'A Crisis Of President Biden's Own Making': Ted Budd Spars With Dem Over Migrant Deportation Bill

  • 4 months ago
During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC) debated Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) over a bill that would allow the deportation of migrants charged with assaulting first responders.

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00:00 In order to be a strong nation, we have to have strong borders.
00:05 And right now, we don't have that.
00:06 We haven't had that for three and a half years.
00:08 In fact, we're in the middle of the worst border crisis in American history.
00:12 This is a crisis of President Biden's own making.
00:16 Starting on his first day in office, he has intentionally and repeatedly
00:19 undermined security at the southern border.
00:22 During his first 100 days in office, President Biden took 94 executive
00:28 actions to open the border.
00:31 Three and a half years later, nearly 10 million illegal aliens
00:35 have entered our country.
00:36 Now those 10 million include an unknown number of dangerous individuals.
00:42 Hundreds on the terrorism watch list.
00:45 Countless transnational cartel members, drug smugglers, human traffickers.
00:51 It's a laundry list of evil.
00:53 And perhaps the worst consequences that we've seen over the past three
00:58 and a half years are the tragedies.
01:01 The innocent men and women taken from their families by an illegal alien
01:06 who should have never been here in the first place.
01:09 So imagine being a mother or father, you send your daughter off to college.
01:16 You're beaming with pride, but you're also a little heart sick that they're
01:21 going to be out there on their own.
01:22 Then a few months later, you get the worst call in your life.
01:28 And that's the reality for the family of Lake and Riley.
01:31 Or another situation.
01:35 Let's imagine that your uncle is a sheriff's deputy.
01:38 Couldn't be prouder of him.
01:40 You know that he gets up, he goes to work every day to defend and
01:44 protect his community.
01:44 One day, you see his name on the news as a victim of a pack of illegal alien
01:51 gang members who brutally murdered him while he was on duty.
01:56 That's the reality for the family of Wake County, North Carolina,
02:00 Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff Ned Byrd.
02:03 Now, I recognize that the debate around illegal immigration, it's full of
02:08 passion and sometimes antagonism.
02:10 But I believe we can all agree that if an illegal alien commits a crime of
02:16 assaulting a police officer, he or she must be subject to immediate deportation.
02:23 And Mr. President, that's why I stand here today.
02:26 To propose that the Senate pass the Police Act.
02:29 It's a straightforward bill.
02:31 The Police Act simply states that an alien, an illegal alien, can be deported
02:37 for assaulting a police officer, firefighter, or other first responder.
02:41 The bill, it's already passed the House and it can be sent to the
02:45 President's desk by passing it right now.
02:47 Any senator who claims to support the police should have no problem
02:52 supporting this bill.
02:54 So, let's help remove dangerous individuals, Mr.
02:58 President, before another tragedy strikes.
03:02 Notwithstanding Rule 22, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate resume
03:10 legislative session, the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from further
03:14 consideration of H.R.
03:16 2494, and the Senate proceed to its immediate consideration.
03:20 Is there objection?
03:22 Mr. President.
03:22 Senator Pataki.
03:23 Mr. President, reserving the right to object.
03:26 This is an interesting bill to be offered for unanimous consent because
03:32 it actually does nothing.
03:34 It does nothing.
03:36 Why?
03:37 Because individuals are already subject to deportation for assault.
03:45 Whether they assault a police officer, whether they assault a milkman,
03:53 whether they assault your family member, people who are convicted of
03:58 serious assaults of law enforcement are already deportable.
04:01 They already can face both state and federal criminal allegations.
04:06 Under current law, if an individual is convicted of any crime of violence and
04:11 sentenced to a year or more in prison, that's an aggravated felony.
04:15 That person is deportable.
04:16 Even more so, any crime of "moral turpitude," where the crime is
04:23 punishable by imprisonment of one or more year, is subject to deportation.
04:29 Additionally, any non-citizens that are convicted of any aggravated felony,
04:34 including misdemeanor offenses, including misdemeanor offenses,
04:38 are subject to deportation.
04:40 This bill doesn't do anything.
04:43 If you are here waiting for an asylum claim or on a green card and you
04:48 assault a police officer, you are subject to deportation under existing law.
04:51 So why are we considering taking this up under UC?
04:56 Well, I think Senator Budd referenced it in his underlying remarks.
05:00 It's part of an effort to try to make Americans believe that there is a
05:06 specific dangerous threat posed to you by immigrants.
05:12 That you should be afraid of immigrants.
05:13 That there is a crime wave sweeping this country caused by people who are
05:21 coming to this country to seek a better life.
05:23 Listen, I spent five months negotiating a bipartisan border deal because I
05:28 believe that we need to come together in a bipartisan way to bring greater
05:33 order to the Southwest border.
05:35 So I won't take a backseat to anybody when it comes to making the tough
05:38 decisions necessary to bring some border security to this country.
05:42 But the Senator offering this motion voted against that bipartisan bill.
05:46 So did almost every other of his Republican colleagues.
05:51 We had an opportunity to do something about bipartisan border security
05:55 and Republicans rejected it.
05:57 Why?
05:58 Because President Trump said, no, let's keep the border chaotic.
06:02 Let's keep this an open political issue.
06:04 Do nothing until the election.
06:07 We had a chance to come together in a thoughtful way on a bipartisan border
06:11 bill and we did not.
06:12 The facts are this, whether you choose to want to believe the facts or not,
06:19 that is not my decision.
06:21 It is your decision.
06:22 But immigrants commit crimes in this country at a rate lower than natural
06:32 born citizens.
06:33 You may not believe that if you watch Fox News every night, but I hate to
06:39 tell you it is the truth.
06:41 So if you want a safe town or a safe neighborhood, you're better off.
06:46 You are statistically safer.
06:50 If you have immigrants, because they commit crimes of violence at a rate
06:58 lower than people who are born in the United States.
07:00 So I don't know why we're being asked to vote on this bill because it doesn't
07:07 do anything.
07:09 Other than feed this idea, this false narrative that this country has
07:15 something to fear.
07:16 From families that are coming to the United States fleeing.
07:22 Either economic desperation or violence or terror or torture for a better life.
07:29 And for that reason, I object.
07:31 Action is heard, Mr. President, Senator from North Carolina.
07:34 Such an honor to serve the people of North Carolina.
07:39 All 100 counties, all different backgrounds.
07:42 I don't profess to know what it's like in Connecticut, but I thank my colleague
07:47 from there for his remarks.
07:48 But it's disheartening to me to hear that a simple piece of legislation, the
07:54 Police Act, which states that an alien could be an illegal alien could be
07:58 deported for assaulting a police officer, firefighter or first responder as nothing.
08:05 I don't profess to understand that.
08:08 Perhaps it's different in Connecticut than North Carolina.
08:11 I don't know.
08:12 I don't want to put words in the mouth of the family of Lake and Riley or
08:16 deputy, the family of Deputy Sheriff Ned Byrd, but I don't believe it's nothing.
08:22 I yield.
08:23 (sighs)
