Pasar Saham Terkoreksi, Intip Ulasannya

  • 4 months ago
Situasi pasar keuangan dunia yang masih ketat, akibat kondisi ekonomi Amerika hingga situasi kawasan lainnya, membuat Otoritas Jasa Keuangan meningkatkan kewaspadaan. OJK menyebut, pada April 2024 Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) mengalami tekanan atau pelemahan 0,53% secara tahun berjalan ke level 7.234,2.


00:00 The tightening of the global financial market due to the US economic condition and other regional situations
00:06 has made the financial service authority to increase its oversight.
00:10 OJK said that in April 2024, the joint stock price index or IHSG experienced a 0.53% year-on-year weakness
00:20 to level 7234.2.
00:24 The Executive Head of the Capital Market, Derivative Finance and Carbon OJK, Inarno Jayadi, explained that
00:31 the weakening of IHSG in April was caused by the global stock market, which is under pressure.
00:38 The situation also has an impact on the domestic stock market.
00:41 Although weakening, the value of the stock market capitalization is recorded at 12,770 trillion
00:47 or up 3.45% year-on-year.
00:51 Inarno added that the domestic stock market also recorded a net buy of 7.95 trillion,
00:58 while on the side of the IHSG, Indonesia Composite Bond Index also weakened 0.33% to level 373.4.
01:08 It was noted that non-resident investors also recorded a net sell of 1.41 trillion in the corporate IHSG.
01:20 The pressure on the global stock market also has an impact on the domestic stock market in April 2024.
01:28 The joint stock price index was corrected 0.53% year-to-date to level 7234.2,
01:39 weakening 0.75% month-to-date.
01:43 The market capitalization value is 12,770 trillion.