• last year
Frank The Tank | Frank Walks
00:00 One of the most popular television shows of the last 20 years was The Office.
00:05 And Brian Baumgartner played Kevin on The Office.
00:07 And one of the most unforgettable scenes is when he's walking through The Office, proud as a peacock, that he made this great chili recipe.
00:16 But the chili spilt.
00:18 Now, Brian Baumgartner, since The Office, has gotten into sharing his recipes, including his first book, Seriously Good Chili, and now he has a sequel.
00:29 Seriously Good Barbecue.
00:32 And now it's got well over 100 recipes that you can make, whether you have a grill or not.
00:38 I actually have grilling in my apartment, but last night I tried one of his recipes I can cook inside my apartment, which was a barbecued chicken thighs.
00:48 And I also, as a side, made some homemade potato chips.
00:52 Both recipes in this book.
00:54 And I can tell you, they were both delicious and came out terrific.
00:58 I am super excited about this walk.
01:01 I can't wait to meet Brian Baumgartner and talk about barbecuing, some sports, and everything else.
01:08 So, let's go for a walk.
01:10 Hey, how's it going?
01:23 What's up, Frank? How are you?
01:25 Good to see you.
01:26 Thank you for coming on this walk.
01:28 You know, I was looking at this recipe, this book, you know, I've already made two dishes from it.
01:34 Of course, I made the barbecued thighs, and I also, as a side, did the homemade potato chips.
01:42 So, let me tell you, the homemade potato chips came out really good.
01:44 Really?
01:45 Yeah, what I did was I had some of that barbecue rub that I got from Bucky's.
01:51 Yeah.
01:52 And I threw it on there, and it tastes just like a bag of barbecue potato chips.
01:56 Amazing. I'm so glad you did that.
01:59 And I love barbecue potato chips.
02:01 Yeah. I mean, who doesn't?
02:03 I mean, it came out really good.
02:05 Oh, good. Well, thank you.
02:07 And I did the thighs. I didn't have much time, so I had to do it inside.
02:13 I couldn't go out to the grill. I don't have a smoker.
02:16 Now, what is the difference between smoking and barbecuing?
02:20 Well, so, barbecuing, it means slow-cooked.
02:26 So, smoking is barbecuing.
02:30 Grilling is like hot, direct heat, fire, on the meat, like directly.
02:38 And the smoker is like you cook for like hours upon hours.
02:46 Yeah, smoker you cook like hours upon hours.
02:50 Yeah. Lots of... are they here for you?
02:54 I don't know. It looks like there's... I saw some people with cap and gowns, so there might be some sort of graduation going on.
03:00 Oh, nice. Should we crash it?
03:04 Maybe, maybe.
03:06 Now, of course, your first book was The Chili.
03:11 That's right.
03:12 And now you came out with the Seriously Good Barbecue Cookbook.
03:15 Yeah.
03:16 Now, how did you assemble these recipes?
03:18 Some of them are mine. So, chili... well, the reference to me and chili is pretty obvious.
03:25 Of course, the meme. I have my own meme.
03:28 Yes, yes.
03:29 A couple years ago, I tried to make barbecue ribs on the grill at my apartment.
03:33 Okay.
03:34 And I didn't realize I put the temperature up too high.
03:37 Oh.
03:38 So, I put it in there and I literally cremated them.
03:43 You got low and slow, Frank. Low and slow.
03:46 Yeah, well, I just turned down the heat. I thought it would just... I thought it would be low.
03:50 I said, "Okay, I'm going to let this for 45 minutes and then I'm going to take a look."
03:53 And I came in there and it was just like ash.
03:56 Yeah, that's not... that's not... well, but now with the book, you know how to do it.
04:00 Yes.
04:01 All right. Well done.
04:03 I mean, lessons learned. That's how you cook. I mean, everyone makes mistakes.
04:08 That's right. That's part of it. The next time, it's always better than the first time.
04:12 Yes.
04:13 But this... yesterday, I actually had... the recipes I chose, the chicken thighs, came out perfect.
04:23 There we go. Doesn't that look good? That looks very nice.
04:26 Get some of our homemade chips, put them on the plate.
04:30 Time to play the Mio. Time to play the Mio.
04:39 You know, it was easy to follow, easy to work with. It was an easy recipe.
04:44 It was like one of those recipes that you could make just coming home on a Thursday night.
04:50 Right. Well, that's, you know, things can't be too complicated for me.
04:55 So making it as simple as possible is always helpful.
05:00 Do you love to cook?
05:02 A little bit. You know, I like doing it.
05:05 I do. I have my YouTube Frank Cooks. It comes out sometimes.
05:13 The recipes are a success. Sometimes they're not.
05:16 I'm a little different when I cook things. I tend to go a little aggressively.
05:22 I put a lot of seasoning on there.
05:24 Because you can't have enough seasoning, I think.
05:26 Yeah?
05:27 I mean...
05:28 Let me tell you this. Buying good meat is really, really freaking important.
05:34 Like the taste of it, yes, everybody wants some seasoning.
05:39 But if you buy high quality meat, it will taste better just as it is.
05:45 But, yep, I'm always big on seasoning.
05:49 Okay. What about sauce? Are you a sauce guy?
05:53 Not as much as a sauce guy, other than just maybe gravy from time to time.
05:57 Okay.
05:58 But, yeah, I'm more like a seasoning guy.
06:02 I like a little bit of garlic powder, lemon pepper always.
06:07 Yeah?
06:08 Accent.
06:09 Nice. Absolutely.
06:15 But, yeah, I like the dry seasonings.
06:17 Okay. Yeah. Do you like to let it sit on there for a bit?
06:22 Yeah, sometimes. I've heard that's a good key to really making the meat stick,
06:30 those spices stick, making the taste pop out.
06:34 Yeah? Almost like marinade, but with spices, right?
06:37 Yes.
06:38 Like a good rub.
06:39 Yes.
06:40 Everybody loves a good rub.
06:41 Do you think they would let you guys just do a...
06:43 Do you probably have your pets with you right now?
06:45 I did one last week. I don't know.
06:47 It got rave reviews. Maybe they would let us.
06:51 Who's graduating?
06:53 Who cares?
06:54 Who cares? That's right.
06:55 Congratulations, class of 2024.
06:59 Look at that.
07:02 Blue and white.
07:04 Seems like a Wednesday morning is kind of an odd time for a graduation.
07:09 I am going to say that.
07:12 Well, 24 years ago, I graduated on a Monday morning.
07:15 You did?
07:16 Yeah.
07:17 From where?
07:18 Montclair State University.
07:19 Nice.
07:23 How are you feeling about your Mets this year?
07:26 Not good.
07:27 No?
07:28 Not good. They're not a good team.
07:30 They're not a good team.
07:32 I mean, I knew it was going to be a bad year,
07:35 but I think they're going to even be worse than I thought.
07:40 I mean, Francisco Lindor, this is a guy who every year gets off to slow starts,
07:47 and it seems like when the Mets are out of it and the pressure's off,
07:52 that's when he steps up.
07:54 He puts up the most fugazi good numbers.
07:57 Yeah.
07:58 Right now he's batting well under 200.
08:02 And for a guy that makes $30 million,
08:06 you can't have bad start year after year after year.
08:10 Yeah.
08:12 Well, you know, I wore this hat for you.
08:14 I'm not a Jets fan.
08:15 Jets rhymes with Mets.
08:17 Yeah, well--
08:18 Jets rhymes with Mets.
08:19 I know it does.
08:20 Well, I'm a Dolphins fan.
08:21 I know that.
08:22 My brain would be scrambled if I was a Jets fan.
08:25 I'm already ready for the padded room with the Mets.
08:31 I mean, could you imagine being a Jets fan?
08:33 I mean, just think about this.
08:36 It's almost like Kevin with the chili what happened at Jets last year.
08:41 The ceremonies, fireworks going off,
08:44 and then Aaron Rodgers comes running out.
08:47 Everyone thinks it's going to be the greatest thing
08:49 and then three plays in, out for the season.
08:53 Yeah, I was there.
08:55 I was there.
08:56 It was the worst thing in sports I've ever witnessed.
09:00 How are your Dolphins going to be?
09:02 I hope that they're good.
09:05 Their injuries last year really just took them down.
09:10 They had to go play in 30 degree below zero temperatures in Kansas City.
09:15 Yeah.
09:16 I mean, I know they had the ice bowl.
09:22 They played that during daylight.
09:24 It's insane to me that they played a prime time game at 8 o'clock
09:30 when temperatures are 30 below zero.
09:32 Yeah.
09:33 Are you still a little bitter about that?
09:35 I am bitter.
09:36 Yeah.
09:37 All right.
09:38 I had to watch Taylor Swift dance in my face.
09:42 I mean, it's not a terrible thing.
09:44 Well, oh, it's FIT graduating here.
09:48 That's the Fashion Institute, right?
09:50 Yes, I know.
09:51 Do you think--what would you talk about, Frank,
09:55 if they said you're doing the commencement address today,
09:58 what would you say?
10:00 I say out there, never give up your dreams.
10:04 Go out there and build a new fashion world.
10:08 You've here worked hard to get into fashion,
10:13 and you know you want to set the new trend.
10:15 You want everyone wearing what you want.
10:18 You want to be--you don't want to be the ones that make clothing that's too expensive.
10:25 Be the ones that the everyman can get.
10:28 Accessible.
10:29 Accessible.
10:30 And if you remain accessible, you'll be even more successful
10:33 because more people will know you and more people will wear you.
10:36 I think that's not bad advice.
10:38 I think I would make the bad decision to try to give fashion advice myself.
10:42 [laughs]
10:45 I just throw on a jersey and some shorts during the summer.
10:48 That's how I dress.
10:49 That's it?
10:50 Yep.
10:51 All right.
10:52 And the other months, I wear a jersey and jeans.
10:56 You're a jersey guy.
10:58 Yes.
10:59 I know that about you.
11:00 I'm not a jersey guy.
11:02 Yes.
11:03 I have a whole closet full of just classic jerseys, current jerseys.
11:08 You know, this Thanksgiving, that's a big food holiday, of course.
11:13 Yes.
11:15 Great time to break out the barbecue or the grill.
11:18 Yes.
11:19 I've always loved the nice roasted turkey, of course.
11:22 Yes.
11:23 What about smoked?
11:24 Smoked turkey?
11:25 I've never done that.
11:26 I've never had a smoker.
11:27 Okay.
11:28 So smokers aren't a big thing in Jersey,
11:31 especially if you live near Belleville.
11:37 Come here.
11:38 Hi.
11:39 Hi.
11:40 Just say hi.
11:41 Congratulations.
11:42 Thank you.
11:43 Can we get some fashion advice?
11:44 You're from FIT, right?
11:45 Yes, I'm from FIT.
11:46 Hi.
11:47 Can you give both of us some fashion advice?
11:49 You don't need any fashion advice.
11:51 You guys look great.
11:52 Okay, perfect.
11:53 Thank you.
11:54 Dress like Kevin every day, and then we're good.
11:55 All right.
11:56 Thank you.
11:57 Thanks so much.
11:58 Congratulations.
11:59 Thank you.
12:00 I'm going to go get my hat.
12:01 Yeah, you can do it real quick.
12:02 Yeah.
12:03 Frank, get in.
12:04 Ryan, Frank, you got any advice?
12:05 There you go.
12:06 Any wisdom?
12:07 Yeah, any say for some?
12:08 He just had some.
12:09 Yeah.
12:10 Which is make your fashion accessible.
12:11 Yes, to the average everyday person.
12:13 For sure.
12:14 And more people will wear it you want, and you'll get more known.
12:19 And just think, all these companies that come out there that you could go buy at Walmart
12:24 or anything, they see your label there.
12:26 And then that builds your trust, and that's how you make it in the fashion world.
12:29 For sure.
12:30 Awesome.
12:31 Thank you.
12:32 That's it.
12:33 I say follow your dreams.
12:34 Actually, I stole that from him, too.
12:35 So anyway, congratulations.
12:36 Congratulations.
12:37 Way to go.
12:38 Thanks, guys.
12:39 Thanks, guys.
12:40 But you know, this year on Thanksgiving, the PM game is at Lambeau Field this year.
12:51 I know it.
12:52 And the Dolphins are coming up there.
12:54 I'm hoping that that weekend, Wisconsin has record-breaking heat.
13:01 We have a 52-degree kickoff at 8 p.m.
13:07 The tundra is not frozen.
13:10 That people are able to relax.
13:14 I hope we get a nice 65-degree day in the sun that day.
13:18 Yeah.
13:19 Nice and warm.
13:20 Let's set a record for warmest day, Thanksgiving day in Green Bay history.
13:25 You know, I will take the under 65 degrees.
13:30 I will take the under, Frank.
13:32 Me, too, but I'm just hoping that somehow -- I hope there's no blizzards.
13:36 I hope the tundra's not frozen.
13:38 Are you going to go?
13:39 I don't think I'm going to go to that one.
13:41 No?
13:42 No, I always had to cook my turkey on Thanksgiving.
13:45 That's true.
13:46 Have you been to Lambeau Field?
13:47 I did a tour of the air last year.
13:49 Okay, but not for a game.
13:50 No.
13:51 Okay.
13:52 It's a spot you should go to.
13:54 Yeah, I know.
13:55 I know.
13:56 I'm doing a ballpark tour for baseball.
13:58 Maybe football will be next.
14:00 Are you doing all of them?
14:01 Yes.
14:02 Okay.
14:03 Favorite so far.
14:04 Don't be biased.
14:05 Well, I've done four so far for the tour.
14:08 Okay.
14:09 But of all the ballparks I've been to so far, I like PNC Park in Pittsburgh.
14:14 That's a great one.
14:16 Actually, I did.
14:17 For real, I did.
14:18 I shot something there.
14:19 I thought that with the city in the background.
14:22 That river walk.
14:24 The river walk behind the bleachers is incredible.
14:28 Really cool.
14:30 I agree with you there.
14:31 But what about Dodger Stadium?
14:33 I have never been to Dodger Stadium.
14:34 Really?
14:35 Right.
14:36 Frank, you'll go as my guest.
14:38 All right?
14:39 We'll go.
14:40 It's an unbelievable place.
14:42 Yeah, I got to hit Dodger Stadium.
14:45 I've only been to Los Angeles once.
14:47 Okay.
14:48 It was in January.
14:49 Well, thank you.
14:50 Thank you.
14:51 What do you think of Fenway?
14:57 Fenway, I think it's a little cramped.
15:01 Yeah.
15:02 But very classic.
15:05 I actually was to Fenway the first time when I was seven years old in 1983.
15:10 I thought it looked like a factory.
15:12 I don't remember that much from the game.
15:14 I remember it was kind of a slug fest.
15:17 Okay.
15:18 And I was in the center field bleachers.
15:20 And I remember every time a ball went up on a green monster,
15:23 someone would try to climb up there and get the ball.
15:26 Yeah.
15:27 This was before they had the monster seats.
15:28 Right, right, right, right, right.
15:29 Oh, right.
15:30 Collier Skrimsky was still playing.
15:32 That's how long ago it was.
15:34 Oh, wow.
15:36 I think what they've done, I don't know when the last time you were there,
15:38 and I don't know how new it is, but I think they call it Yawkey Way.
15:42 Yeah.
15:43 Isn't that right?
15:44 Like right outside.
15:45 It's not Yawkey Way anymore.
15:46 It's not?
15:47 Nope.
15:48 I forgot what they call it now,
15:50 but they got rid of Yawkey's name because of Tom Yawkey's unfortunate past.
15:58 Ah, okay.
15:59 Got it.
16:00 Yeah.
16:01 Apologize.
16:02 I think it's called--it might even be called like Jersey Street or something like that.
16:05 Okay.
16:06 But, yeah, they removed Yawkey's name from outside of Fenway.
16:10 There's a horse crossing.
16:12 We've got to always stop for the horses.
16:17 Wrigley?
16:18 Yeah, I've been to Wrigley a couple times.
16:19 I've been to Wrigley for a day game.
16:21 I've been to Wrigley for a night game.
16:22 Okay.
16:23 And when I was out there for a night game, it was April and 31 degrees,
16:27 and there was intermittent snow, sours.
16:30 Wow.
16:32 That's a cool spot.
16:34 Yes, it is.
16:38 The day game I went to was the day before they traded everyone.
16:41 It was like the day before the trade deadline,
16:43 and the guy who plays the music at Wrigley Field kind of did the cops dirty.
16:50 Okay.
16:51 Because in the eighth inning, they played separate ways by journey,
16:54 and the next day they traded Baez, Rizzo.
17:00 Actually, Rizzo got traded as the game was ending.
17:02 Oh, no.
17:04 And Chris Bryant were all traded that day,
17:07 and they're playing separate ways by journey.
17:10 Well, I've got to ask you, who's going to have a better season,
17:15 the Jets or the Dolphins?
17:18 I think the Dolphins will.
17:19 Okay.
17:20 Because the Jets are the Jets.
17:22 They always find a way to jet it up.
17:26 I mean, I don't need your coach as a very good head coach, number one.
17:33 Number two is I remember when Dan Marino came back from his Achilles injury.
17:39 I know it was 30 years ago, but Dan Marino was 10 years younger also,
17:43 and he never was the same player again.
17:46 I think lots have happened in the world of medicine, Frank.
17:50 I think he's going to be all right.
17:51 But he's still 41 years old.
17:54 Who--what's your prognostication on the Packers?
18:02 Packers, I think, are going to be okay.
18:04 I think they did a lot better than I expect.
18:06 Jordan Love had a very good year.
18:07 They should have beat the Niners.
18:09 Yeah.
18:10 They should have beat the Niners.
18:11 They should have beat them.
18:12 The Niners got basically fortunate.
18:15 I think the Lions right now are ready to have a good maybe two,
18:20 three-year run in that division.
18:22 The Bears should be vastly improved.
18:25 You think?
18:26 Yeah.
18:27 Okay.
18:31 And the Vikings, I think that ship's on fire.
18:36 Yeah.
18:38 I think the Vikings are going to be pretty bad.
18:40 Going to be in last?
18:41 Yeah.
18:42 Okay.
18:43 All right.
18:44 I'll check in with you as the season goes on.
18:46 But, yeah, I really like this book, though.
18:48 I like all the different recipes.
18:50 What's your favorite recipe in here?
18:53 My favorite recipe is probably my grilled chicken recipe
18:59 with some whipped garlic sauce that I've got in there.
19:02 It's something that I make literally once a week.
19:05 Out on the grill.
19:07 And so I offered a few tips for people to keep the chicken breast moist and not dry.
19:17 Always want moist over dry.
19:20 And the book is Seriously Good Barbecue, going with the Seriously Good Chili.
19:26 And, you know, thank you for taking this walk, you know.
19:30 And I look forward to making more recipes out of this.
19:33 Thanks, Frank.
19:34 Appreciate it.
19:35 It's very, very nice to spend some time with you.
19:37 Thanks again.
19:38 Yeah.
19:39 (upbeat music)
19:41 (upbeat music)
