Gofrette Gofrette E017 Monster Hunting

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 ♪ An extraordinary day ♪
00:06 ♪ Extraordinary every day with you ♪
00:09 ♪ Gonna have a day ♪
00:11 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:12 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:14 ♪ The sunshine makes me happy ♪
00:16 ♪ And the raindrops never stop, yeah ♪
00:18 ♪ When there's so much to discover everywhere ♪
00:20 ♪ That's when I think about today ♪
00:22 ♪ An extraordinary day ♪
00:25 ♪ Extraordinary every day right here ♪
00:27 ♪ Gonna have a day ♪
00:29 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:30 ♪ Gonna have a good day ♪
00:32 ♪ Gonna have a day ♪
00:33 ♪ Gonna have a great day ♪
00:35 ♪ Oh ♪
00:36 ♪ Oh ♪
00:39 ♪ Go Fred ♪
00:40 ♪ Oh ♪
00:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:43 - Bye, Red! I'm off to the monster meeting!
00:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:49 - So, so, who would have thought there was a monster in our town?
00:53 - It's not true, is it?
00:55 - The monster was seen last night by Gino Gelato,
00:57 Pino Palato, Mrs. Hippo and two of the Fusilli brothers.
01:00 - And they saw it in places you'd never think you'd see a monster.
01:04 Mrs. Hippo said she saw something in an alley.
01:07 It walked out toward her, all hairy with big red eyes.
01:11 And it made these awful noises.
01:13 (monster growling)
01:16 - Uh, that does sound scary.
01:18 (thud)
01:19 - Did any monsters see you come here?
01:22 (doorbell rings)
01:24 (birds chirping)
01:25 (indistinct chatter)
01:28 - Ahem!
01:30 There's a monster out there,
01:31 and we have to search every square inch of this town
01:34 and catch it!
01:35 - Might I remind everyone,
01:37 there is no such thing as monsters.
01:40 - You said the same thing about dinosaurs,
01:42 and then you found dinosaur bones!
01:44 - They were dinosaur fossils.
01:46 - Ah-ha! So dinosaurs do exist!
01:48 - Well, they did a long time ago.
01:51 - Then monsters might, too!
01:53 And we have five witnesses!
01:56 - Hamlet and Mr. Moose could argue all day.
01:59 - Whether there is a monster or not,
02:01 we should search the town and see if we can find it.
02:03 - Well, you're not gonna find one.
02:06 - I betcha we will, and we'll prove it to you!
02:09 - Well, okay, then.
02:11 I'll be waiting a long time.
02:13 - Hmph! Come on! What are we waiting for?
02:16 Let's find that monster!
02:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:20 - Well, everyone has searched all day and no monster.
02:23 So it's obvious that...
02:25 - There's no monster.
02:26 - No! It's obvious that the monster
02:28 only comes out at night!
02:30 - Well, who's gonna be dumb enough
02:32 to go searching for a monster at night?
02:34 - You mean smart enough.
02:36 - That sounds spooky!
02:38 - Don't worry!
02:39 I have a monster hunter's handbook at home.
02:42 It'll tell us exactly how to catch the monster
02:44 and make the town safe again.
02:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:47 - I know why we can't find the monster.
02:49 It was only seen at night.
02:51 So that's when we'll go out looking for it.
02:53 - Huh? We? Of course!
02:56 I have to prove to Mr. Smarty Moosepants
02:58 that monsters do exist,
03:00 and you have to take a picture of it for the newspapers.
03:02 - Hmm. Yeah!
03:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:06 - I'm almost ready, Red!
03:08 - How do you like my monster hunter outfit?
03:11 Oh, yes! I brought my monster whistle.
03:13 It's right here in my pack sack.
03:15 Wanna hear it?
03:17 (whistling)
03:18 Sorry! I was just testing my monster whistle.
03:21 It's supposed to make monsters come running
03:23 when they hear it.
03:24 - When I heard it, I wanted to run away!
03:26 - Me too!
03:27 - Are you ready to go hunt that monster?
03:30 - Yeah!
03:31 - Our first stop is the bakery.
03:33 I ordered a special cake to catch the monster with.
03:35 - Did the monster hunter's handbook see
03:36 that a cake would be a good bait to catch a monster with?
03:39 - Nah, it was my idea.
03:41 I don't think there's a monster anywhere
03:43 that could resist a delicious monster cake.
03:45 (monster whistling)
03:47 Okay, monster hunters,
03:49 the monster was spotted near the bakery,
03:51 the library,
03:52 behind Quickie Lorraine's diner,
03:54 and the street next to the park.
03:56 - So the monster has to be somewhere
03:59 not far from all these places.
04:01 - Right! And that spot would also be
04:03 the darkest, scariest part of town.
04:05 - Spooky Grove?
04:07 In the park?
04:08 I don't think I would have come
04:09 if I thought we were going to the scariest part of the park.
04:12 - Maybe you should have stayed home.
04:13 - No, I want to help.
04:15 I can't let you guys do it alone.
04:17 - Great! You'll see, we'll be keeping the town safe.
04:20 Let's split up, and we'll meet near Spooky Grove
04:22 and keep an eye out for the monster.
04:24 - Okay, let's go!
04:27 - Is all this stuff necessary?
04:32 Well, this heat sensor will tell us
04:34 if there are any creatures around.
04:35 This is my net catapult.
04:37 And this is an extra-large pizza I had Pino make.
04:44 - Great! I'm starved. Let's eat.
04:46 - Ah! It's for the monster trap, Merton.
04:48 I bet monsters love pizza,
04:50 especially all dressed with extra pepperoni.
04:53 We got something.
04:54 It could be one or more monsters
04:55 in the middle of the woods.
04:56 Let's get closer.
04:57 (crunching)
04:59 - Oh, I'm hungry.
05:00 But I think I feel better.
05:02 - Maybe tonight I'll feel normal.
05:04 (soupir)
05:05 (giggle)
05:06 (soupir)
05:07 (giggle)
05:08 (giggle)
05:09 (giggle)
05:10 (giggle)
05:11 (all scream)
05:12 - It's me!
05:13 Do you like my "See Monsters Better" glasses?
05:16 - I don't think I'd want to see a monster better.
05:18 - Did you guys see a monster on your way here?
05:20 - Nope, but this looks like a good place
05:22 for the monster trap.
05:23 - Yeah, and then I'll blow the monster whistle,
05:25 and we'll catch ourselves a monster.
05:27 (giggle)
05:28 - Am I still the same Wendell?
05:31 I hope I'm myself again,
05:33 without long hair and swelling of red eyes.
05:36 I look awful.
05:37 I'll probably be like this forever.
05:40 - See?
05:41 The pizza is set up in the catapult net trap
05:43 that I activate with this remote.
05:45 (giggle)
05:47 And now we wait.
05:49 We'll just creep around so we can see
05:50 when the monster shows up.
05:52 Do you mind?
05:53 (bark)
05:54 - That should do it.
05:56 Now we just have to go hide nearby.
05:58 I'll blow the whistle to call the monster.
06:00 - Whenever I call a monster, I do it quietly.
06:03 Why don't we try that?
06:05 - Don't worry, Ellie, you'll see.
06:07 (sniffing)
06:08 (giggle)
06:09 (sniffing)
06:11 - Mmm.
06:12 Oh.
06:13 (whistle)
06:14 I wouldn't want to meet whatever's making that noise.
06:16 (whistle)
06:17 Oh, the monster will soon be in our trap.
06:21 - Or a few monsters.
06:22 - Let's hide.
06:24 (giggle)
06:25 - I'm so hungry.
06:27 (whistle)
06:29 - I smell something.
06:31 But it isn't a monster cake.
06:32 - It smells delicious.
06:34 - Let's go the other way,
06:36 in case the monster smells it too.
06:38 (sniffing)
06:40 (sniff)
06:41 (sniff)
06:42 (sniff)
06:45 - Shouldn't we stop?
06:46 We're getting pretty far away from your trap.
06:47 - We don't want to be too close.
06:49 We'll be able to see the monster from here
06:50 when he gets caught.
06:51 - And stop taking pictures.
06:54 You won't have any film left when the monster shows up.
06:56 (sniff)
06:58 (grognement)
07:00 - Oh, a monster cake.
07:02 I gotta get a picture of that.
07:04 Hang on there. Let me see.
07:05 (screech)
07:06 (scream)
07:07 We're caught.
07:08 - Wait, camera.
07:09 - Uh-oh.
07:10 Hey, something is moving towards our trap.
07:13 Now's our chance before he comes back.
07:15 - I don't know if I can ever see my friends again.
07:19 (sniff)
07:20 - Hmm.
07:21 - What was that?
07:22 (whistle)
07:25 Lisa?
07:27 - Zoey, what's a pizza doing out here?
07:29 - Got him.
07:31 I think there were three of them.
07:32 (scream)
07:34 (groan)
07:36 - The monster's trapped us.
07:38 - Don't worry. We'll get out of here.
07:40 - Yeah, but before or after the monster eats us.
07:44 - There. We caught the monsters
07:46 and now they won't be able to come over here and eat us.
07:48 (sad music)
07:49 - Without familiar.
07:50 Not scary at all.
07:52 Huh? Is that Gaufret?
07:54 - How can you eat at a time like this, Gaufret?
07:56 - I can't. I can't open my mouth.
07:58 All this monster hunting made me hungry.
08:01 Hmm. Tastes like one of Pinot's.
08:03 (sneeze)
08:04 - Who did that?
08:05 - The monster. The monster.
08:06 - The monster?
08:07 (screaming)
08:08 - The monster.
08:09 (screaming)
08:12 - So the monster would be a werewolf.
08:15 That explains why we couldn't find him in the daytime.
08:17 - Werewolf's shmerewolf.
08:19 It might be another trap and the monster will eat us.
08:21 - If that werewolf wanted to eat us,
08:23 he would have already done it.
08:24 He just set us free.
08:26 - I saw the people in the trap,
08:27 but then I saw the monster over there.
08:30 Aren't you getting pictures?
08:32 (sneeze)
08:33 I'm getting pictures now.
08:35 Not here.
08:36 Get some of that monster.
08:38 (dramatic music)
08:40 (screaming)
08:42 - Hey, monster.
08:43 I have some pizza.
08:45 Are you hungry?
08:46 (chewing)
08:49 - Hey, it's Wendel.
08:50 What happened to you, Wendel?
08:52 Why is your hair so long and you look different?
08:55 Did you use that hair tonic I gave you for your bald spot?
08:57 (clinking)
08:59 Looks like it kind of worked.
09:01 It's the kind turtles use.
09:03 - But turtles don't have hair.
09:04 - Zowie, it must be really powerful hair tonic then.
09:09 You really don't look like yourself.
09:11 (sneeze)
09:13 (screaming)
09:14 - It's a werewolf monster.
09:16 Take a picture, Merton.
09:18 Quick.
09:19 - It isn't a monster or a werewolf, Hamlet.
09:21 It's Wendel.
09:23 - Wendel Schmendel, a werewolf changes from nice wolf
09:26 to monster wolf under a full moon.
09:28 And that will prove to Mr. Moose once and for all
09:31 that there was a monster.
09:32 Come on, Merton, get clicking.
09:35 (sniffing)
09:36 - You must have had an allergic reaction
09:38 to the turtle hair tonic.
09:39 You have to wash it out right away when that happens.
09:42 - Come on, Wendel.
09:43 You're coming to my house to wash the tonic
09:45 out of your fur.
09:46 (gentle music)
09:49 - I wonder who could be coming here so late at night.
09:53 - Maybe someone who smelled our sandwich.
09:55 (sniffing)
09:58 - This better be good, Hamlet.
10:00 - Oh, it is.
10:01 Where is he, Gaufret?
10:02 - Ellie's giving him a haircut.
10:04 - A haircut?
10:05 How scary can the monster be
10:07 if he'll sit still to have his hair cut?
10:09 (sniffing)
10:11 - Come on out, werewolf monster.
10:13 We know you're in there.
10:15 - Oh, eww.
10:16 - The fur will stay out of his eyes this way
10:18 until his allergic reaction is completely gone.
10:21 - I'm sorry if I scared some of you lately,
10:23 but I used some hair tonic and had an allergic reaction.
10:26 It really wasn't myself.
10:28 - Yes, not like a monster at all.
10:30 - But he is a werewolf.
10:32 - That's crazy.
10:33 It's Wendel.
10:34 - If he was a werewolf once,
10:36 he could be a werewolf again.
10:38 - You're right, Red.
10:40 They can argue forever.
10:41 In the meantime, it'll be a great idea
10:43 to make some delicious sandwiches.
10:45 (upbeat music)
10:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
10:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
10:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:03 *Générique de fin*
