Jeux vidéoTranscription
00:00 *Vidéo*
00:02 *Vidéo*
00:04 [Un message en anglais]
00:10 - And that dude was like, "You're right, I gotta work even harder."
00:13 Then he just grabbed his tools and bolted to the front.
00:17 That place was crawling with ethereals and our dude didn't even bat an eye.
00:21 - Hey, anyone sitting here? - Nah, go ahead.
00:24 - Thanks.
00:26 - I only found out later, this dude's some big shot at balabongs so I'm like telling off my future boss.
00:32 [Rires]
00:34 [Tousse]
00:36 - Here, take a drink.
00:38 - Thanks man.
00:40 [Gulps]
00:42 - Ouh, I got my wind back.
00:45 Hey, you're new here too? Got some wild stories to share with everyone?
00:49 - Wild stories?
00:51 - We're telling each other all the crazy stuff we've experienced at work.
00:54 We're a company specializing in in-holo construction after all.
00:57 - Hmm...
00:59 - Alright, you're probably too young to have too many tall tales.
01:03 - I've got plenty.
01:05 - Huh?
01:06 - Like, about a year ago, I was in a construction accident.
01:10 We were supporting a defense force fortification when we accidentally fell into a holo-future.
01:15 - We need to use a different anti-corruption coating.
01:18 - Huh?
01:20 - Sweepy?
01:22 - Many of us fell into different places in the holo.
01:26 I kept falling and falling, and I realized I was in an unfinished building,
01:30 and at the bottom was a pool of wet cement!
01:33 If I fell in, I knew I'd be done for.
01:36 So, I immediately got on top of my hammer and I went cement-surfing instead!
01:42 - Haha!
01:44 - Seriously?
01:45 - Duh!
01:46 So, I'm surfing around, and I found some trapped co-workers.
01:50 - Hey!
01:51 - They probably also fell in when the space in the holo shifted.
01:54 - I'm here!
01:56 - Haha!
01:58 - Haha!
01:59 - Hahaha!
02:01 - Look! Is that a person?
02:03 - Yep! - Right ahead!
02:04 - Looks like one of us!
02:06 - Help!
02:08 - Haha!
02:10 - Woo-hoo-hoo!
02:11 - Look! I see another person over there!
02:14 And there!
02:15 That side!
02:16 Another one!
02:19 - I got all my co-workers, and we soared across the sea of cement together!
02:25 - Yeah!
02:26 - Haha!
02:27 - Haha!
02:28 - Haha!
02:29 - Haha!
02:30 - We were almost at the edge, then all of a sudden,
02:33 a few ethereals popped out of nowhere and attacked us!
02:36 Luckily, I'm short!
02:38 I mean, smart and fast.
02:41 I immediately dodged, but my hammer was going too fast!
02:44 We just couldn't stop, and we all went flying into another fissure!
02:48 Et, oui, où nous sommes arrivés au final,
02:51 nous sommes revenus au site de construction!
02:53 Le site où nous nous sommes tombés au début!
02:56 Et puis, juste en revenant,
02:59 nous avons trouvé un groupe de gangsters qui voulaient attraper le site!
03:03 Hein?
03:05 Alors, nous les avons tous combattus ensemble!
03:08 - Hein?
03:09 Pourquoi êtes-vous tous si silencieux?
03:12 - Hein?
03:13 - Hahaha!
03:16 - Tu es un bon enfant, tu nous as vraiment fait partir!
03:20 - Vous nous avez fait partir?
03:22 Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire avec ça?
03:24 Ça s'est passé!
03:25 - Attention!
03:26 Détection de haute interactivité dans l'endroit!
03:28 Réponse en direct, s'il vous plaît!
03:30 Je répète, détection de haute interactivité dans l'endroit!
03:33 Tous les membres de la team de réponse en direct, s'il vous plaît!
03:35 - Voilà, président!
03:37 On dirait que quelques ethéreals sont arrivés au site.
03:39 Pour la santé de la sécurité, il vaut mieux qu'on les retire.
03:43 - Président!
03:44 - J'ai compris.
03:45 Dites au team de logistique d'évacuer.
03:47 Ils peuvent reprendre le travail, si la réponse en direct le fait.
03:50 - Compris.
03:51 Je suis là.
03:52 - Hein?
03:53 Vous êtes...
03:54 Euh...
03:55 Madame, vous êtes le président de Bellebog?
03:58 Vous êtes Kaleida Bellebog?
03:59 - Oui.
04:00 Pourquoi êtes-vous si nerveuse?
04:02 Même si...
04:03 N'avez-vous pas dit que je faisais des histoires?
04:06 - Vous voulez savoir s'ils sont vrais?
04:09 Alors, allez, allons-y!
04:11 - Hum!
04:12 ♪ Don't test me and don't try me ♪
04:15 ♪ Tiny things are known to be almighty ♪
04:18 ♪ A leader operate in its entirety ♪
04:21 ♪ Bellebog in the streets, yeah, we are fighting ♪