FTS 16:30 25-05: Israeli siege against Gaza reaches 232 days

  • 4 months ago
*Argentine police repress demonstrations in downtown Cordoba
*World celebrates Africa day TeleSUR


00:03 Israel's siege against Palestine
00:12 completes 232 days.
00:14 Israeli Communist forces committed five new massacres
00:16 against families in Gaza in the last 24 hours.
00:19 In Argentina, police repressed demonstrations
00:24 near the Cordoba airport during President Javier Mele's
00:27 arrival.
00:31 And this Saturday, May 25, citizens worldwide
00:34 celebrate Africa Day on this occasion
00:36 with the theme, "Education Fit for the 21st Century."
00:44 Hello, welcome to "From the South."
00:45 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisa Studios in Havana,
00:48 Cuba.
00:49 We begin with the news.
00:57 Israel's siege against Palestine completes 232 days.
01:10 Israeli Communist forces committed five new massacres
01:12 against families in Gaza.
01:14 Authorities in Gaza warned that the Israeli attacks
01:17 in the last 24 hours left at least 46 Palestinians dead
01:20 and another 130 wounded.
01:22 In this sense, the media warned that the Tel Aviv forces
01:25 shelled residential areas east of the city of Deir al-Bala
01:28 and the New Zerat refugee camp between Friday night
01:31 and Saturday morning, May 25.
01:33 According to the information, the rescue teams
01:36 have not been able to reach the victims of the incident
01:40 due to the fact that the Israeli attacks prevent the entry
01:42 of medical and emergency teams.
01:45 Since October 7, 2023, Israel has killed 35,857 Palestinians
01:50 and wounded more than 80,293, most of them women
01:55 and children.
01:55 In Palestine, the presidency reports
02:02 agreement to reactivate the Karim-Abu Salih border
02:05 crossing to allow the entry of humanitarian aid
02:08 after the intensification of the Israeli aggression on Rafa.
02:11 According to the Palestinian presidency,
02:13 the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his United
02:16 States counterpart Joe Biden agreed
02:19 to allow United Nations aid through the Karim-Abu Salih
02:22 border crossing only until legal mechanisms are established
02:25 to reopen the passage of humanitarian aid from Egypt
02:28 to the city of Rafa in the Gaza Strip.
02:30 The agreement was the result of the humanitarian situation
02:33 of the Palestinian citizens due to the lack of food,
02:35 drinking water, and medicines after the bombardments executed
02:38 by Israel since October 7, 2023.
02:42 In Palestine, new Israeli bombing
02:44 in the center of the city of Rafa targeting the Al-Kuwaiti
02:47 Hospital during Friday night, the Labeef army
02:50 launched a bell fire leaving several civilians dead.
02:53 This attack is considered one of the most violent
02:56 since the beginning of hostilities
02:58 in the city of Rafa.
02:59 Likewise, Israeli aircraft destroyed homes
03:02 in the center of the city in the Shukran area
03:05 and in the Gaza Strip.
03:06 The Israeli army also bombed the Gaza Strip
03:08 and destroyed homes in the center of the city
03:11 in the Shukra and al-Janina neighborhoods
03:14 in addition to attacking the eastern border areas
03:16 between the Al-Pala and Hanjounis.
03:19 Israeli occupation forces arrested more than 15
03:30 Palestinians during illegal raids in the last 24 hours
03:33 in the occupied West Bank.
03:35 The Palestinian Detainees Affairs Authority
03:38 and the Palestinian Prisoners' Society
03:39 reported that the arrests took place
03:41 in six West Bank governorates,
03:42 including Ramallah and Bethlehem.
03:45 One notable incident involved the repeated raids
03:47 and harassment of the family of Tarek Dawud in Qalqilya,
03:51 whose house has been subjected to daily raids
03:54 by the Israeli occupation army,
03:56 and his family members have been repeatedly detained
03:59 and mistreated.
04:00 As a result of the operations,
04:02 Israeli forces assaulted and threatened resident families
04:06 while destroying their homes.
04:08 With these apprehensions,
04:09 more than 8,000 Palestinians
04:11 are being held prisoners by Israel.
04:13 The government of Spain warned Israel
04:20 that the measures adopted by the International Court of Justice
04:24 are binding and mandatory.
04:26 In this sense, the Spanish government's foreign minister,
04:29 José Manuel Álvarez, urged the Libyan regime
04:31 to comply with all precautionary measures
04:33 established by the international organization,
04:35 including the cessation of the offensive in Rafa, south of Gaza.
04:39 The diplomat also called for the implementation of the ceasefire,
04:42 the release of the hostages and the humanitarian access.
04:45 The International Court of Justice,
04:47 following an application filed by South Africa on Friday,
04:51 ordered Israel to halt its operation in Rafa
04:54 and any other action that causes the death
04:56 of Palestinian people in Gaza.
05:03 In Yemen, thousands of citizens marched in solidarity
05:06 with the people of Palestine
05:07 in rejection of the genocide in the Gaza Strip.
05:10 The mobilization took place on Friday
05:12 in Mawli al-Nabawi Square, west of Sa'ada City,
05:16 and several districts of the country.
05:18 Member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council,
05:21 Mohammed Ali al-Houthi,
05:23 detailed that the state's operations in support of Gaza
05:25 are legitimized by the Koran
05:27 and obliged them to defend their brothers
05:29 and protect the oppressed.
05:31 In this regard, the Yemeni population
05:33 responded to the call of the leader
05:34 of the Ansar al-Ahm movement,
05:36 Abdul Malik al-Houthi,
05:37 who invited the people to come out in mass
05:40 in Sana'a and all provinces.
05:42 Let's take a short break,
05:47 but remember you can join us on TikTok @teresoringlish,
05:49 where you will find news in different formats,
05:51 updates and much more.
05:53 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
05:55 (upbeat music)
05:58 Welcome back.
06:07 In Argentina, police repressed demonstrations
06:09 near the Corobado Airport
06:11 during the arrival of President Javier Mele to the nation.
06:14 The State Workers' Association stated
06:16 that the president's policies
06:18 are not welcome in any province of the country.
06:20 Likewise, the union organizations
06:22 announced massive layoffs, low salaries
06:24 and privatization of companies
06:26 led by the administration of President Javier Mele.
06:29 The union denounces that the government
06:31 is promoting a model of hunger and plundering
06:34 that affects all citizens.
06:36 In the framework of these demonstrations,
06:37 the state security forces have deployed
06:39 a strong police contingent that has attacked demonstrators.
06:43 Meanwhile, the mobilizations in the province of Misiones
06:50 have been going on for nine days
06:52 since the workers of the local security forces
06:54 rejected the offer of a 30% increase.
06:58 Protests which were joined by the employees
07:00 of the educational sector,
07:01 among them teaching staff in demand of decent salaries.
07:05 While for their part, health workers affirmed
07:07 that the proposal is insufficient
07:08 in view of the increase in the cost of basic necessities.
07:11 As part of the presidential campaign in Venezuela,
07:19 the candidacy of the United Platform
07:21 visited a community in the south of Caracas,
07:23 the capital where Chavez sympathizers
07:26 took to the streets.
07:27 A red tide as the mobilization
07:29 of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
07:30 have been labeled,
07:31 accompanied President Nicolás Maduro during his tour.
07:34 In the south of Caracas,
07:35 he was met by working class people of the country's steel
07:39 and iron industry that have defeated the sanctions
07:42 the extreme right-wing opposition
07:43 requested from Washington.
07:45 The northern coastal states of Anzuategui and Zucre
07:48 also showed their loyalty to the political formation
07:51 that has guaranteed peace and a healthy economy in Venezuela.
07:54 -And they came out to meet us.
08:02 Look at the images.
08:03 Men, women, families, children out on the streets.
08:07 Such happiness, such joy.
08:13 People in the streets.
08:14 See them there.
08:16 The people of Santa Rosa Parish.
08:17 [ Speaking Spanish ]
08:19 What a joy.
08:23 40 degrees in the shade.
08:25 Cool.
08:26 There we go arriving at the city of Bolívar.
08:28 There, we are heading for the road
08:33 that goes straight to the new bridge,
08:35 the beautiful bridge.
08:37 We are going to call it like that,
08:42 beautiful bridge.
08:43 Greetings, hugging.
08:45 There I greet them through the megaphone.
08:47 Dancing to the drum.
08:51 Dancing calypso.
08:53 Impressive.
08:54 A surprise full of love and beauty
08:58 by the people of Bolívar.
09:00 I thank the people of Vistahermosa Parish.
09:02 The people of Sabanita.
09:07 The people of Bolívar.
09:09 It was really beautiful.
09:13 Speaking to Metal and Steel Workers,
09:14 President Maduro said that the U.S. sanctions
09:17 the opposition asked for,
09:18 that same opposition that now hopes to rule Venezuela,
09:20 cost the country $642 billion.
09:24 But that despite that, over the last three months,
09:26 thanks to the efforts of the government
09:27 but above all of the people,
09:29 Venezuela's economy has grown over 7%.
09:31 With this projection of 4%,
09:36 ICLEC and the International Monetary Fund
09:38 are placing us as number one in Latin America.
09:41 And the Caribbean.
09:46 I have achieved this with the hard work,
09:48 with our own effort.
09:49 Look, because of our work capacity,
09:56 but I have even better news for ICLEC.
09:58 And the International Monetary Fund.
10:05 Much better news.
10:07 We have been growing steadily for 11 quarters in a row.
10:10 And the first quarter of 2024.
10:14 And through the first quarter of this 2024,
10:17 we have grown over 7%
10:19 and that's a conservative figure.
10:20 We now have a fun short break coming up,
10:25 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
10:27 for our English speaking audience.
10:29 You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
10:32 and share the link to reach more people.
10:34 With some news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
10:36 as well as the rest of the world.
10:38 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
10:40 Fun short break, go away.
10:41 Welcome back.
10:49 This Saturday, May 25th,
10:50 Citizens Mobile celebrates Africa Day on this occasion
10:53 with the theme Education Fit for the 21st Century.
10:57 This year's theme aims to create an education system
10:59 that not only meets the demands of the 21st century,
11:02 but also ensures that every African child
11:04 has the opportunity to thrive.
11:06 Education is a cornerstone for Africa's growth
11:09 and development, serving as a critical driver
11:11 for socioeconomic transformation and innovation.
11:15 The theme aligns perfectly with Agenda 2063,
11:18 the African Union's Strategic Framework
11:20 for the Continent's Socioeconomic Transformation.
11:23 On May 25th, 1963, representatives of 30 African nations
11:27 met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
11:29 and founded the Organization of African Unity
11:31 with the initial goal of encouraging the decolonization
11:34 of Angola, Mozambique, and South Africa.
11:37 2002, the Organization of African Unity
11:40 was replaced by the African Union.
11:42 (thunder, rain, and lightning)
11:52 In the Southwest Pacific,
12:01 in the northern region of Papua New Guinea,
12:03 a massive landslide has killed 105 people
12:06 and another 300 are reported missing.
12:08 The landslide occurred early Friday morning
12:10 in the province of Engas,
12:11 some 600 kilometers from the nation's capital.
12:14 Deputy Aymos Akem said the landslide destroyed
12:16 over 1,200 houses, and that the number of people injured
12:20 has not yet been determined.
12:22 The International Organization for Migration
12:24 said the number of fatalities may soar
12:26 to devastating figures due to population density
12:28 in the affected areas.
12:29 (thunder, rain, and lightning)
12:33 Authorities said emergency rescue operations continue
12:38 to recover the bodies buried under the landslide
12:40 that hit the Kaohalan village,
12:42 and that efforts are to rebuild damaged infrastructure
12:45 already underway.
12:47 Authorities also said they will be sending experts
12:49 to assess the situation and the risk of new landslides
12:53 in the mountain region.
12:54 Meanwhile, people are asking the government
12:56 for more support to guarantee the safety
12:58 of the people living in the area.
13:00 In Oceania, the evacuation of French tourists
13:07 trapped by demonstrations in New Caledonia has begun.
13:11 The office of the French High Commissioner
13:13 in New Caledonia said that measures
13:15 to accompany foreigners and tourists are underway.
13:18 The first tourists to be evacuated
13:20 took off on board military planes
13:21 from the Magenta airfield located in Noumea,
13:24 heading for Australia and New Zealand.
13:27 Riot participants have denounced that the French government
13:30 takes away visibility from the native inhabitants
13:33 of New Caledonia, even though they represent
13:35 over 40% of the population.
13:37 And French authorities arrested at least 173 activists
13:45 during environmental protests in front of energy companies.
13:49 The French police reported that the demonstrators
13:51 were trying to interrupt the company's general meeting
13:54 as they accused Amundi of being one of the main shareholders
13:57 of the oil giant Total Energy.
13:59 But when confronted with the police presence
14:01 near the headquarters, they decided to go
14:02 to the Montparnasse district, where the company is located.
14:07 The French authority also stated that at the end
14:09 of the meeting, the facade of the building
14:11 was sprayed with paint and some windows were broken,
14:13 leaving 10 injured among the police officers.
14:16 On the other hand, the Amundi company
14:18 stated that it will file a complaint
14:20 due to the violence and the material damages.
14:22 In Russia, the authorities of the city of Kherson
14:30 denounced the risk of flooding when the Ukrainian government
14:34 opened the floodgates of the Dnipro hydroelectric dam.
14:37 The authorities of said province warned
14:39 that there is a massive discharge of water
14:41 due to the opening of the floodgates of the dam.
14:43 The governor of Kherson province, Vladimir Zaldo,
14:45 declared that the massive release of water
14:47 will continue during the next few days.
14:50 The local authorities warned that due to the situation,
14:52 there is a risk of flooding on the islands of the Dnipro river
14:56 delta, near the mouth of the water
14:58 flowing into the Black Sea.
15:00 Local authorities have declared a state of emergency in the city
15:02 and have proceeded to the evacuation of villages
15:05 near the power plant dam because of the risk of flooding.
15:09 In India, the general election's penultimate phase
15:27 is underway in districts of the capital, Haryana,
15:30 and six other states for 58 lower house of parliament seats.
15:34 Polling centres open at 7 a.m.
15:36 local time to welcome over 968 million registered voters.
15:40 These are the longest elections in the world.
15:41 They will run through Saturday, June 1,
15:44 when the seventh and last phase of the elections
15:46 will take place, and the results are expected to be announced
15:49 on Tuesday, June 4.
15:50 These elections are taking place in the midst of a nationwide
15:53 meteorological red alert due to temperatures exceeding 43 degrees
15:56 Celsius, for which government agencies have been instructed
15:59 to implement adequate measures to manage the situation.
16:02 We need a government that thinks of the poor
16:09 when making decisions.
16:10 The rich can't get by somehow because they have resources.
16:13 The poor have nothing.
16:15 We are facing many difficulties to raise our children.
16:20 Although I'm drenched in sweat, we have to exercise
16:23 our voting right for the sake of our country.
16:25 If we don't elect a good leader, the same problems will continue.
16:29 I have the right to vote for my country,
16:31 to choose a good leader who may work for us.
16:35 We have come to the end of this news brief.
16:37 You can find these and many other stories on our website
16:39 at TestForEnglish.net.
16:41 So join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
16:43 Telegram, and TikTok.
16:45 For TestForEnglish, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
16:47 Thank you for watching.
