Presse Afrique - 22/05/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse Afrique - 22/05/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:05 It's time for the news in Africa.
00:08 First, let's talk about the presidential election of June 29th in Mauritania.
00:12 Seven candidates were selected, including President Sortem,
00:17 Mohammed Oldsher and Razouani,
00:19 that is, one of the African VOA.
00:23 The 67-year-old Razouani is a favorite for a second mandate in this country of 4.5 million inhabitants
00:30 at the crossroads of North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.
00:34 His predecessor, Mohammed Ould Abdelaziz, currently in prison for illicit enrichment,
00:40 saw his candidacy rejected for technical reasons by the Constitutional Council.
00:45 The source of information specifies that among the other candidates
00:50 are personalities such as the leader of the Islamic Opposition Party, Tewasul,
00:55 and the human rights activist, Biram Oudda Oud Abed.
01:00 The Development Community of South Africa has launched a humanitarian call
01:06 of more than 5.5 billion dollars to come to aid
01:10 more than 61 million people affected by drought and floods caused by floods in the region.
01:18 It is written on Hapa News.
01:20 Indeed, the source notes, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
01:24 have declared drought as a disaster and are calling for external help.
01:29 Other countries such as Madagascar, Malawi and Mozambique
01:33 have been affected by floods that damaged infrastructure and caused victims.
01:39 The President of the Development Community of South Africa,
01:42 Jao Lorenzo, has called on the international community, the private sector and people of goodwill
01:48 to respond to the needs of the affected populations, the African Press Agency reports.
01:54 A presumed coup d'état has been unleashed in Central Africa,
01:58 according to the authorities.
02:00 Fidel Gwandiga, special council of the Presidency,
02:04 accuses former Minister Harmel Sayo of having promoted poaching in France,
02:10 reports AFRIC Media TV.
02:12 Harmel Sayo would have called for support from the Sudanese authorities
02:16 to mobilize mercenaries and overthrow the government,
02:19 according to a correspondence and an audio recording presented by Gwandiga.
02:24 Likewise, Gwandiga adds that these prisoners,
02:27 for the sake of state security, are Sayo's accomplices
02:32 and hope to be released in the event of the success of the poaching.
02:36 According to the special council of the Presidency,
02:40 all communications of Sayo and his alleged accomplices are under surveillance.
02:45 And then in Nigeria, a brutal attack in the village of Zura,
02:50 in the north center of the country, killed 40 people.
02:53 The attack is perpetrated by armed men on motorcycles,
02:58 which also set fire to houses, reports 360 Africa.
03:02 This assault, which took place in the circumscription of Wase, state of the plateau,
03:07 is part of a context of frequent fencing and mining conflicts,
03:12 as well as intercommunity violence.
03:15 The inhabitants, mainly active in mining exploitation,
03:18 are confronted with exacerbated tensions by illegal mining activities
03:22 and conflicts between nomadic farmers and pastoral farmers,
03:27 notes the source of information.
03:30 Madagascar, to finish, the ship Africa Mercy Ships
03:35 is preparing to perform free surgical operations in the country
03:40 for the fourth time since 1996.
03:43 That is to say, on Alberta Info, more than 120 leaders and partners
03:49 gathered on board to celebrate the start of the interventions
03:52 in the presence of local dignitaries, such as the mayor of Tomasina.
03:57 Since its arrival in February, Mercy Ships has deployed a strategy
04:01 to ensure a wide coverage of its services in different regions of the island,
04:06 with recording sites of patients in 12 sites.
04:12 This is the end of this African press report.
04:14 Thank you for following it.
04:19 (upbeat music)