Pemerintah Terbitkan Kebijakan DHE Baru

  • 4 months ago
Asosiasi Pertambangan Batu Bara Indonesia (APBI) menyatakan, cukup mengapresiasi kebijakan insentif devisa hasil ekspor atau DHE yang telah dikeluarkan pemerintah. Namun di tengah kondisi harga mineral yang masih tertekan saat ini, tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para pelaku usaha pertambangan dalam mengelola cash flow.


00:00 Meanwhile, the chairman of the Indonesian Coal Association or API stated
00:04 that it is enough to appreciate the policy of export deficit incentive
00:08 or DHE that has been issued by the government.
00:11 However, in the midst of the current pressured mineral price condition,
00:14 it is certainly a challenge for mining business owners in managing cash flow.
00:19 Endra Sinadia, former director-executive of API,
00:24 who was just promoted to be the director-executive of the Indonesia Mining Association
00:29 or IMA stated that mining business owners admit that they will follow the government's rules
00:35 regarding the new DHE policy.
00:37 For that, Endra hopes that the government can again encourage business owners
00:42 to convert foreign currency into rupiah by accelerating the value increase again.
00:49 So that the government can be more optimal in strengthening the role of rupiah at the moment
00:53 in the midst of geopolitical and economic issues in the country.
00:58 This incentive can give a little relief.
01:02 But of course, what I said earlier that this DHE rule
01:07 of course has an impact on companies in managing cash flow.
01:12 Especially the coal companies in this matter, which also in the time that may not be long
01:18 if the government applies the coal compensation funds
01:22 through the scheme of the Coal Institution Cooperation Agency
01:25 which regulates the mechanism of the coal compensation funds
01:29 this can certainly give pressure.
01:33 Endra's Report
