Tracy Rhodes from Featherstone, has been refused her blue badge after having one for fifteen years.

  • 3 days ago
Tracy Rhodes from Featherstone, has been refused her blue badge after having one for fifteen years. She chats to reporter Lauren Hill about the impact the decision is having on her life, and how she's determined to have the decision overturned.
00:00So, Trace, tell us then around about the first time that you got your blue badge.
00:09Okay, so from what I can remember, it was right about 2014. That's the evidence that I've got here.
00:17I've asked the council what evidence they've got and they're not forthcoming with any information at all
00:26in regards to the conversations we've had, the applications, any documentation.
00:32How easy was it then to get the blue badge?
00:38How easy was it to get that the first time? Was it quite a long process? Is it for your hearing?
00:44For my hearing, yeah. I didn't even realise when I applied for one that I was eligible for one.
00:52So, I was advised. I applied for one and I got one round about 2014.
00:59That's, as I say, that's the first record.
01:02And then every three years it was renewed, but you have to apply for that renewal.
01:10And every time I renewed, and even when I applied, I supplied medical documentary evidence.
01:21So, every three years it was kind of easy enough. You just did the process and then they granted it to you.
01:28Then what's happened? When did you last try and apply for your blue card then?
01:32Okay, August, July.
01:37July, and what happened then?
01:40They basically refused it and I was shocked because my hearing has declined even further in comparison to 2014.
01:49Well, yeah, I can see. You just showed me how bad it is.
01:53The reasons for them declining it is, they say the evidence provided does not meet their criteria.
02:04And because I've got visual and cognitive awareness, my visual and cognitive awareness is unaffected, that's what they're saying.
02:15Have you gone back to them and you were like, well, I've had it for 10 to 15 years, why now? Am I not allowed it?
02:24What was their response to that?
02:25I emphasise this, in my appeal, when I appealed, they've avoided that question completely.
02:36I've had a district counsellor act on my behalf as well.
02:40She asked the question, avoided answering her as well.
02:45So, why I've had it for all these years, then all of a sudden, you know, they've stopped me. I do not know.
02:52Do you think there's some kind of mistake that they've made on their part?
02:56Or do you think, what do you think, like, why would they have let you have it and then now they're not?
03:01What do you think's happened there? You just don't know.
03:04I really don't know. I don't know.
03:08I'm just so disappointed and obviously my anxiety's kicking in now because I can't use my vehicle independently.
03:17I'm alright if I go out with somebody else or I'm alright if I've got the grandchildren
03:22and it enables me to park in a parent-toddler space, you know, which is near to the destination where I've got to reach from the car.
03:30I'm okay, but yeah, I really don't know.
03:34How does that help you when you're driving out and about to do your shopping and stuff?
03:38Like, why do you need the council to let you have that again now?
03:43Have I got time to read any of these?
03:45Yes, you can, of course, yeah.
03:46Okay, so, basically, I can't decipher directional sounds, singular sounds from multiple sounds.
03:56Like, I've just been talking to you and I've struggled listening to you because Tim was talking to Terry in the same room.
04:03So, I struggle with all that. So, outside, in an outside environment, it's even worse.
04:09So, you've got noise from traffic, roadworks, the weather is a particular one, you know.
04:16Oh, and it's raining really heavily and stuff.
04:18Yeah, so, as a result, outside, I find it challenging to filter out distractions and hazards for when I'm crossing the road.
04:27Obviously, what they're saying is I've got cognitive awareness.
04:31I have to an extent, but I ain't got eyes in the back of me head.
04:35So, I look, you know, I know the green cross code, you know, I'm an intelligent lady.
04:41But when it comes to electric cars, when it comes to bikes, when it comes to fast traffic, I can't hear them behind me, you know.
04:52So, yeah, so, it is very hazardous for me.
04:55So, the weather is a major factor. If it's windy or raining, I can't hear nothing else other than that.
05:02So, I have to turn my aid off and then I can't hear nothing at all.
05:06You can't hear.
05:08So, I mean, what do you want them, what do you want to happen now?
05:12Then, I mean, have you been avoiding going out since they haven't issued you a new one or, you know,
05:20has it become much more difficult to you now after 10 years of having one?
05:24And now you've got to kind of go back out there, go to shopping, go driving without having one because they've denied you it.
05:30How has that affected you now?
05:31I make sure I go out with Terry. It's very rare I go out on my own, you know, unless I know that I can park safely and reach my destination safely.
05:42Yeah, you need to plan ahead for that, don't you? Make sure you know where to park and stuff, be with someone as well.
05:47What do you want them to do now then? What do you need to happen?
05:51Well, I need a blue badge, you know, because I feel vulnerable. I feel at risk out there because of my hearing.
06:02Yeah, but they're not going to, you know, they haven't. So, it's left me no alternative but to compile a case for the ombudsman.
06:14And that's what I'm trying to do at the minute. Can I just touch on discrimination? I feel very discriminated against as well. I have to touch on that.
06:23Because my level of hearing now does qualify me as being disabled. They've got all the documentary evidence from my surgeon, my GP, you know, my audiologist, team lead,
06:39saying that it does affect my cognitive awareness, hearing does affect it. But they're not listening, excuse the pun, they're not taking any notice.
06:49And I can't understand why, after all these years, they've suddenly stopped it.
06:54Yeah, yeah.
