Presse maghreb - 17/05/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse maghreb - 17/05/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:05 Hello everyone, let's start with your Maghreb press release.
00:11 We start this round of news with this information reported by Media24.
00:17 The RAM will receive 11 new aircraft by March 2025,
00:22 reveals the website, citing an authorized source.
00:27 Two Boeing 787 Dreamliner and nine Boeing 737 MAX 9 will be delivered before the end of the first quarter of 2025,
00:39 says the online media.
00:41 Ordered before the signing of the program contract, which plans to quadruple the fleet of the Royal Air Maroc airline,
00:49 the 11 aircraft will enable several new medium and long-haul airlines to Africa, Europe, China and Brazil to open next year.
01:00 We continue with the Economist, which looks at unemployment benefits.
01:07 With this headline, "Unemployment benefits, the other puzzle".
01:12 This is an important issue on which the government will have to decide over the next few months.
01:19 The generalization of the unemployment benefit planned for 2025.
01:24 The proposed measure will have to be revised to make it more accessible, fair and financially sustainable, estimates the Economist.
01:33 Except that today, this measure is considered too restrictive in Morocco and excludes some employees.
01:41 The Economist advances, "The benefit is not suitable for wages above 4000 dirhams", says the newspaper,
01:49 before specifying that the monthly average salary of the IPE was 2600 dirhams in 2022,
01:56 far from ensuring it to save a sufficient standard of living.
02:01 We continue with the Algerian press.
02:06 Edmjid Etbone is closing the 33rd Arab League summit, "The morning of Algeria".
02:12 Edmjid Etbone is not participating in Manama, at the 33rd session of the Arab League Council.
02:17 It is the Minister of Foreign Affairs who is in charge of representing him.
02:22 An international enema, boycotted by the head of the Algerian state.
02:27 Edmjid Etbone is used to the absence at international summits, comments the daily Algerian,
02:32 recalling that his last international trip dates back to 2023.
02:36 "It was a failure", comments the daily, "it is the one led in Russia and China to convince these two countries
02:44 to vote for the integration of Algeria to the BRICS, lost of our great globe-trotter.
02:49 We know the result", comments the daily, "Algeria has been rejected at the door of this group of influential and particularly rich countries".
03:01 The Arab summit is also commented by the Tunisian press, but this time the time is leaning on the calls to support the creation of a Palestinian state.
03:11 In his speech at the opening of the Arab League summit, the King of Bahrain called for full recognition of the State of Palestine and its adhesion to the United Nations.
03:22 The daily then mentions the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, who estimated that any offensive on Rafah was unacceptable.
03:31 The Egyptian President, Adel Ftah el-Sisi, on his side, declared that "history will remember the tragedy marked by the murderous acts,
03:40 the deportation and the siege imposed on an entire population, as well as by the attempts to colonize their lands,
03:48 all in a context where the international community and its institutions seem powerless".
03:55 Back to Morocco, and we end with "Today, Morocco", which is titled "Industry of Gaming, Morocco is coming into play".
04:05 The first edition of the Morocco Gaming Expo will be held from May 24 to May 26 in Rabat.
04:12 Strategic partnerships will be officially announced at this first gaming international event, the daily states.
04:20 Morocco wants to position itself as a major player in the gaming industry by multiplying contacts and events
04:27 in order to attract major international developers, concludes the newspaper.
04:32 The electronic games sector has reached a turnover of $120 million in Morocco, according to the Ministry of Youth.
04:42 And this is the end of this press release. Thank you for watching and enjoy the rest of the program on Mediantv.
04:50 [Music]
