1970 Doctor In Trouble Hindi Dubbed HOT FRENCH MOVIE

  • 4 months ago
Doctor in Trouble is a 1970 British comedy film, the seventh and last film in the Doctor series. It was directed by Ralph Thomas and stars Leslie Phillips as a doctor who gets accidentally trapped on an outgoing cruise ship while it begins a round the world trip.
00:00:00 [Sounds of a thunderstorm]
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00:01:48 Don't worry about me, I am dying.
00:01:51 Worry about that girl lying there.
00:01:54 But Sir Richard, no one can do this operation except you.
00:02:00 Yes, only one person can do it.
00:02:05 Only one person, Dr. Dere can do this.
00:02:08 [Music]
00:02:15 Come on, sit.
00:02:17 He was a good man.
00:02:19 [Music]
00:02:24 So what do you say Dr. Dere, will you take this risk?
00:02:28 Oh, sorry.
00:02:30 May I ask Nurse?
00:02:31 Nurse?
00:02:34 [Music]
00:02:42 Give me the knife sister.
00:02:44 Look, look how he is holding the knife.
00:02:47 As if he is signing.
00:02:49 What's the matter?
00:02:51 Shhh, what else do you know about him?
00:02:53 A lot, we studied together in school.
00:02:55 Don't lie, you look old in front of him.
00:02:57 I am only 35 years old.
00:02:58 It's a lie.
00:02:59 Then make it 35 and a half years old.
00:03:01 You are jealous of him.
00:03:03 I am jealous of him?
00:03:05 Because his face always comes on TV.
00:03:07 If I cut my finger, he will faint.
00:03:10 Then what will you do, will you dance?
00:03:11 Yes, do you have any problem?
00:03:13 [Phone ringing]
00:03:15 Pick up the phone, brother.
00:03:17 Pick it up.
00:03:19 I will pick it up myself.
00:03:21 Hello, I am Brooke speaking.
00:03:24 [Music]
00:03:32 I am a doctor.
00:03:33 Come upstairs, quickly.
00:03:35 Why did you come out of the bed?
00:03:41 I don't even come out.
00:03:42 Obviously, you don't look like a patient.
00:03:45 He is upstairs.
00:03:46 This way, doctor.
00:03:50 What's the matter?
00:03:51 Do you have back pain?
00:03:52 Can't even say back pain.
00:03:53 Poor darling.
00:03:56 [Groaning]
00:03:59 Oh God, what happened Dr. Jaya?
00:04:01 I mean, Mr. Basil Buchan.
00:04:03 I am late, doctor.
00:04:04 I have a lot of pain.
00:04:06 I have appendicitis.
00:04:07 Oh no, if you had pain, you would have screamed.
00:04:09 It is really very painful.
00:04:11 Brooke, you?
00:04:14 [Groaning]
00:04:16 Come on, take out the button and let me see.
00:04:18 [Groaning]
00:04:19 What is this?
00:04:23 Are you married?
00:04:25 Someday, okay?
00:04:26 Come on, now go from here.
00:04:28 Oh God.
00:04:30 [Groaning]
00:04:31 I don't think it's appendicitis.
00:04:34 Look Brooke, I know what happened to me.
00:04:36 I am also a doctor, understand?
00:04:37 Okay doctor, but let me check.
00:04:39 Oh no, don't do it.
00:04:41 If you had appendicitis, then I would have pain on my touch.
00:04:44 [Groaning]
00:04:46 It is possible.
00:04:48 At least, bring his gown, baby.
00:04:49 What?
00:04:50 I will ask him to come to the stage.
00:04:51 No, there is no need for that.
00:04:52 He can come.
00:04:53 This is Dr. Dey.
00:04:55 Will we be able to meet him?
00:04:59 His teeth are fake, really.
00:05:01 This is a lie.
00:05:02 He wears wig.
00:05:03 You guys will be surprised.
00:05:04 Good morning, sister.
00:05:05 Run, run, run, go from here.
00:05:06 What is happening here?
00:05:07 Sir, a new patient has been admitted.
00:05:09 He is an artist, but he seems to be mentally ill.
00:05:11 Okay, what happened to him?
00:05:13 Sir, he has appendicitis.
00:05:14 But I think this is a way to get publicity.
00:05:17 Okay, this is the case.
00:05:19 But I don't like such things at all.
00:05:20 You are right, sir.
00:05:21 I think you are absolutely right.
00:05:22 What is this crowd?
00:05:24 Who allowed all of them to come inside?
00:05:26 Oh.
00:05:29 Dr. Dey, I recognize you.
00:05:31 I always watch your show.
00:05:32 I like it a lot.
00:05:33 Why not take a picture with a famous doctor and a famous person?
00:05:37 Yes, yes, take it.
00:05:38 Take it here.
00:05:39 Okay?
00:05:40 Bro, not you.
00:05:41 What happened?
00:05:42 What happened?
00:05:43 I am a doctor.
00:05:44 Please move aside.
00:05:45 Okay, friends.
00:05:46 This is not the way.
00:05:47 Please leave us alone now.
00:05:50 Thank you, Dr. Lonsnart.
00:05:51 Thank you, Dr. Dey.
00:05:52 Let's go, friends.
00:05:53 Yes.
00:05:55 So, tell me, what is your problem?
00:05:56 I think I have appendicitis.
00:05:57 Appendicitis?
00:05:58 How do you feel now?
00:06:04 It was air.
00:06:05 I told you earlier that it was gas.
00:06:06 You are a liar.
00:06:07 You haven't changed since you were caught.
00:06:09 Control yourself, doctor.
00:06:11 Calm down.
00:06:12 It would be better if you go and do your work.
00:06:15 Dr. Dey's character must be very tiring for you.
00:06:20 Sometimes he does heart transplant.
00:06:22 Sometimes he does eye surgery.
00:06:23 Don't even ask about the patients of the brain.
00:06:26 Yes, these things really tire me.
00:06:28 I think you are very busy and you need a holiday.
00:06:32 The ship's journey will be fine for you.
00:06:34 You need fresh air and fresh air.
00:06:36 That's a good thing.
00:06:38 But all the seats on the ship must be booked.
00:06:41 But if you talk to the right person, it can be done.
00:06:43 Have you ever heard of the Golden Horn?
00:06:45 The Golden Horn?
00:06:47 Yes, that's a very big ship.
00:06:48 Absolutely right.
00:06:50 I know the captain of that ship.
00:06:51 He is a very good man.
00:06:53 He is a very smart and handsome man.
00:06:54 He is a little different from the others.
00:06:56 He has to be happy because he is my brother.
00:06:58 You may be a little shocked, my friend.
00:07:02 Now it's time for me to get serious.
00:07:05 I love you.
00:07:06 I love you very much, darling.
00:07:08 I'm dirty.
00:07:10 I love you, darling.
00:07:11 I want you to come back to me.
00:07:14 I accept.
00:07:15 That good day is going to come.
00:07:17 I was just practicing a little.
00:07:19 How did you feel after hearing it?
00:07:20 Terrifying.
00:07:21 But why do you want to get married?
00:07:23 Haven't you heard of the Brahmachari Club?
00:07:25 I have.
00:07:26 I was the chairman of that club.
00:07:27 But I want to get married now.
00:07:29 That's a very bad idea.
00:07:30 No, no.
00:07:31 It's for professional reasons.
00:07:32 I can get a very good job in America if I get married.
00:07:36 There must be a secret to this.
00:07:38 It seems you have fallen in love with a nurse.
00:07:40 I have fallen in love with the most beautiful woman in London.
00:07:43 So, you are a doctor?
00:07:48 Yes.
00:07:49 Can you put this in the pot?
00:07:54 Yes, sure.
00:07:56 I hope I'm not late.
00:07:58 No, I'm late.
00:07:59 But I won't take long to get ready.
00:08:01 Hold this.
00:08:02 Can you hang this in the bathroom, please?
00:08:05 I feel shy to get ready in front of someone.
00:08:08 But how can I be shy in front of you?
00:08:10 You are a doctor.
00:08:11 Yes, you are right.
00:08:13 Absolutely.
00:08:14 I mean, you must have seen many people in this condition in your hospital.
00:08:18 Millions of people.
00:08:19 It doesn't matter to me.
00:08:21 I thought...
00:08:22 You are right.
00:08:23 What is this?
00:08:25 What do you want?
00:08:30 Right now?
00:08:31 Right now?
00:08:33 Let me tell you.
00:08:34 You don't have to dress up for me.
00:08:39 You can be natural.
00:08:41 Is it necessary to go out for dinner?
00:08:45 I can't go out for dinner with you.
00:08:47 I have to go out with this Edmund Green.
00:08:50 Who is he?
00:08:51 There is someone.
00:08:52 Is it necessary?
00:08:53 I understand this.
00:08:55 But he makes movies.
00:08:57 And I don't want to be a model all my life.
00:08:59 Life is moving ahead.
00:09:01 I'm almost 21.
00:09:02 Yes, I understand what you mean.
00:09:05 But I won't get a holiday till next Saturday.
00:09:07 I can't come on Saturday.
00:09:08 Why not?
00:09:09 Didn't I tell you about my vacation magazine?
00:09:12 It's fun.
00:09:13 Really?
00:09:14 Yes, we will take pictures of four models.
00:09:16 From every angle.
00:09:17 Where?
00:09:18 We are going to Iktapu by plane on Saturday.
00:09:22 Water all around.
00:09:24 It will be fun.
00:09:25 Look, darling.
00:09:26 Aphilia.
00:09:27 I want to tell you something before you leave.
00:09:30 Sit here.
00:09:31 Come this side.
00:09:32 Sit.
00:09:33 Sit.
00:09:34 I must have made a lot of jokes in my past life.
00:09:37 But I'm very serious right now.
00:09:39 Wait a minute, doctor.
00:09:41 There is someone at the door.
00:09:42 Who is it?
00:09:43 Hi, baby doll.
00:09:49 Hi, Sidman Green.
00:09:53 Who is this crazy man?
00:09:58 Sidman Green.
00:10:00 Dr. Brook.
00:10:01 We should go now, baby.
00:10:02 It's getting late.
00:10:03 Let's go, Sidman Green.
00:10:05 But I have to talk to you about something very important.
00:10:07 Okay.
00:10:08 Come to the port on Saturday at 4 o'clock.
00:10:11 If you come a little early,
00:10:12 you will get a chance to love before the flight leaves.
00:10:16 Okay?
00:10:17 Fool.
00:10:21 I think the bird is a bit small.
00:10:22 Welcome, beautiful ladies.
00:10:29 Give it to me.
00:10:30 Give it to me.
00:10:31 I want a autograph too.
00:10:32 I want one too.
00:10:33 Excuse me.
00:10:34 Who?
00:10:35 My sir.
00:10:36 Thank you.
00:10:39 Me too.
00:10:40 Me too.
00:10:41 I want one too.
00:10:44 Okay.
00:10:47 Now, Ophelia, you.
00:10:48 Let's go.
00:10:50 Okay.
00:10:53 That's right, Audrey.
00:10:54 Look a little to the left, Jean.
00:10:56 Excuse me, friend.
00:11:08 Are you the owner of that lodge?
00:11:10 No, no.
00:11:12 You are Jimmy Edward.
00:11:14 Oh, I recognized you.
00:11:16 You are Dr. Philip Deer.
00:11:17 Yes.
00:11:18 I recognized this face.
00:11:20 I am one of your fans, Dr. Deer.
00:11:22 I am Lavely Wendover.
00:11:23 And I just won a lottery.
00:11:25 Don't tell anyone.
00:11:26 Otherwise, the beggars here will be in a crowd.
00:11:29 Mr. Beecham.
00:11:36 Yes.
00:11:37 I recognized you at first sight.
00:11:38 The captain has asked me to take you to your cabin.
00:11:41 He will meet you after the ship leaves.
00:11:43 Thank you very much.
00:11:44 But I think I will be asleep by then.
00:11:46 I have a lot of trouble on the ship for the first few days.
00:11:48 You don't have to worry about the Golden Horn.
00:11:50 You are safe here like your home.
00:11:52 I am very happy to hear that.
00:11:53 Just listen to me for a minute.
00:11:54 You go this way.
00:11:55 I will definitely go.
00:11:56 But what about me?
00:11:57 What?
00:11:58 If you check everyone's tickets, then tell me where my seat is.
00:12:00 Yes.
00:12:01 Mr. Sergeant will take care of you.
00:12:03 I don't like to stay in such a place.
00:12:06 Maybe you don't know who I am.
00:12:08 I am the one who won the jackpot.
00:12:10 Understood?
00:12:12 Mr. Llewellyn Windover.
00:12:15 Cabin number 55, sir.
00:12:16 Cabin?
00:12:17 What do you mean by cabin?
00:12:18 I am not a passenger.
00:12:20 I booked a first class ticket.
00:12:22 Cabin 55 is for first class passengers.
00:12:24 So when does the ship leave?
00:12:26 I mean, if we are all here, the ship should leave.
00:12:28 Where is the bathroom?
00:12:30 On the other side of the ship.
00:12:31 Then we will have to walk.
00:12:32 Dr. Dayal, I will meet you later.
00:12:35 We will go on a cruise together.
00:12:36 We will see beautiful sights.
00:12:38 Come on, my friend.
00:12:40 But sir,
00:12:41 the further away this man is from me, the better.
00:12:44 Absolutely.
00:12:45 Better.
00:12:46 Absolutely, sir.
00:12:47 You come this way.
00:12:48 Yes, let's go.
00:12:49 Wait here, I have to go back to the city.
00:12:52 One minute, sir.
00:12:53 What happened?
00:12:54 120 rupees.
00:12:55 120?
00:12:56 Yes, 60 for coming and 60 for going.
00:12:57 Don't you trust me?
00:12:58 No, not at all.
00:12:59 Look, I have some money.
00:13:01 But I...
00:13:02 I have only this much.
00:13:03 No problem, we will go on a holiday.
00:13:04 No, this is not enough.
00:13:05 Please, look.
00:13:06 Keep this change.
00:13:08 But this is...
00:13:10 This is the only change I have.
00:13:11 I have more.
00:13:12 And keep this flower too.
00:13:13 I will be back in half an hour.
00:13:14 Move.
00:13:15 Don't come back in half an hour.
00:13:16 Tell me your name, sir.
00:13:19 I am not a passenger.
00:13:20 I have come to meet Miss Ophelia Brandt.
00:13:22 It is very important.
00:13:23 Miss Ophelia.
00:13:24 She is in cabin number 87.
00:13:27 But you don't have much time.
00:13:29 Thank you.
00:13:30 Can I see your boarding pass?
00:13:32 I don't have a boarding card.
00:13:33 I am sorry.
00:13:34 I don't have a boarding card.
00:13:35 It is very important that I meet her.
00:13:38 You should have thought about this before coming on the ship.
00:13:40 Look, I am a doctor.
00:13:42 I am sorry, sir.
00:13:43 It is the captain's order.
00:13:44 Okay, where can I get the boarding pass?
00:13:47 In the head office, in the city.
00:13:48 In the city?
00:13:49 Yes, sir.
00:13:50 But I...
00:13:51 I am sorry, sir.
00:13:52 You will have to get off the ship right now.
00:13:53 But I...
00:13:54 It is the captain's order, sir.
00:13:55 Good.
00:14:03 Thank you.
00:14:05 Oh.
00:14:06 Good morning, sir.
00:14:33 You listen to me.
00:14:34 Who, me?
00:14:36 Yes, you come here.
00:14:37 Take off your shoes.
00:14:43 The shoes of the staff on my ship have been dirty for a long time, you fool.
00:14:57 You fool.
00:14:58 [Music]
00:15:00 [Music]
00:15:02 [Music]
00:15:03 [Music]
00:15:05 Good.
00:15:14 Up.
00:15:15 [Music]
00:15:30 [Music]
00:15:31 [Music]
00:15:42 [Music]
00:15:48 [Music]
00:15:54 [Music]
00:15:55 Oh.
00:16:01 Oh.
00:16:03 Oh, my.
00:16:05 My head.
00:16:07 Taxi.
00:16:10 Where is my taxi?
00:16:12 Taxi.
00:16:14 I...
00:16:16 Water.
00:16:18 Water.
00:16:22 What is this?
00:16:23 Oh, no.
00:16:26 Good evening, sir.
00:16:33 Is everything okay?
00:16:34 Yes, thank you, steward.
00:16:35 Sir.
00:16:36 I am not a steward, sir.
00:16:39 I am master at arms.
00:16:40 It is my responsibility to keep discipline on this ship.
00:16:44 Oh, discipline.
00:16:46 I understood.
00:16:48 Yes, sir.
00:16:51 Okay.
00:16:52 The shoes were very itchy.
00:16:59 I left them in the cabin.
00:17:01 Oh, I understand.
00:17:03 What is the number of that cabin?
00:17:05 Can you tell me?
00:17:06 87.
00:17:08 Up.
00:17:09 And your name will be...
00:17:11 O'Brien.
00:17:12 O'Brien.
00:17:13 Oh.
00:17:15 O for Oswald.
00:17:18 No, no, no.
00:17:20 I feel you.
00:17:21 My mother wanted a girl.
00:17:26 Do you understand?
00:17:27 Oh.
00:17:28 Shy.
00:17:30 I think you won't mind my questions, sir.
00:17:33 Because I am responsible...
00:17:35 for special things.
00:17:37 Special things?
00:17:39 Special things?
00:17:41 Yes, all special things.
00:17:44 I am leaving.
00:17:47 All special things.
00:17:48 Oh.
00:17:49 Oh.
00:17:52 Good girl.
00:17:56 You surprised me.
00:18:12 Can I come in for a while?
00:18:13 Okay, I was just going to take a bath.
00:18:16 I don't mind.
00:18:17 What?
00:18:18 I thought you were busy with your patients.
00:18:20 Yes, I was busy.
00:18:22 But you thought it was more important to spend...
00:18:24 three thousand pounds and stay with me.
00:18:26 You never said anything better than touching the heart.
00:18:29 Did you understand?
00:18:30 I just took a bath and came.
00:18:31 It's me, sir.
00:18:42 Security officer.
00:18:43 I was double checking.
00:18:44 Oh.
00:18:46 Believe me.
00:18:47 You won't believe me, sir.
00:18:49 But some people don't tell the truth.
00:18:51 And they tell you the number of the cabin...
00:18:55 which is not theirs.
00:18:56 Yes.
00:18:57 I thought I'd tell you.
00:18:58 On my way.
00:19:00 Did you find your shoes, sir?
00:19:11 Yes.
00:19:12 Both.
00:19:15 They're getting clean.
00:19:16 Oh.
00:19:17 I thought you lost them.
00:19:19 No.
00:19:21 Oh, I see.
00:19:22 So...
00:19:29 Do you wear that?
00:19:31 Sometimes.
00:19:32 Oh.
00:19:33 I was just asking, sir.
00:19:35 Because, actually, sir, sometimes...
00:19:37 a lot of people go around in girls' clothes on this ship.
00:19:40 You should go.
00:19:45 Um...
00:19:46 Just one more thing, sir.
00:19:48 Don't piss me off.
00:19:49 On this ship...
00:19:50 a single young boy...
00:19:52 and a single young girl are not allowed in the cabin.
00:19:54 That's the captain's order.
00:19:55 They're not allowed to be friends before marriage.
00:19:57 Do you understand?
00:19:58 If that's the case...
00:20:00 then, sir, I mean...
00:20:03 if we have any doubts, we'll look for the cabin again and again.
00:20:06 I'll see you later, sir.
00:20:09 I have no doubts about you.
00:20:11 I have no doubts either.
00:20:14 Aphelia, I should go.
00:20:16 Give me a kiss before you go.
00:20:18 No, not before marriage.
00:20:19 I'll see you later.
00:20:20 I'll call you.
00:20:23 We'll have dinner together.
00:20:25 What's your cabin number?
00:20:27 I forget.
00:20:28 Don't call me.
00:20:29 I'll call you.
00:20:30 Oh.
00:20:31 Uh, evening, sir.
00:20:40 Can you show me the way to the purser's cabin?
00:20:43 I need to keep some important things.
00:20:45 If you want to keep something, you can come with me.
00:20:47 No, thanks.
00:20:48 I need to change.
00:20:49 Don't wear fancy clothes for dinner, friend.
00:20:51 My son told me everything.
00:20:52 You only need to wear a gown for dinner on the next day.
00:20:54 It's the custom of the ship.
00:20:56 Okay, thanks for the advice.
00:20:58 Listen, Charlie, what are you taking with you?
00:21:04 Is it free?
00:21:05 It's just a bag of milk, sir.
00:21:06 I've mixed some corn flour in it for digestion.
00:21:09 You can have some tea, sir, if you feel like it.
00:21:12 I don't feel like it.
00:21:13 I was at the border, friend.
00:21:14 Oh, that's great.
00:21:15 You were at the border.
00:21:16 That means, the border is there.
00:21:18 I mean, the border of the country.
00:21:19 Oh, the one in Philgood.
00:21:21 Wasn't it like that?
00:21:22 There were bullets flying all the time.
00:21:23 Oh, my God, bullets.
00:21:24 Which bullets?
00:21:25 It was fun.
00:21:26 I mean, the bullets of the guns.
00:21:28 37, 38, 39, 21, 39.
00:21:34 [sobbing]
00:21:37 [siren wailing]
00:21:40 [groaning]
00:21:42 [speaking in Hindi]
00:21:46 [speaking in Hindi]
00:21:49 [speaking in Hindi]
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00:22:23 [speaking in Hindi]
00:22:25 [speaking in Hindi]
00:22:27 [speaking in Hindi]
00:22:29 [speaking in Hindi]
00:22:31 [speaking in Hindi]
00:22:33 It would be better if you lie on your bed, sir.
00:22:35 I don't want to tell you, but there will be strong wind blowing in half an hour.
00:22:39 It's stormy. Very strong.
00:22:43 Mr. Bichham won't be able to have dinner with us, because he isn't well.
00:22:46 Oh, I was so eager to meet him.
00:22:49 There's still time. My brother told me that he's a nice person.
00:22:51 I was really disappointed. He's my favourite artist.
00:22:55 And the doctor who's with him.
00:22:57 (Whistling)
00:23:01 (Chuckles)
00:23:04 Hello.
00:23:06 (Chuckles)
00:23:08 (Chuckles)
00:23:10 Whose chair is this? Is it mine?
00:23:13 What's in the food, you fool?
00:23:15 I'm the captain. I'd like to know why you're in this nightgown.
00:23:18 Are you sick?
00:23:19 So you're the captain? I'm glad to meet you.
00:23:21 At least it's better than being naked.
00:23:23 The washing machine here isn't working.
00:23:25 There's no washing machine in this ship's cabin.
00:23:28 Huh?
00:23:29 Then why are there round holes in the wall?
00:23:32 You'll have to praise your sharp mind.
00:23:35 It's a porthole.
00:23:37 What a great thing to say.
00:23:38 Anyone can be fooled by me.
00:23:41 Boy, one cup coffee and a double sandwich. Hurry up.
00:23:43 Sir, I don't know who you are or what your name is.
00:23:46 But you'll have to get up from this table.
00:23:48 This is only for special guests. Understand?
00:23:51 Okay. That's very good.
00:23:53 And I'm not a special person for you.
00:23:55 You can think whatever you want.
00:23:57 It would've been better if this ship had sunk.
00:23:59 And it would've been fun if I was in a first-class lifeboat...
00:24:01 ...and you were in the water, calling for help.
00:24:03 You would've been the only passenger on this ship.
00:24:05 I would've helped you then.
00:24:07 Chief.
00:24:08 Yes, sir?
00:24:09 Take them to their rooms.
00:24:10 Okay. Take advantage of your position.
00:24:12 Just because you're wearing a shirt with stars.
00:24:14 You're ruined because of your position.
00:24:16 They're the people. Understand?
00:24:17 This way, sir. Come, sir.
00:24:18 One more thing.
00:24:19 When you're chatting with your friends here...
00:24:21 ...who's driving the ship?
00:24:23 Come, sir. This way.
00:24:25 What kind of people are they?
00:24:27 Even the most stupid people come on the ship.
00:24:29 Isn't that right, captain?
00:24:31 Really?
00:24:33 This is your seat, sir.
00:24:36 It's written in the passenger's list.
00:24:38 Miss Daly and her mother are in the cabin next to yours.
00:24:41 Where did that old woman go?
00:24:43 Mummy is not well.
00:24:49 I'm Windover.
00:24:50 Level and Windover. Jackpot, Vijita.
00:24:52 You mean the one whose number is shown on TV at night?
00:24:57 Exactly.
00:24:58 I'm sorry.
00:24:59 But did you win a lot of money?
00:25:02 Three times in a row.
00:25:04 First time, 26.
00:25:05 Second time, 35.
00:25:06 And the third time, 47 lakhs.
00:25:08 Oh, really?
00:25:09 Your wife must be very happy.
00:25:11 Don't tell anyone.
00:25:12 But I'm not married yet.
00:25:14 I can't believe it.
00:25:16 You're so beautiful and you have so much money.
00:25:19 I won last week.
00:25:21 You have to be careful, Vandevar.
00:25:24 There are so many women here who can do anything to get money.
00:25:29 Don't worry.
00:25:30 I'm not stupid.
00:25:31 I know such women.
00:25:33 Would you like to have a cocktail with me after dinner?
00:25:37 Have you thought about the after dinner?
00:25:40 I've already thought about everything.
00:25:42 It's okay.
00:25:43 I don't mind.
00:25:44 Okay.
00:25:45 Okay.
00:25:46 Won't you have dinner, sir?
00:26:14 No.
00:26:15 No.
00:26:16 I don't eat anything on an empty stomach.
00:26:19 I don't feel well.
00:26:23 You shouldn't be standing here in this condition.
00:26:26 There's going to be a storm.
00:26:28 You should go to the cabin and lie down.
00:26:30 Storm?
00:26:31 Yes, I'll go.
00:26:32 I'll go.
00:26:33 I'll go.
00:27:01 Don't move.
00:27:02 Now turn your head to the left.
00:27:04 Okay.
00:27:05 Good.
00:27:08 Now turn your head to the right.
00:27:11 Look, pay attention.
00:27:13 Okay.
00:27:14 Very good.
00:27:15 Stand properly.
00:27:16 Now pose.
00:27:17 Yes.
00:27:19 Good.
00:27:20 Now turn your head to the right.
00:27:23 Wow.
00:27:24 So nice.
00:27:25 Now stay like this for a while.
00:27:27 Good.
00:27:28 Wow.
00:27:29 So good.
00:27:30 Good.
00:27:31 I had such a nice dream.
00:27:39 Thief!
00:27:42 Thief!
00:27:43 Call the captain.
00:27:44 Shut up, you crazy girl.
00:27:45 I'm not a thief.
00:27:46 What are you doing here?
00:27:47 I'm playing hide and seek with my friends.
00:27:50 Which friends?
00:27:51 Those.
00:27:54 I caught you.
00:27:58 You're the one, right?
00:27:59 Who, me?
00:28:01 Yes, I'll catch you now.
00:28:03 Should I run?
00:28:05 Very good.
00:28:08 Girls, pack up.
00:28:10 Catch me if you can.
00:28:14 Brookie.
00:28:23 You wake up early in the morning.
00:28:25 Yes.
00:28:26 I like to put on a pack of pills in the morning.
00:28:29 It helps with blood circulation.
00:28:31 Hello.
00:28:33 Hello.
00:28:34 Are they your friends?
00:28:35 Girls, Dr. Brook.
00:28:36 Hi, Tony.
00:28:37 It's me.
00:28:38 Hi, Tony.
00:28:39 I'm Jean.
00:28:40 Hi, Tony.
00:28:41 I'm feeling cold.
00:28:42 Hi, girls.
00:28:43 I'm here to serve you.
00:28:44 But you'll have to serve me a little more.
00:28:47 Do you know who's on this ship?
00:28:49 Dr. Philip Day.
00:28:51 That means Big Chan.
00:28:54 Hold me, doctor.
00:28:55 I'm feeling dizzy.
00:28:57 And he's in cabin number 20.
00:28:59 How dare you?
00:29:01 You don't want to?
00:29:02 I know.
00:29:03 We're in the same class.
00:29:04 He's a senior to me.
00:29:05 He's a very bad and lowly person.
00:29:07 That's not possible.
00:29:08 Yes.
00:29:09 Will you introduce me to him?
00:29:10 I won't do that.
00:29:11 Because he has a bad temper when it comes to women.
00:29:13 Really?
00:29:14 No woman is safe when it comes to him.
00:29:16 That sounds even more interesting.
00:29:18 I don't think I should say that.
00:29:20 No.
00:29:21 I thought you'd catch me.
00:29:23 I'm feeling very tired all of a sudden.
00:29:26 You're very...
00:29:27 I'm very shy, my dear.
00:29:29 I can't even walk.
00:29:31 I can't even lift a step.
00:29:32 Sir.
00:29:33 Excuse me.
00:29:37 Behind him?
00:29:44 Mr. Bessel, Bishop.
00:29:51 No, no.
00:29:52 He calls me Mr. Chatterjee.
00:29:54 Because that's my name, sir.
00:29:56 I mean, is this Mr. Bessel's cabin?
00:29:58 I'm Dr. Bark.
00:29:59 But he doesn't want to see the doctor early in the morning.
00:30:01 No problem.
00:30:02 I'm his personal doctor.
00:30:03 I'm a personal doctor.
00:30:04 A personal doctor?
00:30:05 No, no.
00:30:06 I'm not a personal doctor.
00:30:07 I'm his friend.
00:30:08 Oh, you're his friend.
00:30:09 That's very good, sir.
00:30:10 You can meet him, sir.
00:30:12 Come here.
00:30:13 Thank you.
00:30:14 Look, get some breakfast for Dr. Bessel.
00:30:16 Like eggs, milk, toast, butter.
00:30:20 Butter.
00:30:21 I don't think this is right for him, sir.
00:30:24 He has a stomach problem.
00:30:27 He's in a lot of trouble.
00:30:28 I understand, Mr. Chatterjee.
00:30:29 You should do as you're told.
00:30:31 Okay?
00:30:32 Thank you very much, sir.
00:30:34 Thank you.
00:30:35 No, no.
00:30:36 Thank you.
00:30:37 Thank you.
00:30:38 No, no.
00:30:39 Thank you.
00:30:40 Thank you very much.
00:30:41 Oh.
00:30:51 Oh.
00:30:56 Good morning, friend.
00:30:57 Good morning.
00:30:59 You don't look well.
00:31:01 Go away.
00:31:03 I want to die.
00:31:04 I don't mind, but you'll have to help me with this first.
00:31:08 I'm in trouble.
00:31:10 Brooke.
00:31:11 What?
00:31:12 Is the sea calm?
00:31:13 Oh, yes, yes.
00:31:14 Calm as if a child...
00:31:17 Oh, it's terrible.
00:31:19 Is it?
00:31:20 It's terrible.
00:31:21 It's opening up.
00:31:22 It's getting worse.
00:31:24 Yes.
00:31:25 A terrible storm.
00:31:28 The waves are as high as Kutub Minar.
00:31:31 Kutub Minar?
00:31:32 Yes.
00:31:33 Everything is going backwards and forwards.
00:31:37 Again and again.
00:31:40 Oh.
00:31:41 Oh.
00:31:42 No matter how terrible the storm is, it can't stop a good doctor from seeing his patient.
00:31:48 So what?
00:31:49 If I don't feel well, I shouldn't have eaten so many fried fritters.
00:31:55 Oh.
00:31:56 Oh.
00:31:57 What do you call it?
00:31:58 Tangri Kebab.
00:31:59 Oh.
00:32:00 Oh.
00:32:01 So many boiled eggs.
00:32:02 Oh.
00:32:03 Oh.
00:32:04 Oh.
00:32:05 Oh.
00:32:06 (moaning)
00:32:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:24 (moaning)
00:32:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:31 (moaning)
00:32:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:46 (moaning)
00:32:54 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:58 (laughing)
00:33:04 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:23 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:36 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:44 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:49 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:53 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:57 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:01 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:05 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:17 (dramatic music)
00:34:43 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:47 - Good morning, Dosto.
00:34:57 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:03 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:10 - Mr. Vandover.
00:35:11 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:15 - Mr. Ferry.
00:35:27 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:31 (dramatic music)
00:35:34 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:38 - Mr. Vandover.
00:35:46 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:49 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:53 (bell ringing)
00:36:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:23 (dramatic music)
00:36:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:50 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:54 - Good morning, Vichem.
00:37:08 Vichem.
00:37:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:14 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:19 (dramatic music)
00:37:22 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:30 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:34 - Hello.
00:37:59 (speaking in foreign language)
00:38:03 (speaking in foreign language)
00:38:07 (dramatic music)
00:38:26 (laughing)
00:38:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:38:36 - Good morning, sir.
00:38:59 - Morning.
00:39:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:01 - Good.
00:39:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:11 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:15 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:23 (laughing)
00:39:25 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:30 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:34 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:38 (dramatic music)
00:39:53 (speaking in foreign language)
00:40:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:40:30 (phone ringing)
00:40:33 (speaking in foreign language)
00:40:40 (laughing)
00:40:44 (speaking in foreign language)
00:40:51 (speaking in foreign language)
00:40:55 - Bye. - Bye.
00:41:08 - Bye.
00:41:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:23 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:27 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:31 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:35 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:39 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:43 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:47 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:51 (speaking in foreign language)
00:41:55 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:04 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:08 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:12 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:15 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:25 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:43 (speaking in foreign language)
00:42:47 (phone ringing)
00:43:06 - Oh!
00:43:11 (phone ringing)
00:43:13 (glass shattering)
00:43:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:24 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:39 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:41 (glass shattering)
00:43:44 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:51 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:55, oh, good morning to you.
00:44:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:44:04 Good morning, Captain.
00:44:26 - Good morning, good morning, Madam.
00:44:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:44:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:44:36, oh.
00:44:41 (speaking in foreign language)
00:44:45 - Good morning. - Good morning.
00:45:06 - Good morning. - Good morning, Captain.
00:45:08 - Good morning. - Good morning, everyone.
00:45:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:45:14 - Good passengers.
00:45:18 (crowd chattering)
00:45:21 (speaking in foreign language)
00:45:37 (speaking in foreign language)
00:45:42 (speaking in foreign language)
00:45:46 (speaking in foreign language)
00:45:51 - 12.55.
00:45:51 (speaking in foreign language)
00:45:56 - Oh.
00:46:04 (speaking in foreign language)
00:46:08 (speaking in foreign language)
00:46:12 - Thank you.
00:46:26 (crowd chattering)
00:46:29 (glass shattering)
00:46:33 (speaking in foreign language)
00:46:37 (whistling)
00:46:51 (speaking in foreign language)
00:46:57 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:16 - Hey.
00:47:31 (laughing)
00:47:33 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:38 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:42 (laughing)
00:47:44 - Oh.
00:47:45 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:52 (speaking in foreign language)
00:47:56 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:01 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:05 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:17 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:21 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:35 (speaking in foreign language)
00:48:39 - Ronnie.
00:48:52 - Ronnie?
00:48:53 Oh, God.
00:48:54 (dramatic music)
00:48:58 (knocking)
00:49:01 (speaking in foreign language)
00:49:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:49:11 (speaking in foreign language)
00:49:15 (dramatic music)
00:49:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:49:24 - Hi, hello.
00:49:43 (dramatic music)
00:49:46 (speaking in foreign language)
00:49:51 - Bye.
00:49:56 (dramatic music)
00:50:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50:06 - Excuse me.
00:50:11 Excuse me, miss.
00:50:12 - Hi.
00:50:13 (laughing)
00:50:14 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50:24 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50:36 - Love.
00:50:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50:44 - Lover.
00:50:47 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50:51 (laughing)
00:50:58 (glass shattering)
00:51:01 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:07 (grunting)
00:51:09 (thudding)
00:51:11 (groaning)
00:51:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:17 (dramatic music)
00:51:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:37 (dramatic music)
00:51:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:45 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:50 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:55 (speaking in foreign language)
00:51:59 (speaking in foreign language)
00:52:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:52:07 (speaking in foreign language)
00:52:35 (speaking in foreign language)
00:52:39 (dramatic music)
00:53:04 (speaking in foreign language)
00:53:08 (alarm blaring)
00:53:22 (dramatic music)
00:53:27 (phone chiming)
00:53:29 (dramatic music)
00:53:32 (groaning)
00:53:34 (dramatic music)
00:53:37 (speaking in foreign language)
00:53:41 (dramatic music)
00:53:54 (dramatic music)
00:53:57 (dramatic music)
00:54:00 (dramatic music)
00:54:03 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:07 (dramatic music)
00:54:14 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:24 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:37 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:41 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:45 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:49 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:54 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:58 (speaking in foreign language)
00:55:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:55:07 (speaking in foreign language)
00:55:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:55:14 (dramatic music)
00:55:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:55:44 - You've done it again, ain't ya?
00:56:02 You distinctly said in front of all these witnesses
00:56:04 you only wear a black tie for dinner.
00:56:06 (scoffing)
00:56:08 (dramatic music)
00:56:11 (groaning)
00:56:17 (thudding)
00:56:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:56:23 (dramatic music)
00:56:26 (sizzling)
00:56:28 (dramatic music)
00:56:31 (groaning)
00:56:34 (dramatic music)
00:56:37 (sizzling)
00:56:39 (dramatic music)
00:56:42 (sizzling)
00:56:44 (dramatic music)
00:56:47 (sizzling)
00:56:49 (dramatic music)
00:56:52 (speaking in foreign language)
00:56:56 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:04 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:17 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:22 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:34 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:48 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:52 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:57 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:07 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:17 (groaning)
00:58:28 (dramatic music)
00:58:31 (groaning)
00:58:34 (dramatic music)
00:58:37 (groaning)
00:58:40 (dramatic music)
00:58:43 (groaning)
00:58:45 (dramatic music)
00:58:47 (groaning)
00:58:49 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:53 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:58 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:31 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:36 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:45 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:50 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:54 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:06 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:18 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:22 (screaming)
01:00:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:39 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:43 (screaming)
01:00:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:00 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:06 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:11 (dramatic music)
01:01:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:19 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:23 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:33 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:37 (gasping)
01:01:43 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:47 (groaning)
01:01:57 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:01 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:06 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:10 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:18 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:26 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:50 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:54 - Sir.
01:03:09 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:19 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:23 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:27 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:35 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:41 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:51 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:00 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:15 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:19 - Good morning, Doctor.
01:04:27 - Good morning.
01:04:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:33 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:38 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:43 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:48 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:52 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04:57 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:25 - Bye.
01:05:26 (dramatic music)
01:05:29 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:35 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:50 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:55 (speaking in foreign language)
01:05:59 (clears throat)
01:06:23 (speaking in foreign language)
01:06:27 (dramatic music)
01:06:34 - Good evening. - Good evening.
01:06:41 - Good evening. - Good evening, Captain.
01:06:43 - Good evening, Vicham.
01:06:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:06:52 (dramatic music)
01:06:55 (laughing)
01:07:00 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:04 (dramatic music)
01:07:15 (upbeat music)
01:07:18 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:33 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:38 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:43 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:47 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:03 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:15 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:50 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:58 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09:05 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09:09 (upbeat music)
01:09:31 (upbeat music)
01:09:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09:58 (speaking in foreign language)
01:10:02 - Oh, thank you very much.
01:10:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:10:25 (speaking in foreign language)
01:10:29 (grunting)
01:10:34 (upbeat music)
01:10:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:10:48 (upbeat music)
01:10:52 (upbeat music)
01:10:55 (speaking in foreign language)
01:11:06 (speaking in foreign language)
01:11:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:11:21 (upbeat music)
01:11:24 (speaking in foreign language)
01:11:28 (upbeat music)
01:11:31 (speaking in foreign language)
01:11:49 (upbeat music)
01:11:52 (grunting)
01:11:54 (laughing)
01:11:56 (upbeat music)
01:11:59 (laughing)
01:12:05 (grunting)
01:12:08 (grunting)
01:12:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:12:15 (grunting)
01:12:17 (speaking in foreign language)
01:12:21 (upbeat music)
01:12:30 (upbeat music)
01:12:33 (upbeat music)
01:12:36 (speaking in foreign language)
01:12:46 Miss Daly!
01:12:50 [applause]
01:12:54 [music]
01:13:22 Isn't it fun?
01:13:24 This girl is very talented, isn't it?
01:13:28 [laughs]
01:13:29 [music]
01:13:43 My daughter!
01:13:44 She is doing a great job from the beginning.
01:13:47 [laughs]
01:13:48 [music]
01:13:51 When will she start her dance?
01:13:53 She is dancing.
01:13:55 She is so stupid.
01:13:57 [music]
01:14:26 [laughs]
01:14:27 [music]
01:14:31 You are amazing.
01:14:32 Wear it.
01:14:33 You are a scoundrel.
01:14:34 [music]
01:14:42 Hey, look at her.
01:14:44 [music]
01:15:04 [laughs]
01:15:06 [music]
01:15:22 Don't think that she is going to remove everything.
01:15:24 Maybe she will.
01:15:26 [music]
01:15:28 She is so shameless.
01:15:29 Not at all.
01:15:30 You are a fool.
01:15:32 She is not shameless.
01:15:34 I am waiting for the wedding night.
01:15:36 [laughs]
01:15:38 You must be proud of her.
01:15:40 She is a very beautiful girl.
01:15:42 People say that she dances like me.
01:15:45 I don't know.
01:15:46 [music]
01:15:53 I wish this music continues.
01:15:54 [grunts]
01:15:55 And I should also keep grunting.
01:15:58 [music]
01:16:00 Mr. Purse.
01:16:01 [music]
01:16:07 Tell them to practice lifeboat.
01:16:09 Tell them not to honk.
01:16:10 I will talk to the passengers.
01:16:11 Okay, sir.
01:16:12 Mummy.
01:16:13 Oh, God.
01:16:15 Don't worry, darling.
01:16:16 I am with you.
01:16:17 I can do this with my eyes closed.
01:16:19 Ladies and gentlemen.
01:16:20 I want to make an announcement.
01:16:22 What are you doing, Vanduvar?
01:16:23 Stop it.
01:16:24 [screams]
01:16:26 [screams]
01:16:29 Oh, mummy.
01:16:31 I am completely wet.
01:16:33 It's okay, dear.
01:16:34 Mummy will dry you.
01:16:36 Oh.
01:16:37 Come, captain.
01:16:39 What is this?
01:16:40 It's an emergency bell.
01:16:41 Maybe the ship is sinking.
01:16:42 Nonsense.
01:16:43 This is just a practice.
01:16:44 That's what they always say.
01:16:46 I don't know how to swim.
01:16:47 Save the women and photographers first.
01:16:50 I was saying that along with the opportunity to live in America...
01:16:53 ...I also have a better job...
01:16:55 ...as soon as I get married.
01:16:57 So, tell me, Dr. Brooke.
01:16:59 Who will you marry?
01:17:00 That's what I was going to say, Aphelia.
01:17:02 I know I have been very childish.
01:17:04 Why are they ringing the bell?
01:17:06 Just to let you know that the ship is sinking.
01:17:08 I want to ask you...
01:17:09 ...are you my...
01:17:10 The ship is sinking.
01:17:11 Oh, Brooke.
01:17:12 You can't bear it.
01:17:13 Get the life jacket.
01:17:15 [screams]
01:17:18 You made a good joke.
01:17:20 If you had any humanity...
01:17:22 ...you would have let me and my daughter...
01:17:24 ...sit in the lifeboat.
01:17:25 We are not here to have fun.
01:17:27 We want to meet the people.
01:17:29 Can't you hear the bell?
01:17:31 The whole ship is sinking.
01:17:34 [snoring]
01:17:37 She will have to drown without me.
01:17:39 [snoring]
01:17:44 Ladies and gentlemen.
01:17:45 This is not an emergency.
01:17:47 This is just a practice.
01:17:48 Give me both your hands, sir.
01:17:50 Okay, I'll pull.
01:17:52 Aphelia, are you okay?
01:17:53 Yes, I'm fine.
01:17:54 You are a very rude man.
01:17:56 You are wearing a life jacket.
01:17:58 Don't you feel ashamed?
01:17:59 Yes, but I don't know how to swim.
01:18:01 You coward.
01:18:02 I don't know how to swim.
01:18:03 [bell rings]
01:18:07 Wait.
01:18:08 You know how to swim, right?
01:18:10 You are a very brave man.
01:18:13 [indistinct chatter]
01:18:18 I can't swim.
01:18:20 I can't swim.
01:18:21 Get up, you fool.
01:18:23 [bell rings]
01:18:25 Sorry, sir.
01:18:27 This is a heart-wrenching incident, sir.
01:18:29 I think you should take a double dose of castor oil...
01:18:32 to relieve your pain.
01:18:34 I didn't call you for myself, Brook.
01:18:37 You need your ability elsewhere.
01:18:39 I just received a signal...
01:18:41 that a Russian ship is bringing a patient from Dopnik...
01:18:44 who has appendicitis.
01:18:45 He will be here in 20 minutes.
01:18:47 Is the patient a woman, sir?
01:18:49 The patient won't come, you fool.
01:18:51 I'm sending you there for the operation.
01:18:53 Thank you, sir.
01:18:54 Get all your equipment...
01:18:56 and meet the master on deck in 15 minutes.
01:18:59 I'll inform my brother...
01:19:01 that you have worked very hard...
01:19:03 and have taken great steps to complete this task.
01:19:05 There is no danger in doing such an operation, sir.
01:19:08 No, but the Russians are sending you...
01:19:11 from this ship to that ship.
01:19:13 And with the Russians, it will be even more exciting.
01:19:18 [ Laughs ]
01:19:20 Please step back, Dr. Brook.
01:19:34 This could be very dangerous.
01:19:35 Okay.
01:19:36 Can I ask you something, sir?
01:19:38 Go ahead.
01:19:39 What if the rope breaks in the middle?
01:19:41 You'll just get drenched.
01:19:43 But I don't know how to swim.
01:19:45 You'll learn as soon as you fall.
01:19:46 But don't take a deep breath.
01:19:47 Boys, let go of the rope.
01:19:49 Don't leave me here, please.
01:20:01 I'll pray to God for you.
01:20:07 Don't leave me.
01:20:08 Hooray! Hooray!
01:20:09 Hold on tight.
01:20:11 [ Engine Revving ]
01:20:13 [ Screaming ]
01:20:21 Thank you.
01:20:27 Be careful.
01:20:28 Thank you, my friends.
01:20:31 You're the doctor, I'm the captain.
01:20:33 Please follow me.
01:20:34 Yes, sir.
01:20:35 Madam.
01:20:37 [ Music ]
01:20:39 Oh, you're bored.
01:20:46 Oh.
01:20:47 Congratulations, you're a doctor.
01:20:49 Oh.
01:20:50 [ Music ]
01:20:52 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:06 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:08 [ Groaning ]
01:21:10 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:13 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:16 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:18 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:21 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:24 [ Groaning ]
01:21:27 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:30 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:34 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:39 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:43 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:45 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:49 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:52 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:55 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:21:58 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:01 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:05 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:08 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:12 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:14 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:18 [ Music ]
01:22:21 [ Applause ]
01:22:32 [ Applause ]
01:22:40 [ Music ]
01:22:42 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:22:52 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:04 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:09 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:11 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:14 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:18 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:21 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:24 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:27 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:30 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:33 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:37 [ Music ]
01:23:39 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:23:52 [ Music ]
01:23:55 [ Speaking Hindi ]
01:24:06 Where were you? I missed you so much.
01:24:09 Did you bring a car to take me?
01:24:11 There's a small taxi. There's not much room to sit in.
01:24:14 Oh, they all left on the train. Only I'm here.
01:24:16 What's the matter?
01:24:17 And my husband?
01:24:18 Who? You?
01:24:20 My husband. He's not well yet.
01:24:23 That's not possible.
01:24:25 Oh, you're here, darling. Good morning, doctor.
01:24:28 I'm fine now. Thank you.
01:24:29 The thing is, I've always wanted to marry a doctor.
01:24:32 But you never asked me.
01:24:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:24:36 Bye.
01:24:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:24:41 [COUGHING]
01:26:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:26:41 [BLANK_AUDIO]
