• last year
00:00 Where do we really go after we die?
00:02 It is not without reason that the Upanishads say, "Annam Brahm"
00:05 Food itself is Brahm. That's a very curious thing to say, no?
00:09 Food is Brahm. How?
00:10 Because every atom is carrying consciousness within it.
00:13 And if atom is carrying consciousness within it,
00:15 that very consciousness in its purest form is Brahm.
00:18 So, in the flow of time, and we are all talking in the stream of time, right?
00:22 We are talking of persons, their life, their death. All that is in the stream of time.
00:25 So, in the stream of time, a day will come
00:27 when those atoms will again combine in a favorable way.
00:30 And that which is latent within them will again sprout,
00:34 just as a seed sprouts given the right conditions.
00:37 So, nothing flies out of the body.
00:40 What happens is, life returns to the very atoms it comes from.
00:46 That's what happens.
00:47 So, you will not find visible signs of life anymore.
00:50 The fellow will not speak or move or breathe.
00:53 So, all those signs are no more because life has gone back to its foundations, the atom.
