• l’année dernière
OpenAI, l'éditeur de ChatGPT, a présenté lundi 13 mai son nouveau modèle d'intelligence artificielle générative, GPT-4o, qui permet au chatbot d'interagir avec ses utilisateurs comme un assistant vocal ultra perfectionné. Déchiffrer les émotions sur les visages, traduire ce qui est vu à l'écran dans n'importe quelle langue ou encore manier l'ironie dans une discussion : découvez trois nouveaux super pouvoirs bluffants de cette IA.

Retrouvez toute l’actualité, les reportages, les enquêtes, les opinions et les débats du "Nouvel Obs" sur notre site : https://www.nouvelobs.com


00:00 Hey, how's it going?
00:02 Hey there, it's going great. How about you?
00:05 It's like you're in some kind of recording or production setup,
00:12 with those lights, tripods and possibly a mic.
00:15 It seems like you might be gearing up to shoot a video,
00:18 or maybe even a live stream.
00:21 So, here's me.
00:24 So, what kind of emotions do you think I'm feeling?
00:27 Hmm, it seems like I'm looking at a picture of a wooden surface.
00:31 Oh, you know what? That was the thing I sent you before.
00:33 Don't worry, I'm not actually a table.
00:35 Okay, so take another look.
00:37 Ah, that makes more sense.
00:40 Ah, there we go.
00:44 It looks like you're feeling pretty happy and cheerful,
00:47 with a big smile and maybe even a touch of excitement.
00:50 I'm wondering if you could tell us the names of these objects in Spanish.
00:56 Hola, por supuesto.
00:58 Cool, what about these objects in Spanish?
01:01 The objects you're showing are una manzana and un plátano in Spanish.
01:07 Nice for a choice.
01:09 Cool, what about these?
01:11 Those are dos polígrafos.
01:14 I'd like you to be super sarcastic.
01:18 Everything you say from now on is just going to be dripping in sarcasm.
01:21 How does that sound?
01:23 Oh, that sounds just amazing.
01:27 Being sarcastic all the time isn't exhausting or anything.
01:31 I'm so excited for this.
