Barry Moore Decries Unjust Imprisonment And Persecution Of Christian Pastors In Nicaragua

  • 4 months ago
During remarks on the House floor last week, Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL) spoke about the persecution of Christian missionaries in Nicaragua.

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00:00I ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend
00:05their remarks and to submit extraneous materials on the subject of this special order.
00:11Without objection.
00:12American citizens from Alabama and Texas and their Nicaraguan partners have made it their
00:17mission to spread the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the Nicaraguan people for
00:22nearly 30 years.
00:23Evangelists of the Mountain Gateway Ministries have worked across the country leading on
00:26disaster recovery and feeding and clothing and planting churches with the support of
00:31the assistance of the Nicaraguan government.
00:34In January, however, the Attorney General of Nicaragua began pursuing charges against
00:38three U.S. citizens associated with Mountain Gateway and 11 Mountain Gateway Nicaraguan
00:43pastors on trumped up charges of money laundering and organized crime.
00:49In addition to being barred from meeting with their legal representation and their families,
00:54the lawyers on their case were denied access to the case files and to other relevant documentation
01:00against the pastors.
01:04During the sham trial, the government was unable to produce evidence of the alleged
01:08illicit activity.
01:09Despite this, the 11 pastors have been sentenced to up to 15 years in prison and they combined
01:15$1 billion in fines.
01:17These pastors were working to bless the people of Nicaragua and now they have been thrown
01:21in prison and all their property has been seized.
01:25These sentences leave families without income, children without mothers and fathers, simply
01:30for sharing the good news of Jesus.
01:32I am deeply concerned that these citizens and the pastors were targeted for sharing
01:36their faith.
01:38Matthew 5 says, blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness, say, for theirs
01:43is the kingdom of heaven.
01:45I recently introduced a resolution, House Resolution 1019, condemning the Nicaraguan
01:50government of unjust imprisonment of these people and I hope my colleagues will join
01:55in support.
01:56I am praying for a swift resolution to this situation so these pastors can be safely returned
02:01to their families and continue sharing the gospel.
02:04I am grateful to the members of Congress who joined me for this special order to highlight
02:09this issue and call the Nicaraguan government to release the imprisoned pastors immediately.
02:14I now will yield five minutes to the gentleman from Alabama, one of my first co-sponsors
02:19to H. Resolution 1019, Mr. Aderholt.
02:25Mr. Speaker, I arise today on behalf of these Nicaraguan pastors, ministry leaders of Mountain
02:36Gateway who were unable to speak for themselves.
02:39I want to say thank my colleague from Alabama for taking this time of special order to discuss
02:49this issue, to bring it to the attention of the American people and really to the world.
02:54He has been a great champion on this and there's many members of our delegation in Alabama
03:02and really across the country that are very concerned about what we have heard going on
03:08in Nicaragua and the situation down there.
03:11Unfortunately, so many of the American people are very unaware of what the situation is.
03:17We're just a few hundred miles south of our border here in the United States of America.
03:24These leaders that has been already mentioned, but it should be repeated, these leaders have
03:30been convicted by the Nicaraguan government on sham charges.
03:34They now face up to 15 years in prison and $80 million in fines each.
03:43The rest came after these courageous pastors led a series of revivals that was authorized
03:49by the Nicaraguan government and they were rounded up, they're in prison shortly after
03:55mass outpouring of faith in the capital city.
04:00Mr. Speaker, it is an act of religious persecution that put these men and women in prison.
04:09These pastors, these leaders, these spiritual leaders, these ministry leaders, and it is
04:16human right violations that have kept them in prison.
04:20And again, I am so thankful that we live in a country where we do not have to worry about
04:27going to prison.
04:28I think so many Americans take it for granted that all the many freedoms that we have in
04:34this country.
04:35One of those main freedoms that we have is that we get to worship freely.
04:41And we can worship freely, whether it be at an outdoor revival, whether it be in a large
04:47event, small event, or just being at home reading our Bible.
04:51We don't have to worry about being sentenced to 15 years in prison.
04:57And just as myself, as a young boy who accepted Christ in my own life, I can now be in Congress
05:05and I can be a citizen here in this United States and not worry about the threat of prison
05:10being hung over my head.
05:12And whether it's to go to an outdoor revival program that was, such as happened in Nicaragua,
05:20or whether it's to simply go to a small church service, or whether it is to go to just simply
05:26be at home with some other Christians sitting around reading or praying the Bible together.
05:32So on this time of when we're reflecting on what is going on here, I just want to encourage
05:39the American people to reach out to their members of Congress and to encourage them
05:46to do what they can to stand with those of us who are trying to call attention to this
05:53very serious issue.
05:54And this not only goes on in Nicaragua, but also goes on in many other parts of the world
05:59as well.
06:00And today, we certainly want to call attention to those pastors and ministry leaders from
06:06Mountain Gateway who are unable to speak for themselves and be a voice here in the United
06:11States House of Representatives.
06:13And we ask for their release, and I would call on the Nicaraguan government to take
06:18action to address these indisputable violations and to free these men and women so that they
06:26can be returned to their homes and with their families.
06:29And with that, I yield back.
06:35Mr. Speaker, at this point, I'll yield one minute to my friend, Mr. Palmer from Alabama.
06:44Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I thank the gentleman from Alabama.
06:47I rise today to urge my colleagues to support passage of House Resolution 1019, introduced
06:53by my colleague from Alabama, Mr. Moore, in response to the Nicaraguan government's unjust
06:59imprisonment of 11 pastors associated with Mountain Gateway, a missionary group based
07:04here in the United States.
07:06This wrongful imprisonment is not the first time Nicaragua has persecuted good Samaritans
07:11trying to help their impoverished nation.
07:14In recent years, Nicaragua has arrested Catholic missionaries as well as members of the Red
07:20As a United States Congress, we have a vested interest in both upholding of international
07:25religious freedom and the safety and security of American citizens currently targeted.
07:30I join my colleagues to call on the Nicaraguan government to rescind these unjust charges
07:34immediately and release the pastors.
07:38To the pastors and persecuted Christians everywhere, I encourage you with this passage from Isaiah
07:44Fear not, for I am with you.
07:46Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
07:49I will strengthen you.
07:50I will help you.
07:51I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
07:55Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I yield back.
07:56Thank you, Mr. Palmer, I appreciate that.
08:00And you know, previously our colleagues across Iowa were talking about hope and mental health
08:05in America.
08:07I think in Nicaragua, these ministries, certainly these missionaries, were impacting people's
08:11lives and bringing them hope.
08:13And so it's just a shame what's happened to them.
08:14And at this point, I'd like to yield five minutes to my friend from Wyoming, Ms. Hageman.
08:20Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
08:22And I thank my colleague for yielding time and for his leadership on this important issue.
08:29Since its founding in 2006, Mountain Gateway Ministries has been changing people's lives
08:34through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the feeding and clothing of those
08:39in need, and the provision of water, food, equipment, and recovery assistance during
08:44and after natural disasters.
08:47These noble and selfless efforts have had far-reaching impacts on the lives of so many
08:52families and individuals, extending far beyond the borders of any individual nation.
08:58In 2013, Mountain Gateway Ministries began their important work in Nicaragua, spreading
09:03the Lord's Word to hundreds of thousands of people.
09:07The ministry has started and supported multiple churches across the country, provided countless
09:13aid and helping hands through hurricane and other humanitarian relief projects, and has
09:18even gone as far as to run a fair trade coffee farm with the goal of providing a source of
09:23stable income for local residents in nearby rural communities.
09:28Over the course of ten years, they have operated with the cooperation and approval of the Nicaraguan
09:35Unfortunately, this all changed after the ministry held a series of evangelistic services
09:42in 2023, which nearly one million people attended.
09:47Shortly after those services ended, the Nicaraguan government rapidly changed its position and
09:52began a relentless campaign of wrongful persecution.
09:58In December 2023, under the guise of false money laundering claims and with little to
10:03no notice, the Nicaraguan government canceled the ministry's legal status, arrested several
10:09Nicaraguan pastors and ministry partners, threatened the arrest of U.S. citizens involved
10:15with the ministry, seized the ministry's properties, and froze its bank accounts.
10:22After spending months in a Nicaraguan prison with no access to legal counsel, no visits
10:27from their relatives, and being unable to hear the allegations against them, the trials
10:32against those arrested commenced.
10:35During the trial, the presiding judge arbitrarily elevated the charges against these individuals
10:40to aggravated money laundering claims.
10:45All the Nicaraguan defendants were found guilty of the elevated charges and sentenced
10:49to severe punishments, including over 10 years in prison and fines amounting to tens of millions
10:55of dollars.
10:56These instances of wrongful targeting and persecution have, unfortunately, become routine
11:02actions by the Nicaraguan government.
11:05The same government has taken similar steps against the Catholic Church, the International
11:10Committee of the Red Cross, and many other religious groups, charities, and civic organizations.
11:18What is currently unfolding in Nicaragua with the members of the Mountain Gateway Ministry
11:23is a travesty and injustice on the greatest scale.
11:28From the time of their arrest to the handing down of their sentences, the treatment of
11:32these individuals and the ministry is in complete contradiction to the most fundamental freedoms
11:39and beliefs that we hold here in America, including the freedom of religion, presumption
11:45of innocence, and the guarantee of due process and equal treatment under the law.
11:50I commend Mountain Gateway founder John Britton Hancock and his family, who are constituents
11:55of mine in Wyoming, for bringing this to my attention and for their tireless efforts to
12:00advocate for the just treatment and release of these individuals.
12:05I urge President Biden, the State Department, and all of my colleagues to call on the Nicaraguan
12:10government to take prompt action to address these violations of religious freedom and
12:15abandonment of justice and due process.
12:18Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I yield back.
12:23Mr. Speaker, thank you for your time.
12:26I appreciate Ms. Hageman speaking tonight on that, and certainly we want to encourage
12:30everybody to get on this resolution, House Resolution 1019, to help free these folks
12:34and bring attention to this issue, and with that, sir, I will yield back.
12:37Thank you.
12:41Under the Speaker's announced policy of January 9th, 2023, the Chair recognizes the gentleman
12:46from Virginia.
