• last year
▌热点 X 八点最热报 ▌马来西亚的柴油走私活动一直非常猖獗,平均每天约300万令吉的柴油走私到国外,有集团就是靠着这种门路发大财!

如今的 “针对性补贴”,将能更好地监控走私问题,为政府拿回从国库白白流失的钱?

完整影片 https://bit.ly/44YtYut

#汽油津贴 #柴油津贴 #合理化津贴 #八点最热报
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00 In the past 5 years, our oil tank capacity has increased by 5%
00:05 but our oil reserve has increased by 400 times
00:08 So where did the 400 times go?
00:10 It must have been lost
00:11 So in this situation, I don't think anyone will object to saying
00:14 We need to rebuild the oil reserve
00:18 Not just to do it, but to do it as soon as possible
00:22 Because only by doing it as soon as possible
00:25 can we be able to live up to the financial philosophy of this country
00:28 Because we are actually bleeding
00:30 And this blood is white
00:32 Because the gold coins were lost or lost
00:35 to the non-target group
00:38 From another perspective, we can also effectively use our oil reserve
00:43 The remaining 400 million
00:45 We can provide more targeted
00:48 to those who need B40 and M40
00:53 So in the future
00:55 The SDR developed by the government will reach 1 billion
00:59 The income population is 9 million
01:03 That is to say, about 60% of the Malaysian population
01:06 can get government subsidies
01:09 (electronic music)
01:12 you
