Corbett School in Bobbington have kick started there playground fundraising.

  • 4 months ago
Pupils took part in the Bridgnorth Walk and in doing so bagged £3000 for the playground appeal.


00:00How you doing guys? We're here at Corbett C of E Primary School. Give us a big wave and a hello.
00:06We've got a bizarre looking thermometer here that's got £30,000 on the top and we've raised
00:13some money. What are those numbers at the back there? Let's see what we got there.
00:16Three. Zero. Dexter where's yours? Zero. Zero. £3,000. What's been going on then miss?
00:24£3,000 raised by children and their families and friends walking
00:29an original family walk on back holiday Monday. £3,000 towards our project of resurfacing
00:36making our playground amazing.
00:38Wow so who wants to tell me what you're planning on doing with your playground?
00:42Who knows? Go on miss pick one out for me.
00:44Oh Poppy.
00:46We're planning to get a new playground so we don't have as many holes in as we do now.
00:52Ah okay yeah well that would be kind of cool wouldn't it? So you've got your own
00:55potholes in your playground and what might you be doing on your new playground then?
01:01Who wants to say? Go on.
01:04We might be playing hopscotch and other games.
01:11Yeah yeah cool. So who enjoyed the walk then? Was it good fun? All of you?
01:17I was too tired.
01:18You were too tired?
01:20So I had to go on my daddy's shoulders.
01:23On your shoulders? Whose legs were aching at the end?
01:28Go on let's have a look.
01:30What about you young lady? Was it tiring on your legs? Tell me how your legs felt at the end.
01:36Did they? Yeah.
01:38And how far did you have to walk? Can anyone remember?
01:40Go on mate.
01:41It was five miles.
01:42Five miles? That's a long way that is.
01:4555 for you? Oh you did some extra.
01:48Well fingers crossed then you get to your target very soon. Give us a wave. Bye guys.
