Total DramaRama Total DramaRama S02 E029 – Way Back Wendel

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:17 - What did I miss?
00:18 - Duncan's going strong, but you know Courtney,
00:20 she never backs down.
00:22 - Welcome to Pudding Town, Duncan.
00:25 Population, me.
00:27 - Well, Pudding Town is in Pudding Country
00:30 and I'm the Pudding President.
00:32 - Ugh! More slurping, less chirping.
00:35 - Yeah, you're kind of ruining the moment.
00:37 - Ah! Whoo! Feel the rush!
00:41 - Courtney! Courtney!
00:43 - Duncan! Duncan!
00:45 - Oh, no! He's gonna blow!
00:47 - Oh...
00:49 - Eww!
00:50 - I hope the back line likes butterscotch.
00:53 - Courtney, one.
00:55 - Duncan, zero.
00:57 - I'll take on anyone at anything.
00:59 So come on!
01:00 Who's gonna be the next loser?
01:03 You're on!
01:04 - ♪ Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪
01:07 - Oh! - Whee!
01:09 - But you lost, Beth.
01:11 - Did I, Courtney? Did I?
01:13 - ♪ Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪
01:17 - Ah!
01:19 - (rire)
01:21 - ♪ Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪
01:24 - Oh!
01:25 - Now my bones are on the inside and the outside.
01:28 Seriously? A "Dig the Deepest Hole" contest?
01:33 Have we run out of actual games?
01:36 Budgets must be tight.
01:37 - Cutbacks.
01:38 Ah! It's always children's education that suffers.
01:42 - Buckle up, Duncan, 'cause I'm kicking it into second gear.
01:47 - Ah!
01:48 - Hey, I found something.
01:50 - I wonder why it's black and white.
01:53 - Who cares?
01:54 - Do you want to bet it's a UFO full of aliens
01:56 that use our brains for soccer balls?
01:59 - Ooh, I love soccer! Open it!
02:02 - (all): Oh!
02:06 - Jeepers, creepers, my peepers!
02:08 When did the world get so colorful?
02:11 - Whoa! Who are you?
02:13 - Hold on to your mules, children,
02:15 for this will be a shock.
02:17 I am Wendel!
02:18 (crickets chirping)
02:20 Seriously? THE Wendel?
02:22 The winningest boy of all time?
02:24 - So you're good at stuff?
02:26 - Yes! So much so that I stored myself in this time capsule
02:30 in hopes that the future might finally
02:32 provide me a worthy challenger.
02:34 - If you're looking for competition,
02:36 you should try and take on Courtney.
02:38 - What? A girl?
02:40 - (laughing)
02:42 - Oh!
02:43 - Don't make me laugh.
02:45 - I'm more likely to make you cry.
02:47 - Hmm. Well, if your friends say
02:49 you're the greatest challenger of your time,
02:52 let the games begin, suffragette!
02:54 - Oh, bring it on, Poindexter!
02:57 - So, this test of skill
03:01 is who can take the best photograph.
03:04 Or are you scared the camera will capture
03:07 your everlasting soul?
03:09 - Please! You go first.
03:12 - Now hold perfectly still.
03:14 - (gasps) It's blurry.
03:18 - Ah! You moved! Fine.
03:20 Let's see you do better.
03:22 - Boom! I win!
03:25 - A dog? A viking?
03:27 - W-w-what?
03:29 - How did you... Clearly,
03:31 there's a witch hidden in this device.
03:33 - Admit it! I won!
03:35 - Perhaps you are worthy of my time.
03:37 Ready to take me on?
03:39 - Yep! And FYI, I haven't even started trying yet.
03:42 - Hey! - Huh! I wonder if this has
04:00 anything to do with the black and white kid
04:02 we dug up in the yard. - I doubt it.
04:04 - Extra, extra! Read all about it!
04:06 "Scientists discover solution to the world losing color."
04:09 - A three pence for your trouble, boy!
04:12 - This is bad!
04:16 - "Scientists believe the world is turning black and white
04:19 because someone unearthed a space-time disruption
04:22 from the past." - Unearthed?
04:24 We unearthed Wendel, and he's from the past!
04:27 - "The last instance of a space-time disruption
04:30 being unleashed was in 1863."
04:33 (gasps) Owen, look!
04:36 - Chef! Chef! Chef!
04:38 - I wasn't asleep! I need this job!
04:40 - We dug up a kid in the yard! - He's from the past,
04:43 and now everything is turning black and white!
04:45 - (groans) Now, what did I tell you
04:47 about digging in the yard? Do you know how long it took me
04:50 to clean up that crude oil spill?
04:52 (screams)
04:56 (grunts) You kids made millions
04:58 that didn't give me a dime! - You're still mad about that?
05:01 - But Chef, this is serious! We have--
05:03 - Nope! You dug it up, your problem.
05:06 - (both humming) - Where is that Wendel?
05:09 He has a race to lose. - Courtney, Wendel is turning
05:12 everything black and white! - Hmm.
05:15 Sounds more like a you problem than a Courtney problem.
05:18 - Whoa! I'm a chimney sweep, dude!
05:22 Got any chimneys need cleaning?
05:24 (grunts)
05:26 - Uh-oh. - And what about this?
05:28 I think it's very responsible of him to find part-time work.
05:31 - This is only going to get worse.
05:33 But maybe if you let him win, he'll leave
05:36 and things will go back to normal.
05:38 - You want me to let him beat me?
05:41 (laughs) Oh, yeah, sure.
05:43 That sounds like me.
05:45 Races to the starting line, please!
05:47 - Courtney, please, you need to help us!
05:49 - Ugh! Fine! I'll try to lose.
05:52 - (chuckles) Nice wheels.
05:54 They clearly don't make 'em like they used to.
05:57 - I need a flag to start the race!
05:59 - How's the weather down there?
06:01 - Ugh! On your skid marks!
06:03 Get set, go!
06:05 (clinking)
06:07 - Ha-ha! Eat my tiny back-wheel dust!
06:10 (laughs) Ow!
06:12 (clinking)
06:14 - Woo-hoo! Still the champ!
06:16 You were supposed to lose!
06:18 - I said I'd try, but how can you lose to that?
06:22 (boing!)
06:24 (boing!)
06:27 (explosion)
06:29 - I do declare, Madam Courtney, you've won again!
06:32 - Just lose already! This is getting serious!
06:35 - Next up is a live musical performance challenge.
06:38 Prepare for defeat!
06:40 (music)
06:42 Vaudeville didn't call my act.
06:44 More invigorating than-- - (groans)
06:46 You're done.
06:48 - Courtney, you're gonna lose, right?
06:50 - Oh, for sure! I'm not even that good at music.
06:53 (crackling)
06:55 (musique)
06:57 (crackling)
06:59 (musique)
07:01 (crissement de pneus)
07:03 - Courtney has done it again!
07:05 - (groans) - I know!
07:07 But winning feels so good!
07:09 Sorry. I'll try harder, I promise!
07:12 - You! Girl! To the wall! Now!
07:15 - Ooh! That'll be hard not to win.
07:18 One time, when the school bus broke down,
07:20 I pulled it the last 12 miles.
07:22 We weren't even late!
07:24 (crissement de pneus)
07:26 - Care to give up now, or do you prefer to be embarrassed?
07:29 - Hey! You gotta lose, Courtney!
07:31 We need to get Wendell back in his bunker before it's too late!
07:34 - Look, tug of war requires strength,
07:36 which is the role of a man.
07:38 - The role of a man?
07:40 Ho ho ho ho! Sorry, Owen, I'm not losing this one.
07:44 - But... but... (ding!)
07:46 - Hear ye, hear ye! Let the tug of war's match begin!
07:50 - Come now, Wendell! You're as strong as an ox!
07:53 - Yes!
07:54 - It won't be so bad if I win, will it?
07:57 - I guess breathing suit is my life now.
08:01 - Lisa, I want some more.
08:05 - Sure, but those two don't get any.
08:07 - Aww!
08:08 - Yes! Yes!
08:10 - Oh no!
08:12 I... I lost!
08:15 - Hoo hoo hoo! Yes! Yes! Yes!
08:18 I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!
08:20 - Well, you held your own for a while, Courtney,
08:22 but I knew this time period was no match for moi.
08:25 - Yep! You definitely are the winner!
08:28 There's no beating your... awesomeness!
08:33 - Wake me when the world can provide a real challenger.
08:36 Toodle-oo!
08:37 - Whoa!
08:42 - Yeah!
08:45 - You saved us!
08:47 - Oh! Owen!
08:48 - Thanks, Courtney. We know that wasn't easy for you.
08:51 - Well, well, at least I beat all of you duds.
08:54 Ha ha ha! I was all like, "Woohoo!"
08:57 And you guys were all like, "Wahhh!"
09:00 - Yep! Everything's back to normal.
09:02 - I wonder if Wendell will ever come out again.
09:05 - What do you say, silver gent?
09:11 Care to match wits on an apple-eating competition?
09:14 Oh dear. Whoa! Whoa!
09:19 - Oh! Ha ha ha!
09:22 Sous-titrage: difuze
09:25 Sous-titrage: difuze
09:28 Sous-titrage: difuze
09:31 *Générique de fin*
