中断美联社直播加沙画面 以色列又打压媒体?

  • 4 months ago
八点最热报 | 以色列对加沙开战后导致许多平民死亡,以色列当局在今年4月通过了一项新的法令,允许政府暂时关闭威胁国家安全的外国新闻机构,这就引发了以色列试图控制舆论的嫌疑。以色列政府几个星期前才宣布禁止卡塔尔的半岛电视台在以色列境内运营,最新又对付另一家国际媒体。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 After the Israeli-Japanese war, many civilians died.
00:09 In April this year, the Israeli authorities passed a new law
00:13 allowing the government to temporarily close foreign news agencies that threaten national security.
00:18 This caused suspicion that Israel was trying to control public opinion.
00:22 A few weeks before, the Israeli government announced that it would ban Qatar's Peninsula TV station
00:27 and operate it within Israel.
00:30 This is a new attack on another international media outlet.
00:33 Yesterday, Israeli officials in Israel approached the border of the Gaza Strip
00:37 and used the media to provide footage to the Peninsula TV station
00:42 and confiscated the camera and broadcasting equipment of the United Nations.
00:46 This caused the United Nations to suspend live broadcasts of Gaza.
00:50 The White House expressed concern about this and emphasized that freedom of the press is a democratic support.
00:56 The work of the White House should be respected and let reporters fulfill their duties
01:00 to monitor the situation in Gaza in order to ensure that the truth is released.
01:05 Yesterday, the United Nations broadcasted footage of the Gaza Strip.
01:10 The camera and broadcasting equipment were suddenly confiscated by Israeli officials.
01:14 The Israeli authorities accused the United Nations of providing footage to the Peninsula TV station
01:18 and violating the new foreign media law that Israel has imposed.
01:21 On the right, as you can see, there is Mar Yitzhak Hachbi on the roof, next to a camera,
01:25 and he is filming Gaza.
01:27 And on the left, as you can see, the Peninsula TV station,
01:29 exactly the same broadcast, a live broadcast from the camera on the roof.
01:34 The United Nations condemned Israeli officials' actions,
01:37 violated freedom of the press and urged to suspend the equipment.
01:40 The United Nations will continue to broadcast live in the Gaza Strip
01:44 in order to provide news material to the global media.
01:47 We at the Associated Press decry in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government,
01:52 which has shut down our long-standing live feed showing a view into Gaza and seized AP equipment.
01:57 This shutdown was not based on the content of the feed,
02:00 but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country's new foreign broadcaster law.
02:05 In addition to the United Nations, the International Freedom of the Press, the US government and the United Nations
02:09 have also condemned Israeli actions of "ruthlessly blocking live media broadcasts."
02:13 Under the pressure of strong protests from multiple parties,
02:16 Israeli Minister of Communications Karzy announced last night that he would withdraw from the action
02:20 and ordered the return of the broadcast equipment to the United Nations.
02:24 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
02:30 The UN is working with the World Economic Forum to establish a new UN Security Council.
