• l’année dernière


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:08 - Hi! I'm Cory, Cory Carson!
00:11 - Hey, kiddo!
00:13 - Cory!
00:14 - Yeah!
00:16 - Christy!
00:18 - Come back here!
00:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:25 - Cory's first day!
00:28 - Cory!
00:32 - Cory, it's time to wake up, sweetie.
00:35 - It's too early.
00:38 - Okay. Well, I guess you'll just have to miss your first day of school.
00:42 - First day of school! I almost forgot! First day of school!
00:46 - Hey, where's my good morning hug?
00:48 - Whoops! Sorry, Mama.
00:51 Okay, hug's over! Let's go!
00:54 I'm gonna make a hundred new friends!
00:56 - A hundred? Wow!
00:58 - School? - Ah!
01:00 - Papa said all I have to do to make friends is say,
01:03 "Hi, I'm Cory, Cory Carson. My favorite color is blue. What's yours?"
01:07 - That's very good advice.
01:09 - Hurry up! We're gonna be late!
01:11 - Slow down, kiddo. You're gonna get a speeding ticket.
01:14 You ready for this?
01:16 - Ha ha ha! No.
01:17 - Mama, come on! - Coming, coming!
01:19 - Bye, son! Learn a lot at school!
01:21 - Yay, school!
01:23 - Whoa there, Chrissy! Stay young forever!
01:26 - Hey, Mama! Do you think there'll be a tractor at school?
01:29 - I've always wanted to be friends with a tractor.
01:31 - I wouldn't doubt it, sweetheart.
01:33 - Billy Busburg says they've got a racetrack and yummy snacks and tons of toys!
01:38 - Good morning, Mrs. Carson.
01:41 And who do we have here? Is that Mr. Carson, I see?
01:45 - No, Mr. Coltrane. It's me, Cory!
01:48 - Oh, my, my! You sure are getting to be a big car!
01:53 - It's Cory's first day of school.
01:55 - First day of school.
01:57 - I remember my first day of school.
01:59 - Whoa, don't mean to be rude, but it looks like I'm going to have to have fun at school!
02:03 - Bye!
02:05 - Bye! See you later!
02:07 - Well, here we are.
02:14 - Whoa!
02:15 - Are you ready to go in?
02:17 - Yeah, definitely.
02:19 - Hi, everyone! I'm Blue, and my favorite color is Cory Carson!
02:25 - Whoops. Uh, want to try a different school? Yeah, let's try a different school.
02:29 - Woohoo!
02:30 - Oh, yeah!
02:32 - Kimmy! Timmy! Inside speeds!
02:37 - Yes, Miss Motors.
02:39 - Sorry about that. Welcome to Motor Story.
02:42 You must be Mrs. Carson. And who might this be?
02:46 - Uh, my name's Cory. Cory Carson. And I like the color blue.
02:50 - It's very nice to meet you, Cory Carson. My name is Miss Motors.
02:54 - Hey, watch it!
02:56 - Whoa, those kids are pretty big.
02:59 - That's right. At Motor Story, the big kids can encourage and teach the younger ones.
03:04 - Aw, come on, little guy.
03:06 - Uh, I don't know. Never gone down a slide before.
03:10 - It's fun!
03:11 - Whoa, whoa!
03:12 - Aaaaaah!
03:14 - I'm okay!
03:16 - Timmy! We encourage gently.
03:20 - Right. Sorry, Miss Motors.
03:22 - Wanna go again?
03:23 - Uh, okay!
03:24 - Let's begin our tour.
03:27 - Over here is our stage where we practice music.
03:30 - Yes, that's lovely.
03:33 - Pretty good.
03:34 - Welcome to the Caldus Snack.
03:36 We have the most delicious, organic, plant-based, flavor-neutral snack break.
03:41 - Oh, thanks.
03:46 - Hey! Are you gonna eat that?
03:49 - Nope.
03:50 - Yummy!
03:51 - Hi, I'm Cory Card--
03:53 - Shhh!
03:54 - Over here is our art station where our kids have the freedom to express themselves however they wish.
04:01 - Aren't they so talented?
04:05 - Suzie! What have I told you about expressing yourself on your classmates?
04:10 - Uh... to not to?
04:13 - I'm okay!
04:15 - Oh, dear. I better help them get cleaned up. Excuse me for a second.
04:20 - Hmm.
04:21 - Why don't you go introduce yourself?
04:24 - Okay!
04:25 - Hi! Um, I'm Cory. I see you like to draw. Got a favorite color?
04:32 - My dad says color is just an illusion created by light waveforms being interpreted by our eyes.
04:37 - Oh. Mine's blue.
04:39 - How'd it go?
04:42 - I think I'm ready to go home.
04:44 - What? But you just got here.
04:46 - I don't feel good.
04:48 - What's wrong?
04:50 - My engine's acting a little funny.
04:52 - Oh. Well, it sure would be a shame to miss your first day.
04:56 - There's always the next day. Or the next year?
05:00 - Hmm. Well, let me go talk to Miss Motors.
05:03 - Hey, you!
05:11 - Huh?
05:12 - The block!
05:13 - Can you bring it over?
05:15 - Uh...
05:17 - Okay!
05:18 - Thanks. We need a block right there.
05:24 - A work of art! Best tower that's ever been built!
05:35 - Very structurally sound.
05:37 - It's beautiful.
05:39 - Wanna knock it over?
05:41 - Yeah!
05:43 - New blocks!
05:47 - Hi! I've seen you before in Town Square. My name's Freddy.
05:51 - I'm Cory. Cory Carson.
05:53 - Uh... Do you have a favorite color?
05:56 - Well, I'm partial to fire engine red myself.
05:59 - I'm Timmy.
06:00 - And I'm Kimmy!
06:01 - I like to build things!
06:03 - And I like to tear 'em down!
06:05 - Yeah! Me too!
06:06 - Hi! I'm Holly. I can do this.
06:08 - Nice to meet you, Cory.
06:12 - Uh... Do you wanna play with us?
06:15 - Okay, Cory. Are you ready to go home?
06:18 - Oh... Uh... Actually, I think I'm feeling better.
06:22 - Really?
06:23 - Yeah. Can I stay?
06:25 - Of course you can!
06:26 - Thanks, Mama!
06:27 - Oh... Okay. I'll pick you up after school?
06:31 - Well, have fun, sweetie.
06:35 - Hey, Mama?
06:41 - Hmm?
06:42 - Where's my goodbye hug?
06:44 - Hmm...
06:45 - Hmm...
06:46 - Cory! It's your turn to knock down the tower!
06:50 - Have fun, kiddo.
06:51 - Thanks, Mama.
06:52 - Wait for me!
06:54 - Yeah! I won!
06:57 - Wait for me!
06:59 - Yeah! I won!
07:02 - I'm going to bed.
07:04 - I'm going to bed.
07:06 - I'm going to bed.
07:09 - I'm going to bed.
07:12 - I'm going to bed.
07:14 - I'm going to bed.
07:17 - I'm going to bed.
07:20 - I'm going to bed.
07:23 - I'm going to bed.
07:26 - I'm going to bed.
07:28 - I'm going to bed.
07:31 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
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07:50 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
07:55 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
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08:10 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
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08:25 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
08:32 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
08:39 [Sous-titres par Christophe Chassol]
