海水升温致水母集体搁浅 这波热天气就快迎来转机?

  • 6 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌沙巴瓜拉班尤发生“水母大军”搁浅事件,将海边“染红” ……


主持 | @celes 美伶

#沙巴 #瓜拉班尤 #热天气 #水母 #搁浅
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00 The weather has been hot and humid recently.
00:02 Even the jellyfish seem to be unable to resist
00:04 to come ashore to find out the truth.
00:06 The jellyfish are in groups and are stacked in piles.
00:08 The red jellyfish are piled up in piles
00:10 and float in the water.
00:12 At first glance, it looks like red tomatoes are all over the beach.
00:15 Those who have acute phobia
00:17 will be terrified after seeing this.
00:19 This scene appeared on the beach
00:21 of Guala Banyu on the west coast of Sabah these days.
00:22 And the reason is because the weather is too hot.
00:25 Is it too hot?
00:27 No, it's not.
00:28 Hey, don't touch me.
00:30 The rare jellyfish are in groups and are lying flat on the beach of Guala Banyu.
00:34 No, it's because of the phenomenon of sloth.
00:36 It has already attracted the attention of the authorities.
00:37 According to the research report of the Sabah Fish and Wildlife Bureau,
00:39 the large number of jellyfish on the beach
00:42 is due to the high water temperature of the sea
00:43 which causes the high quality of jellyfish.
00:45 In addition, if the tide of the sea rises and the tide of the sea retreats too quickly,
00:49 the jellyfish will be sloth on the beach.
00:51 It has been established that the species of these jellyfish is tomato jellyfish.
00:54 That's why it has a red color like a tomato.
00:58 The director of the Marine Research Institute of Sabah University, Purozho,
01:00 Zhuang Huihui pointed out that
01:01 the jellyfish in front of the sea can only live for one day at most.
01:04 But even if the jellyfish dies,
01:05 its venom will still be released.
01:08 So, it is advised that people do not go near and touch it
01:10 because the jellyfish will still cover people.
01:12 It may irritate the skin and cause discomfort.
01:16 The anti-sloth warns people not to swim in the sea
01:19 but also not to worry about the appearance of this kind of jellyfish.
01:22 Because they die easily,
01:23 although it will leave a discomforting smell,
01:25 the taste will disappear after a day or two.
01:27 In fact, the hot weather is not only in Sabah.
01:30 The northwestern part of the peninsula and the north and central part of the West Sea have recently become a big grill.
01:34 The Pengheng River has also been burnt dry.
01:37 The Emperor of Pengheng, Sultan Abdullah, specially took a helicopter
01:40 to inspect the situation of the Pengheng River from the sky.
01:42 But I think the emperor also loves to do what he can do.
01:46 What everyone can do
01:47 may be like these clothes.
01:49 It's so hot that you can only sigh.
01:52 But the situation may improve soon.
01:55 The Damascus Meteorological Bureau predicts
01:56 that due to the transitional period of domestic climate change,
01:58 it is expected to fall at the end of this month or early April.
02:00 It will rain a lot at that time.
02:02 It should be able to return to the current hot and dry weather.
02:05 It's so hot recently.
02:06 What tips do you have?
02:08 Remember to replenish yourself with water to avoid heat stroke.
02:11 If you like this video,
02:12 please like and share.
02:14 Remember to follow Reddit and Hotspot
02:16 to follow more hot topics.
02:18 (electronic music)
02:21 you
