Thousands Protest Taiwan Legislature Bill To Reduce Presidential Power

  • 4 months ago
Over 50 civic groups gathered outside Taiwan's legislature, with daylong protests planned opposing the Kuomintang and Taiwan People's Party's push to pass controversial reform bills.
00:00 We're outside the legislature where protesters opposing the reforms have been gathering since
00:05 nine in the morning.
00:07 Organizers say that around 3,000 people are already here and they're expecting more people
00:12 as the day progresses.
00:13 Over 50 civic groups are represented, aligning with the DPP's stance that the KMT and TPP
00:20 are rushing legislative reforms without proper deliberation.
00:24 They are telling our people that legislative reforms don't need proper discussion.
00:31 As long as the majority agrees, the reforms can be passed.
00:34 The proposal to close the legislature!
00:36 The proposal to close the legislature!
00:38 The proposal to repeal the rights to vote!
00:40 The proposal to repeal the rights to vote!
00:42 Organizers acknowledge that differences in opinion are normal and even healthy in a democracy,
00:45 but what they can't accept is KMT and TPP lawmakers using their strength in numbers to squash
00:51 hearing both sides.
00:52 Now, when I spoke to people in the crowd that if there were proper deliberations, if they
00:57 would be able to accept these reforms, the answer was largely no.
01:01 That aside from the way these bills are being put forward, that the content would also seriously
01:07 jeopardize the health of Taiwan's democracy.
01:10 Joseph Wu and Joyce Sun in Taipei for Taiwan Plus.
