Terry Dubrow Urges Kelly Clarkson to Be Transparent About Weight Loss Drugs

  • 4 months ago
Dr. Terry Dubrow's giving Kelly Clarkson props for coming clean about using a weight loss drug -- but he's not cool with the half-truths that came before, and he's encouraging others to be more transparent.


00:00First of all, I believe that she's entitled to keep her medical issues private.
00:22So if she didn't want to talk about it initially, that's really up to her and I support that.
00:28But at the end of the day, if you are going to come out about it, and I think it's fantastic
00:33because these are truly miracle weight loss drugs and people that talk about them, I want
00:40to support because they are changing lives and all this new information about how effective
00:45it is for cardiac disease, for fatty liver disease, for renal disease, it's blowing up
00:51in the medical literature.
00:52I do however, and I'm not criticizing Kelly Clarkson because she looks amazing and she
00:57is amazing, but I think it's kind of honesty adjacent because if you don't want to admit
01:06to Ozempic and you want to say it's another medication, well there's only one other medication
01:12and that's Monjaro.
01:14So Monjaro is better and it works faster, but I think it's kind of to say it's not Ozempic
01:27but it's another medication kind of sort of lends itself to maybe in keeping with Ozempic
01:37shaming still.
01:38Like it's still not okay just to say I'm on a miracle weight loss drug and then list all
01:43the other things that people do.
01:46So I'd rather if someone says I'm on a medication, there's only two, there's either Ozempic or
01:54I think it's really called Wegovy and Zepfam when you use them for pure weight loss.
01:59Let's just say it.
02:00Let's celebrate it and thank you Kelly Clarkson for admitting to it and I think it's fantastic.
02:08I just want to reinforce the idea that we should normalize the use of these weight loss
02:14drugs because they, although they have some side effects, they are super effective and
02:22they are saving lives and we will look back at this time as being a historic time in the
02:28history of medicine.
02:30Before we had them and after.
02:32We actually have a cure for the disease of obesity.
