Spain to recognise Palestinian state in 'historic' decision

  • 4 months ago
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said the European country is pursuing "peace, security and prosperity" in the Middle East.


00:00 Spain will recognize Palestine as a state.
00:04 The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, trumpeted from the Prime Minister's Palace in Madrid.
00:09 Cabinet ministers will vote on approving the "historic recognition" on Tuesday.
00:14 With this decision, Spain joins the more than 140 countries that already recognize Palestine.
00:21 This is a historic decision that has a single goal, to contribute to achieving peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
00:31 The recognition of Palestine is not against anyone, least of all Israel,
00:36 a friendly nation that Spain values and holds in high regard and with whom we aim to foster the strongest possible relationship.
00:44 Sanchez said the decision is harmonious with global values.
00:48 Our position is aligned with the UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and with the position of the European Union.
00:57 No major Western power has recognized the Palestinian state.
01:02 The state of Palestine must be viable, with the West Bank and Gaza connected by a corridor,
01:09 and with East Jerusalem as its capital, and must be unified under the legitimate government of the Palestine National Authority.
01:18 Norway and Ireland announced they would also recognize sovereignty.
01:22 [WHOOSH]
