Witness Claims There Are 'Two Dozen Cases' On Anomalous Health Incidents That The CIA Cannot Explain

  • 4 months ago
During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) spoke the CIA's investigation into anomalous health incidents.

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00:00 Chair now recognized gentleman from New York. Mr. Goldman for his round of questioning. Thank you. Mr. Chairman. Thank you to our witnesses for being here
00:06 Mr. Grassoff, I want to follow up a little bit on the interactions you've had with Russian intelligence about
00:13 these a AHI's
00:16 if
00:18 you had a conversation with an intelligence officer where a
00:24 Russian intelligence officer where he or she said that these are the same weapons that were used in the 1980s
00:32 Isn't that an admission that they know they're using them now?
00:36 It is an admission that
00:42 It's very plausible that they're being used now because the person who's not privy to this particular operation
00:48 He is or she is retired
00:50 but again, the important thing was the important thing is that he
00:54 was serving at a time when there was a concerted effort for the Russian intelligence services to develop a counter weapon and
01:01 He believed given time past since then it has been developed. I
01:05 see so he has retired and but believes that
01:09 based on the similar symptoms or
01:14 What other factors went into his very very similar symptoms were being conveyed?
01:20 in terms of
01:22 Soviet
01:23 diplomats stationed abroad of
01:25 intelligence background had returned back to Russia with
01:29 To the Soviet Union with symptoms that they believed were caused by an acoustic weapon. That was their relief
01:37 It's not the fact that it is what happened
01:39 But again, it explains partly the motivation for them to develop a weapon that will be targeting
01:44 Exactly the type of people that we see being targeted and I know there's some geospatial data that indicates there were Russian
01:52 intelligence officers near
01:54 alleged incidents abroad
01:57 Do any of you know whether that is also the case for any of the incidents that have been reported domestically I
02:06 Do not have that data
02:10 Because the particular unit that we've focused on they would not dare come to the United States
02:17 Therefore if the Russians were doing this on US soil that would have used
02:22 Sleeper sleepers long-term proxies that would be here
02:26 But that is not a unit that I've discovered in my own and therefore difficult to identify as affiliated with
02:33 Russian intelligence
02:35 Sir, I think you should refer that last question to the FBI and classified spaces
02:41 Yeah, obviously the the episode with my client
02:44 an active FBI agent that was authorized to speak to 60 minutes talks about an incident in Key West and
02:51 Most of that information is either law enforcement sensitive or classified
02:55 and
02:57 Are any of you aware of any?
03:00 reported incidents from
03:03 Individuals who are not members of the United States government
03:09 in domestically I should say I
03:11 Am NOT but I will throw a caveat in there
03:18 Generally, I only focused on former and current government employees that were attacked
03:24 Mr. Zane are you?
03:27 There are many people who believe they are victims of a chai's. All you have to do is look at my Twitter feed
03:35 Whenever I post on the topic
03:38 I only represent federal government employees in their families. So I don't focus on the accuracy of
03:45 those particular claims
03:48 And mr. Gras up do you have any in sight? Not an American soil, but in other parts of the world there've been
03:55 complaints that appear to be
03:57 credible from
03:59 Russian activists or Russian opposition leaders living abroad and
04:05 Mr. Zaid you I want to ask and this is a hypothetical, but I I'm trying to understand
04:11 Why our
04:16 government would
04:19 Try to block information sharing or
04:23 conceal
04:25 information that they have and one thing that comes to mind is
04:29 whether there's an operational risk to
04:33 revealing any of the of the
04:36 details of
04:39 Their investigation is is that something that you have come across?
04:43 in any of your work
04:45 Yes, and quickly because I know your time is elapsing here. So I do think that that is and I agree with with mr
04:52 Grosev that is there's a lot of reasons why the information might not be publicly released
04:58 And I do think that's something we could address more in a classified
05:02 Environment to explain that but there are understandable reasons why the US government
05:07 Has not revealed much of what it knows, but the question is how about to you?
05:13 But also the if I may mr. Chairman to follow up on that there is a conclusion
05:18 That has been made public that it is
05:21 Highly highly highly unlikely. I forgot what the language is that this these symptoms were caused by
05:30 some sort of
05:32 You know foreign right line actor
05:35 So the the last ODNI assessment that came out in 2023 had had indicated in and it to the public
05:41 It seems very damning this highly unlikely that foreign adversary was involved. But if you actually look at the
05:48 levels
05:50 Within each of the agencies as to the level of credibility that they have assessed to that is actually quite low
05:56 For most of them and there's a lot of pushback even internally
06:00 Among the Intel some of the intelligence agencies as to the qualification of that information
06:05 I'll say just very quickly finally they talk about in particular
06:09 I think one of the CIA's public documents that many of these cases can be explained through environmental factors pre-existing medical conditions
06:17 But they don't explain any of that which could easily be said in another sentence the environmental factors include the following
06:25 Whatever, whatever we looked at prior health conditions and 85% had football injuries injuries when they played in high school and college
06:32 None of that information is in there which leads one to believe that there's something more
06:38 The other thing I'll say just really quickly on that
06:41 The news media missed the story on that CIA assessment
06:45 They said they looked at more than a thousand cases and they concluded the vast majority could be explained otherwise
06:51 But there are at least two dozen cases that even the CIA
06:55 Acknowledges they can't explain away by any other alternative factors
07:01 That to me is the story that should have been in the New York Times in the Washington Post Wall Street Journal
07:06 That there are two dozen cases. The CIA can't even explain away. Is that part of your 68? Mr. Garza? Absolutely. Yes, mr
07:14 Chairman, thank you for indulging
07:16 Yield back. Jim. This time has expired the chair and I recognize Jim up in California. Mr. Swalwell. Thank you
07:21 I thank the chair in our.
