• last year
00:00 [Music]
00:24 So we like to do an event every year where people can come together and remember their loved ones that they've lost.
00:29 It's a really, really lovely way for everybody to come and remember really.
00:33 It's quite an emotional service but in a really, really lovely way.
00:36 We invite people to come down to the lake, they can purchase a lantern and write a message to their loved one
00:42 and then launch them onto the lake together.
00:44 So we've probably got around 700 plus lanterns today which is a really, really lovely sight when you see them all floating together.
00:51 You're writing a message to that person that you've lost and that you're remembering.
00:55 It's quite personal to you but obviously everybody's doing the same, they're doing the same thing but doing it together.
01:03 So you come down to the lake and you write a very, very personal message.
01:06 You can take five, ten minutes just to sit and think about that person that you've lost to remember those people which is quite lovely really.
01:14 [Music]
01:23 Part of the event today is you can actually take part in a sponsored walk which is a memory walk from the hospice.
01:28 So we leave the hospice at six o'clock and we just take a really lovely leisurely walk along the canal and it's been a beautiful night for it tonight.
01:35 Writing that message on your back is quite personal.
01:38 You're walking alongside other people who have done exactly the same thing and it's really, really lovely to see who other people are remembering
01:46 and it can start conversations as well where you're all walking for the same reason and you're all remembering those loved ones.
01:54 [Music]
02:17 [Singing]
02:43 So many people have told us how lovely it is this evening coming to the park.
02:47 Some people have never been before and just absolutely amazed by what's here.
02:51 But it's so good because it is a pendant size about our community and being in a park like this with all our community
02:57 really just reinforces what we're here to do and to look after people who need our support.
03:03 I think people coming together to remember a loved one, it's just so special because it's like, I think you feel very alone in your grief
03:10 and actually knowing that other people are going through the same thing or if not the same, they're experiencing those emotions that you're experiencing.
03:18 And to be together and support each other just brings that strength to each other.
03:22 [Singing]
03:51 [Music]
04:02 The Harrison family tonight, they've been so brave just sharing their story about how they've lost their son, releasing the lantern in memory of him.
04:11 It's so nice to share because it just spreads the word to other people who might need our support that we're here and we can support them.
04:18 It's a really brave thing to do but also a really important thing to do as well.
04:23 When you've lost someone who you've loved, you're never going to get over that loss.
04:31 You've just got to learn to live with it and at the end of the day, your grief is the love that you had for that person.
04:39 [Music]
05:08 [Singing]
05:14 [Music]
05:27 [Singing]
05:48 We have two events in memory a year because it's really important. That's what we're here for and that's what we do.
05:53 We have this event in the spring and then also the event at Christmas, our Light Up A Life at the hospice where people sponsor a light bulb.
06:00 So we'd really encourage people to come along, support each other, remember that person that's so special to them and be part of what we are.
06:08 [Music]
06:33 [Applause]
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06:48 [Applause]
06:51 [Music]
06:54 [Applause]
