NAYZ Bagi Dividen Rp306 Juta

  • 5 months ago
Emiten produsen makanan bayi, PT Hassana Boga Sejahtera Tbk (NAYZ) bakal membagikan dividen tunai sebesar Rp306 juta untuk tahun buku 2023. Keputusan ini telah disetujui dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) yang digelar Kamis (30/5/2024).

Direktur Utama NAYZ Teuku Chairul Wisal mengatakan, perseroan mencatatkan peningkatan pendapatan sebesar 13,6% pada tahun 2023 sebesar Rp48 miliar. Padahal, tahun sebelumnya tercatat sebesar Rp42,23 miliar.


00:00 The food producer of baby food, PT Hasanah Bogas Jatra TBK, will divide the cash dividend to 306 million rupiah.
00:07 The NAYZ stock exchange's emittance record is 13.6% in 2023, which is 48 billion rupiah.
00:22 PT Hasanah Bogas Jatra TBK or NAYZ will divide the cash dividend to 306 million rupiah for the year 2023.
00:30 This decision has been approved by the annual stock holding committee.
00:34 The company's management said that NAYZ recorded an increase in income of 13.6% in 2023, which is 48 billion rupiah.
00:43 Whereas the previous year, it was recorded as 42.23 billion rupiah.
00:48 This is because of the increase in the cost of the stock exchange's operations.
00:53 The optimistic side is to continue to fulfill the commitment and stimulate the work in 2024.
00:59 The high household consumption in the country makes NAYZ able to identify opportunities to continue to develop in the future.
01:06 This is still strengthened by various improvements in the stock exchange's business foundation,
01:10 related to the innovation of marketing activities and the integration of operational activities,
01:13 in order to increase efficiency and efficiency.
01:17 In 2023, the position of the market in the baby food industry is still below 1%,
01:22 from the national market force which is recorded as a total of 13.6 trillion rupiah.
01:27 For more information, please visit our website.
01:29 For more information, please visit our website.
01:34 For more information, please visit our website.
