Keeping peace, law and order in Mindanao remains PBBM, government's priority

  • 4 months ago
Keeping peace, law and order in Mindanao remains PBBM, government's priority;

Apple Music's reveals top 10 albums of all time on 100 Best list sparks debate
00:00 Good evening, I'm Monique Tucson and this is PTV News Now.
00:05 The hard-earned peace that was won in Mindanao is a fragile one that needs nurturing, care and protection.
00:12 In a news vivid earlier today in a barm stronghold to distribute badly needed financial aid to hard-hit farmers and fisher folk in Maguindanao,
00:20 the president assured his audience of his administration not sparing any effort or resource to ramp up economic development in the Muslim Mindanao region
00:29 such as massive irrigation systems, flood control projects and the rehab and construction of provincial access roads in Cotabato and the Maguindanao provinces and Lanao del Sur respectively.
00:41 Still, the president emphasized how all efforts toward economic development in the region will all be for naught if the people in the barm do not feel safe and secure
00:50 and government does little or nothing to control or avert the old problems of discrimination, division and sectarian conflict.
00:59 Toward keeping and improving the status quo, the president enjoined the people of the barm to be vigilant and collaborate with government to keep the peace and maintain law and order.
01:09 The world's biggest company and number one brand just released its latest issue of compiled hits.
01:16 But unlike its string of humongous hardware, hits beginning with its tutti-frutti iMacs in the late 90s, the cool digital music player iPod, its tablet, the iPad and its all-time hit device, the iPhone,
01:29 in 2007, its latest issuance is a soft copy of its top 100 albums of all time.
01:36 Album covers Nirvana's "Nevermind," Prince's "Purple Rain," Beyonce's "Lemonade," Stevie Wonder's "Songs in the Key of Life" and Michael Jackson's "Thriller,"
01:46 Apple Inc. put out what it feels and believes is the 100 best music albums it compiled from the various generations of artists and hitmakers over the last several decades.
01:56 Yet no sooner than it released its list in the public domain, and hordes of music fans slammed Apple for its apparent snubs of equally worthy albums that were way below or did not make it to the list.
02:09 Then again, Apple, many music enthusiasts agree, including yours truly, got most of its top 10 right.
02:16 And here is the top 10 list and see if you agree with most or much of it like I do.
02:21 At this point, we turn to my colleague in PTV's Pine City Studios for what's hot and what's not in the Cordilleras.
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05:14 And that's a wrap for tonight. Monique Tuzon here wishing y'all a restful night ahead.
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