柴油针对性补贴 | 津贴变鸦片改革势在必行 提升人民收入是硬道理?

  • 4 months ago
▌热点 X 八点最热报 ▌削减津贴,民众内心最不满的,始终是省下的钱,到底用在哪里?政府应该做的是……

完整影片 https://bit.ly/44YtYut

#汽油津贴 #柴油津贴 #合理化津贴 #八点最热报
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00I think the people are not happy about
00:03where the money is going to be spent
00:06This is what the people are really dissatisfied with
00:09So the government also wants to show that
00:12while reducing these subsidies
00:14it is also trying to reduce the cost of transportation
00:18government spending
00:19In short, reducing the number of cars
00:21This is a way to make people happy
00:25We have been watching over the people for a long time
00:27Basically, the people seem to be used to it
00:30It seems to become a toothpaste
00:31Without this toothpaste, it seems to be no good
00:34But we can't cancel these subsidies right away
00:39In the long run, what we have to do is
00:41find a way to improve the income of the people
00:46So in order to improve the income of the people
00:48so that I can gradually reduce the subsidies and subsidies
