1999 Power Play Shannon Tweed FULL HOT MOVIE

  • 5 months ago
A beautiful blonde con-woman and martial artist seduces wealthy bachelors and grifts them out of their money using her wiles and deadly force if necessary.
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00:03:45 Hello, Mr. Alcott. My name is Jacqueline Knight.
00:03:50 Mr. Alcott, my name is Jacqueline Knight.
00:03:54 Mr. Alcott, my name is Jacqueline Knight.
00:03:59 I run an organization called, uh, Rise Up.
00:04:05 I run an organization called Rise Up.
00:04:08 Yeah.
00:04:10 [SIGHS]
00:04:11 [CLICKS TONGUE]
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00:04:21 Excuse me. Is this the Alcott reception?
00:04:29 Yes, it is.
00:04:30 Oh. [LAUGHS]
00:04:31 I've been roaming these halls for 20 minutes.
00:04:33 You know, my invitation says...
00:04:35 that it's home on the dining room table.
00:04:38 I'm so stupid.
00:04:39 [LAUGHS]
00:04:40 Why don't you go in with me?
00:04:42 The invitation's good for two.
00:04:43 Unless, of course, you're here with someone.
00:04:45 No, no, I'm not. But are you sure I won't be imposing?
00:04:48 Please. It would be my pleasure.
00:04:50 Well, that's very sweet of you.
00:04:52 My name's Jacqueline.
00:04:53 Dr. Jacob Griffith. Pleasure to meet you.
00:04:55 You too.
00:04:56 Maybe we can even make an evening of it.
00:04:59 Oh, I'd like that.
00:05:00 [LAUGHS]
00:05:01 Let me help you with that.
00:05:03 That's a great-looking suit.
00:05:06 Oh, thank you.
00:05:07 So, Jacqueline, what brings you to this event?
00:05:10 Are you affiliated with the Alcott Humanitarian Foundation?
00:05:13 No, I've actually never met them.
00:05:15 I'm secretly here to solicit support for a charity group I run called Rise Up.
00:05:21 Really? What sort of work does your group do?
00:05:24 We work with troubled teens.
00:05:26 It's a small organization. We just started.
00:05:29 But I have a few cases I'm very proud of.
00:05:31 That's very commendable.
00:05:33 It's always refreshing to meet someone who's more willing to give than to receive.
00:05:38 Hmm. Yeah.
00:05:40 What about you? You must be associated with the hospital.
00:05:43 I'm head of cardiology.
00:05:45 23 years and counting.
00:05:47 Sat on the board for the past 12.
00:05:49 So you must know Mr. Alcott, then.
00:05:52 Unfortunately not.
00:05:54 I was introduced to him once, but since this is the first time that he's donated to our hospital,
00:05:59 most of us don't know him well personally at all.
00:06:02 Hmm. They say that he's worth about...
00:06:05 Can you please take your seats? We'd like to begin.
00:06:07 Shall we go over there?
00:06:09 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:06:10 Thank you for joining us tonight to honor and thank our benefactor, Mr. Benjamin Alcott.
00:06:16 Tonight we honor a man whose contributions will help many within the community,
00:06:21 and countless others far and wide.
00:06:24 With his generous contribution, we've been able to fund one of the most aggressive and promising...
00:06:29 Just what is Mr. Alcott's background?
00:06:30 ...researching organ transplants.
00:06:32 It's timber.
00:06:33 He's one of the biggest suppliers on the West Coast.
00:06:36 They're big, but not well-liked.
00:06:38 Environmentalists object to their harvesting practices.
00:06:42 Really?
00:06:43 Once again, we're extremely grateful for Mr. Alcott's contribution.
00:06:46 The company's successful, but they're not listed in the Fortune 500.
00:06:50 I'm told his personal net worth is around $20 million.
00:06:53 Really?
00:06:57 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct honor and pleasure to present to you Mr. Benjamin Alcott.
00:07:03 Thank you. Thank you very much. You're all too kind. Thank you.
00:07:11 I'll try to make this brief, as I know these speeches can be about as effective as any anesthesia.
00:07:18 It is an honor for me to be here tonight to accept this plaque and to help this community.
00:07:26 You see, many years ago, as a young boy growing up, I was quite sick.
00:07:30 I recall those days very well, the fear and the loneliness I felt through those very troubled days.
00:07:37 However, through the help and talent of many doctors and very attentive nurses,
00:07:42 I was able to pull through and go on to lead a very productive and now prosperous life.
00:07:47 Others, like myself, were also able to get well and leave.
00:07:51 Unfortunately, there were those that didn't.
00:07:55 I have learned over the years that it is just too heartbreaking to dwell on those things that cannot be changed.
00:08:02 However, it is quite uplifting to focus on those things that can.
00:08:07 I hope this contribution makes a difference, and thank you all for the opportunity of repaying a debt long overdue.
00:08:16 Thank you very, very much.
00:08:17 [Applause]
00:08:24 Damn.
00:08:25 Oh, I have to go.
00:08:28 Well, this is a rather disappointing end to a pleasant evening.
00:08:32 Shall we get together again sometime?
00:08:34 No, thanks.
00:08:35 It doesn't have to be so formal.
00:08:36 I don't think so.
00:08:37 We could have a good time, maybe a quiet dinner together.
00:08:40 Look, Doc, let me get straight to the point.
00:08:43 You're an awkward, annoying pain in the ass.
00:08:45 And why don't you go home to your comfy little house and your wrinkled little wife and fuck her instead?
00:08:50 I'm sure she'd really appreciate it.
00:08:52 I pegged you for a bimbo, but not a cold-hearted bitch.
00:08:58 Well, you should have been more observant.
00:09:00 After all, you're the cardiologist.
00:09:02 Sorry.
00:09:14 Well, I think that's a wonderful idea.
00:09:16 If you'd please call my office tomorrow, we will set up an appointment.
00:09:19 Excuse me. Mr. Alcott?
00:09:23 Yes.
00:09:24 I'm Jacqueline Knight.
00:09:25 Pleasure.
00:09:26 I just wanted to say how wonderful it was of you to make such a generous contribution to the hospital.
00:09:29 I'm sure they'll be able to help so many people with it.
00:09:32 Well, thank you. It was the least I could do.
00:09:34 I really wished it could have been more.
00:09:36 Oh, on the contrary, it's more than most people give.
00:09:38 Yes, I suppose you're right.
00:09:40 Well, your modesty suits you well.
00:09:42 It's a humanitarian thing to do, and I'm sure many will be helped.
00:09:45 It was nice meeting you, Mr. Alcott.
00:09:47 Thank you.
00:09:48 Excuse me, Miss Knight.
00:09:50 Your bracelet must have slipped off.
00:09:54 Thank you.
00:09:56 Saved me.
00:09:57 Well, now the pleasure is all mine, Miss Knight.
00:09:59 Jacqueline.
00:10:00 Jacqueline.
00:10:02 Are you with the hospital?
00:10:04 Uh, no, actually.
00:10:07 I run a non-profit organization called Rise Up.
00:10:10 It's for teenagers to learn business skills.
00:10:12 Did I say something funny?
00:10:15 No, not at all.
00:10:17 I just really wasn't expecting to be solicited tonight, at least not by someone like you.
00:10:22 However, compared to the usual graceless, tactless, bald-headed men in three-piece suits,
00:10:28 you're a very welcomed relief, so by all means, please continue.
00:10:32 No, you're absolutely right.
00:10:34 It's very rude of me. I'm sorry.
00:10:36 It's your party, and you should enjoy it.
00:10:39 No, wait. Please, Jacqueline, don't go.
00:10:41 I didn't mean to scare you off.
00:10:43 You are a breath of fresh air in an evening of dignitaries,
00:10:48 and I would enjoy your company.
00:10:50 That is, unless, of course, you're not alone.
00:10:52 No, I'm afraid I am.
00:10:54 You know what? Let me do something for you.
00:10:58 Thank you.
00:10:59 That looks a little sad.
00:11:01 That ain't good speech.
00:11:06 What did you do to your dress?
00:11:08 Well, peroxide wonder that you were just talking to ran into me and made me spill my wine.
00:11:13 You're not paying attention as usual, huh, Candy?
00:11:16 Why are you still wearing the dress?
00:11:17 Why don't you go home and change? You're embarrassing me.
00:11:20 I'm here for you, Daddy, remember?
00:11:22 Yes, but you look like a fool. How do you think that reflects on me?
00:11:26 No matter what, it is always my fault.
00:11:29 Would you please keep your voice down?
00:11:32 Oh, I forgot.
00:11:34 You have to preserve the alcohol persona of father, benefactor, and saint.
00:11:38 You forced me to come to these damn things just to maintain your image.
00:11:42 That's enough. Go home, Candy.
00:11:45 It's time for you to leave.
00:11:47 Just sweep it under the rug.
00:11:49 I'm sorry I didn't know you were with someone.
00:11:55 Oh, no, that's my stepdaughter. She's decided to leave early.
00:11:59 I worry about her a lot, but she assures me everything's just fine.
00:12:04 [rock music]
00:12:06 [knock on door]
00:12:12 Hey.
00:12:17 How you doing, huh?
00:12:20 Okay.
00:12:22 So, Jacqueline, tell me some more about this group you run.
00:12:26 Well, you know, I wasn't gonna bring it up again after the reaction you gave me last time.
00:12:30 Oh, look, I'm sorry about that.
00:12:33 I didn't mean anything by it.
00:12:35 It's just that I get approached by a lot of people, and you caught me completely off guard.
00:12:39 I know. I must admit, that's the reason I came here in the first place.
00:12:44 But after meeting you, I've decided I'd rather get to know the real Benjamin Alcott
00:12:49 instead of being another charity case.
00:12:52 I don't think I could refer to you as a charity case.
00:12:56 Well, I guess I should say thank you.
00:12:59 [laughs]
00:13:01 Maybe we should carry this conversation on elsewhere.
00:13:04 The cleanup crew's getting a little anxious.
00:13:06 I... You know, I know an all-night diner.
00:13:09 We could hash over some hash browns or get a jump on breakfast.
00:13:13 I gotta warn you, though, it's not in a very safe part of town.
00:13:16 Don't you worry, because I'm gonna protect you.
00:13:18 Oh, and who's gonna protect you from me?
00:13:21 [laughs]
00:13:23 I've been trying for the past 15 years, and I still can't seem to do anything right.
00:13:29 Why don't you do this to yourself?
00:13:33 I guess I have this fantasy that finally realizes how wrong you've been all these years.
00:13:39 And you're trying to make it up to me.
00:13:43 Somehow.
00:13:46 You have to be.
00:13:48 Shh. Hey.
00:13:51 You gotta think about us instead.
00:13:54 Okay? You can't think about him anymore.
00:13:57 I told you, I love you, and that's all you need.
00:14:01 He's just some sorry old man that...
00:14:04 I used to go around pushing your buttons all the time.
00:14:08 You gotta think about our future.
00:14:10 And how happy that we're gonna be when he's gone and this place and everything else is ours.
00:14:17 Yeah?
00:14:18 You start thinking about that instead.
00:14:21 I just wanna feel like I'm part of a family.
00:14:23 We're a family.
00:14:25 We're gonna get married someday, and we're gonna have 12 little kids running around, and you're gonna love 'em all to death.
00:14:33 Daddy would hate that.
00:14:37 Could you really put up with a father-in-law like him?
00:14:40 If it means being with you.
00:14:43 I love you.
00:14:47 I love you, too.
00:14:50 [fire crackling]
00:14:54 [fire crackling]
00:14:57 [fire crackling]
00:15:23 [birds chirping]
00:15:26 [door opening]
00:15:30 [whistling]
00:15:33 What the heck?
00:15:38 You little tramp.
00:15:40 Get up! Get up and get that loser boyfriend out of my house.
00:15:44 You better be off my property in less than a minute, otherwise I will have you arrested for trespassing.
00:15:50 You don't scare me, old man.
00:15:52 You can't push me around like you do your daughter, Candy.
00:15:54 Who the hell do you think you are, Mr. Big Shot?
00:15:57 Screwing a girl half your age.
00:16:00 You don't think I know what you're up to around here, loving that meal ticket?
00:16:03 I've seen your kind around here before.
00:16:05 Oh, yeah, like in the mirror, right?
00:16:07 What the hell are you talking about?
00:16:08 You heard me.
00:16:09 I'm not good enough for your daughter, Candy, but you were good enough for her rich mom?
00:16:13 Candy is a magnet for scum like you.
00:16:16 Believe me, there's not gonna be any payoff for you around here.
00:16:20 I thought I'd do this for you, wasn't there?
00:16:22 See if Candy's mom hadn't been killed-- oh, excuse me, I'm sorry-- died,
00:16:26 then none of this would be yours, would it?
00:16:28 Get the hell out of my house.
00:16:31 I love Candy.
00:16:33 I don't care what you think.
00:16:35 Oh, that is just really touching, and you're stupid enough to believe him.
00:16:39 Hey, he's not stupid!
00:16:40 Get out of here now, or I will call the police.
00:16:44 Go ahead and call the police.
00:16:48 [birds chirping]
00:16:50 Call your lawyer, baby.
00:17:08 [door slams]
00:17:12 [door opens]
00:17:13 [car starts]
00:17:19 You are a foolish girl, Candace, foolish and ignorant.
00:17:27 Stop treating me like a child.
00:17:29 You are a child, and until such time that you start making some adult choices,
00:17:33 I will treat you as such.
00:17:35 From now on, I forbid you ever to see that boy again.
00:17:39 And that trash is never to set foot in my house.
00:17:42 Do I make myself clear?
00:17:44 Look, I can throw you out just as easily as I threw him.
00:17:47 Throw me out of my mother's house?
00:17:49 This is my house.
00:17:50 Remember, I inherited the property, the debt, the business, and of course you.
00:17:54 And you've been nothing but a rebellious little tramp ever since.
00:17:57 I was only three when you killed Mother.
00:18:00 It was an accident.
00:18:01 You were the one who was driving.
00:18:03 You were the one who drove off the road.
00:18:05 Christ's sakes, it always comes back down to this, doesn't it?
00:18:07 You blame me.
00:18:09 Who else is there?
00:18:10 Why couldn't that have been you instead?
00:18:12 You know, I really have no more patience for this.
00:18:14 You are just really sick.
00:18:16 I'm glad your mother's not here to see any of this.
00:18:19 Stop crying like a baby.
00:18:23 You want me to pretend everything is all right when it's not?
00:18:25 All you want is a pacifier to make everything okay.
00:18:29 I was a child when my mother was gone.
00:18:32 I just wanted to be somebody's daughter.
00:18:34 [♪♪♪]
00:18:37 Hi.
00:18:43 Jackie, it's Ben Alcott.
00:18:45 Oh, hi, Ben. How are you?
00:18:47 Good.
00:18:49 Eight o'clock's fine.
00:18:51 Sure, I can drive myself.
00:18:53 Oh, you're so sweet.
00:18:56 Don't be silly.
00:18:57 I'm perfectly capable of driving myself.
00:19:00 Okay.
00:19:02 I'll see you then.
00:19:03 Bye.
00:19:04 I'm perfectly capable.
00:19:10 I'm perfect.
00:19:14 I am.
00:19:17 Here is to the love of mankind
00:19:22 in helping those less fortunate than us.
00:19:24 To the less fortunate.
00:19:26 You have a beautiful home, Ben.
00:19:30 Thank you very much.
00:19:31 I can't take all the credit for it.
00:19:33 I had lots of help.
00:19:34 Have you lived here long?
00:19:35 Oh, about 25 years.
00:19:37 I was the original developer.
00:19:39 I thought timber was your business.
00:19:42 The businessman who adapts will always find success.
00:19:45 My late wife is a very good example.
00:19:48 She did these drawings here.
00:19:50 Beautiful, aren't they?
00:19:51 They're lovely.
00:19:52 She was very talented.
00:19:54 She used her artistic skills to do corporate logos.
00:19:58 She adapted.
00:20:00 I'm sorry.
00:20:01 I had the most wonderful time the other night.
00:20:10 So did I, Ben.
00:20:11 You have to let me know more about you.
00:20:13 I did all the talking the other night.
00:20:15 Tonight I want you to have the mic.
00:20:17 But your life is so much more interesting.
00:20:19 Mine's pretty standard, really.
00:20:21 No, no, no.
00:20:22 I want to know more about you.
00:20:24 Okay.
00:20:26 Fair enough.
00:20:28 Let's see.
00:20:29 Where should I begin?
00:20:30 Well, I'm originally from the Midwest.
00:20:33 A little farming community called Platmouth.
00:20:36 Just south of Omaha.
00:20:38 We were comfortable.
00:20:39 Not wealthy.
00:20:40 My father owned a good-sized farm back then.
00:20:42 Fortunately, I had a charmed childhood.
00:20:44 My mother was an especially great role model.
00:20:47 She basically taught me everything I know.
00:20:49 So when Father died, Mother sold the farm and moved to Portugal.
00:20:53 And I came out to L.A. where, I guess you could say I heard my calling.
00:20:58 And I decided I wanted to help people.
00:21:01 So I did a fair amount of charity work, and then I started Rise Up.
00:21:05 And you're doing well so far.
00:21:07 Well, you know, we have our difficulties, but we're making a little progress.
00:21:11 Thank you.
00:21:13 So how would you like a brandy in the living room?
00:21:18 I'd like a...
00:21:25 It was unbelievable traffic, so I figured the streets are so irregular in Hong Kong
00:21:29 that I can cross it quicker on foot.
00:21:31 Right.
00:21:32 So I grab all the software, I hop out of the limousine, and I start running.
00:21:35 Turns out I arrive at the meeting ten minutes early,
00:21:38 and the competition completely misses the entire thing.
00:21:41 Oh, my God.
00:21:43 Well, you're a remarkable man, Mr. Alcott.
00:21:45 Well, thank you very much.
00:21:47 Let me ask you something.
00:21:48 Yeah.
00:21:49 When...
00:21:50 Candace, I'm glad you came home.
00:21:52 I'd like you to meet somebody.
00:21:54 Jacqueline Knight, my stepdaughter Candace.
00:21:56 Nice to meet you.
00:21:57 I'm sorry about your dress.
00:22:01 I hope it came out okay.
00:22:02 Funny, you didn't seem sorry at the time.
00:22:04 Candace.
00:22:05 Oh, I'm sorry, Dad.
00:22:06 Is she one of the girlfriends I'm supposed to be nice to?
00:22:08 Nice to meet you, Kathleen.
00:22:10 I'll leave you two alone.
00:22:11 Candy, come back here and apologize to Jacqueline.
00:22:13 It's okay, Dad.
00:22:14 All right, I'm so sorry about that.
00:22:17 Let's not let that spoil our evening.
00:22:20 All right.
00:22:21 Want to pick up where we left off?
00:22:23 Of course.
00:22:25 [♪♪♪]
00:22:28 [♪♪♪]
00:22:31 [♪♪♪]
00:22:34 [CHUCKLES]
00:22:35 [♪♪♪]
00:22:38 [♪♪♪]
00:23:07 [♪♪♪]
00:23:10 [♪♪♪]
00:23:13 [♪♪♪]
00:23:15 Something I'd like to ask you.
00:23:17 I've been giving it off a lot of thought, and, uh...
00:23:21 What is it?
00:23:23 I realize we haven't known each other a long time,
00:23:27 but you have completely changed my life.
00:23:30 I can't even imagine it without you.
00:23:32 But I...
00:23:34 But I'm trying...
00:23:36 Would you please marry me?
00:23:38 Well...
00:23:42 [PHONE RINGING]
00:23:44 Ben, I'd be happy to be Mrs. Benjamin Alcott.
00:23:53 [CHUCKLES]
00:23:54 Oh, Ben, it's beautiful.
00:24:00 So are you.
00:24:02 [♪♪♪]
00:24:04 They're gonna get married.
00:24:16 With that lady?
00:24:18 Yeah.
00:24:20 I mean, I can't believe that son of a bitch would do something like this.
00:24:23 He's only known her a couple of months.
00:24:25 Don't tell me...
00:24:27 They're in love?
00:24:29 I don't know.
00:24:31 I don't really care either.
00:24:33 Well, that's definitely gonna affect your future.
00:24:35 What, another Wiggins' tit-parent?
00:24:37 Well, think about it.
00:24:44 I mean, she's gonna be his wife,
00:24:56 and then when he's gone,
00:24:58 she's gonna get half of your inheritance.
00:25:00 That's the money that you deserved your whole life.
00:25:03 And then you're gonna have to share your money with that bitch.
00:25:09 So, Steve, what are we gonna do?
00:25:12 Ben, this traffic's gonna make us late.
00:25:17 Oh, I don't think we have anything to worry about.
00:25:19 After all, I'm the one writing the check.
00:25:21 [CHUCKLES]
00:25:22 Yes, you are.
00:25:23 How many charities are you involved with right now?
00:25:25 Two.
00:25:26 You know, I do it just for good business appearance.
00:25:29 As you know, logging's not a very popular industry,
00:25:32 so I try to balance the negative publicity
00:25:34 with some very positive paid PR.
00:25:36 Oh, Ben.
00:25:38 What about all that stuff you said at the Parkview benefit?
00:25:41 Well, let's just say my secretary writes a very good speech.
00:25:44 Frankly, I don't have time for all the details of giving.
00:25:48 Wow. I'm not marrying the saint I thought I was.
00:25:52 Listen, if it's such a burden to you,
00:25:54 why don't you let me handle the foundation?
00:25:56 With my experience,
00:25:58 it's just a natural extension of what I'm doing already.
00:26:01 [PHONE RINGS]
00:26:08 Yes, hi, this is Ben Alcott.
00:26:11 Give me William Stone, please.
00:26:13 Hi, Bill, it's Ben.
00:26:16 Good, thanks.
00:26:17 Look, from now on, my fiancée, Jacqueline Knight,
00:26:20 is gonna handle all my dues.
00:26:22 Jacqueline Knight's gonna handle all my duties with the charity.
00:26:26 Yes, thank you. Two weeks from now.
00:26:28 And, of course, you're invited.
00:26:30 Why don't I have Jacqueline come down tomorrow
00:26:32 and meet you to sign all the necessary papers?
00:26:35 Very good, Bill. Thank you.
00:26:38 You'll thank me.
00:26:44 [KISSES]
00:26:56 Oh, honey, you're getting me all wet.
00:26:58 I'm just watering my flower.
00:27:00 [LAUGHS]
00:27:01 You know what? These wedding plans are driving me crazy.
00:27:04 Why don't we just go to Las Vegas?
00:27:06 What? I thought you women lived for all that stuff.
00:27:09 Anyway, we have to get to the lawyers to establish the prenuptial.
00:27:13 You never mentioned that to me before, Ben.
00:27:16 Jackie, I do silly things, but I'm nobody's fool.
00:27:21 I know you're not a fool, Ben.
00:27:24 I just didn't think you were that mistrusting.
00:27:27 After all, I am gonna be your wife.
00:27:30 Oh, come on, Jackie. Let's not make a big issue of it, okay?
00:27:34 The important thing is we're gonna be married.
00:27:37 I don't have a problem with it, Ben.
00:27:39 I just wish you'd told me sooner. That's all.
00:27:41 I know, I know, I know. I am sorry.
00:27:44 So what do you still have left to do for the wedding?
00:27:46 Oh, everything. This has become such a production.
00:27:50 And you will be the star.
00:27:53 Yeah, I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Elcott.
00:27:58 Listen, I'm gonna go talk to the caterers, okay?
00:28:03 And then I'm gonna go to my apartment and pack up.
00:28:05 I'll see you tomorrow.
00:28:10 (SIREN WAILING)
00:28:12 (SCREAMING)
00:28:37 It appears that Mr. Elcott suffered a heart attack while swimming.
00:28:42 For a man of his age, he was in pretty good shape.
00:28:46 But sometimes these things are completely unpredictable.
00:28:51 I'm really sorry about your loss, Mrs. Elcott.
00:28:56 Not quite. We weren't married yet.
00:29:06 Candy, I'm really sorry about your father.
00:29:09 We had known each other for many years and had become good friends.
00:29:12 Anyway, his estate was valued at $20 million,
00:29:15 and most of it had been willed to various charities he'd become active with.
00:29:19 And he left Carmen a year's salary.
00:29:22 And?
00:29:24 And that's all.
00:29:26 What about me? Did he leave me anything?
00:29:28 He left you his complete library, all of his books.
00:29:32 I'm his daughter.
00:29:34 Candy, please, I know you're upset.
00:29:36 He leaves millions to complete strangers, and I get nothing?
00:29:40 How am I supposed to live off of books?
00:29:42 Candy, I'm sorry.
00:29:44 You know, those books meant a lot to Ben.
00:29:48 You think he was born with his skills and talent?
00:29:51 I'll just send over the papers I need you to sign.
00:29:54 I know you don't want to discuss this now,
00:29:56 but we need to make arrangements for your father's funeral.
00:30:00 Burn him.
00:30:03 Steve, it's Candy. Where are you?
00:30:06 I need you right now. Call me as soon as you get this.
00:30:09 Delivery for Mr. Ben Alcott.
00:30:29 Wedding's off. I don't know where to find her.
00:30:33 [door slams]
00:30:36 [door opens]
00:30:39 [paper rustles]
00:30:41 [♪♪♪]
00:30:51 [♪♪♪]
00:30:53 Los Angeles Mercantile Bank. May I help you?
00:31:12 Yes, hi. I wanted to make a donation to a charity that banks with you.
00:31:17 Um, it's called Rise Up.
00:31:20 I don't really have all the banking information,
00:31:22 but a friend had told me that I could just mail it to you.
00:31:27 It's called Rise Up?
00:31:29 Yes.
00:31:30 One moment, please.
00:31:32 I'm sorry. I don't show an active account.
00:31:34 We did have an account with them, but it was closed on November 6th.
00:31:37 Could you please tell me when that account was opened?
00:31:39 October 23rd.
00:31:41 Of this year?
00:31:42 Yes, ma'am.
00:31:44 So the account has been open less than a month?
00:31:47 Yes, ma'am.
00:31:48 Are you sure?
00:31:49 Positive.
00:31:51 Thank you.
00:31:53 Jackie's charity, Rise Up, didn't even exist until after she and Daddy were dating.
00:32:01 So the solicitation at the gala was all bullshit.
00:32:04 Daddy put her in charge of his foundation just two weeks ago.
00:32:13 Then Rise Up received a $300,000 donation from it?
00:32:16 That's only one day after Jackie was put in charge.
00:32:20 So she used her authority to give herself a big fat bonus, huh?
00:32:24 Exactly.
00:32:26 Then Rise Up's account was completely drained on November 5th.
00:32:29 One day after Daddy died.
00:32:32 So we get totally screwed by her father and she locks off the $300,000.
00:32:37 No wonder she left so fast.
00:32:41 She has her money, Steve.
00:32:43 What are we going to do?
00:32:45 I'm going to call the cops.
00:32:46 No, the police cannot know about this.
00:32:48 Otherwise they're going to go back to all the stupid charities.
00:32:50 Please, listen to me.
00:32:53 Please, please.
00:32:54 Listen to me.
00:32:56 I'm going to find her, Candy.
00:32:58 I'm going to catch her.
00:33:00 I'm going to get our money back, okay?
00:33:02 All right?
00:33:04 You're the only better thing, okay, man?
00:33:06 Check if it's the right place.
00:33:09 I don't know. It was in Daddy's address book.
00:33:11 There's no Jacqueline Knight.
00:33:12 Jay Keller matches the initials.
00:33:14 14B.
00:33:16 I don't know. What do you think?
00:33:18 Over here, baby.
00:33:20 Come on. Let's check it out.
00:33:21 All right.
00:33:22 Hey.
00:33:39 What are you doing?
00:33:41 Hey, how are you doing?
00:33:43 My ex-girlfriend Jackie lives here.
00:33:45 She's got a bunch of my stuff inside.
00:33:48 I've been calling her.
00:33:50 She hasn't been answering me.
00:33:52 Have you seen her?
00:33:54 No, I haven't seen her.
00:33:55 And I don't want to either.
00:33:57 She's a real bitch.
00:33:58 She's always blocking my parking space.
00:34:00 I don't know what to do.
00:34:01 I mean, you know, I...
00:34:03 I ain't seen a thing.
00:34:07 [sneezes]
00:34:09 So someone left a note here.
00:34:27 [♪♪♪]
00:34:30 [sighs]
00:34:33 [♪♪♪]
00:34:35 [♪♪♪]
00:34:37 [♪♪♪]
00:34:39 [♪♪♪]
00:34:41 [sighs]
00:34:47 [♪♪♪]
00:34:49 [♪♪♪]
00:34:53 [♪♪♪]
00:35:01 [♪♪♪]
00:35:03 [♪♪♪]
00:35:15 [♪♪♪]
00:35:17 [♪♪♪]
00:35:19 I knew it.
00:35:45 [♪♪♪]
00:35:47 [phone ringing]
00:35:58 Good afternoon. Santa Barbara Marina Resort.
00:36:03 Who is this?
00:36:04 Santa Barbara Marina Resort.
00:36:06 Would you like a reservation, sir?
00:36:08 Yeah, yeah, but give me your address first.
00:36:14 Why do you have to seduce her to get the money?
00:36:17 Did I say seduce?
00:36:19 You can't seduce a woman like Jackie.
00:36:21 But I'll tell you something.
00:36:22 If Jackie thinks I'm rich, then I can get closer to the money.
00:36:24 Right?
00:36:25 If I can get closer to the money, I can get the money, right?
00:36:27 And just how are you going to do that?
00:36:28 That's the easy part.
00:36:29 Just turn on the Gant's charm.
00:36:31 Have a little fun with it.
00:36:33 Well, don't have too much fun.
00:36:35 Hey, don't worry about it.
00:36:38 Looks real, huh?
00:36:42 I've had this.
00:36:44 Are you sure you're even going to be able to recognize Jacqueline?
00:36:48 You've never even met her.
00:36:50 You can't miss a woman like that.
00:36:52 Don't worry about it. I told you.
00:36:58 Just take care of it, all right?
00:37:00 [♪♪♪]
00:37:04 [♪♪♪]
00:37:06 Hi.
00:37:31 Hi.
00:37:32 I'm supposed to be meeting a friend of mine.
00:37:34 Her name is Jacqueline Knight.
00:37:36 Could you tell me what room she's in, please?
00:37:38 I'm sorry, sir.
00:37:45 I don't have anyone registered by that name in this hotel.
00:37:48 No, Jacqueline Keller.
00:37:50 I'm sorry, sir.
00:37:57 I don't have anyone by that name either.
00:37:59 You're the owner of the Santa Barbara Marina Hotel, right?
00:38:02 Now, I know she's here. Maybe she's using her maiden name.
00:38:04 So can you just check all the guests with the first name Jacqueline or something?
00:38:07 I'm sorry, sir.
00:38:08 Even if you had the correct name, we don't give out guest room numbers.
00:38:12 Just give me a room for two for one night, please.
00:38:20 [♪♪♪]
00:38:22 So why is she not here?
00:38:35 Well, we still need a place to rest, don't we?
00:38:38 Do you really think she would use her real name?
00:38:41 Relax. We'll find her.
00:38:44 We're at a resort.
00:38:46 We might as well make the best of it.
00:38:49 [♪♪♪]
00:38:51 [♪♪♪]
00:38:53 [♪♪♪]
00:38:55 [♪♪♪]
00:38:58 [♪♪♪]
00:39:00 [♪♪♪]
00:39:02 [♪♪♪]
00:39:09 [♪♪♪]
00:39:15 [♪♪♪]
00:39:23 [♪♪♪]
00:39:25 I was hoping you could help me. I'm looking for someone.
00:39:44 I might have seen her in here.
00:39:51 She's a friend of mine. I just didn't get in touch with her.
00:39:54 Piece of work, all right.
00:39:58 Oh.
00:40:00 I saw someone in here who looked a little like her the other night.
00:40:03 She was an older gentleman. Nice kind of look, I was asking.
00:40:06 Well, what time is that?
00:40:08 Eight or nine o'clock.
00:40:10 I'll be back.
00:40:15 I'll be here.
00:40:19 [♪♪♪]
00:40:21 From the gentleman over at the bar?
00:40:27 Excuse me. Hi.
00:40:35 I, uh... I really don't normally do this.
00:40:39 I know women hate it.
00:40:41 But I, uh...
00:40:43 I was sitting over at the bar, and I couldn't help noticing you have
00:40:46 the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen in my entire life.
00:40:50 Okay. I said it. See you later.
00:40:54 Wait a second.
00:40:58 What's your name?
00:41:00 Dan. Richard.
00:41:02 Dan. Thank you, Dan.
00:41:04 You're welcome.
00:41:06 Notice the tan? You have nice eyes, too.
00:41:08 Thank you.
00:41:14 What do you do?
00:41:16 I am a marketing efficiency consultant for pharmaceutical companies.
00:41:20 Ah. Drag dealer.
00:41:22 Interesting. Sort of.
00:41:24 Listen, are you hungry?
00:41:26 I was just about ready to sit down and have some dinner,
00:41:28 and I would love for you to join me.
00:41:30 Why not?
00:41:32 So this was September in New Orleans, right?
00:41:34 The hurricane is due. We take off anyway.
00:41:37 All of a sudden, about 20 minutes into the flight,
00:41:39 the plane starts shaking, right?
00:41:41 This pilot comes down the other time and says,
00:41:43 "Don't need to be alarmed, folks. This is only turbulence."
00:41:46 All of a sudden, you hear bangs, loud noise outside of the window.
00:41:49 I see these two engines burning up on fire.
00:41:51 This plane goes into a nosedive, and there's books and plates
00:41:54 and drinks flying all over the cabin.
00:41:56 I said to myself, you know, "Here it comes. This is it.
00:41:59 I'm going to die in a great ball of fire."
00:42:01 God, you must have been terrified.
00:42:03 You know the funny thing is, nobody screamed.
00:42:05 Nobody screamed.
00:42:07 All you can hear is the roar of the engines in the background.
00:42:10 The plane pulls out of it.
00:42:12 People start freaking out.
00:42:15 I mean, it scared the hell out of me.
00:42:18 Well, I, for one, am glad you survived.
00:42:20 Me too. You know, I've always been kind of a lucky guy.
00:42:23 Listen, would you mind walking me to my room?
00:42:25 I'm sorry, Mr. Gantz.
00:42:27 My computer isn't accepting your credit card.
00:42:29 Oh, just run it through me, Cap.
00:42:31 I've already tried it three times.
00:42:33 It's embarrassing. The card should work.
00:42:37 I'll just charge it to my hotel room, then.
00:42:39 I'm sorry, sir. We're a different company than the hotel.
00:42:42 You know what? I'm going to turn in, Dan.
00:42:44 I'll see you around the hotel.
00:42:46 Excuse me.
00:43:08 Looking a little red there.
00:43:10 Bet it gets emotional.
00:43:12 Thanks for asking. I don't have a lot of lotion.
00:43:14 Allow me.
00:43:17 I hate watching people burn.
00:43:20 Thanks.
00:43:24 I'm Shelby, by the way.
00:43:26 Steve. Nice to meet you.
00:43:28 Are you from L.A.?
00:43:31 Yeah. How'd you know?
00:43:33 Most guys from out of state have a pretty good-sized gut.
00:43:37 Oh. I mean, like that guy over there.
00:43:40 Actually, you're looking a little red yourself, there.
00:43:45 Yeah, right.
00:43:47 Let's see what we can do here. Oh, yeah. That's better.
00:43:55 You know, I'm really kind of salty from the ocean.
00:44:01 Mind if I come up and use your shower?
00:44:06 Sorry. I don't think my girlfriend would like that very much.
00:44:09 Okay.
00:44:12 Well, how about you use the shower at my place?
00:44:15 Sorry.
00:44:17 Still taking it?
00:44:19 Too bad.
00:44:21 Check it out.
00:44:30 She's with him. I'll explain that one to her, yeah?
00:44:34 He's loaded. She's beautiful.
00:44:37 Listen, I gotta go.
00:44:41 It was a really nice meeting you.
00:44:43 Mr. Kline, you're too much.
00:45:00 Wait. Call me.
00:45:02 I'll be right back.
00:45:04 This is it.
00:45:29 Hold on a minute, Steve. I don't think it's such a good idea.
00:45:33 Let me just think a minute.
00:45:35 There she is. Hello.
00:45:38 Hi. How are you doing?
00:45:40 My fiancé locked us out.
00:45:43 Honey, how can I have locked us out when you were in charge of the key?
00:45:47 You're the last one out the door.
00:45:49 No, you're in charge of the keys.
00:45:51 I'm sorry. Do you speak English?
00:45:53 My boyfriend lost his keys.
00:45:56 My boyfriend lost our key?
00:45:59 Could you help us?
00:46:01 Por favor.
00:46:03 Asshole.
00:46:14 Where are you?
00:46:17 Look, before she has a scatcher, okay,
00:46:19 I mean, she'd be stupid to put it in the car, right?
00:46:22 I'm sorry.
00:46:24 What the hell are you doing here?
00:46:33 Shut up!
00:46:35 Shut up!
00:46:37 Let me run!
00:46:39 I'm going to call the police.
00:46:41 Is he okay?
00:46:48 How the fuck do I know he's okay?
00:46:50 What do I do?
00:46:52 Everything okay in there?
00:46:54 Holy shit.
00:47:03 I think he's really dead.
00:47:06 Oh, shit.
00:47:08 Wait a minute.
00:47:13 I got an idea.
00:47:18 I got an idea.
00:47:20 Get something.
00:47:40 Come on.
00:47:42 He moved.
00:47:50 What?
00:47:52 Are you fucking kidding me?
00:47:54 No, I'm kidding.
00:47:56 Watch out.
00:47:58 Shut up!
00:48:00 Don't do it.
00:48:02 Get down.
00:48:04 Hold it.
00:48:06 Come on.
00:48:08 Watch out.
00:48:10 Fuck.
00:48:15 Oh, shit.
00:48:24 He's stuck.
00:48:26 Hold on, Stephen.
00:48:30 Hold on, Stephen.
00:48:32 I think it's coming. Hold on.
00:48:36 What's the problem here, folks?
00:48:38 Got a little automotive trouble?
00:48:40 Officer, no. We're fine, thanks.
00:48:42 We have no...
00:48:44 Hold on just one...
00:48:46 I've got a tow rope.
00:48:48 I can get that thing unstuck for you in a jiffy pop.
00:48:51 You just wait right here.
00:48:53 You know what?
00:48:55 If we have a 1411 here, I will be off the ground for 1015.
00:49:01 The system's to go. You're over.
00:49:03 Folks, don't worry about a thing.
00:49:05 I've done this many times before.
00:49:07 I need you to hook that object right there into your axe.
00:49:10 Okay, sir.
00:49:14 What I need you to do, I need you to pull your vehicle forward,
00:49:17 and this will dislodge that object from your structure.
00:49:20 Okay.
00:49:22 Don't worry. Let's just stand back.
00:49:27 Oh!
00:49:31 Oh!
00:49:33 That's it! We got it!
00:49:35 I'll tell you one thing.
00:49:39 This tow rope is one of the best investments I've ever made.
00:49:43 5,000-pound test, durability rating,
00:49:46 Alpha 9, all-weather retrieval.
00:49:48 Bet the only thing stronger would be your 3/4-inch steel cable.
00:49:51 I'm not gonna go lugging a big coil of that around in my safety vehicle.
00:49:54 Yeah, it may not look like it, but these safety vehicles,
00:49:57 they pack some pretty wicked torque.
00:49:59 Right after I picked this little beaut up,
00:50:01 one of our councilwomen decided to get her Cadillac
00:50:04 stuck in one of our flower beds.
00:50:06 Tow truck was on the way, but I just dropped that sucker right into low.
00:50:09 Out pops the caddy.
00:50:11 Tow truck guy came. I just told him to go on home.
00:50:14 I'll tell you, people just don't understand that it's all about leverage.
00:50:17 Well, you know what? Thanks a lot for your help,
00:50:19 and you have yourself a good night.
00:50:21 You know, I don't want to affect this.
00:50:23 In fact, you deserve it. I'm doing my job, sir. I love my job.
00:50:25 Good job.
00:50:27 I'm gonna go see what my father and his father before him--
00:50:29 you know what my grandfather used to say--
00:50:31 "definition of a stranger."
00:50:33 I gotta go. Well, let me help you.
00:50:35 Actually, you know what? I got it.
00:50:37 I'll load that.
00:50:39 There you go. No problem.
00:50:41 Thanks a lot for your help. He's all yours there, Tiger.
00:50:43 Thanks. You folks drive safe. Have a nice evening.
00:50:45 Thanks a lot. Okay.
00:50:47 This is unit 1015 to base.
00:50:51 I'm in sector Alpha, Victor Charlie.
00:50:53 Resuming rounds in 2200 hours.
00:50:55 [ grunts ]
00:50:57 Give me some water.
00:51:11 Where's this one?
00:51:13 [ grunts ]
00:51:15 Oh, my God, Steve. We're gonna go to prison.
00:51:31 We're not gonna go to jail, Candy.
00:51:33 You just killed somebody.
00:51:35 Well, I didn't mean to.
00:51:37 Look, I think we pulled it off, all right?
00:51:39 All we need to do now is we need to think
00:51:41 about how we're gonna get Jack off the money.
00:51:43 I can't believe you're talking like this.
00:51:45 Somewhere that dead man has a family.
00:51:47 If you feel that guilty, we can give the police a call
00:51:49 after we leave town, all right?
00:51:51 Now, unless you wanna live the rest of your life
00:51:53 in a trailer park, I suggest we go back to the hotel
00:51:55 and we finish what we started.
00:51:57 What are we gonna do, Steve? Your GANS term isn't exactly working.
00:51:59 No wonder you said it would.
00:52:01 We're just gonna have to keep trying, okay?
00:52:03 Everyone has a weakness.
00:52:05 We're just gonna have to try something else.
00:52:07 Trust me.
00:52:09 [siren wailing]
00:52:11 Room 319, please.
00:52:17 I'm sorry, ma'am, that room is empty.
00:52:19 Mr. Klein checked out this morning.
00:52:21 Thank you.
00:52:23 Hey! Debra!
00:52:35 How you doing?
00:52:37 Dan Gantz, remember?
00:52:39 Well, how could I forget?
00:52:41 You look great tonight.
00:52:43 Look, Mr.
00:52:45 Richard or Gantz, whatever your name is,
00:52:47 I don't really feel like having company tonight,
00:52:49 so why don't you just leave me alone, all right?
00:52:51 Listen, you know,
00:52:53 I would leave you alone,
00:52:55 but I would just like the opportunity
00:52:57 to make this up to you because I have to apologize
00:52:59 for the other night. It was, uh--
00:53:01 I don't think so.
00:53:03 Look, I just wanna buy you dinner.
00:53:05 You know, just relax.
00:53:07 Look, pal, you're not my type, so why don't you go back
00:53:09 where you came from, all right?
00:53:11 You know, Deb, I think you're getting a little bit obnoxious yourself
00:53:13 because I-- You heard the lady.
00:53:15 Look, old man, why don't you, uh,
00:53:21 go back to your table and-- Young man, if you continue
00:53:23 your obnoxious behavior,
00:53:25 the bouncer is gonna break you like a toothpick
00:53:27 and throw you out on your ass.
00:53:29 Why don't you spare yourself the embarrassment
00:53:31 and leave now?
00:53:33 (sighs)
00:53:35 Fuck you.
00:53:41 And you too, bitch.
00:53:43 Well, thank you very much.
00:53:47 My name's Deborah.
00:53:49 Henry Mackle. My pleasure, Deborah.
00:53:51 (indistinct chatter)
00:53:53 Pardon me, Mr. Maxwell.
00:54:05 Do you mind if I join you?
00:54:07 Didn't I overhear you say you wanted to be by yourself tonight?
00:54:09 Yes, but that was
00:54:11 before I was rescued by a knight in shiny armor.
00:54:13 (laughs)
00:54:15 I'd love your company, Deborah.
00:54:17 (laughs)
00:54:19 But I gotta warn you up front,
00:54:21 I'm a married man.
00:54:23 Oh, what did you think I was gonna do?
00:54:25 I just want to buy you a drink.
00:54:27 (laughs)
00:54:29 I'd love a drink.
00:54:31 Beauty has two edges.
00:54:33 One of laughter
00:54:35 and one of anguish.
00:54:37 Shakespeare? Virginia Woolf.
00:54:39 (laughs)
00:54:41 What are you having? Scotch and water.
00:54:43 I'll have the same. You got it.
00:54:45 So, Deborah, what's your business here in Santa Barbara?
00:54:47 Um, I was recovering
00:54:49 from a bad situation.
00:54:51 It was almost working, too.
00:54:53 What about you, Mr. Maxwell?
00:54:55 Oh, please, call me Henry.
00:54:57 Hell, I come here once a year from Texas.
00:54:59 Stay about a month.
00:55:01 Oh, a Texas man, huh?
00:55:03 What's your business?
00:55:05 If I tell you what I do, you'd think it's boring.
00:55:07 Well, try me.
00:55:09 I'm an investment banker.
00:55:11 You're right, that's boring.
00:55:13 (laughs) I'm just kidding.
00:55:15 I mean, it's great for you.
00:55:17 How many Texans get to spend their winters in Santa Barbara?
00:55:19 Yeah, I'm lucky I know it.
00:55:21 I'm just a little disappointed my family
00:55:23 couldn't make it this time.
00:55:25 Why not?
00:55:27 My kids are all grown and living their own life.
00:55:29 My wife's on a cruise in the Bahamas.
00:55:31 She hates California.
00:55:33 Oh, what a shame.
00:55:35 Yeah, it is. I wish she liked it here.
00:55:37 Four weeks can get a little lonely by yourself.
00:55:39 Yeah.
00:55:41 Well, you know, I think I'm about ready
00:55:43 to turn in.
00:55:45 It's a pleasure to meet you, Deborah.
00:55:47 It was a pleasure meeting you.
00:55:49 And thanks again for saving me.
00:55:51 You know, if you haven't made plans
00:55:53 for tomorrow night, would you be interested
00:55:55 in having dinner together?
00:55:57 I'd like that.
00:55:59 Good. Why don't we meet in the lobby around 7?
00:56:01 7 it is. I'll see you there.
00:56:03 Good night.
00:56:05 Good night.
00:56:07 Good night.
00:56:09 [sighs]
00:56:11 [sighs]
00:56:13 [music]
00:56:39 Nice job, Steve.
00:56:41 I hope it didn't get roughed up too much.
00:56:43 Perfect. It is.
00:56:45 You said you'd have dinner tomorrow night.
00:56:47 7 o'clock.
00:56:49 Ow! [laughs]
00:56:51 You're a man.
00:56:53 Candy, I want you to meet the man that taught me
00:56:55 everything I know. Well, not everything I know,
00:56:57 but this is Max Delaney. Max, this is Candy.
00:56:59 My pleasure, Candy.
00:57:01 Thanks for helping us out.
00:57:03 All right, all right, all right.
00:57:05 That's enough, that's enough.
00:57:07 [laughs] One of that, huh?
00:57:09 Thanks.
00:57:11 So tell me about the money situation.
00:57:13 Well, we figured that
00:57:15 Jacqueline made off with about
00:57:17 $100,000 of
00:57:19 Candy's father's money.
00:57:21 But since the money's stolen, we figured
00:57:23 she must be carrying it around with her
00:57:25 unless she's stashed it close by.
00:57:27 Well, if I find it, I'm taking half.
00:57:29 I tell you, you're taking a third like we agreed.
00:57:31 [laughs]
00:57:33 You ain't changed, Steve.
00:57:35 [laughs]
00:57:37 I'm just riding you. I like watching you get pissed off.
00:57:39 [laughs]
00:57:41 Don't worry.
00:57:43 It's in Santa Barbara. I'll find it.
00:57:45 You two better get some rest.
00:57:47 You don't look so good.
00:57:49 Good night.
00:57:57 Jesus, Steve, are you sure
00:58:03 you can trust him?
00:58:05 Well, baby, we have to. It's the best chance we got.
00:58:07 Come on, you know,
00:58:09 Max has been like a father to me.
00:58:11 He gave me my first beer for Christ's sake.
00:58:13 Well, he's smooth.
00:58:15 I hope you know what you're doing.
00:58:17 If anybody can
00:58:19 count the cons, it's Max.
00:58:21 Now, don't worry, okay?
00:58:25 Max is a good guy.
00:58:27 Trust me.
00:58:29 Trust me, trust me, trust me.
00:58:31 Trust me, trust me, trust me.
00:58:33 [kiss]
00:58:35 [dog barks]
00:58:51 [dog whines]
00:58:53 [dog whines]
00:58:55 [children shouting]
00:59:03 [sighs]
00:59:19 [phone rings]
00:59:21 Yeah, well, we searched the damn car
00:59:29 and the entire room, Max, and we found nothing.
00:59:31 Okay? I'm getting a little pissed
00:59:33 off here, and this fucking heat
00:59:35 doesn't help things. No, Max,
00:59:37 I don't have any patience.
00:59:39 Give it some time.
00:59:41 She's building trust in me.
00:59:43 She'll let her guard down one of these days.
00:59:45 We'll get her a prize.
00:59:47 Max, Candy and I don't have more money.
00:59:49 So, we can't finance
00:59:51 your little romantic adventures anymore.
00:59:53 So just do me a favor, will ya?
00:59:55 And put the squeeze on her a bit, okay?
00:59:57 See what I can do.
01:00:01 [chuckles]
01:00:09 What's so funny?
01:00:11 Debra, you have changed my life dramatically.
01:00:15 Three weeks ago, I was a faithful husband
01:00:17 to a 30-year marriage.
01:00:19 And now, look at me. Bullshit, Henry.
01:00:21 You think I don't know your plan?
01:00:23 I don't know who you are.
01:00:25 I knew you were a womanizer the night we met.
01:00:29 You're such a good one.
01:00:31 That's why I like you so much. Debra.
01:00:33 Am I wrong?
01:00:35 So, maybe you have a wife
01:00:37 at home.
01:00:39 You think I'm gonna believe I'm the first woman
01:00:41 you fooled around with since you've been married?
01:00:43 You've been spending way too much time in the sun.
01:00:45 Debra, I gotta
01:00:47 hand it to you. I've been had.
01:00:49 Give me a minute to rebuild my ego.
01:00:51 [chuckles] Don't pout,
01:00:53 Henry. Whatever you have at home
01:00:55 isn't gonna affect us here.
01:00:57 I have to go to New York for the weekend before I return to Texas.
01:01:03 I'm not ready to say goodbye.
01:01:05 Come with me.
01:01:07 We'll stay at a top-notch
01:01:09 place in the city. You can relax,
01:01:11 do what you want to during the day.
01:01:13 Just say the night's for me.
01:01:15 You know, I make it up to New York quite often.
01:01:17 Perhaps we can meet there on a
01:01:19 regular basis.
01:01:21 You're asking me to be your mistress?
01:01:23 Why not?
01:01:29 When do we leave?
01:01:31 Tonight. Oh, I can't.
01:01:33 Why? Well, I got
01:01:35 things to take care of here.
01:01:37 That's what the telephone's up for, my dear.
01:01:39 I really have
01:01:41 to do this in person.
01:01:43 Okay, I'll see you in Canterbury.
01:01:45 How's tomorrow morning?
01:01:47 Tell me what I can do to help you, and I'll do it.
01:01:49 You know what? Just give me a little space, okay, sweetie?
01:01:51 I have a lot to think about.
01:01:53 [phone beeps]
01:01:55 How can I help?
01:02:11 Steve Gansher in, please.
01:02:13 Hello? Yeah.
01:02:15 We're set.
01:02:17 Can I ask you something?
01:02:21 Baby, anything.
01:02:23 You know that.
01:02:25 How'd you meet Henry?
01:02:27 Henry took me in when I was a kid.
01:02:33 He gave me a home when I needed it most.
01:02:37 Yeah, but how exactly?
01:02:41 It's a long story, baby.
01:02:49 I think we're gonna have more...
01:02:51 dishes.
01:02:53 [engine starts]
01:02:55 [engine revs]
01:02:57 [engine revs]
01:02:59 [engine revs]
01:03:01 [engine revs]
01:03:03 [engine revs]
01:03:07 [engine revs]
01:03:15 [engine revs]
01:03:19 [engine revs]
01:03:23 [engine revs]
01:03:29 [engine revs]
01:03:31 [engine revs]
01:03:33 [engine revs]
01:03:37 [engine revs]
01:03:43 [engine revs]
01:03:49 [engine revs]
01:03:59 [engine revs]
01:04:01 [engine revs]
01:04:07 [engine revs]
01:04:13 Where'd you stop?
01:04:19 B937. What's that?
01:04:21 That, baby.
01:04:23 It's a locker. There's a suitcase in there.
01:04:25 [laughs]
01:04:27 Shh. Get down, get down.
01:04:29 Shit, I think she saw us.
01:04:31 Be cool, be cool, okay? Just be cool. It's okay.
01:04:33 Just be cool, just be cool, okay? It's okay.
01:04:35 This is it, baby.
01:04:37 Shit. Shit.
01:04:39 Give me that.
01:04:45 It's gotta be the money, Max.
01:04:47 Who else could you be, huh?
01:04:49 We need this key.
01:04:51 I saw it put in the purse.
01:04:55 I'm not saying the money's not in there.
01:04:57 There's probably more.
01:04:59 If we stole it from her now, she'll know somebody's on her
01:05:01 if she just disappeared. Yeah, well, that's good.
01:05:03 'Cause once I get my money, I don't care where she goes.
01:05:05 I don't see you. That's bad.
01:05:07 You ever watch "Let's Make a Deal"?
01:05:09 I mean, you can take what's in the box
01:05:11 and walk away. Or you can get in the box
01:05:13 with a signed curtain number, too.
01:05:15 If that suitcase hasn't got the money,
01:05:17 you're gonna be double screwed.
01:05:19 You won't have a cent, and she'll be gone.
01:05:21 Yeah? Take what's behind the box,
01:05:23 Bunny.
01:05:25 Where have you been?
01:05:29 I had some calls to make.
01:05:31 Candy, baby,
01:05:33 you gotta let me know where you're going.
01:05:35 I was worried about you. Oh, yeah,
01:05:37 I can tell by the way you're basking in the pool.
01:05:39 Daddy's ashes were scattered today.
01:05:41 Is that okay with you,
01:05:43 or did you want to approve it first?
01:05:51 I'm sorry.
01:05:53 I didn't know.
01:05:55 We're not done here.
01:05:57 Yeah, we are, Max.
01:05:59 Just get the key, and I'll do the rest.
01:06:01 Okay, kid, you win.
01:06:03 I'll meet you back here at your room.
01:06:05 No later than 1 a.m.
01:06:07 1 a.m.
01:06:09 Well, thanks for dinner, Henry.
01:06:17 Do you want a nightcap before you go?
01:06:19 Ooh, I certainly do.
01:06:21 [laughs]
01:06:23 Let me get some ice, all right?
01:06:25 I'll be right back.
01:06:27 [keys jingling]
01:06:29 What are you doing?
01:06:51 Oh, I got a tremendous headache.
01:06:53 I was just gonna take a couple of aspirins.
01:06:55 Those are not aspirin, Henry.
01:06:57 Those are sleeping pills.
01:06:59 Sorry. I just...
01:07:01 I should have asked first.
01:07:03 Yes, you should have.
01:07:05 I'm a little picky about my privacy, okay?
01:07:07 So you'd respect that.
01:07:09 The aspirin are in the bathroom.
01:07:23 [keys jingling]
01:07:25 I guess I really need a drink.
01:07:31 I guess so.
01:07:33 Mm.
01:07:35 I think he's a little strong.
01:07:37 Henry!
01:07:39 Well, I see him all the week.
01:07:41 What's the matter with you?
01:07:45 I'm just anxious about New York.
01:07:47 I'm sorry.
01:07:49 I... I want to make you happy.
01:07:51 You do?
01:07:53 Well, then you're forgiving.
01:07:55 Here's to New York.
01:07:57 To New York.
01:07:59 Son of a bitch!
01:08:05 It takes five minutes to get here,
01:08:09 and he's over an hour late.
01:08:11 Look, he said he was gonna be here.
01:08:13 He's gonna be here.
01:08:19 It's not him.
01:08:21 He's making suckers out of us, Stephen.
01:08:23 What else besides his word would keep him
01:08:25 from picking up the money himself and taking all?
01:08:27 His word's good.
01:08:29 It's a lot of money.
01:08:31 [clock ticking]
01:08:33 Stay if you want.
01:08:57 I'm going to the bus station.
01:08:59 Wait, I just think we should just stay together
01:09:01 until this is over, okay?
01:09:03 Okay, then. It's over.
01:09:05 Wait, wait, wait.
01:09:07 Steve, Candy,
01:09:17 I thought we were supposed to be back at the hotel.
01:09:19 We thought so, too, Max.
01:09:21 Hey, I know this looks bad.
01:09:25 You gotta believe me, I was on my way right over there.
01:09:27 That's a nice try.
01:09:29 Things didn't go as planned. She caught me going through her purse and flipped.
01:09:31 I had to knock her out.
01:09:33 You didn't kill her.
01:09:35 Of course not. I just hit her. Look, she caught me going through her stuff.
01:09:37 There wasn't much time.
01:09:39 If I hadn't come straight to the money first, she might have beat me to it.
01:09:41 Then where would we be?
01:09:43 What's going, Max?
01:09:45 You're a fucking squid.
01:09:47 Steve, you think I'm trying to fuck you guys over?
01:09:49 Oh, no, no, no.
01:09:51 Give me a break here. We're family.
01:09:53 You're a liar, Max.
01:09:55 That means you forfeit the money.
01:09:57 You can't do that.
01:10:01 Huh? Watch me.
01:10:03 Suitcase, baby.
01:10:05 Suitcase, stay!
01:10:09 Suitcase, stay!
01:10:11 Suitcase, stay!
01:10:13 Suitcase, stay!
01:10:15 Suitcase, stay!
01:10:17 Suitcase, stay!
01:10:19 (Gunshot)
01:10:21 (Screams)
01:10:23 No!
01:10:45 (Gunshot)
01:10:47 You fucker, Max!
01:10:55 What did you do to her?
01:10:57 Why? What else could I do?
01:10:59 (Grunts)
01:11:01 No!
01:11:17 No!
01:11:23 (Gunshot)
01:11:25 (Grunts)
01:11:27 Careful there, Jackie.
01:11:37 You don't want to break a nail, do you?
01:11:39 Yeah. Dan, Dan, we could be good together.
01:11:41 Huh?
01:11:43 We could get money over there. There's lots more where that came from.
01:11:45 Buenos Aires. We could take the first flight down.
01:11:47 I'll tell you what, Jackie.
01:11:49 I'm gonna keep the money, but you know what?
01:11:51 I can help you with that trip down there.
01:11:53 (Screams)
01:11:55 Could you pull over here?
01:12:05 I want to get cleaned up.
01:12:07 (Train whistling)
01:12:09 You sure you don't need a hospital?
01:12:27 Not right now.
01:12:31 I kinda want to put some distance between us.
01:12:33 And...
01:12:35 You might as well fill up.
01:12:37 I'll be right back.
01:12:45 You sure you don't need anything?
01:12:53 No.
01:12:55 You sure you don't need anything?
01:12:57 No.
01:12:59 (Sighs)
01:13:01 (Sighs)
01:13:03 (Sighs)
01:13:29 (Panting)
01:13:31 That fucking bastard.
01:13:47 (Screams)
01:13:55 Yeah!
01:13:57 (Screams)
01:13:59 No!
01:14:05 (Screams)
01:14:07 Son of a bitch! No, no!
01:14:19 (Panting)
01:14:21 (Horn honking)
01:14:47 (Screams)
01:14:49 Son of a...
01:14:51 (Panting)
01:15:03 (Panting)
01:15:05 No! Son of a bitch! No!
01:15:23 Son of a...
01:15:25 (Panting)
01:15:27 (Sighs)
01:15:29 (Laughs)
01:15:47 Thanks, Daddy.
01:15:49 (Music playing)
01:15:51 (Music playing)
01:15:53 (Music playing)
01:15:55 (Music playing)
01:15:57 (Music playing)
01:15:59 (Music playing)
01:16:01 (Music playing)
01:16:03 (Music playing)
01:16:05 The world was very very scary 'cause I left her. I left her.
01:16:12 Three years I went through. My grandma's never questionin' it yet. I knew we're done and we were through. The story's very scary 'cause I left you. I left you.
01:16:23 I knew we're done and we were through. I could not go on lovin' you. I had to lose this world and prove the story's very scary 'cause I left you. I left you.
01:16:34 [Guitar solo]
01:16:37 [Guitar solo]
01:17:05 [Scatting]
01:17:22 So here it is. Here it is. So here it is. Here it is.
01:17:32 [Scatting]
01:17:55 Three years I went through. My grandma's never questionin' it yet. I knew we're done and we were through. The story's very scary 'cause I left you. I left you.
01:18:07 I knew we're done and we were through. I could not go on lovin' you. I had to lose this world and prove the story's very scary 'cause I left you. I left you.
01:18:18 [Scatting]
01:18:35 So here it is. Here it is. So here it is. Here it is.
01:18:45 [Guitar solo]
01:18:57 So here it is. Here it is. So here it is. Here it is.
01:19:07 [Guitar solo]
01:19:20 [Music]
01:19:48 [Music]
01:19:58 [Music]
