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For this #cosmochallenge episode, listen to Cosmo's April 2024 cover star #InaRaymundo give you life advice on topics including motherhood, being the family breadwinner, disliking a friend's partner, cheating while in a long-term relationship, and more.

VIDEO PRODUCED BY: Cheska Santiago, Cass Lazaro
Jino Del Mundo
Richford Unciano


00:00 It's so hard to date an insecure man.
00:03 Hello everyone! I'm Ina Ray Mundo and for today's Cosmo Challenge,
00:08 I'll read your letters and give you life advice. Let's start!
00:12 I'm the breadwinner of our family. Lately, my family also wants me to provide more money
00:21 for them but I want to start saving up for my dreams such as owning a piece of property.
00:28 How do I tell them this without ruining our relationship?
00:31 Okay, this one I can relate much because I was also a breadwinner since I was 16 years old.
00:40 Fortunately, my family would never ask for more but for you, I think you have to be assertive.
00:47 You have to remember that of course you need to save for yourself.
00:52 You know, my eye-opener for me is that billionaires don't spoil their own kids.
00:59 What more you? We don't have to spoil our family and if your family could not accept that you
01:06 cannot give more, then that's an eye-opener, right? So you need to tell them and just be honest with
01:13 them because if they truly love you and I'm sure they do love you, they will eventually understand.
01:20 So you just have to set a line, right? You need to have a borderline.
01:27 There's a borderline if you should give more or not.
01:30 And in the Bible, it says to be a cheerful giver. Always remember that when you give, you have
01:36 to be cheerful. It has to come from your heart and not force. Never ever feel that you're forced
01:42 to give because then you will start feeling resentment and that's the worst thing that you
01:47 can ever ever feel resentment towards your loved ones. So honesty is the best policy.
01:54 Just be honest and talk to them.
01:56 I earn more than my boyfriend and lately it's been causing problems in our relationship
02:04 because he feels insecure and in his words, small. How do I reassure him?
02:13 That's really hard but at least it's important that he's still your boyfriend, right?
02:17 Because if he's your husband, that's a more complicated situation because you cannot just
02:23 leave him. But you know, number one, it's so hard to date an insecure man.
02:28 So it really depends on you. If you try to explain it to him that he shouldn't feel insecure but he's
02:36 still exactly the same way for years and years, do you want the year to end? Do you still feel that way?
02:42 It feels heavy. Pray and ask for guidance and wisdom. But if it's really me, it's a problem.
02:51 That's a red flag. You should not be dating an insecure man.
02:55 I have two kids and I'm a hands-on stay-at-home mom. Lately, I feel like I don't know myself
03:02 anymore because my kids are my priority. My youngest is graduating college soon and I don't
03:09 know what to do now that they don't need me anymore. I feel like I've missed out on life
03:14 because I prioritized motherhood. What should I do with these feelings? Okay, mommy of two.
03:22 Wow. You know, to be honest, I went through that. I also questioned myself that
03:28 I missed out on something but it was just a phase. You did the right thing, mommy.
03:35 You took good care of your children and now is the time to shine. Now is the time to soar.
03:40 Now that your kids, you feel like they don't need you anymore but they still do need you.
03:45 Sometimes, it's the work of the enemy where you think about all these negative thoughts.
03:51 But this is the time to do what you want to do because it's never too late to do what you want to do.
03:57 I'm sure you're still young. You're probably in your late 30s or early 40s.
04:04 So just try to stay positive and don't dwell on your negative thoughts and you did the right thing.
04:11 So do now. Start now. Start doing something that makes you happy so you can do it now. Don't feel
04:17 bad and be proud of yourself, mommy. My husband and I have been together for 22 years since college
04:26 and I have and have experienced life's ups and downs together. Last month, he confessed that he
04:34 had a one-night stand with his co-worker on a business trip. He says it was unintentional and
04:41 they've completely moved past it now. I'm completely heartbroken and I don't know what to do.
04:48 I love him. Always have. Always will. But trust? That's another story. Any advice?
04:54 Again, I can relate that I've been married for 21 years. But thank goodness that I haven't
05:03 experienced this yet. But I always ask myself, hypothetically, if it happens to me that my husband
05:09 did the same thing to me, I think I will forgive him. Because you can't just give up your partner
05:19 because of one mistake. So he did it. He said sorry. I think he deserves another chance. Because
05:26 what if it happened to you? You would want him to forgive you. But if he did it again,
05:33 then that's a different story. And you love him. You said you love him and you always will.
05:39 So I think that just again, you pray that you will be healed. You really need to be healed first
05:48 so that you can let go of your brokenness. So I think you have to talk to your husband again.
05:55 Make him promise that he won't do it again. And in a way, you should be thankful that he was honest
06:01 enough to tell you because he probably felt so guilty because other guys probably would just
06:08 keep it a secret. But I think because of your love for him and because of you being together for so
06:15 long, he deserves another chance. We have a friend in our friend group whose boyfriend we don't like
06:24 because he treats her badly. We tried reasoning out with our friend but he's always not listening
06:32 to the advice he's asking from us. How do we tell her that we only want what's best for her without
06:38 alienating her? I think you have tried your best not to give good advice to your friend but again,
06:46 she won't listen. So I think the best thing to do is to just let her be. Just let her do what she
06:52 wants to do with her boyfriend. At the end of the day, you're not married to your friend. You're not
06:57 living with her. She will figure it out herself. All it takes is maybe she'll see something in her
07:04 boyfriend that she did to her. But in the meantime, it's not really your problem anymore.
07:10 Just you did your best. So move on and live your life. Right? And that's it for today. Which celeb
07:20 would you like to take on the Cosmo challenge? Let us know in the comments. Don't forget to
07:26 follow me on my socials @inaraymundo95 and subscribe to Cosmo's YouTube channel. Thanks for watching!
