limited.
03:41The current position at Rp 1,440 is 2.86%.
03:46I will also try to convey the movement of Raja's shares in the last few months,
03:51where the position of Raja's shares also experienced quite high volatility.
03:58Especially after touching the highest level in the last few months.
04:03In December, it was still traded at Rp 1,005.
04:06However, on December 19, it experienced significant strength.
04:11At Rp 1,770 per share.
04:14However, in January and February, it was more depressed.
04:17Even on April 1, it reached Rp 1,200.
04:20In the last few weeks, Raja's shares experienced strength again.
04:24In terms of performance, it showed very good performance in the first quarter of 2024.
04:32Or also throughout 2023.
04:35And the current position, Raja's shares have returned to Rp 1,400.
04:39Next, I will also convey from the valuation side,
04:43from several indicators,
04:45the price-to-earning ratio is around 13.37x,
04:49the PSR is 1.56x,
04:51the PPV is around 2.82x,
04:53and the PCFR is 13.21x.
04:56The combination is fundamentally technical and also from the valuation side.
05:00And hopefully it can be one of your references.
05:09Thank you for watching.
