You Belong with Me (4)

  • 4 months ago
00:00 I think Cermody took an unexpected turn.
00:03 What? Tell me.
00:05 Turns out...
00:09 Well, I think Cermody took an unexpected turn.
00:18 What? Tell me.
00:20 Turns out that...
00:28 ...he's a ghost.
00:30 Oh my God, you spit it out already!
00:33 Judd, it seems like you made a mistake.
00:37 Fifteen years ago, when you and Christine were here at the orphanage,
00:40 you thought Christine was the ghost's daughter.
00:43 It's actually not.
00:45 Wait, what?
00:48 I knew it!
00:51 No wonder I always liked Gianna more.
00:56 Wait.
00:58 I'm not the Roberts family daughter.
01:01 Does that mean she is?
01:03 Wait.
01:10 I'm not the Roberts family daughter.
01:13 Does that mean she is?
01:15 Neither.
01:17 Unfortunately, most of our daughters think so.
01:20 Christine, I'm very sorry.
01:24 At this point, I don't know who your real daughter is.
01:27 Better than nothing, I guess.
01:32 So I'm the real Wilson daughter.
01:36 And you're just an orphan.
01:39 [Music]
02:06 All those years, everything I've done for my family...
02:10 ...meant nothing to Mom.
02:14 The numbers are there.
02:30 Like Christine mentioned, if we acquire Crazy Maple Studios,
02:33 we're on pace to make $50 million in the first three years and...
02:36 Like I was saying, this is a great time to move in.
02:47 What am I hoping for?
03:02 It's unreal awkward.
03:04 Of course he's not going to come.
03:13 You're a nobody, Christine.
03:16 You have no one.
03:18 You have no family.
03:20 No boyfriend.
03:22 It's all going to be okay, though.
03:29 Because you can still rely on yourself.
03:33 Everyone, I'm sorry.
03:37 I had to cut this meeting short.
03:39 It's really convenient.
03:41 Wait, it's locked.
03:43 I'll drive myself.
03:45 [Music]
03:48 Hey, baby.
04:15 [Music]
04:18 Now you're getting snot and it's all over my shirt.
04:27 I know, today I'm an orphan again and you care about getting snot on your shirt.
04:32 How can you be so heartless?
04:35 Me and Gianna came from the same orphanage.
04:40 Then my mom found me, or so I thought.
04:44 She found me and adopted Gianna.
04:47 But it turns out, Gianna's the real Wilson daughter.
04:52 I don't even know who I am anymore.
04:55 I have no one.
04:58 Hey, hey.
04:59 I have no family.
05:01 You have me.
05:03 Okay?
05:04 From now on, I'm your family.
05:07 Okay?
05:08 [Music]
05:34 [Speaking Chinese]
05:37 Oh my God.
05:39 Oh my God, I didn't know you were in a meeting.
05:41 No, who are those people?
05:42 It's okay, it's okay.
05:43 I own a company in China.
05:45 They're not going to say anything, don't worry.
05:47 God, this is so embarrassing.
05:49 Melanie?
05:51 Christine?
05:52 Gianna is going around saying that you purposely mixed up the results of the DNA test when you were kids in the orphanage.
05:58 She just can't stop lying.
05:59 The Wilson family is holding a party tomorrow for getting their real daughter back.
06:02 She's probably going to spread even more lies there.
06:05 I won't let that happen.
06:07 I'll go with you, okay?
06:09 Henry, you don't have to be involved in this kind of a mess.
06:12 What, Christine?
06:14 I meant every word of what I said to you last night, alright?
06:18 I got you.
06:19 Always.
06:20 Then let's go kick some ass.
06:25 [Music]
06:29 [Music]
06:37 I heard Christine bullied for all throughout her childhood just because she was adopted.
06:41 I heard that too.
06:42 And apparently, Christine purposefully switched out their DNA files.
06:46 She practically stole Gianna's life.
06:49 What a bitch.
06:50 Christine, everything you have will be mine.
06:54 [Music]
07:05 What are you doing here?
07:06 No one invited you.
07:08 Leave.
07:09 You thought I was just going to let you talk shit about me?
07:12 My last name is still Wilson.
07:14 I have every right to be here.
07:15 No one wants you, Christine.
07:17 You're just an orphan.
07:19 A nobody.
07:21 If you don't leave right now, I'll call security.
07:23 Just leave, Christine.
07:25 Now we're going to announce Gianna as the real Wilson family daughter.
07:28 So leave if you don't want to embarrass yourself.
07:31 Eric, go get security.
07:34 Eric, go get security.
07:37 [Music]
07:40 Is there a problem?
07:41 [Music]
07:54 Christine's with me.
07:59 So, Uncle Henry, there's no problem at all.
08:05 You know what to do.
08:07 Sorry I'm late.
08:09 Come on. Let's go.
08:12 What does she have that I don't?
08:15 Why is the real awkward on her side?
08:19 Why is Uncle Henry with Christine?
08:24 Why is your uncle here?
08:26 He never comes to these events.
08:27 We invited him out of courtesy.
08:29 [Music]
08:39 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
08:41 Thank you all for coming.
08:43 I'd like to make an announcement about my daughter, Gianna Wilson.
08:49 [Music]
08:52 As you may know, 20 years ago, I found my missing daughter at Powell Orphanage.
09:00 As fate would have it, I also adopted another daughter.
09:05 Maybe it's a miracle, but it turns out that my adopted daughter is actually my blood.
09:17 Please welcome to the stage, Gianna Wilson.
09:22 Please welcome to the stage, Gianna Wilson.
09:29 I'm so thankful for all the years that Gianna has been by my side.
09:37 How could this have happened?
09:39 How could the orphanage mix up with Dean Arizona?
09:42 It's not Christine's fault.
09:44 I'm sure she just didn't want to be left at the orphanage, so she swapped the DNA samples.
09:50 Imagine if I hadn't adopted Gianna.
09:55 And thank God, deep in my heart, I just knew that Gianna was my real daughter.
10:03 My gosh, how could Christine be so evil?
10:06 She owes Gianna an apology.
10:08 Yeah, apologize.
10:10 [Music]
10:17 We were seven years old when this all happened.
10:19 Do you all honestly think that at seven years old, I wouldn't even understand what a DNA sample is?
10:24 Well, I won't swap.
10:26 She kind of has a point.
10:28 Of course you didn't.
10:30 I remember you telling me to give you my sample.
10:34 I was naive and believed you.
10:38 You liar.
10:39 Silence.
10:43 There's no point arguing this.
10:45 It's her word over Christine's.
10:47 Anyways, I have a witness.
10:57 The headmaster at the orphanage.
10:59 Why don't we ask him?
11:09 So what you're saying is, there's no way that Christine could have switched the DNA results, correct?
11:15 Oh, yes.
11:16 They were taken to separate rooms.
11:18 Then how did their results get mixed?
11:20 We're still investigating.
11:21 However, we believe that one of the nurses wrote down the wrong name.
11:25 It's been 20 years.
11:26 You don't even know where she is anymore.
11:29 Again, we apologize for this.
11:34 Thank you, Mr. Markle.
11:36 But, Gianna, you were saying that Christine asked you for your sample?
11:44 You know, Mr. Lockwood, it's been 20 years.
11:49 Christine's one of my top executives.
11:51 Christine represents Lockwood Enterprises.
11:54 If you sign to her, you sign to me.
11:57 And I won't tell her.
11:59 You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
12:01 Good night, Mrs. Houston.
12:04 Now?
12:08 Mr. Lockwood, wait!
12:11 Mr. Lockwood, wait!
12:15 Do something!
12:17 If your uncle sues me, I'm screwed!
12:20 This was a bad idea.
12:29 Oh, what a twist.
12:32 Thank you.
12:35 You're welcome.
13:01 That Christine has been sleeping with is my uncle.
13:22 Christine, you fucking skank.
13:30 Eric, what the fuck?
13:31 You Greek, get off!
13:35 I know you've been fucking my uncle, Christine.
13:39 I don't owe you an explanation.
13:40 Get out of my house.
13:43 Do you think he actually cares about you?
13:50 Do you know where he's at right now?
13:52 He's with Nicole, his fiancée.
13:56 I don't believe you.
14:00 You are nothing compared to Nicole.
14:03 I mean, she's practically American royalty.
14:06 And her marriage to Uncle Henry is set in stone.
14:10 That is, if he wants to be the heir to the Lockwood Enterprises.
14:17 Ian, you're just going to come crawling back to me.
14:21 Because you are nothing compared to Nicole.
14:25 Because you belong to me.
14:28 So say it.
14:30 Say you belong to me.
14:33 I don't belong to anyone, asshole.
14:36 (gunshot)
14:38 (gunshot)
14:40 (gunshot)
14:42 (gunshot)
14:44 (gunshot)
14:46 (gunshot)
14:48 (gunshot)
14:50 (siren)
14:52 (siren)
14:53 (siren)
14:55 (siren)
14:56 (upbeat music)
14:58 (upbeat music)