• 5 months ago
Emmerdale 22nd May 2024


00:03 Keep them closed.
00:11 No peeking.
00:11 I promised, didn't I?
00:12 But I don't know what the hell you're planning.
00:14 No planning needed.
00:16 Hopefully, this will cheer you up.
00:18 Right now, there's nothing surprising
00:20 or otherwise that'll do that.
00:21 I learned yesterday.
00:23 Don't make an effort and Cooper won't disappoint you.
00:25 OK.
00:27 Now you can open them.
00:29 Ta-da!
00:30 How?
00:41 I mean, how?
00:43 Bit of ringing around, stirred words were had, and I got you
00:47 this, so everybody knows who's in charge.
00:50 Now I know why I married you.
00:56 [KISSING]
00:59 God only knows where your father's got to.
01:05 He promised me that he'd be here.
01:06 It's warm.
01:07 And maybe he can persuade your little brother
01:12 that the lamb shouldn't get off the farm.
01:14 I doubt it.
01:15 How did you manage this overnight?
01:23 I basically guilt tripped everybody
01:24 into pulling their fingers out.
01:25 Plus, a bit of weedling with a courier got them to uncancel,
01:29 and they'll be sending a photographer later.
01:32 Hi.
01:34 Lovely, all this.
01:36 It's great there, but it's pulled together.
01:38 Glad you approve.
01:39 And it's all in a brilliant course.
01:42 Heath would love it.
01:44 I mean, he'd say it was lame, but really, he'd love it.
01:48 Me and Kathy are going to take Elliot and Carl right
01:50 around the scarecrow trail later, sopping in his name.
01:55 Seth, Betty, Edna.
01:57 [LAUGHTER]
01:59 Are you all right?
02:05 I can't look away.
02:07 I find them terrifying, scarecrows.
02:09 It is a thing.
02:11 Jimmy's got them set up all around the village.
02:14 What's one of them to jump out on you?
02:18 Have you got any raffle tickets?
02:20 Yeah.
02:24 Heath was supposed to be helping me with this.
02:26 I mean, it's because of him that I
02:27 agreed to still take part.
02:30 Where is he?
02:32 I think he said he was going for a run.
02:35 (SINGING) But when I wake up, I see you with me.
02:42 From the same room.
02:53 Morning, roomie.
03:06 Sleep well?
03:07 Yeah.
03:08 Probably because I didn't know that thing was in the house.
03:10 Oh, I think he's rugged.
03:12 I think you calling it rugged is actually quite creepy.
03:14 [CHUCKLES]
03:15 Where'd the costume come from?
03:16 Yeah, I wore it at this village event a few years back.
03:19 Obviously, I had to make a few alterations to fit this guy.
03:21 But I think it's worth it.
03:24 And not getting creepier by the minute at all?
03:26 Uh-oh.
03:27 You're not regressing moving, are you?
03:28 We aren't, just yet.
03:31 Anyway, shouldn't you be taking that to Jimmy?
03:33 Be wanting them all in place.
03:34 On my way.
03:35 Need to set up my stool.
03:36 Right, come on, Clint.
03:38 Oh, dear god, he's named it.
03:40 Named it and talking to it.
03:42 It'll be matching outfits next.
03:43 Checking out on a date night, right.
03:45 I'm going to open a petting zoo.
03:47 See you later.
03:47 Bye.
03:49 Coffee?
03:50 I can manage, thanks.
03:53 I reckon I owe you an apology.
03:55 After yesterday's mini meltdown, I was sort of--
03:57 Lost it?
03:58 Jimmy said that you lost it.
03:59 I'm a bit protective over my childhood memories.
04:02 I don't have much by way of photos and whatnot.
04:05 We moved around a lot.
04:06 Things went missing along the way.
04:08 Anyway, I overreacted.
04:11 So sorry.
04:12 Genuinely.
04:15 Suppose we all have our quirks, eh?
04:16 Been somewhere?
04:26 Just had an errand to run, that's all.
04:28 Bit of work.
04:31 Don't know how you can think about that.
04:34 It's displacement activity, innit?
04:36 How are you doing?
04:37 How do you think?
04:39 It's not exactly a bed of roses for me, either.
04:41 I mean, when are they going to wake him up?
04:47 They can't just keep putting it off and putting it off, surely.
04:50 Maybe they'll do it today.
04:52 If they don't?
04:54 I don't know.
04:55 We can't force them, though, can we?
04:57 If they don't today, then when?
04:59 Or is it if?
05:01 Sonny said he'd call if anything changes at the hospital.
05:05 But you really need to take it easy.
05:07 Getting all worked up, it's not going to help Nicky, is it?
05:09 And then when he wakes, if he wakes...
05:12 He will.
05:13 What do we do then?
05:15 I'm sure they'll tell us.
05:17 Caleb, I can't.
05:22 I can't just wait around here for the phone.
05:25 All right, then you should go up there.
05:28 Give me a call if anything changes.
05:32 Just do what you need to do.
05:34 What I need is for Nicky to be all right.
05:37 Because nothing else matters.
05:39 So, last night was a bit of a bust, wasn't it?
05:49 Well, by the time Moses felt better, you were snoring for England.
05:52 Scotland.
05:53 Anyway, I can't really think about that right now.
05:57 Well, right now, that's all I can think about.
06:00 Cheese!
06:03 Right.
06:05 They're scattered about the village,
06:07 and some more out-of-the-way places, too.
06:10 I'm told that your editor wants a picture of them all.
06:14 Oh, yeah.
06:16 I remain scarecrows.
06:18 Front page flash guaranteed.
06:20 I love a good walk.
06:22 Have you met my missus?
06:25 I'll photograph as many as I can.
06:27 Meantime, get a few pictures in here
06:29 and some of the stalls out in the street.
06:32 Are you all sorted for the couple's counselling tomorrow?
06:34 Oh, yeah, yeah.
06:36 I'm looking forward to a neutral party,
06:38 somebody genuinely unbiased looking at me and Rona,
06:41 and then telling me it's all my fault.
06:44 Is that the attitude?
06:45 I don't mean it.
06:47 I'm just nervous, that's all.
06:48 No, I really hope it'll help.
06:51 So, abandoning the Chutney stand,
06:53 doesn't it count as a dereliction of duty?
06:55 Amelia's happy to deputise,
06:57 and I'll just nip back there after the prizes.
06:59 You know, I think Mel Rhubarb has a good chance of getting first.
07:02 Someone's confident.
07:03 Who's the competition?
07:04 Er, Isaac, er...
07:07 No, that's it.
07:09 What, for the career?
07:11 That's no good, is it?
07:13 I don't want my picture taken, OK?
07:16 That is just doing its job.
07:17 Maybe I don't like being photographed without permission.
07:21 Is everything OK?
07:22 Not really.
07:23 Actually, Liam, I'm not feeling very well.
07:25 What's wrong?
07:26 I'm a bit queasy. I probably ate something.
07:29 I'm gonna go and have a lie down.
07:30 Well, I can't with you.
07:31 Oh, don't be daft. You'll miss the prize giving.
07:32 I'll come back when I feel better.
07:34 Fresh minty lamb burgers are available at the barbecue stall.
07:41 A bargain at £4.
07:45 Just a reminder that the raffle will be held at 2 o'clock,
07:48 so there's still time to get your tickets.
07:52 Will the child whose face is painted like Spider-Man
07:55 please refrain from doing that in public.
07:57 Oi, come here!
07:59 Kim, will you please call me back?
08:01 I'm starting to get worried.
08:03 There he is.
08:04 Ah, finally.
08:06 Hey.
08:08 Where have you been, Dad?
08:09 Oh, I got caught in traffic, that's all.
08:12 Had a rough job on a breakdown in Roblesfield.
08:15 Minty!
08:18 Look, can you just text me in future, let me know where you are?
08:21 Yeah, well, my battery died.
08:23 Mum, Minty's gone.
08:25 I tied him up there, and now he's gone,
08:27 and then you showed up.
08:29 Where's your mate, son?
08:31 I heard you yesterday.
08:32 You're getting rid of him.
08:34 Oh, Isaac, I didn't mean...
08:36 I didn't mean I was gonna get rid of him like that.
08:40 Look, he can't have gotten far. Look, we'll find him.
08:42 I promise, right? Come on.
08:43 Minty!
08:45 Minty!
08:46 The produce competition is currently on in the village hall.
08:49 A wonderful experience for people who look like vegetables.
08:53 Oh, sorry, no, sorry, read that wrong.
08:55 People who like looking at vegetables.
08:58 (LAUGHS)
09:00 Ah, the famous homemade mittens.
09:04 Just in time for summer.
09:06 Charles, what? Is he drunk?
09:09 Hmm?
09:11 Of course not, can you not see he's...
09:13 Ah!
09:15 Ethan!
09:17 Ethan?
09:19 Ethan, look at me.
09:21 Ethan?
09:24 (MUSIC ENDS)
09:26 Can we get everyone to step back, please?
09:37 Everyone, back away from my grandson!
09:40 You must have seen the car.
09:43 Any blurring? How's he doing?
09:45 Just let me examine him, Claudette.
09:47 Minty!
09:48 Minty!
09:50 What's going on?
09:51 Lost the lamb.
09:53 And the truss of a very small child.
09:55 - Oh, you mean up there? - Yeah.
09:57 Oh, um, Ethan's keeled over.
10:00 Probably overdid it on his exercise routine.
10:03 I take it it's nothing trivial.
10:05 Right, I'm off to things for dinner.
10:07 See you later.
10:09 It's a hit and run, for God's sake, someone was responsible.
10:11 I didn't see.
10:13 Don't know who it was.
10:18 - Turn up for the books, eh? - Yeah.
10:23 Really hope he's OK.
10:25 Minty!
10:28 He can't have gone this far.
10:30 If he gets into a field with a load of other ones,
10:33 how are we going to know which one he's in?
10:35 Yeah, it's called, like, "lamouflage".
10:38 - (BARKS) - Aye?
10:40 What?
10:42 It's a really good joke.
10:45 Maybe we should make our way back to the village.
10:48 We could try searching pub.
10:50 Make sure Marlon's not doing chops.
10:52 What's he talking about?
10:54 He's just joking, love.
10:56 Only he's not very good at it.
10:58 Minty!
11:01 - Minty! - Minty!
11:03 Sit down. Gently.
11:05 (GRUNTS)
11:07 I don't understand. Whoever did this needs to be caught.
11:11 It's simple.
11:13 I didn't see anything, so no police.
11:16 That's final.
11:18 Drink it. Give yourself a moment.
11:20 You need to stop browbeating him.
11:22 He obviously knows who did it and he's not letting on.
11:24 Dad! Maybe he feels like he's had enough brushes with the law for one lifetime.
11:28 - You can't really blame him. - Nice. Aimed at me, right?
11:30 No, I am trying to make you see it from his point of view.
11:33 I don't think you've got concussion, but you should go to A&E, get checked over.
11:38 I'm fine. I'm just...
11:40 a bit shaken up. You've got some bruises, but...
11:43 I just want to forget about it.
11:45 Oh, yeah, dead romance in the box. Are you kidding?
11:49 HMS Romance is already sealed. I'm sorry, but this is primal need.
11:53 Besides, I don't think...
11:55 - It's OK. I don't think there's anyone in the... - Please don't finish that thought.
12:03 - Just go. - Seriously!
12:05 OK?
12:07 Someone's gonna see.
12:09 Hence why I suggested doing it inside the...
12:12 Yeah? When was it last cleaned?
12:14 Oh, yeah.
12:18 Right, fam, we'll do it somewhere else. Gail can manage the bar.
12:20 Listen, babe, seriously. Sarah is at home with Moses. Where are we gonna go?
12:23 We'll figure something out. Come on.
12:25 Oh, very nice. Second floor, sir.
12:28 Yeah, second is good. It comes right after first.
12:31 I lost Isaac's meat.
12:33 - Hey! Where's the fire? - Right, now. In my loins.
12:37 - Hand mine. - Idiots.
12:40 So? Ella's all moved in, then, is she?
12:43 Oh, yes. Yes, very much so.
12:45 I know what you're thinking. It's a little bit quick, but it's only temporary.
12:48 Right now it just feels like the right thing to do.
12:50 Can we dally back, please? I'm off for a beer now, remember?
12:53 - Oh, all right. - I did think I was a bit on edge yesterday.
12:56 Yeah, she did seem a bit under the weather. I might go and check on her.
13:00 Hey! Eyes up here, Mr Upskirt!
13:04 Eyes up here, Mr Upskirt! I'm looking for Minty.
13:08 That's not some kind of euphemism, is it?
13:11 - Sorry. - I'm good, you know.
13:14 - Any news from the hospital? - No, nothing yet.
13:19 Ruby and I are just nervous.
13:21 Have you, er... Have you heard anything about the hit-and-run victim?
13:25 Word is he's recovering at home.
13:28 - Had a lucky escape, apparently. - I guess.
13:31 Accidents happen, though, eh?
13:34 The label-maker's gone! Well done, Gail. Lovely prize.
13:40 Lovely prize, that. Three to go!
13:42 So, we've a bottle of Albanian wine donated by the World Pack,
13:46 and the winning ticket is... on the yellow... 55!
13:50 It's me!
13:52 Backing character, is he?
13:58 Just enjoying the country village vibe.
14:01 Well, don't get too comfortable.
14:03 Probably not a place you should think about settling in.
14:06 Ladies, let's not air our dirty washing in public, eh?
14:09 Tell her. I'm getting another.
14:12 Now, for the pre-beauty treatment at the salon,
14:16 we're on the pink. It's 61!
14:20 - Oh, my God, I won! - Oh, come on!
14:23 Give her a break, will you? She did come through yesterday.
14:27 She looked after the kids for one day and wasn't drunk.
14:31 Oh, yeah? It's like she's out of a fairy tale.
14:35 What?
14:37 Are you sure you're not the tiniest bit jealous?
14:39 That, you know, she's the fun one with the grandkids.
14:42 And the final and star prize, a wonderful weekend at the Grange B&B,
14:47 courtesy of yours truly, we're on the blue. It's 161!
14:52 Yes, we've got it!
14:55 Thank you very much. That concludes the raffle. Thank you.
14:58 I don't do jealousy.
15:01 And she's not the fun one. And they're not her grandkids, actually.
15:05 She just happens to be the biological mother of their mother.
15:09 - You know what I'm saying. - You're not fooling me.
15:12 - You're just one big softie. - Oh, you keep telling yourself that.
15:17 Minty!
15:19 Sorry, but I don't suppose you've seen a stray pet lamb on your travels, have you?
15:24 - Minty's gone. - Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
15:28 Could you help us search?
15:30 I think Kim will be too busy for that, I mean.
15:33 Not at all. Don't worry. I'll help find him.
15:37 Bob, can I borrow that, please?
15:40 Thank you.
15:42 Hello, hello. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?
15:48 I've got a little task for everyone.
15:51 We had a break yesterday, but Bob got to look after the kids and it all worked out.
15:56 I'm learning how to do furniture.
15:59 30 quid's worth of tickets, and what do I get?
16:02 A label maker. A label maker!
16:04 Do people even use these any more? I mean, would you?
16:07 - Not right now, no. I'm on the phone. - Exactly.
16:10 It's a relic, back in the days of cassette tapes and dial-up internet.
16:14 Sorry about that. No, it's nothing. Don't worry.
16:17 As I was saying, they're starting to accept me. But let's take our time on this.
16:22 No point bushing.
16:24 So, where's Jimmy gone and who's in charge?
16:28 Me, I think.
16:30 Well, you said that you wanted all the scarecrows photographed.
16:33 Jimmy's making sure the guy's doing it, but some are a bit further afield.
16:37 No, no, no, I need that photographer here to take pics of everyone.
16:41 Well, preferably not with Ethan lying in the street, though.
16:44 I'm sure they'll be back soon.
16:47 I hope you're proud. It's been a huge success.
16:51 Where the hell is everybody?
16:55 Oh, they've gone searching for Minty. Him rallied the troops.
16:58 It's like The Walking Dead. I only went on a call to Angel and the apocalypse happened.
17:03 Don't be too cross. I'm sure Jimmy didn't realise.
17:05 I'm not cross at all.
17:07 If the photographer was here, all he'd be able to photograph would be tumbleweed.
17:10 Yeah, the earth.
17:12 The headline would be 'Emmadale Fate, flop fiasco'.
17:15 Try saying that when you've had a few, which most people have today.
17:19 No, well, everyone's had a good time, though, really.
17:21 Exactly.
17:23 The charity fund have done well out of it.
17:25 All the kids have had fun and everyone's rallied together for Minty.
17:28 It couldn't have gone better.
17:30 Yeah. Jimmy really came through for me.
17:33 Come on.
17:41 [Birds chirping]
17:43 Oh, that was amazing.
18:03 You're amazing.
18:05 That went off, that is it.
18:07 Oh, I've missed you.
18:09 Yeah.
18:11 Oh, I've missed you.
18:13 Do you think we're back on track?
18:16 If that was off track, I don't want to be on.
18:19 [Laughs]
18:21 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
18:23 Round two already?
18:25 Oh, no, it's been a long, long time.
18:27 [Laughs]
18:29 It's supposed to be outside.
18:31 Oh, there it is.
18:33 Oh, oh, we were just looking for a scarecrow.
18:36 Jimmy, Jimmy, the three of us.
18:39 Oi, go on, our charity.
18:43 [Screams]
18:45 Sorry.
18:47 Scarecrow.
18:49 Anyone seen Minty?
18:51 Is that some kind of euphemism?
18:54 Hang on.
18:56 Minty, Minty.
19:02 No sign, I'm guessing.
19:04 Nothing.
19:06 Look, I hate to be the one that calls it.
19:08 I know, I know.
19:10 Listen, boys, I don't think we're going to find him today.
19:14 We can't just leave him.
19:16 Listen, there's every chance he might just find his way back to the farm.
19:20 I'm not leaving Minty.
19:22 Isaac, darling, sometimes we just have to let things go.
19:27 [Horse neighs]
19:29 Hey.
19:32 Minty!
19:34 Aww.
19:36 Falls well that ends well, eh?
19:39 Go on.
19:44 Er, thanks.
19:47 It's all right.
19:49 Said you were a big softie.
19:51 Shut up. Sloppy and over-emotional as always, eh?
19:54 Well, yeah, I can't help myself.
19:56 Come here.
19:59 Let's capture this moment for posterity, shall we?
20:02 All squeezing together.
20:04 Come on, let's go back there.
20:06 Come on, that's it.
20:08 [Camera shutter clicks]
20:14 [Horse neighs]
20:26 Door was open.
20:28 What do you want?
20:30 Thought I'd see how you were doing.
20:32 What, after being run over?
20:34 I could see it was you.
20:36 Behind the wheel.
20:38 Kind of the point.
20:41 Whatever.
20:43 I hope we're square.
20:45 Really?
20:47 Well, thanks for asking, but...
20:50 Nicky's still in a coma and they won't be trying to wake him today, so...
20:54 Do you really think we're even, Stephens?
20:57 You drove a car at me.
20:59 Yeah.
21:01 And...
21:06 You better look both ways every time you cross the street.
21:11 Because if Nicky doesn't make it, be assured I will finish the job.
21:18 [Door opens]
21:20 [Door closes]
21:22 [Door opens]
21:24 [Door closes]
21:26 [Door opens]
21:28 [Dramatic music]