• last year
Kuruluş Osman 162 Bölüm HD
Kuruluş Osman 163 Bölüm HD
Kuruluş Osman 162 Bölüm HD
00:01:45He was
00:01:48Yarn at me is a job obvious
00:01:51And I'm a cool
00:01:53Honey, but you're gonna catch my kitchen. Yeah, I'm gonna get buraya
00:01:58Needed a room
00:02:00Archimedes a bitch said
00:02:03Bench a little handicap, please
00:02:06Each in an early movie lavasa
00:02:10Yannick is hayatımız incinin ölümü üzerine kurdu
00:02:19Evet çok büyük kutlar yaşadık acılar ama ne olmak gerekiyorsa öyle oldu
00:02:27Bizi bir yere getiren hayat
00:02:33Misal işte kaderin
00:02:36Keşke dediği hiçbir şey olmadı
00:02:39Mesela mercan
00:02:47Amile bile olmayabilirdi
00:02:50Birbirimizi sevmezlik belgesiz olmazlık
00:02:56Bunların hepsi bedeli incim oldu ya hayat sade beden ödül üzerine kurulu basit bir şey değil
00:03:04Eski elemek etkisi
00:03:06Biz en iyi versiyonumuzu yaşıyoruz
00:03:10Gönlüm kaderimizden de kaçıyoruz
00:03:15Acabalar keşkeler hep yora sevgilim
00:03:20İnan bana her şey olması gerektiği
00:03:27Kader isyan etmeyi uzun zaman önce bıraktım onlarca keşke başlayan cümle
00:03:34ihtimaller sarılıp içinde bulmalar
00:03:38Geçmişte kavga
00:03:41Hepsine af ile evrende her şey kendi dengesinde ve yerli yerinde olması gerektiği gibiydiler
00:03:49Bu mükemmel ahengilinde sadece bir toz zerresi olarak salınır insan
00:03:56Ben yapmadım baba
00:03:58Her ailenin bir delisi vardır
00:04:00Her alimden bir salim doğar
00:04:02Bir avukata ihtiyacım var
00:04:04Ilgaz bir avukat tut
00:04:57İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:04:59İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:01İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:18İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:20İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:22İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:26İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:28İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:30İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:32İyiki doğdun Ceylin
00:05:34İyiki doğdun
00:05:36Hadi öpücük
00:05:40Doğum günün kutlu olsun
00:05:42Ya sizi var ya desiniz
00:05:44Hadi hadi tamam
00:05:46Pazide yiyeceğiz mi ya
00:05:48Hadi bu kız bilmiyor
00:05:50Sen bir avukat olarak
00:05:54Savcı gelsin de öyle girişin
00:05:56Tabi amirim
00:05:57Göksu canlı başlasın ama dimi amirim
00:05:59Canlı başlasın canım
00:06:00Hadi seyirim Göksu
00:06:01Arkadaşlar parmak uzu alalım
00:06:06Hoşgeldiniz Savcım
00:06:08Kolay gelsin
00:06:09Sağolun Savcım
00:06:10Nedir durum
00:06:12Şu kağıt toplayıcı arkadaş konteynerde bulmuş
00:06:14İçinden er diye çekip çıkartmış
00:06:16İfadeleri alınsın en komiser
00:06:18Etraftaki ağlardan da görgü tanığı var mır olsun
00:06:21Anlaşıldı Savcım
00:06:23Ben arada görüntüler varsa toplasınlar diye ekipleri yönlendirdim
00:06:26Ama hiçbir yerde mobes falan yok Savcım
00:06:39Kolay gelsin Anıl
00:06:40Sağolun Sağolun
00:06:42Aç bakalım
00:06:59Yüzünden vurulmuş Savcım ateşli silahlı
00:07:12Savcım geldi
00:07:36Dedim sana çataldı Allah'ın şu rezilliği bak
00:07:41Söyledim ya ben ama adam koymuş içine yani ne yapayım
00:07:45Hem çatalla mı doğdun
00:07:47Evet çatalla doğdum
00:07:49Senin gibi gümüş çatallara doğmamış olabiliriz ama bizimde fena değil yani
00:07:53Bir zamanlar
00:07:54Ay tamam
00:07:57Tamam prodüksiyon biraz zayıftı ama sürpriz güzeldi teşekkür ederim
00:08:01Pasta da efsane ama
00:08:05Affetme beni
00:08:14Engin hadi toparlayalım
00:08:17Dur ben yetişmemiz gerekiyor
00:08:19Tamam bırakın ben yaparım ya
00:08:21Ne diyorsun işte tamam
00:08:22Ya bırakın
00:08:23Bak işinize
00:08:39Bak dün yaşadığımız şey korkunçtu
00:08:41Böyle aklıma geldikçe elim ayağım titriyor
00:08:45O yüzden benim seni böyle direkt affetmemi bekleme
00:08:49Ya da bu durumu yok saymama
00:08:54Ayrıca tam şuramdan hissediyorum ki hala bana anlatmadığın şeyler var
00:09:02Ne zaman sen bana kışı dürüst olursun o zaman affetmeyi konuşuruz
00:09:38Bak dünün üzerinden cep telefonu çıktı ben bunu bilişime yolluyorum
00:09:43Güzelim bak buraya
00:09:45Bilişime yollayın hızlan
00:09:47Hemen bu konteyneri silelim
00:09:50Savcım şu konteyneri burada boşaltmasınlar diyorum
00:09:53Olduğu kriminane götürelim orada baksınlar
00:09:59Oğlum bir şey mi var?
00:10:07Konuşmak ister misin?
00:10:10Konuşmak ister misin?
00:10:12Bunu konuşalım Engin
00:10:14Aa ne tesadüf
00:10:17Ya şu an şurada yamacımda olabilirdin ve birlikte dava kazanmanın tadını çıkarabilirdik ama sen hep kaybeden tarafısın be Ceylin
00:10:26Al gel çırağını dimen hukuka
00:10:28Senin bu hareketlerin bu egoistik tavrın gerçi tam ilk tatilmen tarzı
00:10:34Duruşmadan sonra görüşelim canım
00:10:40Babamın korkunç bir oğlunu söylemiş miydim?
00:10:44Bir de bana sor
00:10:57Hadi Ceylin
00:10:59Savcım emniyete geçiyoruz biz
00:11:02Geliyorum ben de
00:11:09Canım benim yaşlıya insan üzülüyor
00:11:27Yapma yapma
00:11:29Ne üzüleceğim bir yürü
00:11:31Bak işin hatırı ne zamansın
00:11:35Telefon etti mi bilin şimdi
00:11:37O yüzden önce yolladım amirim
00:11:39Oğlum ben iş sağlama bağlarım gerekirse de defa sorarım
00:11:43O görgü tarafının ifadeleri filan hepsi varsa topla gel
00:11:46Anlaşıldı amirim
00:11:53Bir konuşabilir miyiz?
00:12:07Kızın adı Buse
00:12:10Dün gece birlikteydik
00:12:16Sen gelmeyince
00:12:20Şey amirim
00:12:22Yani orası nereden ayrılınca
00:12:24Biz dedik iki bekar kafa atalım ama
00:12:27Tabii benim işim çıkınca ben gidemedim
00:12:29Onu anlatıyor
00:12:30Ben tabii gittim mekana
00:12:34Bu nasıl bir satış kardeşim ya
00:12:36Ya abi ne bileyim amirimsin gideceksin dedi olay yerine
00:12:39Abi yaralama varmış
00:12:40Bakayım belki bir satabilirsem mutlaka gelirim ya
00:12:43Geçelim bu ayakları geçelim hayat gelemez
00:12:45Kardeşim kusura bakma ne olur ya
00:12:47Vallahi bak yemin olsun çok heveslenmiştim
00:12:49Tamam tamam hadi kolay gelsin
00:13:03Bari barhamı bitireyim dedim
00:13:14Tam hesabı itecektim ki orada barda oturuyor Buse
00:13:18Birinin sarıntılık yaptığını fark ettim
00:13:22Gerçekten tanışıyoruz biz ya utanmıyor musun?
00:13:25Tanışıyorsak hatırlardım beni rahat bırakır mısın artık?
00:13:28Sen şu Taksim'deki hastanede çalışan kız değil misin?
00:13:32Bir dakika ya bir dakika ben seni çıkartacağım şimdi
00:13:36Nereden çıkartacağım?
00:13:38Ne yapıyorsun sen kalksana
00:13:40Tamam tanışmıyorsak da tanışırız ya Allah Allah
00:13:45Dert ettiğin şeye bak ya
00:13:47Sanırım artık kapmanız gerek
00:13:50Sana ne arkadaşım Allah Allah
00:13:54Ağzın bir rahatsız ilgilenir misin?
00:13:56Allah Allah çıktık ya
00:13:59Açık sana ne sana ne oluyor?
00:14:01Biz burada sohbet ediyoruz
00:14:03Ne sohbeti ya geldiniz zorlanıyorsunuz
00:14:05Kardeşim bir dakika
00:14:07Dokunma bir dakika kalmadık mı çağrında ya
00:14:14Hesap lütfen
00:14:29Teşekkür ederim
00:14:32Rica ederim ama gerek yok
00:14:35Belki bana eşlik edersin
00:14:41Ben aynı durumu demedim değil mi?
00:14:44Söz veriyorum tanışıyoruz numarası ilgileneceğim
00:14:46Sadece teşekkür
00:14:58Bir iki tane derken bayağı içmişiz
00:15:10Uzakta kadar sanırım
00:15:14Evinde bırakmamı istedi
00:15:18Zahmet oldu sana da teşekkür ederim
00:15:23Ben de validen geldim o halde kullanmayayım diye
00:15:28Sağ ol
00:15:58Evde içelim diye ısrar edinemem
00:16:13Kabul etmem
00:16:15Aynısından mı devam edelim?
00:16:29Ben bir kahve alayım
00:16:33Araba kullanacağım ayılsam iyi olur
00:16:35Kahvenin yanında ister misin?
00:16:40Yok sağ ol
00:16:42Teşekkür ederim
00:16:45Teşekkür ederim
00:16:55Kahvem olmadığı için gönüllü kahve yaptım
00:16:57Sorun değil
00:17:15Seninle tanıştığım için teşekkür ederim
00:17:39Seni aradım
00:17:47Geç oldu bir kere
00:17:49Sohbet ederdik
00:17:52Yeterince konuştuk bence
00:17:56Konuşmayız o zaman
00:18:02Bir dakika
00:18:08İkimiz de çok sağırmışız
00:18:12Sabah pişmanlık yaşamadığı yaşatmaktayız tamam
00:18:16Tamam peki
00:18:18Kim pişmanlık yaşamasın
00:18:20Sarılalım sadece
00:18:22Çok geç oldu gitme
00:18:41Uyuyakalmışım oda bende
00:18:51Sonra da uyandım
00:20:03Kaçta ayrıldı?
00:20:05Saatime hiç bakmadım gece yarısıydı herhalde
00:20:07Ortalık tenha idi
00:20:11Ev nerede kardeşim
00:20:13Bilmiyorum ki vali bıraktığı için
00:20:15Tarif etti
00:20:17Buradan sağa ordu sola
00:20:19Ortaköy'de sadece onu biliyorum
00:20:23Kötülük gelmiş
00:20:29Senin bu dosyayı bırakman lazım tamam
00:20:33Adliye geçiyorum zaten başsavcıyla konuşmaya
00:20:37Dosyayı devretmek için
00:20:39Tebin istedim
00:20:41Dosyanın yeni savcısı belli olunca
00:20:43Resmi ifademine veririm
00:20:55Tesadüfün ta içine
00:21:07Ne oldu?
00:21:09Bu kızın telefonundan kimliğini test ettik
00:21:11Bursa Hanger
00:21:13Sistemde kayıtta olan adresine bilgi yolladık ama ev boş
00:21:15Başka eski bir adres kullanıyormuş
00:21:17Ayrıca biz bilişimdekiler
00:21:19Gecik mesajlara bakınca
00:21:21Tehdit falan veriyormuş
00:21:23Ne tehditiymiş bu?
00:21:25Baya sonun kötü olur falan
00:21:27Kimden geldiği benim bu tehditlerin?
00:21:31Ceylin Ergun avukat
00:21:33Sen niye bu kadar içledin bunu?
00:21:35Tanıyorum seni
00:21:37Arkadaşım sayılır
00:21:39İyi tamam
00:21:41Usulünü bir şekilde al gel arkadaşına
00:21:43İfadesini alalım tamam hadi
00:21:49Çıksın artık şu arabaya
00:21:55Bıktım artık sıkıldım
00:21:57Öldüm bitti geberdim valla
00:21:59Kızım sallıyor işte usta
00:22:01Gelip servisi versene arabaya
00:22:03Aptal aptal tümüş mengin
00:22:05Benim servisini verecek param var
00:22:09Nereden çıktın sen ya
00:22:11Açıldıktan sonra hava bozunca
00:22:13Bir de bir arkadaşımız da hastalandı
00:22:15Dedim gideyim kızımın doğum gününde yanında olayım
00:22:17Ve bir doğum gününü beraberce donuyoruz
00:22:19Aşkım babam iyi yaptın
00:22:21Ne oldu oğlum?
00:22:23İyiyim Zafer amcası nasılsın?
00:22:25İyiyim teşekkür ederim
00:22:27Ceylin bir koşalım mı?
00:22:29Çık çık
00:22:37Valla bacım
00:22:39Sok kızım eline soğuk
00:22:41Afiyet olsun
00:22:49Ben arkadayım
00:22:51İhtiyacın olursa söylesiniz
00:22:53İyi misin?
00:22:59Bu nedir?
00:23:07Evet Gazetecim
00:23:09Bu durumda dosyayı sadece
00:23:11Etmememiz gerek
00:23:13Tamam Aşkım teşekkür ederim
00:23:19Başsavcıyım ne vereceksiniz dosyayı?
00:23:21Yok hayır
00:23:23Halkı da zaten o
00:23:25Kardeşi ve hakimenin yanında
00:23:31Bu adliyeden de birini devirtmemek
00:23:33Daha makul olacak gibi
00:23:35Ben hemen
00:23:37Aziz başsavcıyla bir görüşeyim
00:23:39Hallederiz kuşum
00:23:41Mesailer başsavcım
00:23:47Sattığını kabul etti
00:23:49Arabaya böyle almış zaten
00:23:53Allahım delireceğim inanamıyorum ya
00:23:55Nasıl böyle bir şey yapar bu kız
00:24:01Baba lütfen yapma
00:24:03Ben bir konuşayım babacım
00:24:05Sen zaten konuşacağını konuşmuşsun
00:24:07Yapacağını yapmışsın
00:24:09Bizden ben bir konuşayım
00:24:15Bir şey dinleteceğim sana
00:24:17Ne? Duyuyor musun karnım ağlıyor
00:24:19Çift kaş
00:24:21Duyuyor musun?
00:24:23Duyuyor musun?
00:24:25Duyuyor musun?
00:24:29Duyuyor musun?
00:24:31Duyuyor musun?
00:24:33Duyuyor musun?
00:24:39Çok acıktım
00:24:43Bana bir tane çift kaşarlı
00:24:45Arkadaşıma da karışık
00:24:47Ayrı içer miyiz peki?
00:24:49İçeriz be
00:24:51No problem.
00:24:54Can you take care of mine?
00:25:02I'll take care of the girls.
00:25:10How much should I hold?
00:25:11Let me see.
00:25:12Give me 35.
00:25:13Wait a minute.
00:25:21I mean, we don't have any fish for dinner.
00:25:36No, dear, it's not that kind of fish.
00:25:42We have our own.
00:25:43I'll cook it myself.
00:25:44Oh, okay, daddy.
00:25:45Come on.
00:25:46You, you come on, you come.
00:26:07Bye bye bye bye I am serious. I'll shame I have a lesson to get another little take for a take for sure
00:26:12No, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:26:19Aaron come Serangis didn't believe me. I'm Fendi. Merhaba. Ben Savcı Derya
00:26:27Merhaba say something
00:26:31I have the file about the body in the dumpster. Are you looking at it?
00:26:35That's right.
00:26:37For information, please.
00:26:39Of course, Mr. Prosecutor. If you want, I can take you to the Chief of Police's office.
00:26:51Come on, Dad. Sit down.
00:26:59What's up?
00:27:03What's going on?
00:27:05Burse Hanger
00:27:07was found in a dumpster.
00:27:09What are you talking about?
00:27:11What does it have to do with me?
00:27:13There are threatening messages on her phone.
00:27:23I'm listening, son.
00:27:25The head of the house is in trouble, Dad.
00:27:27I need your help.
00:27:29Don't do it.
00:27:31He's a trickster.
00:27:33Did he want to know?
00:27:35No, he didn't say anything.
00:27:37I called because you came to my mind.
00:27:39He said he might need your help.
00:27:41Where are you?
00:27:43Ilgassan's statement is in this direction.
00:27:45If you wish, you can keep this.
00:27:47Ilgassan's statement is in this direction.
00:27:49If you wish, you can keep this.
00:27:53Do you know where the criminal who arrested Adli is?
00:27:55Unfortunately, there is nothing.
00:27:57Is Prosecutor Ilgass here?
00:27:59That's right.
00:28:01He wants the statement to be made as soon as possible.
00:28:03How do we do that?
00:28:05Should we go to the court?
00:28:07Can we handle it here?
00:28:09It will be a little difficult when we go to court.
00:28:11We can handle it here.
00:28:13Here you go.
00:28:15Let's go.
00:28:31Prosecutor, the person who sent the message on Bursanger's phone...
00:28:33...is here with the lawyer.
00:28:39Take him to the interrogation room.
00:28:41Is the procedure complete?
00:28:45The Baron's message?
00:28:51What is the name of the prosecutor Ilgass?
00:28:53Here you go.
00:29:01Prosecutor Ilgass...
00:29:03...arrested Anzal Derya.
00:29:05Prosecutor Melih sent me the file.
00:29:07I'm glad, prosecutor.
00:29:09I think you have information about the situation.
00:29:13I'll get your statement in a minute.
00:29:15Let me talk to a lawyer first.
00:29:17By the way, you can call your lawyer if you want.
00:29:19There is no need, prosecutor.
00:29:21Don't wait.
00:29:23Let's get your statement in the interrogation room.
00:29:25Prosecutor, I think...
00:29:27...I'm the last person to see Mrs. Bursa before she died.
00:29:29In this respect, I am aware of the inaccuracy of my statement.
00:29:31If you see fit...
00:29:33...I would like to collect the statement in the interrogation room with the image record.
00:29:35As you wish.
00:29:37As you wish.
00:29:39Just listen to me, prosecutor.
00:29:43This is very difficult for me.
00:29:47It's not nice.
00:29:49Let's take care of it as soon as possible...
00:29:51...so that the clouds that fall on your face will disperse.
00:29:55Thank you. Good luck.
00:29:57Good luck.
00:30:05Come in.
00:30:13Please wait here.
00:30:15Will the prosecutor come right away?
00:30:19I mean, the prosecutor can come whenever he wants.
00:30:21It's not certain.
00:30:23I still haven't asked you if you want a lawyer or not.
00:30:27Well, you're a lawyer.
00:30:29Maybe that's why.
00:30:31What does it matter?
00:30:33It's my right to ask for a lawyer.
00:30:35Okay, I'm asking.
00:30:39Do you want a lawyer, Ms. Lawyer?
00:30:41Think about it.
00:30:51Oh, my God.
00:30:57What kind of a friend are you?
00:31:01It's as if you're my friend.
00:31:03Mr. Prosecutor.
00:31:05Oh, Mr. Yekta.
00:31:07Good day.
00:31:09Come in. What are we going to do?
00:31:11I love your jokes.
00:31:13I don't want them to end.
00:31:15I'm going to talk to my client.
00:31:17Would you excuse me?
00:31:19Have you lost so much weight?
00:31:21Do you still have work to do in the interrogation rooms?
00:31:23I'm sure I know him.
00:31:25Come on.
00:31:27Let's go.
00:31:45What are you doing here?
00:31:47Are these eyes right?
00:31:49Did my client come?
00:31:51Or are you going to express yourself?
00:31:53What's going on?
00:31:55Yes, I will express myself.
00:31:59Do you need my help?
00:32:01No, I don't need your help at all.
00:32:03You should have understood that when you lost it today.
00:32:07You're always talking, Selin.
00:32:09Oh, look at me laughing.
00:32:11We'll see, Selin.
00:32:13We'll see.
00:32:15Come on.
00:32:23Come on.
00:32:35Eren, look at me.
00:32:37Yes, sir.
00:32:39What is this citizen waiting for?
00:32:41We're going to get his daughter's statement.
00:32:43Which daughter?
00:32:45I don't understand, sir.
00:32:47I'm asking his name.
00:32:49His name.
00:32:51Do you have a lawyer?
00:32:53Yes, I have one.
00:33:03Ms. Selin.
00:33:05How do you know Buse?
00:33:07My client is a former employee.
00:33:11I'd appreciate it if you could open it up a little more.
00:33:15My client is a producer.
00:33:17Buse is an actress.
00:33:19They had a relationship while they were playing.
00:33:21But it was short.
00:33:23Then Ms. Buse couldn't stand the separation.
00:33:27She told all the facts to her wife.
00:33:31There was even a discussion between them.
00:33:33During this discussion,
00:33:35the wife is very injured.
00:33:37She can't see her left eye.
00:33:39It's still going on.
00:33:41So, if you look at the file,
00:33:43on the other side,
00:33:45I mean,
00:33:47what kind of contact do you have with him?
00:33:51Because my client was insulted,
00:33:55we got in touch during the interview.
00:33:59There were a few phone calls
00:34:01and messages,
00:34:03but I haven't even seen him.
00:34:07Pick up the phone.
00:34:11If you don't, I'll come to your house.
00:34:13I'm coming, idiot.
00:34:17Talk on the phone.
00:34:19You stopped some of the messages
00:34:21you sent over the evening.
00:34:25Did you go to his house?
00:34:27No, I didn't. I don't even know his address.
00:34:29Are you sure?
00:34:31Look, we'll look at your records.
00:34:33You're a lawyer, you know.
00:34:35Of course.
00:34:41No, I don't know him before.
00:34:43We ran into him last night by chance.
00:34:47The phone call was canceled.
00:34:49You're not a lawyer.
00:34:51Here you go.
00:34:55You met three times in a week.
00:34:57No, that's impossible.
00:34:59How is it possible?
00:35:01Why is it impossible?
00:35:03Don't do it, prosecutor.
00:35:07Here's the document.
00:35:09You talked last Sunday.
00:35:11One minute, 57 seconds.
00:35:13The second meeting
00:35:15was on Thursday.
00:35:1756 seconds.
00:35:19The third meeting was
00:35:21an hour ago.
00:35:2335 seconds.
00:35:27It's not possible.
00:35:29There must be an explanation.
00:35:31Yes, there must be.
00:35:33That's why I'm asking.
00:35:35You called a number you don't know a few times.
00:35:39But I don't remember who I talked to.
00:35:41Do you
00:35:43talk to numbers you don't know
00:35:45for this long, prosecutor?
00:35:47I'm not registered
00:35:49with this number, am I?
00:35:51I don't know.
00:35:53You're not registered, are you?
00:35:57I'm turning my phone on.
00:35:59I turned it off because I'm here.
00:36:11I'm sorry.
00:36:21I'm not registered.
00:36:41I'm sorry.
00:37:11Of course.
00:37:12Anyway, after I took my sister, I have a friend, Engin.
00:37:15He lives in Etiler.
00:37:16We went to him.
00:37:17You can even ask him yourself.
00:37:19He is here.
00:37:25So, you never went to Buse's house.
00:37:28Am I right?
00:37:30Yes, I didn't.
00:37:42He came to my house.
00:37:44He attacked me like a maniac.
00:37:46He threatened to kill me.
00:37:47Do you understand?
00:37:48Look, please get him out of my face.
00:37:50I'm scared.
00:37:51If he comes to my house again, I'll call the police.
00:37:55I told you, he's officially a client.
00:37:58He's lying.
00:38:01Oh my God.
00:38:08Let's give it a little.
00:38:10So, the lawyer's friend is here.
00:38:12Let's ask him.
00:38:14They were really in the same house at night.
00:38:17Yes, sir.
00:38:27Thank you.
00:38:31Mr. Mekta.
00:38:34Why is this so long?
00:38:37Is there something wrong?
00:38:39Can you talk to me?
00:38:41Mr. Zafer, they love it.
00:38:43They love to ask the same question over and over again.
00:38:49Order me a hamburger.
00:38:51With a double potato salad.
00:38:54And a glass of onion juice.
00:38:56But keep your eyes open, okay?
00:38:58Mr. Mekta.
00:39:05You haven't eaten in days.
00:39:10Mr. Mekta.
00:39:11Your lawyer wants to see you.
00:39:15Let's go and talk.
00:39:16Since Ms. Ceylin asked for it.
00:39:21You must be Engin.
00:39:22Ms. Ceylin's friend.
00:39:24Let's take you, too.
00:39:25The prosecutor will ask you something.
00:39:36How do you know this officer?
00:39:39I borrow money from the police.
00:39:43I wonder if we should ask for help.
00:39:45I think he'll do the right thing.
00:39:47Don't interfere.
00:39:50Let your sister come first.
00:39:53I told her.
00:39:57Let's go.
00:40:05Come in.
00:40:07Mr. Prosecutor.
00:40:08Ms. Ceylin's lawyer's friend.
00:40:10Mr. Mekta.
00:40:11Ms. Ceylin.
00:40:13Come in.
00:40:15By the way, I'll tell you what to eat right away.
00:40:18I'll take care of it right away.
00:40:37What is this, brother?
00:40:38Is it really you?
00:40:40I don't know.
00:40:41How do you not know?
00:40:43What's going on, brother?
00:40:48The lawyer says it's a trap.
00:40:51It's a trap.
00:40:54I think he's acting weird.
00:40:55He says he didn't go to Nevin, but he may have gone.
00:40:58If he did, he wouldn't have been there before me, because his card was there.
00:41:02But let me tell you something, he's a big liar.
00:41:05Anyway, the liar's reputation will be ruined.
00:41:08I need to talk to this lawyer.
00:41:10Maybe he has the answers to some of the questions.
00:41:12Okay, I'll arrange it.
00:41:15Is the criminal's container examination over?
00:41:17No, I just went to see if there was at least a murder weapon.
00:41:21They said no. That's all I know.
00:41:25Let's go.
00:41:35Dear Zeynep, would you like to see me?
00:41:42I need your help.
00:41:45What happened?
00:41:46I'm looking at you, you look so sad.
00:41:49What changed?
00:41:50I'm a little stuck.
00:41:52When you bend like that, you become a very beautiful, very naughty girl.
00:41:56Oh, Yekta.
00:41:58Will you help me or not? Tell me.
00:42:00How? Let me learn that.
00:42:01This police found Huseyin's house.
00:42:03Find out if they're gone.
00:42:04If they're not gone, go before them.
00:42:06I left my card there.
00:42:07Then there was a vase on the table.
00:42:09I touched it. I touched something else, I don't remember.
00:42:11What does the vase have to do with it?
00:42:13I was going to break his head, I gave up at the last minute.
00:42:16Well, what's in your stomach?
00:42:22I'll think of a solution.
00:42:25Okay, okay, okay.
00:42:27I'll take Engin and come, okay?
00:42:29We'll come to Tilme Nukuha.
00:42:33What if the police didn't come before me?
00:42:35You're still going to keep your word, you're going to make an effort.
00:42:38Okay, Yekta. Okay, I say.
00:42:39Come on, hurry up.
00:42:40Tell me in detail, by the way.
00:42:41I won't tell you if I don't tell you.
00:42:43If you open this.
00:42:44You tell me, he'll understand.
00:42:46Come on, give me a pen, paper, something.
00:42:48Come on.
00:42:53Come on.
00:42:55Tiktok, come on.
00:43:03Your meeting is over.
00:43:04Thank you.
00:43:05Come on.
00:43:09Of course I won't work with you.
00:43:13I'm not going to work with you.
00:43:15I'm not going to work with you.
00:43:16I'm not going to work with you.
00:43:17I'm not going to work with you.
00:43:18I'm not going to work with you.
00:43:34155, go ahead.
00:43:35Good day, sir.
00:43:36I have a report to make.
00:43:39Go ahead.
00:43:40Last night, we heard a gunshot around our house.
00:43:44Then a man from the next apartment came out with a heavy suitcase.
00:43:48Now, when I think about it today, I'm worried, of course.
00:43:53I mean, there was a girl living in your house.
00:43:57I hope nothing happened to her.
00:43:59I'll call you if you look.
00:44:01Give me the address.
00:44:02One second.
00:44:08Gülsü Neighborhood.
00:44:10Çark Street.
00:44:14So now, of course, I don't remember in detail, but
00:44:17I guess it was around 1-1.30 when they came.
00:44:22They came pretty late.
00:44:28Prosecutor, Chief.
00:44:29We received an unnamed report about the location of the house.
00:44:31I'm going to the team right away.
00:44:36So, was there anyone else in the house?
00:44:41Ahim and my father were outside.
00:44:43Then they came, of course.
00:44:44But we went to the room before they came.
00:44:48Sabit left early when he was jailed.
00:44:59If necessary, we will take your statement again, Mr. Engin.
00:45:02We'll do it again.
00:45:03You're welcome.
00:45:04Whenever you want.
00:45:15You're the only witness close to the room.
00:45:20When will my statement come, Chief?
00:45:23Well, my blood sugar is dropping.
00:45:27Then I get very angry.
00:45:29I'll take care of it right away.
00:45:30Thank you.
00:45:31And this Avkan's HTS records.
00:45:35Let him wait in a room.
00:45:44Guys, let's take the lawyer to the room upstairs.
00:45:47Okay, Chief.
00:45:49Where are you going, son?
00:45:50I'm coming.
00:46:14I'm coming.
00:46:45Let's let Commander Eren know.
00:46:46This is our place.
00:46:495-42, Marius.
00:46:5045-42, Commander.
00:47:145-42, Commander.
00:47:44I'll call you.
00:47:46I'm going.
00:48:02Olga Sarge.
00:48:04Are you also looking at the file?
00:48:11I was a journalist, but I quit.
00:48:15Because I have the file.
00:48:19Do you know the victim?
00:48:22Or wait a minute.
00:48:23Are you a witness?
00:48:25As a suspect.
00:48:29Then it's forbidden for us to meet.
00:48:31So it's a secret.
00:48:33I know you went to the girl's house.
00:48:34Your card was there.
00:48:38You saw my card, so you left after me.
00:48:42Since I didn't kill.
00:48:44So you killed.
00:48:46I didn't kill.
00:48:48But you will probably return to Ortaköy after I leave the house at midnight.
00:48:55What do you care?
00:48:57No, since you are not the rightful owner of the file.
00:49:00You can't ask me these questions.
00:49:02You also told Derya the reason.
00:49:06I'm sleeping with you because it's been a year.
00:49:08You know, it's our time.
00:49:11You didn't tell me where you took your sister from and from whose house.
00:49:15She took a break from the interrogation, Mr. Derya.
00:49:17What are you going to say when you continue?
00:49:19I was going to say private life.
00:49:21Besides, how do you know what I'm going to say?
00:49:25I forgot because all the officers were working for you.
00:49:28Can we stay here?
00:49:30Mr. Derya will say this.
00:49:31Is that so?
00:49:32When he says private life, he will say I respect you.
00:49:36I'm trying to help you here.
00:49:38I don't know if you're aware.
00:49:43You're trying to save yourself.
00:49:46Actually, I'm trying to help you.
00:49:49The house has been found.
00:49:51Your lie will be revealed.
00:49:53What's going on, prosecutor Ilgaz?
00:49:55What's your problem?
00:49:57Normally, you wouldn't help if it fell.
00:49:59The whole court knows.
00:50:00What are you hiding?
00:50:01I'm not hiding anything.
00:50:02I wonder.
00:50:04Look, someone may have set up a conspiracy against you or me.
00:50:06Of course, if you assume that someone didn't lie, someone didn't kill.
00:50:10Would you look at me?
00:50:12Do you think I have a chance to kill someone?
00:50:16No, you don't even have a gun.
00:50:17But you have.
00:50:19Where's your gun? Show me.
00:50:21They're shooting the murder weapon.
00:50:23Give me the criminal heart information a little later.
00:50:26The test results will come out.
00:50:27The court is about to determine the time of death.
00:50:30If it is understood that the incident time was in Ortaköy before.
00:50:36I think you should get out of here as soon as possible.
00:50:39We need to solve this murder before it falls on us.
00:50:43So what are we going to do, Mr. Serci?
00:50:46Is it my birthday today?
00:50:48Yes, how do you know?
00:50:50I heard it from the party you did when you were in court.
00:50:52I don't know, use it.
00:50:53Say I caught it, say it's a bar.
00:50:55I don't know, say something.
00:50:56Say my family is waiting.
00:50:58What are you going to do?
00:51:00I'll be waiting for you outside.
00:51:02I hope so.
00:51:09Come on.
00:51:20What happened, girl?
00:51:21I had to stay here today.
00:51:23That's why I'm without you.
00:51:24What do you mean you have to stay here? Why?
00:51:27Why, what's going on?
00:51:28That's how it is.
00:51:29Can you take my father?
00:51:31I won't leave you here.
00:51:33Daddy, I'm a lawyer.
00:51:35It has to be like this.
00:51:37Celin, I'm a father.
00:51:39Whatever your reason is,
00:51:41you're my son after all.
00:51:42I won't leave you here.
00:51:44What if you need something?
00:51:46I don't need anything.
00:51:48And when you're standing here like this, I'm sorry.
00:51:50I'm nervous.
00:51:51Today is my birthday.
00:51:52And my wish is that you don't leave here.
00:51:54Come on.
00:51:56Kiss my mother's hand.
00:52:01Come on, baby.
00:52:02Take care of yourself.
00:52:03It's no use staying here, Ms. Zafer.
00:52:05Let's go, you're right.
00:52:06Like he said, we'll take care of it later.
00:52:09Okay, come on.
00:52:10Come on.
00:52:11Take care.
00:52:12Take care of yourself.
00:52:13Come on.
00:52:29The gun was found in the trunk.
00:52:30There were a lot of evidences, Goksu Can.
00:52:32I mean, it takes a lot of time for the prosecutors to review them.
00:52:43If you don't mind, can I say something?
00:52:45Go ahead.
00:52:53My father has been in prison for five years.
00:52:56I mean, he just got out a few months ago.
00:53:00Today is my birthday.
00:53:02I mean, we were going to celebrate it together for the first time in years.
00:53:06Your address is clear.
00:53:07Of course, I'll help you with the investigation.
00:53:10Whenever you want.
00:53:12But if I'm not in prison, I was going to ask if I could go home.
00:53:18Eren, have the HTS recordings arrived?
00:53:20Unfortunately, my knowledge is very busy, Ms. Zafer.
00:53:26Okay, you can go.
00:53:28But we can meet you.
00:53:29Of course, my dear.
00:53:30Thank you very much.
00:53:31Miss lawyer, can I wait for the signature?
00:53:36What's going on? What should I do?
00:53:39Well, my dear.
00:53:40Miss lawyer.
00:53:41Can I wait?
00:53:42Okay, great.
00:53:43I'll also get the lawyer's signature myself.
00:53:53Thank you.
00:53:55You're welcome.
00:54:19Call me if anything happens, okay?
00:54:37Yes, prosecutor.
00:54:38Can you hurry up, please?
00:54:46What are we doing?
00:54:47We're going to a place where they can't reach us until this is solved.
00:54:54Where are we going?
00:54:56To a friend's house.
00:55:00Close the door, don't open it.
00:55:02It happens once a year.
00:55:04Once a year, people act like they love you very much.
00:55:08It's annoying.
00:55:09Especially for you.
00:55:14I'm hungry.
00:55:17Let's go.
00:55:31Thank you.
00:55:32Good night.
00:55:33Good night.
00:55:41Thank you very much.
00:55:42See you.
00:55:43Good night.
00:55:45Oh, it's you.
00:55:46I thought Cengel was here.
00:55:48It's good that you came before him.
00:55:50Come on, get in.
00:55:52Come on.
00:55:57I called Ceylin many times.
00:56:00But I couldn't reach her.
00:56:03This girl cuts all ties with the working world.
00:56:07Everything is ready upstairs.
00:56:08The meals are ready, the table is ready.
00:56:10We're waiting for her.
00:56:12Did you meet at the door?
00:56:15Let's go upstairs.
00:56:19Look at me.
00:56:20How was your time?
00:56:22I'm sure I'm late.
00:56:24Thank God.
00:56:26Should I turn off the bright lights?
00:56:29Osman, don't burn them.
00:56:30Open them.
00:56:31Come on.
00:56:32They're coming.
00:56:39Where's Ceylin?
00:56:40She went to the bathroom.
00:56:41Anyway, my aunt will come now.
00:56:43Turn off the light.
00:56:48What's going on?
00:56:49Ceylin won't come tonight.
00:56:54What do you mean, Ceylin won't come?
00:56:56Did something happen?
00:56:57What happened?
00:56:58I'll tell you, Gül.
00:56:59I'll tell you.
00:57:06Brother, can you take a look?
00:57:08I'll be back in two minutes.
00:57:12I know it's special.
00:57:14But if we're open to trust each other,
00:57:16I think everything will be easier.
00:57:19Where did you get your brother from that night?
00:57:21And what is it that you don't want to tell the police?
00:57:23You tell me, prosecutor.
00:57:25Who killed your lover?
00:57:28You're pretty fast, but...
00:57:30...you can't break up with your fiancée.
00:57:33How do you know?
00:57:35Nothing in court is a secret.
00:57:39First of all, Buse wasn't my lover.
00:57:40I'll start from there.
00:57:42We worked yesterday, and then I went home.
00:57:46Did you make a joke out of everything?
00:57:49Because life is boring, brother.
00:57:52But if you want, I can hang out with you like a friend.
00:57:56Here you go.
00:57:57Here, I'm listening to you.
00:57:59We went home, had a coffee.
00:58:01Then I didn't understand how it happened, I fell asleep.
00:58:03You're drunk.
00:58:04How did it happen?
00:58:05It can't be.
00:58:08There was an iron heart in front of us...
00:58:10...and a steel heart.
00:58:14You're aware that we're two suspects in a murder case, aren't you?
00:58:18I'm aware.
00:58:19But I didn't do it.
00:58:20It will be clear tomorrow.
00:58:24Anyway, I woke up later and went home while Buse was sleeping.
00:58:27Instead of the incident in the morning, the container was there.
00:58:31You're upset.
00:58:32I'm upset about who's dead.
00:58:33If it were me, I wouldn't have recognized it.
00:58:36Oh, love.
00:58:39No, are you going to eat more?
00:58:41I will.
00:58:42Let's eat you.
00:58:44Thank you, brother.
00:58:45I'm going to eat you.
00:58:46What did you get?
00:58:51Thank you.
00:58:55No, no.
00:58:56The last one.
00:58:58Come on.
00:59:10I can't wait.
00:59:19Then let's continue from the morning.
00:59:22Let the results of the trial come.
00:59:24Let the autopsy end.
00:59:26I mean, the prosecutors themselves.
00:59:28I don't understand.
00:59:30Let the criminal look at the criminal record.
00:59:34I'll take care of it, Mr. Prosecutor.
00:59:35Don't worry.
00:59:37Mr. Prosecutor.
00:59:38Shall we take you home?
00:59:40To Kudai?
00:59:41It would be very difficult.
00:59:43Thank you.
00:59:45Have a good night.
00:59:46Thank you, Mr. Prosecutor.
00:59:48Thank you.
00:59:57Where is Imaz?
00:59:59I don't know, chief.
01:00:01Don't answer your phone.
01:00:02Maybe the charge is over.
01:00:07We need to get this file out of our hands as soon as possible.
01:00:10Especially me.
01:00:11Why are we doing it, chief?
01:00:12I mean, Derya didn't want anything like that.
01:00:15Could it be because he doesn't know any of us, Eren?
01:00:18It could be.
01:00:20We assume he knows you.
01:00:22We assume he accepts you like that.
01:00:24As soon as he learns, he'll get us out of the file.
01:00:26Okay, chief.
01:00:27Then we'll be there.
01:00:32Call Goksullar.
01:00:34I wonder if they're in Nahit's neighborhood.
01:00:47My deputy called me in the evening.
01:00:51He said Buse was going to post some images on social media.
01:00:55Then I called the girl.
01:00:56She didn't pick up, so I went to her house.
01:00:58There was tension.
01:01:00Insults, threats and stuff.
01:01:05Maybe it's a little more intense.
01:01:12Oh, that's it.
01:01:13But I went to the office.
01:01:15I didn't go back to the girl's house.
01:01:19Then where did you go?
01:01:22Are we here?
01:01:23We're here.
01:01:28Let's go.
01:01:58Will you turn on the light?
01:02:04Here you go, ma'am.
01:02:05Thank you.
01:02:17I'm sorry.
01:02:18No problem.
01:02:19I'm used to these things.
01:02:22He called me last night while I was working at the office.
01:02:26Where is he?
01:02:28He must be around the corner.
01:02:31He's thin.
01:02:34My brother cried and called me.
01:02:36He asked me if I could come.
01:02:38Is there anything to drink?
01:02:39Look in the fridge.
01:02:44Commissioner Eren.
01:02:47Commissioner Eren.
01:02:53How did you know it was him?
01:02:57You were underestimating me, Mr. Olgas.
01:03:12Come on, let's sit down.
01:03:13We'll talk later.
01:03:18I went to the taxi.
01:03:21I looked around.
01:03:23There was only a rag on it.
01:03:30Wait there, Minci.
01:03:34What happened to you?
01:03:35Sister, I did something bad.
01:03:37What did you do?
01:03:38I don't know what to say.
01:03:41What did you do?
01:03:43Okay, baby.
01:03:44I'm with you.
01:03:46Okay, okay.
01:03:47Why are you apologizing?
01:03:48Why are you apologizing?
01:03:49Who made you like this?
01:03:50I'm sorry.
01:03:51It's my fault.
01:03:52It's my fault.
01:03:53Are you okay?
01:03:59He's my teacher.
01:04:01He's my teacher.
01:04:02My teacher, Ozan.
01:04:04My favorite teacher, Ozan.
01:04:07He's married.
01:04:08He raped us.
01:04:10Who are you?
01:04:11Who are you?
01:04:12Who are you?
01:04:14Minci, you...
01:04:18Then he brought you to my family.
01:04:20Who did it?
01:04:21Where are they?
01:04:22Where are they?
01:04:23Tell me.
01:04:24Where are they?
01:04:25They're there.
01:04:26In that apartment.
01:04:27Which one?
01:04:28Which floor?
01:04:30Okay, come here.
01:04:31God damn you.
01:04:32I'm so sorry.
01:04:33Come here.
01:04:34Okay, okay.
01:04:36I'll be right there.
01:04:38My sister.
01:04:39I'm coming to you.
01:04:43Ozan, is that you?
01:04:44Yes, it's me.
01:04:45Who are you?
01:04:46You're in trouble.
01:04:47Did you hear?
01:04:48You're in trouble.
01:04:49I won't see you around my brother again.
01:04:53Who are you?
01:04:54What's going on here?
01:04:55Go inside.
01:04:56Keep an eye on him.
01:04:57If I see you around my brother again,
01:04:59I'll kill you.
01:05:00Did you hear?
01:05:01I'll kill you.
01:05:02Actually, don't come near us.
01:05:04You and your brother.
01:05:05Go and take trouble from others.
01:05:08This is yours.
01:05:09What happened?
01:05:11Captain's clothes.
01:05:12If only we could find Çınar, not you.
01:05:14What Çınar?
01:05:15What are you talking about?
01:05:17I'm your sister.
01:05:18Your sister.
01:05:19My sister wants it.
01:05:20I'll go.
01:05:21I'll go.
01:05:22I'll go.
01:05:23I'll go.
01:05:24I'll go.
01:05:25I'll go.
01:05:26I'll go.
01:05:27I'll go.
01:05:28I'll go.
01:05:29I'll go.
01:05:30I'll go.
01:05:31I'll go.
01:05:32I'll go.
01:05:33I'll go.
01:05:34I'll go.
01:05:35I'll go.
01:05:36I'll go.
01:05:37What does he want anyway?
01:05:47Who is That Çınar?
01:05:48His friend?
01:05:49I don't know.
01:05:50He was a waiter.
01:05:51Works in a canteen.
01:05:52He's in love with İnci.
01:05:58We'll go slice your neck.
01:06:00You're welcome.
01:06:16Thank you.
01:06:17You're welcome.
01:06:24You told me what happened. Where did it come from?
01:06:28You don't have to know everything, Engin.
01:06:30I have to talk to you about İnci.
01:06:35No, I'm saying because of the thing.
01:06:38If I came to you with my own brother the next day, wouldn't you be curious? Look at you.
01:06:43That's why I said it.
01:06:44I'm really tired. We'll talk later.
01:06:47Now tell us, can we stay here tonight or not?
01:06:51I mean, when you came to Lachinta and saw İnci, what questions would he finish or what would he say?
01:06:58No, of course not. My parents are not at home anyway.
01:07:00They went to a place in Bursa.
01:07:02We'll do it like this.
01:07:04You can come to my room before they come.
01:07:06I'll be in the living room.
01:07:08It's done, no problem.
01:07:12Come on, get up now.
01:07:13It's late now.
01:07:22That's how it is.
01:07:24We left the house before anyone woke up in the morning.
01:07:27Ours hadn't woken up yet.
01:07:29We pretended to be at home when it was quiet.
01:07:33So why didn't you tell the prosecutor about this?
01:07:37I mean, if I express it, my father will find out.
01:07:42I guess you're from Norway or something.
01:07:44Where were you born?
01:07:46In this country, fathers don't welcome such things, prosecutor.
01:07:55Besides, my father suffered a lot.
01:08:01He was in a guilty place.
01:08:03I mean, I didn't want to tell him this and hurt him.
01:08:07It would end.
01:08:10I'm sleepy.
01:08:12I'm sleepy, too.
01:08:15I'm sleepy, too.
01:08:18You can sleep in the room.
01:08:20No, I won't.
01:08:22I'm sleepy, too.
01:08:24You should have slept.
01:08:26I did.
01:08:27You can turn off the light.
01:08:29Please, don't make noise.
01:08:42I'm sleepy.
01:08:44I'm sleepy.
01:09:16What's up, guys? Did you get lost?
01:09:18We got lost.
01:09:20You got lost?
01:09:22You look like you skipped your lessons.
01:09:25What a coincidence.
01:09:26We'll see what a coincidence is.
01:09:29What are your names?
01:09:34Take off your shoes.
01:09:36What? Are you walking around without an ID?
01:09:39Should I take you to the police station?
01:09:41I told you.
01:09:42We shouldn't have run away.
01:09:43You shouldn't have come, then.
01:09:44Is it my fault?
01:09:45It was everyone's idea.
01:09:46You said it first.
01:09:47I didn't.
01:09:48We all gave it to him.
01:09:50Okay, calm down.
01:09:53What are you doing?
01:09:55They have school trips.
01:09:57These guys got lost.
01:09:59I'll pick up the teachers soon.
01:10:01Okay, let's see.
01:10:02Are you hungry?
01:10:05Hamburger or pizza?
01:10:08Okay, let's see.
01:10:10Are you hungry?
01:10:11It doesn't matter.
01:10:12Okay, let's see.
01:10:13Tell them all hamburger.
01:10:15Let's see.
01:10:17Are you afraid that I'll take you to the police station?
01:10:22We skipped school.
01:10:24We're eating hamburger.
01:10:25She didn't understand.
01:10:42Are you near the shop?
01:10:58I'm here!
01:11:01I thought we were friends...
01:11:03...but this isn't even the first time we...
01:11:15I'm hungry.
01:11:16You're kidding.
01:11:17You said you wouldn't take our phones.
01:11:19I was fooled.
01:11:20Not me.
01:11:21The phone in Enner's house.
01:11:30What are you talking about?
01:11:32I'm sorry.
01:11:33It's my fault.
01:11:34The prosecutor's gun went off.
01:11:36Oh my God.
01:11:39What are you doing here?
01:11:41I'm here for the autopsy report.
01:11:45What time did you die?
01:11:47Half past midnight.
01:11:56Oh my God.
01:11:57How is this possible?
01:11:58How is this possible?
01:12:03He's not in the hospital, mom.
01:12:06He's in the car.
01:12:08I'm sure he is.
01:12:10I swear I saw him.
01:12:12The man in the car is in the hospital.
01:12:15I'm sure he is.
01:12:17I'm sure he is.
01:12:23Thank you, my dear.
01:12:24Thank you.
01:12:33We found Pogat's card and the fingerprint on the vase on the table.
01:12:46So when you told her you were coming over on the phone, you left in the middle of the night?
01:12:54Do you think Amir really went to pick up his sister in the middle of the night or did he go to her house again?
01:13:01It seems like a coincidence that his sister went to the same neighborhood as him, but he can easily lie.
01:13:12Come in.
01:13:14Mr. Prosecutor.
01:13:19Inspector, we have news for you.
01:13:21Thank you.
01:13:28Mr. Prosecutor, the gun investigation and autopsy report have been completed.
01:13:34The girl was killed in the middle of the night.
01:13:42So that's when the lawyer was in Ortköy.
01:13:54The gun investigation is over, Inspector.
01:13:59Yes, Mr. Prosecutor, it's over.
01:14:02So, the gun we found at the crime scene matched with the gun we found at the crime scene.
01:14:08Good. We have the crime record. Does that mean you have a license?
01:14:19It belongs to Ugraskaya.
01:14:34If this is a conspiracy, who designed it?
01:14:39I don't know.
01:14:41It's obvious that you did someone wrong. He wants to take revenge on you.
01:14:46Why are you blaming yourself, lawyer?
01:14:49What does it have to do with me? I went to the girl's house in the evening. I left it empty.
01:14:54Then you're the one who went to the movie theater.
01:14:56What do you mean?
01:14:58Oh, you're always like this. Can you fix everything like a head teacher?
01:15:03Okay, I'll go because of me.
01:15:08Let's look at the people who will want to do this to me.
01:15:13I have no enemies.
01:15:18Because I didn't do anyone any harm.
01:15:20You're a prosecutor. You don't have to do anyone any harm.
01:15:24You're preventing the criminals from being punished.
01:15:27Yes, because that's my job.
01:15:28Yes, but there may be those who don't accept it.
01:15:32After all, these criminals have families. Some of them don't accept the situation.
01:15:37If we proceed from this point of view, we can't bring it to an end, lawyer.
01:15:41Hmm, okay.
01:15:43Let's do it this way then.
01:15:45It's obvious that we won't be able to get out of this shit high school.
01:15:49Let's go over the events again.
01:15:52For example, this girl.
01:15:54For example, this girl.
01:15:56How can she call you three times a week?
01:16:00Her name is also lost.
01:16:06Look, this could have been lost while you were sleeping.
01:16:09Because some women do that.
01:16:11So I slept so much that I didn't even hear my soul, huh?
01:16:14I know.
01:16:15I know.
01:16:19Then it's a shame that the killer took my gun.
01:16:23Did the gun that killed him go and take himself?
01:16:27Wrong answer. It didn't happen that way.
01:16:30We will take the statement of both of them again, or we will take them to prison.
01:16:37The Chief Prosecutor of the Hılgaz Prosecutor's Office.
01:16:40Staying in prison is not healthy for an investigation.
01:16:48Yes, sir.
01:16:50We will take the statement of both of them to prison.
01:16:53We will take the statement of both of them to prison.
01:16:59Give me the instruction.
01:17:01Send it to the address and I'll write it down.
01:17:12And of course, I'll meet the Chief Prosecutor.
01:17:15It's not believable, really.
01:17:18I don't know.
01:17:20Maybe they'll bring a warrant or something.
01:17:24I mean, the killer could be a presumed prosecutor.
01:17:30Hılgaz Kaya never does such a thing, Chief Prosecutor.
01:17:34There are either someone else or someone else in this business.
01:17:38How can you be so sure, Arif?
01:17:42You're talking like an infidel.
01:17:45Hılgaz is my son, Chief Prosecutor.
01:17:48I know my son.
01:17:52Send the file to the Chief Prosecutor.
01:17:55Right now.
01:17:58Right now.
01:18:00Is this really necessary?
01:18:18Everyone listen to me.
01:18:26Hılgaz Kaya has another relative here.
01:18:32His wife, his friend, his relative.
01:18:43Chief, are you close to Hılgaz?
01:18:48You're leaving the file.
01:18:55When are you leaving Ceyhun Ergoğan?
01:18:58If we find him, we won't leave him.
01:19:00Isn't he here?
01:19:04Okay, let's go then, Uncle.
01:19:06Son, wait.
01:19:09He told us you'd stay here yesterday.
01:19:12Who are you, sir?
01:19:14I'm Ceyhun's father.
01:19:15Is that so?
01:19:17Wasn't he home yesterday for his birthday?
01:19:22As I said, you go, I'll stay here.
01:19:27Chief Prosecutor.
01:19:29You'll find him, won't you?
01:19:33You'll find him.
01:19:39I ate too much.
01:19:41A cup of tea will do.
01:19:43Where are your chopsticks, son?
01:19:46That fight...
01:19:48...was bad.
01:19:50I didn't pay attention.
01:19:52I didn't know he was into girls.
01:19:54I didn't meet him.
01:19:56The girl who threw him out came to me.
01:19:58That's why everything happened.
01:20:00Oh, yes.
01:20:04Then he was involved.
01:20:09I don't know if you're aware, but...
01:20:12...this is a well-established plan.
01:20:13Call me in a few days.
01:20:15Write down my number.
01:20:17The one who started this...
01:20:19...must be very hurt.
01:20:21He wants to deal with you.
01:20:23Then, partner...
01:20:25...let's go to the place where you threw him out.
01:20:27Let's take a look.
01:20:29Maybe we'll find him.
01:20:31I'll take care of you there.
01:20:33Don't worry.
01:20:44Tell me, brother.
01:20:46Arda, they're bad.
01:20:48I told you to call the lodge.
01:20:50Where is he?
01:20:53He's in custody.
01:20:55Okay, brother. Thank you.
01:21:01Hold me. I'll get off.
01:21:14It's off.
01:21:16He's not answering his phone.
01:21:34How are we going to get the footage?
01:21:36Very well.
01:21:38Get the prosecutor's ID.
01:21:40No one can stand in front of him.
01:21:41I shouldn't be doing this.
01:21:43This is a crime.
01:21:45We have work to do, Mr. Prosecutor.
01:21:47He's going to commit a murder.
01:21:49Let's go.
01:21:51This is the right thing to do.
01:21:53We need to tell the lodge.
01:21:55Let them ask for it.
01:21:59Excuse me.
01:22:01Is there an official here?
01:22:03Yes, what do you want?
01:22:05Mr. Prosecutor wants to see the footage of the night two days ago.
01:22:16Here it is. I'm coming.
01:22:21This is the man.
01:22:28Was he following you?
01:22:30Of course.
01:22:32Then he called and told me you were here.
01:22:35Why did you come here?
01:22:36His car.
01:22:38So he came here with his car.
01:22:41Excuse me.
01:22:43Mr. Prosecutor wants to see the footage of the night two days ago.
01:22:46Let's open it.
01:23:06Here it is. The same man.
01:23:10He has a great license plate.
01:23:12Let's investigate.
01:23:14I can't do it without authorization.
01:23:16I probably stole it.
01:23:19You're so boring.
01:23:21Rule, rule, rule.
01:23:23What if you're fired?
01:23:25Call your roommate.
01:23:27Let him investigate.
01:23:37My father, my brother.
01:23:44Yes, what are we doing?
01:23:46We'll wait for Eren.
01:23:57What happened?
01:23:59Did he go to Dorn?
01:24:02You're really tense.
01:24:04I can't.
01:24:06We've been on the road for a while.
01:24:08We didn't do anything.
01:24:10We didn't kill anyone, we didn't hurt anyone.
01:24:12We fought for justice.
01:24:14Don't you like it?
01:24:16I like it, but not like this.
01:24:22Tell me, brother.
01:24:24I had the license plate checked.
01:24:27It belongs to a person named Aden Tukay.
01:24:29I don't know him.
01:24:31Do you have his address?
01:24:33No address.
01:24:34He just got out of prison.
01:24:36He checked his PTC.
01:24:38Then he left Istanbul and took the bus to Izmir.
01:24:40Okay, brother. Let's stay in touch.
01:24:43Yes, let's stay in touch.
01:24:45Let's be sharers.
01:24:47He's running away, out of town.
01:24:49And what are we going to do?
01:24:51We'll follow him.
01:24:53What do you mean?
01:24:57No, no, I can't come.
01:24:59I have a meeting.
01:25:01No, our roads are separate here.
01:25:10Mr. Özge.
01:25:12Mr. Prosecutor, where are you? Everyone is looking for you.
01:25:14I don't have time to tell you now.
01:25:16Can you check the file of a person named Aden Tukay?
01:25:18He just got out of prison.
01:25:20I'll check it right away, Mr. Prosecutor.
01:25:22Okay, thanks.
01:25:24If Adem is involved in this,
01:25:26then why would he kill the girl?
01:25:29Maybe it was used
01:25:30by someone else.
01:25:32And it's over.
01:25:34When I fell asleep, Buse took the keys.
01:26:00It's possible. Hurry up.
01:27:30I'm going.
01:27:46I'm going.
01:27:50Don't come in.
01:27:54Why are you doing this?
01:27:57I don't want to lose him.
01:27:58I don't want to lose him.
01:28:00How is it going to be?
01:28:04I took your gun.
01:28:06I'm going to kill you with this.
01:28:10You'll be in trouble.
01:28:13Good plan.
01:28:15Who are you going to shoot?
01:28:21I need a corpse.
01:28:25Let me go.
01:28:26Let me go.
01:28:27Let me go.
01:28:32Let me go.
01:28:56Let me go.
01:29:26Let me go.
01:29:35Let me go.
01:29:37Let me go.
01:29:53Let me go.
01:29:54If only we could stop somewhere and ask.
01:30:01I'm impressed, Mr. Prosecutor.
01:30:03Don't do things like this.
01:30:17How come there are no two of them?
01:30:20Metin Ahmet, where is your son?
01:30:24I don't know.
01:30:29Yes, brother.
01:30:30Keep following Aydin's trail.
01:30:32I'll call you.
01:30:33Okay, brother.
01:30:38Good day, Inspector.
01:30:40How are you, Chief?
01:30:41Dela Prosecutor wants the PTR of Ilgaz.
01:30:44I made him look, Chief. He didn't go anywhere.
01:30:47I'm here, Chief.
01:30:49Don't worry. I'm on it.
01:30:54I'm on it, Chief.
01:31:05But you don't know before you ask, Chief.
01:31:07We're going to meet again.
01:31:09Aydin is on his way.
01:31:11There's nothing else.
01:31:12Oh, how nice.
01:31:14The place where I dreamed of all winter.
01:31:17I don't know it at all.
01:31:18Even if I knew it, I wouldn't like it.
01:31:20I'm going to someone our star will never make peace with.
01:31:25I don't have mayonnaise.
01:31:27Let me think. I don't have anything.
01:31:29I don't have a suitcase, for example.
01:31:32Life is boring.
01:31:34Life is boring.
01:31:36What happened?
01:31:37I'm at home.
01:31:46Of course.
01:31:55I put jam in it.
01:31:56I didn't put lemon in it.
01:31:58The jam is cold.
01:32:00Enjoy it.
01:32:05I'm going out with Merve. I'm a little cramped at home.
01:32:08Where are you going?
01:32:10We'll meet at a cafe.
01:32:12Inci, for God's sake.
01:32:13Your sister was a mess.
01:32:15It's definitely not my turn now, girl.
01:32:17What if I stay at home?
01:32:18Will someone come?
01:32:20If anything happens, you'll let me know.
01:32:27You keep your promise, don't you?
01:32:31See you.
01:32:35What promise, Zafer?
01:32:37What does it say?
01:32:42I'm going to look.
01:32:43What are you going to look at?
01:32:45Are you going to sneak into the girl's room?
01:32:47I'm going to look.
01:32:48Zafer, for God's sake.
01:32:50For God's sake.
01:33:00Okay, brother. I got it.
01:33:02Thank you.
01:33:04Adem Dalyan is in the middle.
01:33:06I think he's here because he didn't cross the roads that are likely to cross.
01:33:09Then he's somewhere around here.
01:33:11That's what it looks like.
01:33:13Okay, Mr. Prosecutor.
01:33:15What are we going to do? How are we going to find this guy?
01:33:18Are we going to walk around the streets?
01:33:20What's your plan?
01:33:21We're going to a brothel.
01:33:23I'm going to ask for help from a prosecutor I know.
01:33:25Excuse me?
01:33:27There's an arrest warrant on us.
01:33:29You're aware, aren't you?
01:33:31You can trust me.
01:33:32What can I trust you? I don't even know you.
01:33:35You can trust Hasan.
01:33:37I don't trust him at all.
01:33:43What lake was this?
01:33:54What's that?
01:33:57What's that?
01:33:58Take it.
01:34:00Take it.
01:34:01For God's sake.
01:34:03Take it.
01:34:04Take it.
01:34:06Take it.
01:34:10What's that?
01:34:12You know your daughter?
01:34:14She promised me.
01:34:16She promised me.
01:34:17Look, look, look.
01:34:18Look, you see?
01:34:19She promised me.
01:34:20She said she wouldn't do it again.
01:34:21She said she wasn't at home.
01:34:23Call her and tell her to come here.
01:34:24What's this? I don't understand.
01:34:26Call her and tell her to come here.
01:34:31She said she wouldn't do it again.
01:34:33She said she wasn't at home.
01:34:34She said she wasn't at home.
01:34:35Call her.
01:34:36Oh, my God.
01:34:39I think this is a terrible plan.
01:34:41Wait, I'll be back.
01:34:42Wait, you'll be back.
01:34:44If you're going to give up, why did you come all the way to Oulu?
01:34:48And to Ortal.
01:34:50You're stubborn when it doesn't work.
01:34:52I see.
01:35:15Sister, are you available?
01:35:24Nice to meet you.
01:35:25What are you doing here?
01:35:27Are you on vacation?
01:35:28I wish.
01:35:29For a job.
01:35:33How are you?
01:35:34I'm fine, too.
01:35:35I mean, not bad.
01:35:36Come on, sit down.
01:35:39I'm surprised.
01:35:40What can I serve you?
01:35:41Tea, coffee?
01:35:43I need your help, Mr. Recep.
01:36:08What are you doing here?
01:36:09I'm leaving.
01:36:10This is where we followed her.
01:36:40But we can't record it on PTC anymore.
01:36:42So he was shot.
01:36:44Are you sure it was this man?
01:36:47I mean, if he's going to force you or if there's anything to do about it, I'll take care of it.
01:36:53No, it doesn't matter. I think we recognized his name, but...
01:36:58I couldn't get it out.
01:36:59I didn't look at his file.
01:37:01I learned that.
01:37:03Like I said, if you don't want it, I won't take it.
01:37:06Don't be ridiculous, please.
01:37:07We won't be able to help each other.
01:37:11I think we owe each other so much.
01:37:15Thank you.
01:37:16Where are you going to stay, Mr. Lawyer?
01:37:19I don't know. A strange place.
01:37:20You can't stay in a hotel. You have to give your ID.
01:37:25It will be on sale next week.
01:37:30The house with my father.
01:37:33I'll sell it, but you can stay as long as you need.
01:37:37There's everything in it.
01:37:38I'm staying for a while, but now...
01:37:43The address is written on the key.
01:37:45I don't know how to thank you.
01:37:48Brothers are for such times.
01:37:53See you.
01:37:54Okay, of course.
01:37:56If you need anything about the house, call me.
01:38:00Mr. Ilgaz.
01:38:02Is it still working?
01:38:05It is.
01:38:19Thank God.
01:38:21The ball is with the prosecutor now.
01:38:23Adem is investigating.
01:38:25I'll call you later.
01:38:29He'll call you and find the address.
01:38:31Besides, I found a place for us to stay tonight.
01:38:33You've been successful for a long time.
01:38:39We'll call him now.
01:38:55I think this is it.
01:38:57Thank God.
01:39:12This is it.
01:39:15It's a nice house.
01:39:17It's really nice.
01:39:19It's better than the buildings in Istanbul.
01:39:24What are these?
01:39:29Oh, there's a garden.
01:39:33What is this?
01:39:34Is it heaven?
01:39:35What is this?
01:39:41I'm a lawyer.
01:39:52Let's move here, lawyer.
01:39:54I'm a salesman.
01:39:56I talk and arrange things.
01:40:00It's a small, peaceful life.
01:40:02Land disputes, divorce cases, etc.
01:40:05You'll get over it sooner or later.
01:40:06No, I won't.
01:40:08Not that much.
01:40:10Besides, I love people.
01:40:12I love the crowd.
01:40:13I love the city life.
01:40:14I love coffee.
01:40:16And adrenaline.
01:40:19Maybe I'm 70.
01:40:20Let's see.
01:40:44Aydin, we came late tonight.
01:40:46I had so much work to do that you couldn't send me to work.
01:40:49Mom insisted on coming. I know.
01:40:52Open the door.
01:40:55What happened? Why did you scream?
01:40:57You didn't say anything on the phone.
01:40:58Did something happen to your father?
01:40:59No, your father is fine.
01:41:00He's just a little bit sick.
01:41:02I don't understand what's wrong with him.
01:41:04Safer is gone.
01:41:05I've been looking for him, but he's not picking up.
01:41:07He'll be fine, Safer.
01:41:09How? What's wrong with him?
01:41:11I don't know, dear. I don't understand anything.
01:41:13But Safer is a fireball.
01:41:15Come on, let's go.
01:41:16Come on, dear.
01:41:17Let's go.
01:41:18What are we going to do?
01:41:29Are you going out?
01:41:30Make sure the pasta is ready.
01:41:44I'm sorry.
01:41:46Don't be sorry.
01:41:54Do you always run away like this, prosecutor?
01:41:58No, I don't run away at all.
01:42:02On the contrary, I go over and over again.
01:42:09Would you like to see?
01:42:22I'm sorry.
01:42:24I'm sorry.
01:42:26We're going to get married.
01:42:34You'll see.
01:42:35Look, why are you laughing?
01:42:38You're not like a girl who's ever seen a wedding dress.
01:42:41You surprised me.
01:42:43Why not?
01:42:49Black and white would forgive each other.
01:42:52Would I be black?
01:42:55I think so.
01:42:57I see.
01:43:01But be careful, prosecutor.
01:43:07Because black always swallows white.
01:43:34Prosecutor İclal.
01:43:37Thank you.
01:43:38Mrs. Fatime.
01:43:39Mr. Yavuz, hello.
01:43:40Hello. Welcome.
01:43:42I'm sorry I'm late.
01:43:45We had an emergency.
01:43:47Could you get me a menu, please?
01:43:50Is there anything urgent?
01:43:54A prosecutor friend of mine came to see me and asked for help.
01:43:59Is he from our district?
01:44:01No, he's from the Istanbul District Court.
01:44:03I see. So, what is it about?
01:44:06He came here looking for someone who was following him.
01:44:12And he asked me to help him.
01:44:16Tell my children to take care of him.
01:44:21Thank you.
01:44:23I gave him instructions.
01:44:25But his nephew is out of prison. He has no family.
01:44:29His relatives are trying to reach him.
01:44:45Can I make some tea? We can drink it, right, dad?
01:45:08Who's calling?
01:45:10It's my friend from school. I'll call him.
01:45:27Hello, auntie.
01:45:29I just got home. What happened? Everyone's looking for me.
01:45:32Don't answer it. Don't come home.
01:45:34Why? What happened?
01:45:36It's going to be a disaster. Grandpa's got me mixed up.
01:45:39They found something in the room.
01:45:41God damn it.
01:45:46Okay, hang up now. We didn't talk. Don't hang up, okay?
01:45:50Okay, okay.
01:46:01What's up?
01:46:02Hello, auntie. Are you home? Where are you?
01:46:05I'm home.
01:46:07Can I come to you, if you don't mind?
01:46:10Of course.
01:46:12Okay, I'll be right there. See you.
01:46:15Of course.
01:46:20If I can finish it, I'll make the caravan myself.
01:46:25Wow, you're making a movie, huh?
01:46:28I made a movie last summer.
01:46:34I mean, I don't like making plans.
01:46:37It's a waste of time. It ruins your life.
01:46:40I told you about coming here on the way.
01:46:43It's not about making plans.
01:46:46I mean, when you make a plan, you just miss it, I think.
01:46:53What do you mean?
01:46:55Zero plan?
01:46:59Isn't it a different thing to know?
01:47:02For example, I was in Istanbul this morning. Now I'm here.
01:47:09And the rest?
01:47:11Is there anything you're thinking about the future?
01:47:19I have a dream.
01:47:26I want to have a daughter.
01:47:28I even thought of a name.
01:47:30Mercan. Isn't it beautiful?
01:47:35It's really beautiful.
01:47:39What about you?
01:47:42I mean, don't you want to be a father?
01:47:54I did.
01:47:56I do.
01:48:01It's one of the things I want the most.
01:48:05Being a father.
01:48:07Being a newly divorced father.
01:48:10I'm a little far from that dream.
01:48:14Our daughter?
01:48:17I mean, everyone has their own daughter.
01:48:23Come, come.
01:48:46I gave the phone number to the prosecutor.
01:48:49The suspect is Adem Tunkabir.
01:49:00Thank you.
01:49:06Ladies, excuse me.
01:49:10They caught a criminal.
01:49:12I have to go to a department urgently.
01:49:18Excuse me, prosecutor.
01:49:20Please, no problem.
01:49:23Good luck, dear.
01:49:31The prosecutor found you, brother.
01:49:33I'm sending you your passport right away.
01:49:36God bless you.
01:49:41Are you going to tell me now?
01:49:43Why is your sister angry with you?
01:49:45Where were you last night?
01:49:47Never mind.
01:49:53Mince, you know me.
01:49:56You know me.
01:49:58You know me.
01:50:02Well, okay.
01:50:07I went to my teacher's house.
01:50:09You know, I have a bachelor's degree.
01:50:11If I miss this class, I'll get into trouble.
01:50:13I went to ask for a note.
01:50:15He called me in.
01:50:18The pervert sold me.
01:50:20I spit on my luck.
01:50:22At that moment, his wife came.
01:50:23She misunderstood everything.
01:50:24She made a scene.
01:50:26The woman kicked me in the ass.
01:50:29I called my sister to ask for help.
01:50:33Isn't that my sister?
01:50:39You're lying.
01:50:41What lie?
01:50:42You're lying, Mince.
01:50:48Do you think I don't know you're in love with your teacher?
01:50:51Don't be ridiculous.
01:50:52What are you talking about?
01:50:55You're lying in my eyes, Mince.
01:50:58Because you know I believe you.
01:51:01If you tell me, I'll accept it.
01:51:04Because I'm in love with you like an idiot.
01:51:06I'd believe you if you told me.
01:51:08Don't be ridiculous.
01:51:11What are you doing?
01:51:12You're doing it again.
01:51:13You come without seeing me, Mince.
01:51:15Why don't you see me?
01:51:17Why don't you see me?
01:51:19I'm going crazy for you here.
01:51:22I don't do anything but use you.
01:51:24Why are you going to those guys, Mince?
01:51:27Why don't you like me?
01:51:30Why don't you like me?
01:51:32Why don't you like me, Mince?
01:51:34Could it be your shyness?
01:51:37Your shyness.
01:51:38Don't look at me like that.
01:51:41Could it be that I don't like you being a coward?
01:51:45Look at me, Mince.
01:51:46You're going forward.
01:51:47It's going to be bad.
01:51:49What happens if I go forward?
01:51:50What can you do?
01:51:52What are you doing?
01:51:53Let me tell you something.
01:51:55You're a coward.
01:51:56You're a coward.
01:51:57You're a coward.
01:51:58You're a coward.
01:51:59You're a coward.
01:52:00You're a coward.
01:52:02What are you doing?
01:52:05What are you doing?
01:52:06Are you crazy?
01:52:09Wait a minute.
01:52:11Life is so weird, isn't it?
01:52:13I mean...
01:52:14Until yesterday...
01:52:15...we didn't get along...
01:52:17...in the courtyards.
01:52:20In fact, I was coming to him...
01:52:22...saying, aren't you available, Ms. Lawyer?
01:52:24And he was posting me.
01:52:30...we became two suspects in the same murder.
01:52:36Black and white.
01:52:41At the end of the country...
01:52:44...we are together at the same time.
01:52:47Now, what is it...
01:52:49...instead of fate, Mr. Prosecutor?
01:52:53I think...
01:52:55...it's not the same idea for the first time, Ms. Lawyer.
01:52:58It's fate.
01:53:02I'll handle it.
01:53:20Can you handle everything like this?
01:53:27As much as I can.
01:53:32I'm so...
01:53:34...messy, for example.
01:53:37Can you clean it up?
01:53:42I can't rule, I don't know the limits.
01:53:46I don't want to listen to anyone.
01:53:50Can you handle it?
01:53:58...I'm impatient.
01:54:02I'm a little crazy.
01:54:05And a little messy.
01:54:08We'll fix it.
01:54:10We'll fix it.
01:54:11We'll fix it.
01:54:14You don't want to kiss me like you do now.
01:54:18Then we'll leave it.
01:54:20Then we'll talk.
01:54:42Then we'll leave it.
01:54:48It's a little hot.
01:54:51I'm tired.
01:54:53Let's eat.
01:54:54Eat, dear.
01:55:02It doesn't open.
01:55:04Do you need help?
01:55:08I think I broke it.
01:55:12I opened it.
01:55:22What happened, Selin?
01:55:26What's going on?
01:55:29Who are you?
01:55:30Don't move, prosecutor.
01:55:38Yavuz Kardemel.
01:55:41The wife of the judge Esin Kardemel.
01:55:44Do you remember?
01:55:48Don't you remember?
01:55:50If you drop the gun...
01:55:52...we'll talk like men, I remember.
01:55:58Our son, Can.
01:56:01You're the judge.
01:56:03You wanted a 27-year prison sentence...
01:56:06...at the highest level.
01:56:11You wrote my complaint.
01:56:13You didn't feel sorry at all.
01:56:16The judge Esin came to you.
01:56:19Your professions came to you.
01:56:23He begged you to be a mother.
01:56:27You didn't listen to my reputation...
01:56:29...nor did you feel sorry for our son's daughter-in-law.
01:56:33He gave you a gram of warning.
01:56:36I remember.
01:56:38I just demanded the punishment for the crime.
01:56:42Your son buried a 23-year-old girl...
01:56:45...in the garden of a house...
01:56:47...that was abandoned...
01:56:49...so that she wouldn't be found.
01:56:52It's a lie.
01:56:54All the evidence showed it.
01:56:57Your son admitted his crime...
01:56:59...even though there was no record.
01:57:01It's a lie.
01:57:03It's a lie.
01:57:05It's a lie.
01:57:07It's a lie.
01:57:09Can is not a child.
01:57:18Can is a quiet child.
01:57:34You killed him.
01:57:36Drop your gun.
01:57:38Let's sit down and talk.
01:57:40Drop your gun and let's talk.
01:57:43There's no point in talking.
01:57:47You have no right to talk.
01:57:54Words are not enough.
01:57:58Can is dead.
01:58:01Two weeks ago...
01:58:03...he killed himself in prison.
01:58:06Because of you.
01:58:08You did this to him.
01:58:13You took our only son from us.
01:58:27Brother, you sent him.
01:58:30Adem is alive.
01:58:31Adem is alive.
01:58:34He took the blame for your crime.
01:58:38Esin judged him.
01:58:45If you're angry, it's to take revenge on me.
01:58:50We wanted you to live.
01:58:53And you...
01:58:55...we wanted you to be accused of something you didn't do.
01:59:02I'm really sorry for Can.
01:59:05But your son killed that girl.
01:59:31I'm sorry.
02:00:01I'm sorry.
02:00:28I'm sorry.
02:00:31I'm sorry.
02:00:36I'm sorry.
02:00:45I'm sorry.
02:00:57It could have been your fault.
02:01:01I'm sorry.
02:01:10It could have been my fault.
02:01:31I'm sorry.
02:01:33I'm sorry.
02:01:35I'm sorry.
02:01:37I'm sorry.
02:01:39Everything in the universe is in its own balance...
02:01:43...and moves as it should.
02:01:55Open your eyes.
02:02:09The weather is so nice outside.
02:02:12I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then we'll enjoy the solitude in the garden.
02:02:18Come on.
02:02:20Get up, get up.
02:02:28Good morning, my beautiful prince.
02:02:31I'm coming.
02:02:33Yes, my dear?
02:02:50Do you have any information about this person?
02:02:52Is he one of them?
02:02:54There is a judge in our area.
02:02:56He is like God of justice.
02:02:57His husband is in the police station.
02:02:59They have a son. His name is Can.
02:03:01His girlfriend is missing.
02:03:03A 23-year-old girl.
02:03:05We've been looking for her for a while.
02:03:07As far as I understand, he's the one we found.
02:03:09How can I say this?
02:03:11He's a quiet guy.
02:03:13But he's a calm horse.
02:03:15The night the girl disappeared,
02:03:17they had a fight.
02:03:19Obviously, he did it.
02:03:21We've been looking for a girl here for a week.
02:03:23He waved his hand like this.
02:03:25He went to school in Istanbul.
02:03:27I don't want to talk about this anymore.
02:03:29Excuse me.
02:03:31Guys, let's go.
02:03:45Can I come in, brother?
02:03:47I'm so worried.
02:03:49Come in, brother.
02:03:57What kind of fate is this?
02:03:59The world is full of people running away from the rain.
02:04:03Why did the judge's son
02:04:05kill the girl
02:04:07and bury her in the garden?
02:04:09What a beautiful dog!
02:04:11It's Pascal.
02:04:13He'll be here soon.
02:04:15The house has been empty for a long time.
02:04:17Maybe he was sure.
02:04:19The body belongs to the girl.
02:04:21I'm coming.
02:04:25Pascal is there.
02:04:27There's a girl.
02:04:41What are we going to do tomorrow?
02:04:43What do you mean?
02:04:45Didn't we come here
02:04:47to run away from all this?
02:04:49Another death.
02:04:51A set in our garden.
02:04:55We are cursed.
02:04:57We can't start
02:04:59with the death of the pearl.
02:05:01So we built our life
02:05:03on the death of the pearl.
02:05:05A life that brought us together.
02:05:09Our fate has changed.
02:05:11For example,
02:05:15It couldn't be.
02:05:19Maybe we don't love each other.
02:05:21We couldn't be.
02:05:25Is the price of all this
02:05:29Life is just a simple thing
02:05:31based on price and death.
02:05:33It's all the effect of the butterfly.
02:05:35We live our best version.
02:05:39As you can see,
02:05:41we can't break our fate.
02:05:55We're going back.
02:06:03Thank God,
02:06:05life showed me from the first minute.
02:06:07It's not like that.
02:06:09This is you.
02:06:11This is the man you chose.
02:06:13This is your life.
02:06:15What do you mean?
02:06:17I don't know.
02:06:19I don't know.
02:06:21I don't know.
02:06:23This is your life.
02:06:25Why did you try to run away?
02:06:27Here it is.
02:06:29He finds something.
02:06:31We don't belong here.
02:06:33That's why we're going back tomorrow morning.
02:06:37You didn't have a job to take advantage of, did you?
02:06:39I mean, I'm a beggar.
02:06:41But I haven't got an answer yet.
02:06:45You can withdraw your first salary tomorrow.
02:06:47I'm packing up.
02:06:53Oh, my God.
02:06:55We've been accepted.
02:06:57We've been accepted.
02:06:59Thank God.
02:07:09Are you happy?
02:07:19I mean, we...
02:07:21You'll be happy.
02:07:23If you're happy, we'll be happy.
02:07:25From the beginning.
02:07:27Didn't you ever want to come?
02:07:29I mean...
02:07:37Oh, good.
02:07:39We'll eat our meal.
02:07:41We'll shine.
02:07:43We'll set off tomorrow morning.
02:07:45To Istanbul.
02:07:57Well, Merce saw the game.
02:07:59He couldn't say no.
02:08:01We're done.
02:08:05Where's your phone?
02:08:07Here you are.
02:08:09I'm getting a little old school in these matters.
02:08:13Does someone like you look good on a summer vacation?
02:08:15Old school? No.
02:08:17We're saying yes to the tickets now.
02:08:27You always hang out at the safe harbors.
02:08:29You always say, let's get there.
02:08:31If you're there, I'm there, too.
02:08:33That's it.
02:08:35You'll be happy.
02:08:59Oh, thank God we're here.
02:09:03This is the end of our journey.
02:09:05We're at the end of our journey.
02:09:13Come on, I know you're cheating.
02:09:15We're old school.
02:09:33Life taught me that I couldn't escape my fate by running away.
02:09:39In a short and quick way.
02:09:41As you run away, you hit yourself.
02:09:45Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
02:09:49Your fate, what you've accumulated,
02:09:51your pain, your existence,
02:09:53your hope and your unhappiness.
02:09:55It's not about going, for example.
02:09:57It's about taking yourself with you.
02:10:03And you realize that the happiest place in the world
02:10:09is not just with your loved ones,
02:10:11but also with other countries, beautiful places,
02:10:15even the most beautiful places in the world.
02:10:19If you don't have your loved ones by your side,
02:10:21you don't have a moment.
02:10:23You don't have a moment.
02:10:25You don't have a moment.
02:10:27You don't have a moment.
02:10:29You don't have a moment.
02:10:31You don't have a moment.
02:10:33You don't have a moment.
02:10:35All you need is someone who makes you happy when you get home.
02:10:39And those who go,
02:10:41I give my greetings to you.
02:10:43Now they're not in my wishes,
02:10:45They're in the things I'm grateful for.
02:10:47As if everything should be.
02:10:58Mr. Chief.
02:10:59Wow, wow, wow, Mr. Yekta. Welcome, you gave me honor.
02:11:02We found it.
02:11:03Oh, Mr. Yekta, thank you so much.
02:11:05What a wonderful gift.
02:11:07Thanks to you, my air will be 1,500, I swear.
02:11:09Please, drink with pleasure.
02:11:11Can I make you one too?
02:11:19Thank you.
02:11:30Your orders, Mr. Chief.
02:11:37I understand.
02:11:39I understand, Mr. Chief.
02:11:43Understood, Mr. Chief. I took the order and followed it.
02:11:46Thank you, Mr. Chief.
02:11:48I will have to come again.
02:11:51Let me treat you to your coffee.
02:11:53Here you are, Mr. Yekta.
02:11:54Thank you.
02:11:55It's better to open the door.
02:12:00Let's see.
02:12:07My uncle Eren became a chief.
02:12:09He also has a girlfriend.
02:12:11My sister.
02:12:12She is a cop.
02:12:19Eren and I go to the same high school.
02:12:22In fact, we are in the same class.
02:12:32My aunt Aydin, my grandmother and my aunt Chin opened a shop.
02:12:36They make the food taste better.
02:12:42My uncle Osman opened a shop.
02:12:44They make the food taste better.
02:12:47My uncle Osman is still a taxi driver.
02:12:50He looks at the traffic and says so.
02:12:58My sister Tugce, my aunt Icilar and my brother Efe
02:13:01They presented us with a phone application project.
02:13:04It shows the sexual minorities around us.
02:13:07There is also in America to warn.
02:13:10They will bring it here. They are waiting for an answer.
02:13:17Parli went to international sex education.
02:13:28My uncle Tumar went to the 3rd class of business.
02:13:31He won the same school in the art field.
02:13:34He even gave joint courses.
02:13:46My grandfather Merdan became black.
02:13:48We were all very sad.
02:13:50But we always visit him.
02:14:00My grandfather Bekta wrote his second book.
02:14:03All of his books became a series.
02:14:11My grandfather Bekta wrote his second book.
02:14:14All of his books became a series.
02:14:18My grandfather Bekta left his job to my mother.
02:14:21My mother is still the most successful lawyer in the most difficult cases.
02:14:25Even from me, Bekta said he was successful.
02:14:36My father became the chief prosecutor.
02:14:38My father became the chief prosecutor.
02:14:49When it comes to me, I became an older sister.
02:14:52And I will have another brother.
02:15:22My poor husband.
02:15:24I have a lot of complaints.
02:15:26Is that so? Why?
02:15:27I have emotional needs as a pregnant woman.
02:15:31I miss my husband all the time.
02:15:33I want to see him all the time.
02:15:35I'm wondering.
02:15:38Allah, Allah.
02:15:40I need emotional support.
02:15:42I'm in a very difficult situation.
02:15:43I have two children at home.
02:15:44Oh, my life is so difficult.
02:15:46Can you take a break from work?
02:15:48Or are you going to be born in court?
02:15:50I'm warning you.
02:15:52I will never put my son's name as judge or justice.
02:15:57Come on, get me out of the house.
02:15:59Or I'll eat you.
02:16:02Because a hungry pregnant woman never gives up.
02:16:08What should we eat, dear?
02:16:09Shall we eat chicken?
02:16:12Here you go.
02:16:13Open the red one.
02:16:14Slowly, slowly.
02:16:18Mr. Prosecutor.
02:16:21Ms. Sin Kargin, the judge of Ortaca, has arrived.
02:16:24Her son is with Can's file.
02:16:26You found his lover's body in Italy.
02:16:30He was seen in Ortaca court.
02:16:32I remember that he was involved in the case.
02:16:34That's right, Mr. Prosecutor.
02:16:37But I think his son is involved in another murder here.
02:16:40He wants to talk to you.
02:16:42Ms. Judge.
02:16:43Mr. Prosecutor, I have a request.
02:16:45He said it was about him.
02:16:49Where is this about the file?
02:16:54We will act according to the law of the court.
02:16:58Are you okay?
02:16:59With what?
02:17:00We're going to the courthouse.
02:17:07I think it's a fever.
02:17:08I think I'm going to throw up.
02:17:09Let's go to the stage.
02:17:10Shall we call an ambulance?
02:17:11I'll take you.
02:17:12I think I'm going to throw up.
02:17:13It's so bad.
02:17:15I think I did it again.
02:17:16What did you do?
02:17:17Okay, it's nothing.
02:17:18You're crazy.
02:17:19Calm down.
02:17:31I'll take this.
02:17:37I won't throw up again.
02:17:38I swear I won't throw up again.
02:17:40I can't do that.
02:17:41You're calm.
02:17:45Calm down.
02:17:48Sit down.
02:17:49Sit down.
02:17:52I'm going to throw up.
02:17:54She wants to throw up.
02:18:06I'm going to throw up.
02:18:07I'm going to throw up.
02:18:08I'm going to throw up.
02:18:09I'm going to throw up.
02:18:10I'm going to throw up.
02:18:11I'm going to throw up.
02:18:12I'm going to throw up.
02:18:13I'm going to throw up.
02:18:14I'm going to throw up.
02:18:15I'm going to throw up.
02:18:16I'm going to throw up.
02:18:17I'm going to throw up.
02:18:18I'm going to throw up.
02:18:19I'm going to throw up.
02:18:20I'm going to throw up.
02:18:21I'm going to throw up.
02:18:22I'm going to throw up.
02:18:23I'm going to throw up.
02:18:24I'm going to throw up.
02:18:25I'm going to throw up.
02:18:26I'm going to throw up.
02:18:27I'm going to throw up.
02:18:28I'm going to throw up.
02:18:29I'm going to throw up.
02:18:30I'm going to throw up.
02:18:31I'm going to throw up.
02:18:32I'm going to throw up.
02:18:33I'm going to throw up.
02:18:34I'm going to throw up.
02:18:35I'm going to throw up.
02:18:36I'm going to throw up.
02:18:37I'm going to throw up.
02:18:38I'm going to throw up.
02:18:39I'm going to throw up.
02:18:40I'm going to throw up.
02:18:41I'm going to throw up.
02:18:42I'm going to throw up.
02:18:43I'm going to throw up.
02:18:44I'm going to throw up.
02:18:45I'm going to throw up.
02:18:46I'm going to throw up.
02:18:47I'm going to throw up.
02:18:48I'm going to throw up.
02:18:49I'm going to throw up.
02:18:50I'm going to throw up.
02:18:51I'm going to throw up.
02:18:52I'm going to throw up.
02:18:53I'm going to throw up.
02:18:54I'm going to throw up.
02:18:55I'm going to throw up.
02:18:56I'm going to throw up.
02:18:57I'm going to throw up.
02:18:58I'm going to throw up.
02:18:59I'm going to throw up.
02:19:00I'm going to throw up.
02:19:01I'm going to throw up.
02:19:02I'm going to throw up.
02:19:03I'm going to throw up.
02:19:04I'm going to throw up.
02:19:05I'm going to throw up.
02:19:06I'm going to throw up.
02:19:07I'm going to throw up.
02:19:08I'm going to throw up.
02:19:09I'm going to throw up.
02:19:10I'm going to throw up.
02:19:11I'm going to throw up.
02:19:12I'm going to throw up.
02:19:13I'm going to throw up.
02:19:14I'm going to throw up.
02:19:15I'm going to throw up.
02:19:16I'm going to throw up.
02:19:17I'm going to throw up.
02:19:18I'm going to throw up.
02:19:19I'm going to throw up.
02:19:20I'm going to throw up.
02:19:21I'm going to throw up.
02:19:22I'm going to throw up.
02:19:23I'm going to throw up.
02:19:24I'm going to throw up.
02:19:25I'm going to throw up.
02:19:26I'm going to throw up.
02:19:27I'm going to throw up.
02:19:28I'm going to throw up.
02:19:29I'm going to throw up.
02:19:30I'm going to throw up.
02:19:31I'm going to throw up.
02:19:32I'm going to throw up.
02:19:33I'm going to throw up.
02:19:34I'm going to throw up.
02:19:35I'm going to throw up.
02:19:36I'm going to throw up.
02:19:37I'm going to throw up.
02:19:38I'm going to throw up.
02:19:39I'm going to throw up.
02:19:40I'm going to throw up.
02:19:41I'm going to throw up.
02:19:42I'm going to throw up.
02:19:43I'm going to throw up.
02:19:44I'm going to throw up.
02:19:45I'm going to throw up.
02:19:46I'm going to throw up.
02:19:47I'm going to throw up.
02:19:48I'm going to throw up.
02:19:49I'm going to throw up.
02:19:50I'm going to throw up.
02:19:51I'm going to throw up.
02:19:52I'm going to throw up.
02:19:53I'm going to throw up.
02:19:54I'm going to throw up.
02:19:55I'm going to throw up.
02:19:56I'm going to throw up.
02:19:57I'm going to throw up.
02:19:58I'm going to throw up.
02:19:59I'm going to throw up.
02:20:00I'm going to throw up.
02:20:01I'm going to throw up.
02:20:02I'm going to throw up.
02:20:03I'm going to throw up.
02:20:04I'm going to throw up.
02:20:05I'm going to throw up.