• 7 months ago
During House floor remarks on Thursday, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) spoke about third-party filing software companies and direct filing for taxes.

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00:00Each year millions of Americans pay third-party software companies to file
00:06their taxes. Having to pay hundreds of dollars in fees just to pay your taxes
00:12makes no sense. I championed a program called Direct File to change that that
00:17was included in the Inflation Reduction Act. As a result thousands of Americans
00:22filed their taxes directly with the government this year for free. Despite
00:28big tax prep, spending millions lobbying against Direct File, a hundred and
00:33forty thousand Americans including 33,000 Californians used the pilot
00:38program this year. People want this program. Even better, nine out of ten
00:44people who used Direct File had a positive experience and said it made
00:48them more confident in the IRS. Let's take the win here Congress. We don't have
00:54that many to be honest. Let's make the Direct File program permanent and
00:58available nationwide. I yield back.
