Latest news bulletin | May 28th – Evening

  • 4 months ago
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.


00:00 Joseph Borrell said European foreign affairs ministers gave their green light
00:05 to reactivate an EU border mission at Rafa. On a state visit to Germany, French
00:12 President Emmanuel Macron told a crowd in Dresden that voters should wake up to
00:16 fight the rise of far-right parties across Europe. European foreign affairs
00:24 ministers gave their green light to reactivate an EU border mission at Rafa.
00:29 High representative of the EU for foreign affairs Joseph Borrell said
00:33 Israel faced new condemnation over strikes on Rafa that local health
00:38 officials say killed at least 45 Palestinians. I proposed to the ministers
00:43 they gave me green light, the political green light to reactivate EU BAM, our
00:48 mission, control border mission in Rafa which has been sleeping for years, not
00:54 active. This could play a useful role in supporting the entry of people into Gaza
01:02 and in and out. Italian defense minister Guido Croseto said that such strikes
01:07 will have long-standing repercussions. Israel is spreading hatred, he said. He
01:13 also added that he would have acted differently. Turkish President Erdogan
01:18 condemned the deadly strikes on Rafa over the weekend. The Turkish leader has
01:23 stepped up his criticism of Israel following its military offensive at Gaza
01:27 accusing it of carrying out war crimes and genocide, something Israel denies.
01:34 Spain will recognize Palestine as a state. The Spanish Prime Minister Pedro
01:41 Sanchez trumpeted from the Prime Minister's Palace in Madrid. Cabinet
01:45 ministers will vote on approving the quote historic recognition on Tuesday.
01:49 With this decision Spain joins the more than 140 countries that already
01:55 recognize Palestine. This is a historic decision that has a single goal, to
02:02 contribute to achieving peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The
02:06 recognition of Palestine is not against anyone, least of all Israel, a friendly
02:12 nation that Spain values and holds in high regard and with whom we aim to
02:17 foster the strongest possible relationship. Sanchez said the decision
02:21 is harmonious with global values. Our position is aligned with the UN Security
02:26 Council resolutions 242 and 338 and with the position of the European Union. No
02:33 major Western power has recognized the Palestinian state. The state of Palestine
02:40 must be viable with the West Bank and Gaza connected by a corridor and with
02:45 East Jerusalem as its capital and must be unified under the legitimate
02:50 government of the Palestine National Authority. Norway and Ireland announced
02:55 they would also recognize sovereignty. Poland has unveiled a massive plan to
03:04 bolster its military defense capabilities. Together with NATO the
03:09 country is going to beef up anti-drone surveillance as well as on the ground
03:13 fortifications and barriers.
03:17 The package of measures called Shield East will be rolled out along its 700
03:42 kilometer border with Russia and Belarus and is expected to be enforced by 2028.
03:48 Poland's defense minister stressed it's going to be the biggest program to
03:53 strengthen NATO's eastern flank since 1945. The system is expected to cost over
04:00 2 billion euros and is part of a joint regional defense infrastructure with the
04:06 Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Poland, one of the most vocal
04:11 countries against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, says it's been targeted with
04:16 hostile actions by Moscow and Minsk. Authorities claim that includes cyber
04:22 attacks, attempted arson and migrants being pushed illegally across the border.
04:27 An attempt, they say, to destabilize the EU through one of its members.
04:37 NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has urged members to reconsider limits
04:43 on sending certain weapons to Ukraine. He told reporters in Bulgaria at the NATO
04:49 Parliamentary Assembly that Russia's attack on Ukraine violates international
04:54 law and that Ukraine has the right to defend itself. "I think the time has
05:00 come to consider some of these restrictions and some allies have lifted
05:06 restrictions, other allies have not. My message is that I think we should now
05:12 consider those restrictions because by having too many restrictions we are
05:17 trying one hand of the Ukrainian armed forces on their back because they're not
05:23 they're reducing their capability to defend themselves." The issue of sending
05:28 some military support to Ukraine as it battles the Russian invasion is
05:33 controversial. Some states are reluctant to provide Kiev with longer-range more
05:38 powerful arms that could strike targets deep inside Russia as they fear this
05:43 could escalate tensions and risk dragging Europe into a wider war. Others
05:49 say however that Ukraine needs all the firepower it can get to fend off a larger
05:54 better armed and resourced opponent. On the second day of a state visit to
06:02 Germany French President Emmanuel Macron told a crowd in Dresden that voters and
06:07 leaders should wake up to fight the rise of far-right parties across Europe.
06:15 "Let's look around us at the fascination for authoritarian regimes. Let's look at
06:21 Europe, the illiberal moment we are living in, where many look and say
06:27 "In the end, a few kilometres from here, let's take the money from Europe but
06:38 forget the independence of the judges. Let's take the money from Europe but
06:42 forget the freedom of the press. Let's take the money from Europe but forget the
06:47 diversity of culture. Let's take the money from Europe but forget the autonomy of
06:53 universities and academic freedom."
06:56 "Fenix has become a city of history."
07:01 "And everywhere in our democracies, these ideas thrive, pushed by the extremes and
07:08 in particular the far-right. This bad wind in Europe is a reality. So let's wake up."
07:14 Left-wing politician Zara Wagenknecht splintered off from the German Die
07:26 Linke party last year to form her own party. The Zara Wagenknecht Alliance,
07:31 Reason and Justice, BSW, vows to stop weapon deliveries into Ukraine and could
07:36 promise to split the AfD vote, potentially winning certain seats in the EU election.
07:42 "We stand for economic reason, social justice, peace and freedom of expression.
07:47 These are the four major issues we have formulated for the Federal Republic in
07:51 our manifesto. And that is what we want in Europe."
07:55 "That is why we, as the Zara Wagenknecht Alliance, demand that the
07:58 shares of politicians must be made public, dear friends."
08:03 Wagenknecht's strategy of promising higher taxes on large companies and
08:07 wealthier people seems to be working as the newly formed party won its first
08:11 victory in local Thuringia elections, the very first election it's run in.
08:16 "I don't know if we will elect her, but many things that Zara Wagenknecht says are
08:22 so, unfortunately. And because politics has failed so carelessly in the past years,
08:33 that is why there is this party, AfD."
08:35 "I am completely in her opinion and I am happy that there is finally an alternative
08:40 to official politics, which is very different from, for example, so supposedly
08:48 highly privileged nationalists. She is very, very sensible, very smart,
08:54 economically oriented."
08:56 BSW could become the top left-wing force in the EU Parliament, seeking to form a
09:00 new bloc. Yet this could spell trouble for Die Linke due to BSW's strict
09:04 immigration policies and could impede any merger efforts.
09:08 The Zara Wagenknecht party marries socialist economic policies with
09:13 conservative attitudes towards immigration. But will this be enough to
09:17 steer the voters away from populist authoritarian parties in the EU
09:21 elections next month? Liv Stroud in Hamburg for Euronews.
09:24 Dairy farmers have gathered in Brussels to call for a fair income. They first and
09:33 foremost want an EU-wide regulation to prohibit selling milk at prices that do
09:37 not cover the production costs. As Karshan Poulsen from the European
09:42 Milk Board explains, a litre of milk is sold on average at around 40 cents in
09:46 Europe, while production costs around 50 cents.
09:50 "We have been looking at the Spanish law that they have done in the UTP, where
09:58 it's forbidden to sell products below cost of production in all parts of the
10:04 chain. So from farmer to, if it's milk we're talking about, from farmer or milk
10:09 producer to the dairy, from dairy to retail."
10:12 In some countries like Italy, the gap between production costs and selling
10:18 price is even bigger.
10:21 "The average need of an Italian company is around 60-65 cents per litre.
10:30 Currently, on average, Italian producers make 50 cents. We still have a
10:35 scissor of 15 cents."
10:36 Dairy farmers also ask to be more involved in the drafting of the Green
10:43 Deals measures for the agricultural sector.
10:47 "The demonstration started in Brussels to reach the Berlin Palace, the headquarters
10:52 of the European Commission. The dairy producers have already had talks with
10:57 the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, and now
11:00 they want to put pressure on the institutions in view of the vote of the
11:04 European elections."
11:05 Residents in northern Armenia start assessing the damage after being hit by
11:14 the heaviest flooding in decades, as Russia sends troops to help tackle the
11:19 flooding, according to a post on the Telegram app.
11:22 At least four people have died and entire towns have been cut off following
11:28 the collapse of bridges and flooded highways caused by heavy rain overflowing
11:34 multiple rivers.
11:39 While people were forced to flee their homes, the flooding caused
11:43 disruption along Armenia's main border crossing with Georgia.
