FTS 8:30 22-05: Delegations from around the world attend Raisi’s funeral

  • 4 months ago
FTS 8.30
*3 European countries to recognize Palestine as Independent State
*Argentina: United opposition installs education budget commissions


00:00In Iran, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has held several
00:16meetings with some of the heads of government who are coming to the Persian capital to join
00:20the millions of Iranians honoring the memory of President Ebrahim Raisi and his eight deceased
00:28Spain, Norway and Ireland are set to formally recognize Palestine as an independent state
00:36on May 28th.
00:41And in Argentina, opposition deputies managed to install budget and education commissions
00:46to increase the university budget.
00:55Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:57My name is Belén de los Santos and from the Telesur studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin
01:01with the news.
01:03In Iran, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has held several
01:07meetings with some of the heads of government who are coming to the Persian capital to join
01:11the millions of Iranians honoring the memory of President Ebrahim Raisi and his eight martyred
01:19In this sense, the delegation of the Palestinian resistance was the first to arrive, followed
01:23by delegations from Iraq, Qatar, Egypt, China and others.
01:28Meanwhile, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a close friend of the Iranian government,
01:33will not attend because his wife has recently been diagnosed with leukemia.
01:38On the other hand, it should be noted that several international representatives are
01:42on their way to attend the ceremony, which will take place at 4 p.m. local time.
01:53On the other hand, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei,
01:57led the prayers over the bodies of President Ebrahim Raisi and his comrades in the presence
02:02of millions of people accompanying the funeral procession.
02:06In the same way, local people and representatives of the international and religious delegations
02:10received the eight coffins of the victims of the plane crash at the University of Tehran
02:16as shocking scenes of mourning were seen among the attendants.
02:20In this regard, flowers, pictures of the martyrs, messages of solidarity with the Palestinian
02:24cause and pledges of eternal loyalty to the martyrs were heard in the crowd.
02:35And now let's review the route taken by the funeral procession.
02:38On Tuesday, it reached the city of Tabriz, where citizens had the opportunity to bid
02:43farewell to the head of state and his companions.
02:47After Tabriz, the bodies of the martyrs were transferred to the city of Qom and then arrived
02:52in the capital, Tehran, where the leader of the revolution and of the Islamic Republic
02:57of Iran, Ali Khamenei, will lead the funeral prayers on Tuesday night.
03:02Likewise, the next commemorations will take place on Thursday in Biryand and then in the
03:08city of Mashhad, where the head of state, Ebrahim Raisi, will be buried as this was
03:14his hometown.
03:18And in Iran, the president's chief of staff, Kalam Hossein Ismaili, in an interview given
03:24to a television show, revealed details about the Iranian president's helicopter crash.
03:29Kalam stated that after 30 seconds of continuing the flight above the clouds, the pilot realized
03:35that the president's helicopter had disappeared.
03:38They tried to call the foreign minister and the head of security, but neither responded.
03:42The flight crew said that they had called Captain Mostafavi, who responded and said
03:47that he was not well and that they had fallen into a valley and did not mention anything
03:52in particular.
03:53The Kalam Hossein called with the same phone and the representative of the leader in the
04:00province, Mohammad Ali Al-Hashem, answered and said that he was not well and that he
04:06was in pain and that he had fallen among the trees.
04:09He then said that he did not see any of the other passengers and that there was no one
04:14near him and that the forest was dense.
04:17The rescue teams immediately headed towards the area that they had estimated as the crash
04:23Later, when the crash site was found, the condition of the bodies showed that the president
04:28and other passengers had lost their lives immediately, but Ali Al-Hashem lost his life
04:34after a few hours.
04:41And the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, sent his condolences to the
04:44people of Iran following the death of the president, Ebrahim Raisi.
04:51We express our condolences to the people of Iran for the death in an accident of the
05:09president of Iran and the foreign minister of this republic, of this nation.
05:19So far, this is the information we have.
05:26Our deepest condolences for the death of these leaders, the president, the foreign minister
05:35and other members of the government of Iran.
05:42In the same way, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed solidarity with the people
05:46of Iran over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in the plane crash last Sunday.
05:54The death of President Raisi is a great loss, first of all to Iran and the Iranian people,
05:59of course.
06:00Please convey my deepest condolences for this tragedy.
06:03In fact, he was a very reliable partner, a simple man.
06:16Now we move on to other topics.
06:25Spain, Norway and Ireland recognize Palestine as an independent state on Wednesday.
06:30The measure will be formally adopted by the three countries on May 28th.
06:34Jonas Garstorp, Norwegian Prime Minister, gave a press conference in Oslo in which he
06:39assured that there can be no peace if Israel and Palestine do not have their own state.
06:45Two hours before, the Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth assured that if the Prime Minister
06:50Benjamin Netanyahu touched Norwegian territory, he would be arrested in accordance with the
06:56decision of the Criminal Court of Justice.
06:59The dirigent Simon Harris assured that this is a historic day for Ireland and for Palestine.
07:05The president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, in fact confirmed the announcement
07:09in the Tribune of the Congress.
07:18The United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East announced that food
07:23distribution to Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip is suspended due to lack of supplies
07:28and insecurity.
07:29The agency reported that as a result of the ongoing military operation in eastern Rafah,
07:34the distribution center and warehouse of the World Food Programme are now unavailable.
07:40The organization also stated that no aid shipments have entered the U.S.-established dock for
07:45sea deliveries in the past two days.
07:47For their part, members of the UN World Food Programme warned that humanitarian operations
07:52in Gaza are on the verge of collapse, and that if food and other supplies are not resumed
07:57in massive quantities, famine-like conditions will become widespread.
08:08Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Moustafa on Tuesday condemned the Israeli military
08:12operation against the Palestinian terrorists.
08:16Palestinian Foreign Minister Mohammad Moustafa also condemned the Israeli attack on the West
08:21Bank city of Yenin and its refugee camp, which killed at least seven Palestinians and injured
08:29Moustafa noted that the wave of questioning in the world against Israeli actions and the
08:33recent recognition of the Palestinian state by several countries including Barbados, Jamaica
08:39and Bahamas.
08:41He also condemned the support of the United States to the genocidal actions of Tel Aviv,
08:46as it provided with all kinds of killing machines and protects the occupation before all international
09:03In this context, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, defended Israel against
09:07accusations of committing acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip.
09:11U.S. President expressed his country's unconditional support for Tel Aviv despite the more than
09:1635,500 Palestinian deaths caused by the Israeli army since October 7.
09:23These statements followed the request by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal
09:27Court for arrest warrants against the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense
09:32Minister Yoav Galant.
09:35Biden condemned the court's action as well as the International Criminal Court's indictment
09:40of Israel's genocidal actions against the Palestinian people.
09:49In this context, in the United States, Palestinian activists interrupted Secretary of State Antony
09:54Blinken's speech in Congress and accused him of sponsoring the genocide in Gaza.
10:00During the incident, protesters called him a war criminal, shouting phrases such as,
10:05You will be remembered for murdering innocent Palestinians.
10:08Regardless, Blinken continued his speech by assuring that the U.S. administration would
10:13be happy to work with Congress in an appropriate response to the International Criminal Court
10:17prosecutor's request to issue arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
10:24calling the decision extremely wrong.
10:26The Secretary also ordered action against leaks of information about Gaza and expressed
10:32his anger with the constant flow of press reports revealing sensitive information about
10:37the genocide.
10:43Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Teleso English
10:47where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
10:52Other stories coming up.
10:53Stay with us.
11:02Welcome back to From the South.
11:15The Libertarian government in Argentina suffered a heavy defeat this Tuesday.
11:21The opposition deputies managed to install budget and education commissions to increase
11:25the university budget.
11:27With 152 votes of the Peronist Union for the Homeland, the Left Front and certain parties,
11:33they defeated the right wing together for change, ruling libertarians who could only
11:37add up to 18 votes in a session that lasted more than five hours.
11:42The initiatives presented by the opposition government clear the budget emergency and
11:47update the financing items for the national public universities in the country.
11:58We stay in Argentina as teachers and police protests continue in the province of Misiones
12:04to demand wage increases.
12:06The mobilizations rejected the neoliberal policies of Millet's government that affect
12:10the provincial budgets.
12:12The demonstrators confirmed on Monday that no agreement had been reached with the authorities,
12:17so they will continue with their demands.
12:19The police agents requested and include the payment of the wages that they are owed and
12:26the salary increase of over 100% to reach the basic food basket and improve the overall
12:32income in the face of the current inflation.
12:36The mobilizations could affect the national commerce since Misiones is a logistic node
12:41in the triple border with Paraguay and Brazil.
12:48And also in this context, the Argentinian Healthcare Workers Union also reached its
12:53second day of protests through informative assemblies to demand a salary increase.
12:58A statement from the Federation of Argentine Healthcare Workers Association, FATSA, stated
13:04that there are 300,000 employees at national level who have no recognition or claims of
13:10any kind from the business sector and that their salaries have lost purchasing power
13:15due to the economic situation in the country.
13:18The representatives of this union state that after numerous meetings with the employers'
13:24representatives, there is no consensus for the salaries to be in accordance with the
13:29work that they perform.
13:37We go now to Colombia, where at least eight people lost their lives and 10 others were
13:41injured after an escalation of violence in the northern region of Cauca due to clashes
13:46between armed groups.
13:48The latest conflicts took place in the region of Cajivillo, Cauca, where two soldiers were
13:53wounded by armed groups that control the northern part of the territory.
13:57The Colombian government has ordered to lift the suspension of the armed sanctions in the
14:02Department of Cauca, Nariño and Valle del Cauca, in order to restore security in the
14:09The violence began last Friday with the explosion of a roadside device in Miranda, which left
14:14two people dead.
14:22The Departments of Cauca and Valle del Cauca are the scene of a new escalation of violence
14:27by armed groups seeking to establish territorial power in the region.
14:31The authorities of Cali City have stepped up security controls to prevent terrorist
14:37acts in communities near the city.
14:39In Jamundia, a motorcycle bomb exploded this Tuesday against 100 policemen who arrived
14:45to reinforce the security of the municipality, injuring three children and two policemen.
14:51Since May 17, the wave of violence has also affected the municipality of Miranda with
14:56the explosion of a roadside device that left two victims dead, while two policemen were
15:02killed and three others were wounded in Morales.
15:05The same happened in Cajivillo, where two soldiers were wounded as a result of the violence
15:10that is plaguing the South American country.
15:16According to the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace, the INDEPAS, from January
15:211st to May 20th this year, the following deaths were registered at the hands of the armed
15:27groups operating in the South American countries.
15:29At least 11 social leaders were assassinated in the Department of Cauca, including two
15:34Likewise, in the cities of Caldono and Sucre, three peace signatories lost their lives in
15:41terrorist operations, while four other massacres were registered in Paimonte, Paes, Corinto
15:48and Cajivillo.
15:54And we have a final short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
15:58community for our English-speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join
16:02directly and also share the link to reach more people.
16:05Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of the
16:10Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
16:12Final short break.
16:13Don't go away.
16:32Welcome back from the South.
16:34In Russia, the military starts the first phase of training on the preparation and use of
16:39non-strategic nuclear weapons.
16:41This exercise was convened by the commander of the Southern Military Region, which is
16:47aimed at maintaining military readiness in view of the statements of Western officials.
16:52It is worth noting that the missile forces are practicing the preparation for the use
16:57of the Iskander tactical missile systems.
17:00In addition, the aviation will provide aviation weapons, including Kinzhal hypersonic missiles
17:06with special payloads, and will proceed to its patrol area.
17:16Australian Prime Minister António Alves has called for the release of Julian Assange,
17:21who has been incarcerated in a British high-security prison for more than five years.
17:26A high official affirmed on Tuesday before local media that the imprisonment of the founder
17:31of the digital portal Wikileaks does not serve any purpose and assured that he has already
17:37spent enough time in prison.
17:39Alves promised to continue working to achieve the release of the editor, who is at risk
17:46of being extradited to the United States.
17:49Julian Assange is accused by Washington of espionage and could face up to 175 years in
17:55prison after disclosing a series of US documents detailing several war crimes committed by
18:01the White House in Iraq and Afghanistan.
18:09In other news, one man has died and 30 people have been injured in Singapore Airlines flight
18:14that has made an emergency landing in Bangkok, Thailand due to heavy turbulence.
18:20The flight, which left London Heathrow Airport on Monday night, was bound for Singapore.
18:26The deceased is a 73-year-old British citizen who was traveling with his wife and who probably
18:31suffered a heart attack.
18:33The Boeing 777-300ER was carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew members, according to the airline.
18:42Among the 30 injured, seven are in critical condition.
18:46Photos posted on the social network X show a dozen ambulances arriving on the tarmac
18:53to attend the injured.
19:13We go now to the world of sports.
19:14The Women's Tennis Association and the Saudi Public Investment Fund announced on Monday
19:19a multi-year partnership aimed at growing women's professional tennis and inspiring
19:25women and girls worldwide to take up the sport.
19:28With this agreement, WTA hopes to enhance and develop initiatives to support women players
19:35at all levels.
19:36This new partnership follows the recent announcement that the WTA season finals will be held in
19:42Riyadh for the next three years, starting this 2024, with the top eight women's single
19:49players and double teams of the season.
19:52The Saudi PIF has also partnered with the combined WTA 1000 and the ATP Masters 1000
19:59tournament in Indiana Wells, Miami and Madrid, in addition to the WTA 1000 and the ATP 500
20:07in Beijing.
20:08And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:18You can find these and many other stories on our website at tellusorenglish.net and
20:22also join us on social media.
20:24We are on Facebook, X, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok.
20:28For Tell Us Your English, my name is Belinda Los Santos.
20:30Thank you for watching.
