Paula Vennells Apologises To Victims Of Post Office Scandal At Start Of Mammoth Inquiry Hearing

  • 4 months ago
Paula Vennells Apologises To Victims Of Post Office Scandal At Start Of Mammoth Inquiry Hearing
00:00 I would just like to say, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to do this in person,
00:05 how sorry I am for all that sub-postmasters and their families and others have suffered
00:12 as a result of all of the matters that the Inquiries has been looking into for so long.
00:17 I followed and listened to all of the human impact statements and I was very affected
00:26 by them.
00:27 I remember listening to one postmaster, whose name I noted, who said that he would like
00:33 somebody to go and stand outside his old post office with him so he could tell them exactly
00:38 what he'd been through.
00:39 I would do that.
00:41 I am very, very sorry.
00:43 I would also like to repeat the apology which is in my witness statement to Alan Bates,
00:49 to Ron Warmington and Ian Henderson from Second Sight, and to Lord Arbuthnot.
00:56 And those I worked with made their work so much harder and I am very, very sorry for
01:00 that.
01:02 My third apology is really about today because I will answer the questions truthfully and
01:09 I'm very aware that they will be difficult to listen to for you and for me and I ask
01:14 your understanding in advance of that.
01:18 Thank you.
01:19 Thank you.
01:20 I should say there's going to be a fire alarm at ten o'clock and we're just going to sit
01:25 here all together and listen to it and then carry on afterwards.
01:31 So some general issues, if I may.
01:36 Miss Fennells, in the light of the information that you tell us in your witness statement
01:41 you weren't given, in the light of the documents that you tell us in your witness statement
01:47 that you didn't see, and in the light of the assurances that you tell us about in your
01:54 witness statement that you were given by post office staff, do you think you're the unluckiest
02:02 CEO in the United Kingdom?
02:11 I was given much information and as the inquiry has heard, there was information that I wasn't
02:22 given and others didn't receive as well.
02:25 One of my reflections on all of this is that I was too trusting.
02:33 I did probe and I did ask questions and I'm disappointed where information wasn't shared
02:47 and it has been a very important time for me, as I have gone through all of the documentation
02:54 that I've seen since, to plug some of those gaps and to remind me what I did see and perhaps
03:00 hadn't remembered.
