Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 59 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 60 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 61 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 59 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 60 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 61 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 59 HD Completo
Short filmTranscript
00:00 I'm so mad at Alfonso that now my mom is in a mental hospital because of you!
00:05 How can you blame me for that?
00:07 This pregnancy is a case of a previous placenta.
00:14 That has caused the bleeding and the pain.
00:17 And that's very serious?
00:19 What?
00:21 What?
00:22 Wait, wait, wait.
00:24 I thought that when we talked about a child,
00:27 it was going to be a baby that we both had.
00:30 What do you mean, Said?
00:32 What is this? What?
00:34 That's why I'm telling you that I need you to promise me that you're not going to do anything crazy.
00:38 Because what I'm going to tell you is very difficult.
00:44 Don't think badly of me.
00:47 Marcelo, I didn't want to.
00:50 I didn't want to.
00:55 I didn't want to.
00:57 Said raped me.
01:01 I'm going to kill you.
01:06 No, no, no.
01:07 I'm going to kill you, Luisa!
01:08 No, Marcelo, that's why I didn't want to tell you anything, because I know you.
01:11 And I know how you're going to reject me.
01:12 Luisa, I can't stay in Blas de Suso.
01:14 Listen to me.
01:15 I can't do anything for Natalia.
01:19 Because you're going to go to jail and I don't want my daughter to be without her mom forever.
01:23 I can't be...
01:24 When did that happen?
01:25 When did it happen?
01:27 When you saw me beaten, remember?
01:30 That's when I discovered what happened between us in Colombia.
01:34 It was his way of taking revenge on me.
01:36 Don't ask me to do anything, Luisa, please.
01:38 I have to kill him, Luisa!
01:40 Marcelo, listen to me.
01:41 The doctor told me that my pregnancy is at high risk.
01:44 And not only is the child's life in danger, mine too.
01:49 Please, think of Natalia too.
01:52 Marcelo, you just promised.
01:54 Marcelo, you just promised.
02:29 Thank you for taking away a worry from me.
02:32 For seven years,
02:37 Sayu and I tried to have a child again and we couldn't.
02:41 We underwent a treatment and...
02:44 and we took communal pills to get to the end.
02:47 It worked.
02:48 It seems that life is clinging to...
02:53 to put and put and put obstacles...
02:55 Luisa, please, please don't say that.
02:59 They are excuses, Mariano. They are not true.
03:01 They are not excuses.
03:02 Marcelo, what are you going to do now that you know I'm pregnant?
03:04 The man who destroyed our lives.
03:06 How are you going to see me?
03:10 Answer me.
03:14 I don't know.
03:18 I don't know.
03:20 That baby is not to blame. It's the father's fault.
03:24 You know...
03:27 When...
03:28 I was waiting for Natalia...
03:31 Something inside my heart told me that you were innocent.
03:36 But my family insisted otherwise.
03:40 You didn't show up and I ended up believing.
03:44 But I had something very clear.
03:48 And it's that Natalia is not to blame for anything.
03:51 Just like this baby, he's not to blame for anything.
03:53 I don't know what you're going to do.
03:55 I can't be here.
03:56 Marcelo.
03:57 I can't be here. I need to think, Luisa.
03:59 Please.
04:01 I promise I won't do anything.
04:03 Forgive me.
04:05 Luisa.
04:20 Luisa, wait.
04:23 Everything will be fine. Come.
04:25 Come.
04:27 No, Ana, no.
04:30 I'm going to lose Marcelo again.
04:32 I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to.
04:35 Look, I brought you food.
04:42 So you can eat everything.
04:43 And a special cake that I brought you.
04:45 Maria Inés, thank you very much.
04:47 You didn't have to bother bringing all this.
04:49 Welcome to the family, Luisa.
04:53 Maria Inés, thank you very much.
04:55 No, son.
04:56 No, nothing to thank for.
04:58 Although I must confess that I would have liked to give you a huge banquet.
05:03 Get married in a church full of flowers.
05:05 With Natalia throwing some flowers.
05:07 Well, well, but the important thing is not the ceremony or the party.
05:10 But with whom I marry, right?
05:12 Of course.
05:13 The rest will come.
05:19 Sorry, I have to go with dad. I'll be right back.
05:22 Daughter, I would have liked to stay longer.
05:29 But I have to go.
05:31 Dad, you look worried.
05:34 Are you like this because you don't agree that I should marry Felipe?
05:38 Or is something else going on?
05:41 If I agreed to be your witness, it is because I support your happiness.
05:47 But I have to attend to hotel matters.
05:49 I know you very well, dad.
05:51 And I know perfectly well when you lie to me.
05:53 What's going on?
05:54 Enjoy your life, daughter.
05:56 Dad, tell me what's going on.
05:58 It's your mom.
06:01 What happened to her?
06:03 She's in trouble.
06:07 When I came here, they called me from the hospital.
06:10 And they tell me that she is asking to see me.
06:13 I have to go with her.
06:14 Is it serious?
06:17 I don't know.
06:18 Since I left the house, I don't know what's going on.
06:23 There's something else, daughter.
06:27 What?
06:29 The hospital they called me from...
06:32 is a psychiatric clinic.
06:37 [Music]
06:55 It was always our worst fear that my mom would end up in a psychiatric clinic.
06:59 And now it's come true.
07:02 And I'm here, locked up, unable to do anything.
07:05 I would have liked to tell you from the beginning.
07:08 But I wanted you to enjoy your life.
07:12 No, dad. I know perfectly well.
07:14 And I don't doubt that what happened to my mom was because...
07:16 your great idea of finding Sofia.
07:19 Was that it?
07:20 My mom found out, she lied to you?
07:23 Juan, Beatriz deserves to know the truth.
07:28 Mrs. Isela already found out that you paid Rita to make her pretend to be Sofia.
07:31 What?
07:33 Did you really do that, Juan?
07:35 Don't pressure me.
07:37 I was just told that Isela had a nervous breakdown.
07:42 I told you that doing that was wrong.
07:44 How long are you going to understand that lying has consequences?
07:47 I wasn't to blame for what happened to your mom.
07:51 It was Alfonso.
07:53 Alfonso, why?
07:54 He's in love with Rita.
07:56 And your mother found them in bed.
08:02 Do you realize what it must have been like for her to see that?
08:06 And it wasn't Alfonso's fault.
08:08 Nor was it Rita's, dad.
08:10 You're the only one to blame for all this.
08:12 What else has to happen for you to accept your responsibility?
08:16 I'm sorry.
08:18 Honey, where are you going?
08:19 No, I'm sorry. I need five minutes. I'm sorry.
08:22 Happy?
08:28 Now go with mom.
08:31 Yes, son.
08:32 Are you happy to see me in my worst moment?
08:39 Not at all.
08:41 I know you so well, Juan.
08:45 I suspect you're hiding something much bigger around that invention of Sophie.
08:52 Aren't you going to tell me?
08:56 Now it turns out you're interested in what happens to me.
09:00 You love to see me in my worst moments.
09:05 What I want is for you to find a moment in your life to confess what torments you.
09:18 Let go, Juan. Let go, please.
09:26 [♪♪♪]
09:28 I'm going to clean up.
09:38 Because if Santiago comes home and makes fun of me, I don't want him to make fun of me.
09:42 Hey, Luisa, look at me.
09:43 Since when do you care what Santiago thinks?
09:47 And Luisa, you don't always have to be the strong one.
09:52 Let it out. Let out that sadness.
09:55 Because when that beautiful baby comes, we want him healthy and beautiful.
10:00 But you have something else. Tell me what it is.
10:06 Our baby.
10:09 From Marcelo to Ana, the baby is from Sarita.
10:12 And I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.
10:20 Look, I know you always want to do the right thing.
10:24 But it's not in your best interest that Sarita knows.
10:28 I'm going to repeat the same story.
10:33 Natalia didn't know that Marcelo was her father. And look, look at the disaster I caused.
10:39 And if Sarita finds out that this is supposed to be him,
10:43 I'm going to be gone forever.
10:47 And it's the last thing I want, Ana. I thought that at last, at last,
10:51 that at last, Nadia and Alfogrado, that I would be able to be happy with Marcelo.
10:56 It's not like that. It's not like that. It's not like that.
11:00 I'm going to be with you. No matter what happens.
11:06 Thank you.
11:12 Thank you.
11:15 Thank you.
11:16 Natalia.
11:24 Are you hurt after fighting with Papa Said?
11:31 I'm hurt because... I don't want you to be afraid of me.
11:37 What happened was very ugly.
11:39 You told me that you wouldn't kill anyone. And you yelled that you would kill Papa Said.
11:44 I'm sorry, my love. I was angry. And when you're angry, you say things that...
11:47 that you really wouldn't do.
11:50 I know. I would defend myself too.
11:54 You mean you don't understand?
11:56 Yes, a little.
11:58 But please, I don't want to be afraid of you.
12:02 I don't want you to be afraid of me.
12:06 Can you give me a hug?
12:10 A hug.
12:11 I'm going to give you a message.
12:19 Why do you have that face, Margarita?
12:21 They called for young Alfonso. They asked if his family lives here.
12:25 They found the identification that...
12:27 What do you mean an identification? What happened to him?
12:29 A drug overdose. They took him to the General Hospital.
12:32 Miss, he's very serious. He could die.
12:39 Come with me.
12:40 I want to be with you, Mommy.
12:43 Hi, my love.
12:45 What a beautiful surprise, my love.
12:49 She said she missed you.
12:51 I miss you too.
12:55 Do you know who also misses you a lot?
12:58 Who?
13:00 Your toys. They're very sad because you haven't played with them in a long time.
13:05 Do you want to play with them?
13:08 Yes.
13:09 Bring your toys.
13:11 Nati, this will always be your home, my love.
13:14 Thank you.
13:16 What's going on now?
13:34 Juan, something horrible happened.
13:37 Yes, I know. Something horrible.
13:39 Isela is in a psychiatric clinic.
13:42 I'm going there.
13:44 No, no, no. It's not about Isela. It's Alfonso. He had an overdose and he's very serious.
13:48 Horrible.
13:50 But why?
13:52 If we all knew that sooner or later this would happen.
13:55 Don't you care if he dies? He's your son.
14:05 Juan, for God's sake. You're the only person he has.
14:08 The truth is, if he dies, I'm going to take a weight off his shoulders.
14:14 I can't believe you're telling me this.
14:16 But Alfonso has me. I'm going to go see him.
14:19 I'm going with Alfonso, Margarita.
14:21 Please, Camila, don't tell him anything because he could get worse.
14:25 If something happens to Alfonso, I'll tell him.
14:28 Yes, don't worry, miss.
14:30 Miss.
14:31 What are you doing here? What do you want?
14:37 I need to talk to you.
14:39 I have nothing to talk to you about.
14:41 Well, I have a lot of merchandise that I sold at the casino.
14:44 Do you want it or not?
14:46 I can give it to you directly or you can give me your dealer's number.
14:49 What are you trying to do? What are you trying to do?
14:54 Is this to save your girlfriend and her sister?
14:58 No, obviously Luisa is going to look for the dealer to report me.
15:00 Look, I don't know what Luisa's interests are.
15:03 I don't know what's going on with Ana's life because you finally did it.
15:06 We're not together anymore.
15:08 So I don't care about what it has to do with the Grajales family.
15:10 Do you want the merchandise or not?
15:12 Don't you believe me? Call Ana.
15:16 No, wait, wait, wait.
15:18 Calm down.
15:20 Because if this is a plan or it's about something else, you're not going to live to tell it.
15:24 And you think I don't know?
15:28 Do you think I want to see the face of a guy like you?
15:31 I'm here because I want to undo any kind of deal I had with you.
15:36 Let's do it the best way.
15:39 That's not such a bad idea.
15:46 Benjamin's idiot took all the merchandise.
15:49 With what you have, we give it to the dealer so he can calm down, because if he doesn't, he's going to get the bad one.
15:53 I'll give you the phone, get out.
15:55 You can't come in here whenever you want, get out.
15:57 I was thinking about what we talked about your pregnancy.
16:16 And when...
16:23 When I felt Natalia hug me, I...
16:25 I stopped doubting.
16:28 And what did you think?
16:31 That even if he's Said's son,
16:37 for me he's the son of the woman I love.
16:41 Marcelo, I still don't know what I'm going to decide, I don't know what I'm going to do.
16:48 That's your decision.
16:51 But I want you to know that I'm with you.
16:53 Thank you.
16:58 I really don't know how happy I must be
17:02 to know that you're going to be there for me,
17:05 to support me,
17:07 to take care of me, whatever my decision is.
17:10 I love you.
17:13 I love you too.
17:17 I love you too.
17:18 Are you Dr. Guerrero?
17:30 Yes.
17:32 Can you tell me how Alfonso Marrero is doing?
17:37 He's your relative?
17:39 I'm his sister.
17:41 I'm sorry.
17:45 I'm sorry.
17:46 He's still in a coma.
17:48 It's very difficult to know if he'll get out or not.
17:51 Thank you.
18:04 Sheila.
18:14 The doctor told me that your crisis was severe.
18:17 And the truth is, I don't see you that bad.
18:21 Why?
18:27 Well, because other times you...
18:30 Why did you do it?
18:32 Because...
18:41 I...
18:42 Do you think I'm so stupid
18:45 to think that I would never realize
18:51 that you put a stranger in my daughter's place?
18:57 I didn't want to make you suffer.
19:01 I wanted to comfort you.
19:07 Many times you've seen me suffer.
19:11 And now, all of a sudden,
19:15 you care.
19:17 You care so much that you tried to make me believe
19:22 that stranger was my daughter
19:27 to comfort me?
19:30 Me?
19:33 You did it for yourself.
19:34 Because when I asked you for a divorce,
19:38 you were afraid of being left with nothing.
19:41 You know?
19:43 There was a moment when I really thought you could change.
19:50 Get out of here, Juan.
19:57 Get out of here.
20:01 Get out of here, Juan.
20:02 Please, get out.
20:09 You really would?
20:24 You really would take care of a son like that?
20:28 He's your son, Elisa.
20:30 I care about everything that's yours.
20:32 Why are you so good?
20:36 You're the best man in the world.
20:41 That's why I love you so much.
20:44 Like a son to a mother.
20:45 I'm just a man in love.
20:48 Do you think that
20:53 the passion we feel for each other is eternal?
20:58 That when we're old, we won't even look at each other?
21:00 I love you, Marcelo Bernal. I love you.
21:05 I love you, Luisa Garajales.
21:07 I love you.
21:09 I love you.
21:11 I love you.
21:13 I love you.
21:14 I love you.
21:18 I love you.
21:20 I love you.
21:21 I love you.
21:23 I love you.
21:25 I love you.
21:27 I love you.
21:29 I love you.
21:31 I love you.
21:33 I love you.
21:35 I love you.
21:37 I love you.
21:39 I love you.
21:41 I love you.
21:43 I love you.
21:45 I love you.
21:48 I love you.
21:49 I love you.
21:51 I love you.
21:53 I love you.
21:55 I love you.
21:57 I love you.
21:59 I love you.
22:01 I love you.
22:03 I won't give up my shares on you yet.
22:06 Not until the last day of my bankruptcy with the bank.
22:16 What's wrong, Luisa? Is the poor man's food disgusting?
22:19 Or rather, I know. You're disgusted with yourself.
22:22 You're the one who's disgusting.
22:23 Recently, breakfasts with you are a show of bad taste.
22:26 Ana, Ana.
22:27 Always.
22:28 Ana.
22:29 Let's have breakfast quietly.
22:30 Do you want?
22:31 Good morning.
22:34 Good morning.
22:35 What are you doing?
22:36 Should I bring you breakfast?
22:37 No, just a coffee. Thank you.
22:38 Okay. Excuse me, I'll take advantage.
22:40 Thank you, Chalo.
22:41 You're welcome.
22:42 Sorry to interrupt, but I came to tell you something important.
22:45 What happened?
22:46 I called for a meeting.
22:48 It was difficult.
22:51 Because I found the proposal of a North American businessman.
22:55 That's great news.
23:00 And what is it?
23:01 How are we going to lose the chain?
23:03 Well, if Luisa doesn't give the money to the investor Marcelo,
23:06 why would she lose it?
23:07 Right?
23:08 I understand.
23:09 Are you interested?
23:11 Yes.
23:12 Yes, I am. I have to sell my shares. I'm interested.
23:15 What is the proposal?
23:16 Luisa, no.
23:17 I'm not going to let you sell your shares.
23:19 Ana, I'm protecting you two.
23:22 I don't want to leave you on the street.
23:24 And if I have to sell my shares, I will.
23:26 Her future and my father's legacy.
23:28 And if I have to sell my shares, I will.
23:30 Is that clear, Ana?
23:31 You know what, Luisa?
23:32 I have a great contact. Her name is Berta.
23:34 She's the owner of the brothel.
23:35 If you didn't serve as a boss, I think you'd be a dancer.
23:37 Santiago, I'm taking care of your shares.
23:40 Your company, your future.
23:42 And you don't stop laughing at me.
23:43 What do you want? For me to leave you on the street?
23:45 Don't force me. Do you want that?
23:47 Do you know anything about my father?
23:56 No, Bea. And I really don't want to talk about him.
23:59 I came to see you.
24:00 How are you?
24:02 How am I going to be?
24:04 What my father did was...
24:06 horrible.
24:08 Yes, Bea, but you can't pay for his mistakes.
24:10 Felipe, don't start with that again, okay?
24:12 No, it's not fair that we have to be separated because of you.
24:15 Do you think I don't miss you? That I don't think of you?
24:17 And you think I don't miss you anymore?
24:19 Felipe, I wish I could be with you every night.
24:22 Every day.
24:24 Well...
24:27 There's still a...
24:30 small...
24:32 possibility.
24:33 Yes.
24:36 But...
24:37 The...
24:38 visits...
24:39 -Sexual ones, yes. -Sexual ones.
24:41 Although, look, I'd really love to be with you...
24:45 in another situation, in another circumstance, far away from here, you and me...
24:50 being what we are, husband and wife, Bea.
24:52 So?
25:04 Personally, I don't like it very much.
25:06 The investor asks for 80% of the company's shares.
25:10 Yes.
25:12 To repay the money from the landing.
25:14 80%?
25:16 Yes, he's taking advantage of the delicate financial situation of the company.
25:21 But, well...
25:23 I didn't get anything better.
25:26 I'm not just going to force myself to give up my 50%.
25:29 Ana and Tiago also have to give up their shares.
25:31 Don't get confused, okay?
25:33 Okay?
25:34 I'm not going to give up anything.
25:36 We'd keep the 5% each, wouldn't we?
25:40 The hotel will survive.
25:43 The construction of the Eco Resort is secured.
25:46 But, well...
25:48 You're going to give the hotel to the new owner.
25:52 Congratulations...
25:55 Luisa...
25:56 for your great decisions as the company's boss.
25:59 We're going to be left on the street!
26:01 We're going to lose everything because of you, you get it, right?
26:04 I can eat alone.
26:10 You haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
26:14 I have to make sure you eat.
26:17 But I already had breakfast.
26:19 Why do I have to eat again?
26:20 You haven't had breakfast.
26:22 This is the first meal.
26:24 Why are you laughing, dear?
26:27 Mr. Cristóbal doesn't remember anything.
26:30 Sometimes he doesn't remember anything.
26:33 But it's not to laugh, Nati.
26:35 It really worries us.
26:37 Yes, but I laugh too.
26:39 I laugh too.
26:41 You know what, Luisa?
26:46 My dad would be so proud of you.
26:48 He'd be lying in his grave for putting his faith in his daughter.
26:52 And for what?
26:53 For nothing!
26:54 Let's see, Tiago. Luisa is more capable than you and me together.
26:57 Just so you know, she's the smartest in this house.
26:59 -It hurts! -Shut up!
27:00 -Shut up! -She's smarter than me.
27:02 And Saeed is less.
27:03 Saeed is the option.
27:04 Or how does it work in your little head
27:06 that losing our heritage is a big decision?
27:08 We're not going to lose everything.
27:09 Shut up, okay?
27:11 Then explain to me, Luisa.
27:13 Explain to me where you're going to get an investor
27:15 who's willing to take so much risk, damn it!
27:17 If you're not going to do it for me, do it for your sister.
27:19 Look at her face. She doesn't know how to cook an egg.
27:21 The girl is going to starve on the street.
27:22 Shut up, now!
27:24 What's the answer for the gringo?
27:28 The answer is no.
27:29 No, we're going to sell. No.
27:31 -Are you sure, Luisa? -Yes.
27:34 It's going to be very difficult to get another offer.
27:37 I know.
27:38 And I appreciate your effort.
27:40 I'm going to sell.
27:42 I'm going to see what other options I have.
27:45 Of course, the bank takes everything away from us
27:46 when you don't reach the mortgage deadline.
27:48 -Shut up! -Because not even to have breakfast
27:50 -in this house, the guy is the loser. -Shut up!
27:57 Luisa, what are we going to do?
27:59 I don't know.
28:01 I don't know.
28:03 [Dramatic music]
28:06 [Car engine starts]
28:07 [Car door opens]
28:33 [Dramatic music]
28:35 [Dramatic music]
28:37 [Dramatic music]
28:39 [Dramatic music]
28:41 [Dramatic music]
28:43 [Phone rings]
28:44 Hey.
28:45 Calm down.
28:47 We're in a complicated moment in the company.
28:50 -You don't have to worry so much about the girl. -Yes, yes, yes.
28:52 -Tell me what you want, Said. -I want to buy shares
28:54 of this company to save her.
28:56 And you knew this, right?
28:58 That's why you wanted to convince me.
29:00 And why can't Luis be here?
29:02 Why not? Why can't he be here?
29:03 Because what he says or does
29:04 he's not going to take me into account.
29:05 He's not going to listen.
29:06 I don't want to listen to you either.
29:07 -No? -In fact, I'd rather accept
29:09 my uncle Juan's proposal.
29:10 How, how? Let's see, sorry.
29:11 Juan made a proposal.
29:12 A stupidity.
29:13 He wants us to give him 80% of the company
29:15 in the ring at any time.
29:16 Imagine.
29:17 I want 51%.
29:19 And you keep 49%.
29:21 And all good.
29:22 It's time you make an important decision, Ana.
29:24 You know there's no better alternative.
29:25 And you would keep Luisa's shares.
29:28 I'm not going to accept anything
29:31 if Luisa doesn't know anything about this.
29:33 Okay, stop worrying about your sister.
29:35 She takes care of herself.
29:36 Besides, if everyone votes in my favor,
29:37 she won't have any choice.
29:38 No way.
29:39 Ana.
29:41 You're a scoundrel.
29:42 It's time you act like one.
29:44 I want you to take into account
29:45 my parents' dreams.
29:46 We can't lose the company.
29:48 And much less for Luisa's mistakes.
29:51 And you know it.
29:52 Well, well.
29:58 You can't live alone.
30:00 So you're moving to my house.
30:02 I'm going to get your toothbrush
30:05 so you can live with us.
30:07 Yes, my love.
30:08 No, no, no, no, no, no.
30:09 I can't leave.
30:10 All my business friends are coming to visit me.
30:14 In fact, one is coming today.
30:16 Well, what's his name?
30:19 Well, I don't remember right now,
30:22 but he's coming.
30:23 He can visit you at my house.
30:26 Please.
30:29 Yes.
30:31 I don't want to bother you.
30:33 It's no bother,
30:35 my dear businessman.
30:37 I'd rather have all your friends
30:39 come visit you at my house.
30:41 You know how much I love you.
30:45 As much as I love you.
30:49 You.
30:52 Maria Inés.
30:54 You're Cristóbal, and I'm Maria Inés.
30:57 Maria Inés.
30:59 What a beautiful name.
31:01 Thank you.
31:03 Maria Inés.
31:05 I love you.
31:06 Let me take care of you.
31:10 Salva Vidas.
31:18 All you want is to take away Luisa's shares.
31:21 Why don't you admit that the money you're going to invest
31:25 in the company is the same one you stole from us
31:27 with the Fallats?
31:28 Enough.
31:29 All I'm going to admit is that guy betrayed me too.
31:32 And where does your capital come from?
31:34 Why don't you tell us?
31:36 Don't play innocent, please.
31:38 You knew perfectly well about your parents' dirty business,
31:41 where we all make millions.
31:43 And what are you going to do?
31:44 Are you going to inject that dirty money?
31:46 Who cares where the money comes from
31:48 if we're all practically part of that business?
31:50 Exactly.
31:51 I think Santiago is right.
31:53 He and I were part of that business,
31:55 and we need the money.
31:58 Exactly.
31:59 What do you mean, Ana?
32:01 Are you going to support Zahid after everything he forced you to do?
32:05 We have no other option.
32:07 Is that it?
32:09 Or lose everything my dad built?
32:12 I agree with Ana.
32:14 I'm in favor too.
32:16 Very well.
32:19 If you're a majority, I can't do much.
32:22 Let it be clear to you that I don't agree with this decision.
32:29 And that everything, everything, falls into place.
32:34 I'm not going to give up my shares yet.
32:37 Not until the last day of my bankruptcy with the bank.
32:41 I'll be looking for another option for now.
32:44 Thank you.
32:45 Ana, hey.
32:48 Hey, Ana.
32:49 Hey, thank you, Ana.
32:51 Thank you.
32:52 Thank you.
32:53 Luisa, I need you to listen to me.
32:59 I know my vote surprised you at the meeting,
33:02 but I couldn't allow you to continue on the path you were on.
33:05 And I know you want to find another solution,
33:08 but look at yourself.
33:10 You're wearing yourself out.
33:13 It's better than thinking that Zahid is going to keep everything we have.
33:18 See?
33:20 That baby is not to blame for anything that's happening.
33:23 Yes, maybe you're right, Ana.
33:25 Maybe I'm not thinking things through, that's all.
33:29 Look, if we find the solution to all this, perfect.
33:35 But if not,
33:37 you have to see that at least there's a way out.
33:44 Even if it's with Zahid.
33:47 There are so many things to do,
33:51 and so little time to do them.
33:53 [music]
33:55 [car engine]
34:00 Why did I close the page?
34:11 I felt accompanied by her, thanks to Cami.
34:13 I went to get the papilloma vaccine.
34:16 No, I need to know how Camila is doing in her treatment.
34:19 Come back.
34:21 [music]
34:23 Thank you.
34:31 How are you feeling?
34:36 Good.
34:38 Good?
34:39 Well, happy.
34:40 The nurse told me that several girls saw my video,
34:44 and came to get vaccinated,
34:46 to get the papilloma test.
34:49 My intention was to help, right?
34:51 [music]
34:56 [music]
34:59 [music]
35:01 Doctor Olga!
35:27 Doctor Olga, come quickly, please!
35:29 What's wrong, Beatriz?
35:32 My patient woke up.
35:33 Doctor Olga woke up.
35:36 My hair!
35:39 What happened?
35:40 Go away, I don't want you to see me.
35:42 Last chapters.
35:46 Look,
35:50 what happened to this patient,
35:52 doesn't happen often.
35:54 You're a great medical assistant.
35:56 Caring, dedicated, precise.
35:59 I really didn't think she would get out of the coma.
36:02 But you managed to get her out.
36:04 No, we both did.
36:06 I wouldn't have known anything about dosage,
36:08 or neuromuscular and neurosensory exercises,
36:11 if it hadn't been for you.
36:14 You told me you have a brother who has been in a coma for two months, right?
36:19 Yes.
36:21 His girlfriend is the one who keeps me informed of everything, but...
36:25 so far there has been no change.
36:27 Okay.
36:28 Look,
36:29 a social reintegration program is starting,
36:32 where you could apply.
36:34 Go out a couple of hours a day to work.
36:37 And I could recommend you to the hospital where your brother is. Are you interested?
36:40 Really, Doctor?
36:42 Well, if you did that for me,
36:45 I...
36:46 I wouldn't be able to pay you back.
36:48 I'm not doing it to make you thank me.
36:50 I'm doing it because I think you would be a great medical assistant in any hospital.
36:55 Of course, the administration of the hospital here has to authorize it,
36:59 and the administration of the hospital.
37:01 But I'm going to fill out a request with your name.
37:04 Thank you very much, Doctor.
37:08 Look, please, take these boxes to the bedroom,
37:18 so we can put everything we need.
37:20 Hi, Marina.
37:27 Oh, Juan, what are you doing here?
37:30 I went to your house to look for you and they told me that...
37:33 Anyway,
37:35 there is a person who wants to invest in your business.
37:38 Do you think we should talk about that another time?
37:43 Because I'm very busy, really. I have to pack all this.
37:47 Cristobal moved out?
37:49 Yes, he came to live with me.
37:51 Cristobal will make all the dreams he had with you come true.
37:55 He's a lucky man.
37:58 His abilities have been decreasing because of his illness.
38:04 And yes,
38:05 he's a lucky man,
38:08 because I'm going to take care of him until the end.
38:10 I've always said you're a wonderful woman.
38:15 Thank you for your words.
38:17 Really, but...
38:18 I have to take this box to the wedding.
38:21 If you'll allow me, please.
38:23 [Music]
38:45 Hey, do you think they've already commented on the video?
38:48 We uploaded it like an hour ago, right?
38:51 Maybe.
38:53 We can check the good answers if you want.
38:56 No.
38:57 I also want to read the negative ones.
38:59 Look, I don't care what they say about me.
39:02 That reflects them and what they think.
39:04 But I also want to answer them so they know how to defend themselves.
39:08 Then I'm going to turn on the camera
39:10 in case you want to answer some live answer, okay?
39:13 I'll fix it.
39:14 Yes.
39:20 No.
39:21 What's wrong?
39:22 No, don't look at me.
39:24 Cami, what's wrong?
39:26 Don't you want to...
39:27 My hair is falling off.
39:29 Cami.
39:30 Go away, I don't want you to see me.
39:32 Cami, calm down.
39:33 No, Iñaki, don't look at me, please.
39:35 My hair is falling off.
39:37 Cami, it's part of...
39:39 No, Iñaki, go away.
39:40 I'm going to look ugly.
39:41 Cami, don't say that.
39:43 Cami, it's part of your process.
39:45 No, Iñaki, don't look at me, please.
39:47 Cami.
39:49 I'm going to look ugly.
39:50 No, calm down.
39:51 Go away, I want to be alone.
39:53 Go away.
39:55 Cami.
39:57 Luisa.
40:05 Luisa.
40:07 You have to be calm, okay?
40:11 Ma'am.
40:13 Yes.
40:14 The notary has arrived home alone.
40:16 Let him in.
40:17 Congratulations.
40:18 Thank you.
40:19 Thank you.
40:23 Luisa, good morning, it's good to see you.
40:25 Good morning.
40:26 Marcelo.
40:27 I need to ask you a favor.
40:28 I'm glad you're here.
40:31 I brought the documents you asked me for your procedure.
40:33 Thank you.
40:35 As I told you over the phone,
40:37 I want us to sign to give all my shares to Mr. Saíd Espino.
40:43 [Music]
40:55 It's me.
40:57 Roberta.
41:04 Stop, stop, don't move.
41:08 Alejandro and Leonor had an accident.
41:11 Yes.
41:12 Like your sister, Cati.
41:17 [Music]