Sing Sing Prison Concert (1972)

  • 4 months ago


00:00:00 [Cats meowing]
00:00:26 Hi. Uh...
00:00:31 There behind me is the Hudson River and the panorama of the Palisades.
00:00:39 Maybe you think that I'm up in Cascades somewhere, but you're wrong.
00:00:49 Though I'm here and the river is behind me, it's true, I'm up the river.
00:00:54 I'm up in a place where I'm just a number and a face among 1,200 other faces and other names and numbers.
00:01:09 This is a place where people such as the famous Willie Sutton, the Rosenbergs, Trigger Burke, Joe Bellacci, they all pass through here.
00:01:23 This is the, uh...
00:01:27 Arson and Correction Facility, known the world over as the famous Sinkston Prison.
00:01:35 [Music]
00:01:37 [Singing]
00:02:03 They can put me in the death house or keep me in the same, same jail.
00:02:15 I wrote in Esther Warden why they call the jail the same, same.
00:02:39 He said, "Stand here by this rock pile and listen to them hammers ring."
00:02:51 Big June in the courthouse, paper selling for fifty cents.
00:03:14 All the judge trying to tail me, my lawyer pleading self-defense.
00:03:26 I'll send me to that mean old jail.
00:03:47 I killed my man and I don't need no bail.
00:03:59 This is my cell here where I keep all my supplies, where I can get them handy.
00:04:04 My fish tank is over here. At night I basically have my time, look at my fish.
00:04:09 And I got my refrigerator here out in the window where I keep all my supplies, keep it fresh and cold.
00:04:16 And there's a little cabin here where I keep my underwear and other shirt and stuff.
00:04:21 Then here I keep my, your, my tuna fish and sardines and stuff, whatever I need when I cook down the hill.
00:04:31 And this is my bed here at night. This is where I sleep.
00:04:35 Good morning, B.B.
00:04:37 Good morning.
00:04:40 How's it going, man?
00:04:41 Oh.
00:04:43 Boy.
00:04:45 All right now, I guess.
00:04:55 Had a good day today.
00:04:56 Yeah, it's going to be a fine day.
00:05:00 I'm like an old engine. I'm going to start turning now. Once I start turning, I'm all right.
00:05:07 I'm ready.
00:05:08 I'm surprised they haven't taken down my clothes line because they usually say people hang up with them, you know.
00:05:15 My desk, my chair, you know, the only thing they let you have, you know, when you come in here, man, is like what you see.
00:05:23 Tallest bowl six inches from my head and a wash basin, man, that's it.
00:05:30 All these years went by when everybody thought I didn't wear makeup.
00:05:35 It was this big image, you know, natural.
00:05:39 I wore makeup the whole time.
00:05:41 I just smeared it around a little bit so they couldn't tell.
00:05:46 Some prisons you're not allowed to wear perfume in.
00:05:49 I don't want to excite anybody at the warden.
00:05:56 They don't have no ownership in here.
00:05:59 These little things, they intensify their meanings, man, like the books is all really I have.
00:06:07 Then the pictures from home means a great deal.
00:06:12 Several of them I had to put them down because I just couldn't take looking at them no more.
00:06:18 A woman representing, you know, like to me, beauty.
00:06:21 She has a beautiful, beautiful face and a short ass piece, you know.
00:06:26 Hey, man, you don't got a short ass piece, you just not a con.
00:06:31 Hey, yeah, hey, look here, Dick.
00:06:35 Yeah, I like that.
00:06:36 Don't you like that?
00:06:38 How about a brown?
00:06:40 Yeah, yeah, get a brown, brown, brown shirt.
00:06:45 Yeah, I like that.
00:06:47 And then we'll wear brown shoes with, you know, I think the fellas ought to dig that.
00:06:54 This is the decorations for backstage.
00:07:02 We're doing, we did John Byers, B.B. King and the Voices, and they're going to get equal billing.
00:07:11 I've been involved for almost a year now.
00:07:14 And since I was given the assignment as stage manager, I feel that this is part of my responsibility.
00:07:21 If you didn't do all this kind of stuff, what would this stage look like?
00:07:24 Like a piece of shit.
00:07:25 Oh, we're going to start working on a film today.
00:07:28 And this is the first time we have a film take on Sin Sin, first time.
00:07:32 And I hope it won't be the last one either.
00:07:35 And we thank you, all you guys, for everything you've done.
00:07:38 We're going to have B.B. King, the Voices of East Highland, John Byers and all the guys from Sin Sin.
00:07:45 [applause]
00:07:51 Back to work.
00:07:53 [music]
00:08:18 [music]
00:08:30 Well, we're going to Sin Sin.
00:08:34 I've never been to it before.
00:08:36 I've played many recormitories.
00:08:41 Never been up here.
00:08:45 I want to interview about some of the actors.
00:08:47 You want to interview?
00:08:48 We're supposed to have turkey today, but them seagulls is gone up there.
00:08:52 You understand?
00:08:53 They got you, Chad.
00:08:54 They got you good, boy.
00:08:56 [laughter]
00:09:04 We have turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, peas, pie, coffee, milk.
00:09:15 All the procedures that you have in any institution.
00:09:19 This is about the best Thanksgiving dinner I had since last Thanksgiving.
00:09:26 First of all, I didn't do it.
00:09:28 I didn't do it.
00:09:30 The food in here is terrible.
00:09:32 I really mean it.
00:09:33 You cannot eat this food.
00:09:35 If it wasn't for my parents and the other parents of the guys that I hang out with, we never would be eating.
00:09:41 How much time do you got?
00:09:42 Oh, I got many.
00:09:43 I got five years.
00:09:44 I should be going home by next month anyway.
00:09:48 What are you here for?
00:09:49 Oh, I'm here for armed robbery.
00:09:52 You want robbery?
00:09:53 Oh, yeah.
00:09:54 Is that right?
00:09:55 Sure.
00:09:56 I'm not proud of it.
00:09:57 Don't get me misunderstanding.
00:10:01 Hope the sun doesn't come out.
00:10:04 Be inside.
00:10:06 Yeah, right.
00:10:09 [Music]
00:10:37 Push it back up on the bar.
00:10:41 Where is this going?
00:10:42 I don't know.
00:10:43 That's the organ speaker.
00:10:44 Where do you want it at?
00:10:45 It's the organ?
00:10:46 That's the organ.
00:10:47 Put the organ over there.
00:10:48 On the other side of the organ.
00:10:49 You can do one over there and keep one over there.
00:10:50 Ain't that the organ?
00:10:51 No, that's the piano.
00:10:52 Keep one over there and keep one over there.
00:10:55 Hey, watch my back.
00:10:57 What are you?
00:10:58 This goes on the other side with the organ.
00:11:00 I told you that.
00:11:01 No, I told you that.
00:11:02 I don't know.
00:11:03 I gave him the keys this morning.
00:11:06 You gave him the keys?
00:11:07 Yeah, I gave them to Pat Canavan to open up that room.
00:11:10 Hey, Sarge, he's down at the Christian Science Room.
00:11:12 Hey, somebody ought to let me out.
00:11:13 He gave them to open it up.
00:11:15 You ought to let me out so I can--
00:11:17 No, you stay.
00:11:18 Visit 149628 Hoffman.
00:11:24 5292.
00:11:27 3960.
00:11:28 40 souls.
00:11:29 151433.
00:11:33 152302.
00:11:36 Visit.
00:11:37 When you go through that door, you'll find that a lot of people are much more--
00:11:58 [INAUDIBLE]
00:12:08 Well, I think that we are here to provide as much protection for outside people as possible,
00:12:14 because anything can happen.
00:12:17 We are nervous and excited.
00:12:19 We're going to do everything we can to put as much protection on these people as possible.
00:12:22 Not that we expect anything.
00:12:24 We don't expect the population to--
00:12:26 We don't expect them to get all excited yet.
00:12:28 We don't expect--
00:12:29 You think you can handle anything that might--
00:12:30 I think we can.
00:12:32 I know we can.
00:12:34 Right now, everybody's coming in, and they're trying to get themselves situated in a seat.
00:12:41 I'm nervous because I'm anxious for this thing to start so once we get started,
00:12:46 like we start picking up one, two, three, I won't be nervous no more.
00:12:51 We need some princess.
00:12:52 Anybody want to donate something?
00:12:55 We're going to forward the report to the chapel right now.
00:13:03 Yes?
00:13:04 Can I have everybody else that's going to help us here on stage,
00:13:08 and then we'll get everything together so that we can--
00:13:10 We got to get--
00:13:11 Oh, okay.
00:13:12 That's the village of-- how do you pronounce it, Austin?
00:13:14 Austin.
00:13:15 Austin.
00:13:17 Yeah.
00:13:18 Well, we're here.
00:13:21 Excuse me.
00:13:23 This is Dave Hoffman.
00:13:25 He's the executive producer and director of this picture and the institution today.
00:13:30 He'd like to say a few words.
00:13:35 My partner and I have been working for this concert for about a year.
00:13:40 You haven't seen most of us, and I guess I haven't seen most of you,
00:13:43 but it took us a year to get this thing to come off,
00:13:45 and I still don't know what it's going to be like.
00:13:47 Joan Baez and B.B. King aren't even in here yet.
00:13:50 There's some hang-up outside.
00:13:52 I understand that people don't want to be photographed,
00:13:55 so anyone who's behind that line will not be shot by the cameras.
00:13:59 Okay?
00:14:03 Hey, Chito, remember Thursday night is Latin night at the Cheetah.
00:14:07 What's happening, fellas?
00:14:08 [speaking Spanish]
00:14:09 The food.
00:14:10 The man with the food.
00:14:11 There he is.
00:14:12 What are you doing?
00:14:14 Hey, wait, wait, wait.
00:14:16 [speaking Spanish]
00:14:19 What's happening?
00:14:20 What took you so long?
00:14:21 Hey, not them, us.
00:14:23 What's happening with this dude?
00:14:24 He's one of us.
00:14:26 They're beating us in that concert.
00:14:29 Go over there, you think you're in Shop Rite.
00:14:32 Listen, if you can't see a dude that look like a Martian, don't worry,
00:14:35 it's only the camera crew.
00:14:38 Joan Baez just came in.
00:14:39 I just got the wire, fellas.
00:14:41 Joan Baez just came in, man.
00:14:43 She got her together self in here.
00:14:45 She'll be in soon.
00:14:47 There it is, fellas.
00:14:49 Yeah?
00:14:51 There it is.
00:14:54 There's the wall.
00:14:57 Good.
00:14:58 God, look at that.
00:15:00 Yeah, man.
00:15:01 Anyway, I want you all to know that we're going to have a hip happening
00:15:04 with Indio in the front.
00:15:05 [speaking Spanish]
00:15:07 [shouting]
00:15:10 [speaking Spanish]
00:15:13 [shouting]
00:15:14 Indio, gentlemen, Indio.
00:15:16 Indio right here.
00:15:17 Come on, let's go get a hair for Indio.
00:15:23 [grunting]
00:15:26 [shouting]
00:15:29 [grunting]
00:15:32 [shouting]
00:15:35 [grunting]
00:15:38 [shouting]
00:15:41 [grunting]
00:15:44 [shouting]
00:15:47 [shouting]
00:15:50 [laughing]
00:15:56 Indio.
00:15:57 Yeah, it's a reference happening, man.
00:16:00 Yes, BB King, part of the group for the concert today.
00:16:05 BB King.
00:16:06 So you going inside or what?
00:16:07 Yes, sir.
00:16:08 I think they're having it inside there.
00:16:10 Let me check it right here.
00:16:11 All right.
00:16:13 [speaking Spanish]
00:16:16 What do you think about the show that's taking place today, man?
00:16:19 Well, the damn thing haven't started yet.
00:16:22 [laughing]
00:16:25 The damn thing ain't started yet.
00:16:26 We're waiting for-- is Joan Baez going to be here or what?
00:16:29 Yes, sir.
00:16:30 Yeah, well, I think this is going to be nice.
00:16:31 And you got a whole bunch of sisters up there, too.
00:16:33 Oh, yeah, well, I think that's going to be beautiful.
00:16:35 All right, thanks, man.
00:16:36 Appreciate that.
00:16:38 Let me see what's happening here.
00:16:39 Are we going to get it together?
00:16:41 All right, are the voices ready?
00:16:44 Huh?
00:16:45 Voices ready now?
00:16:47 Wow.
00:16:48 Well, here they are, man.
00:16:51 They're getting ready now, man.
00:16:54 Is everything cool?
00:16:55 I'm going to leave you now and let you have a tremendous happening.
00:16:59 Solid, fellas.
00:17:00 Hey, the voices will be solid.
00:17:02 The voices will be solid, fellas.
00:17:04 [music playing]
00:17:32 I want to go where the wild wind blows.
00:17:35 Wind blows, wind blows.
00:17:38 I wonder what's up now, say no more.
00:17:42 Wild wind blows, wild wind blows.
00:17:46 I want to go where the wild blues go.
00:17:49 Blues go, blues go.
00:17:52 High-flying birds, high-flying birds fly.
00:17:56 I want to go over my head.
00:17:59 Over my head, over my head.
00:18:02 I don't want to go away.
00:18:06 Go away, go away.
00:18:10 I'm going to live until I'm dead.
00:18:13 Until I'm dead, until I'm dead.
00:18:17 Until I'm dead, until I'm dead.
00:18:25 Mother, mother, save your child.
00:18:30 And then we're going round and round.
00:18:32 Better be free.
00:18:34 Goin' round and round.
00:18:36 Better be free.
00:18:38 Goin' round and round.
00:18:42 I don't want no trouble, baby.
00:18:44 I want to fly over my head.
00:18:47 Better be free.
00:18:48 Ain't no time to stand and pray.
00:18:50 Yeah, yeah.
00:18:52 Mother, mother, mother, mother.
00:18:54 Mother, mother, save your child.
00:18:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:30 I don't want no trouble, baby.
00:19:32 Better love me, yeah.
00:19:33 I want to fly over my head.
00:19:35 Better be free.
00:19:37 Ain't no time to stand and pray.
00:19:39 Yeah, yeah.
00:19:40 Mother, save your child.
00:19:43 Oh, Lord, Lord, will I be able tomorrow night?
00:19:47 Yeah.
00:19:50 Better hear what we're doing.
00:19:52 Better, better be free.
00:19:55 Goin' round and round.
00:19:57 Better be free.
00:19:58 Yeah.
00:19:59 Better, better be free.
00:20:02 Yeah.
00:20:03 Yeah.
00:20:04 Yeah.
00:20:06 Better be free.
00:20:08 Ain't no time to stand and pray.
00:20:10 Yeah.
00:20:11 Better, better be free.
00:20:13 Better be free.
00:20:15 Better, yeah.
00:20:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:20:45 It ain't like they would have told them about it.
00:20:48 It ain't like nobody knowin' about it here.
00:20:51 We have quite a few people in the institution now.
00:20:54 And we must have your cooperation, especially
00:20:56 the ladies on the bus here.
00:20:58 We are not used to this sort of thing.
00:21:00 But we're trying to put as much protection as we can
00:21:04 on each and every one of you.
00:21:06 So you have to pay attention, or you're going to get lost.
00:21:10 And you're going to be confused.
00:21:12 And if you get lost in here, that means
00:21:14 that we can't go home and eat Thanksgiving dinner.
00:21:16 I can't go home if you don't come out.
00:21:18 Don't you understand?
00:21:19 That's right.
00:21:21 This is the most opportune time for one of these guys to go.
00:21:25 Now, three years ago today, there was a guy that--
00:21:29 two guys that hit out right down there.
00:21:31 And we couldn't go home until about 11 o'clock
00:21:33 Thanksgiving night.
00:21:35 We've been here for years.
00:21:37 We know what's happening.
00:21:38 We know the people that we're dealing with.
00:21:40 And these people in here that you're dealing with
00:21:42 are cunning and they're shrewd.
00:21:45 Freedom in the spirit, y'all.
00:21:47 Right on.
00:21:48 [CHANTING]
00:21:54 (SINGING) Long live Fairytown.
00:22:00 Oh, what a lovely, precious dream.
00:22:08 To be young and fair and free.
00:22:13 Mm.
00:22:14 Open your heart.
00:22:19 Open up your heart to what I mean.
00:22:23 I'm living the whole world.
00:22:28 You've got to know there's a million boys, boys and girls
00:22:37 who are young and fair and black.
00:22:44 Yeah.
00:22:45 And that's so black.
00:22:47 Yeah.
00:22:48 Oh, let's sing it.
00:22:49 Yeah, yeah.
00:22:50 All right.
00:22:51 Mm.
00:22:53 You are young and fair and black.
00:22:59 We must begin.
00:23:03 And we've got to begin to delight.
00:23:07 Now that there's a whole lot of world waiting for you.
00:23:15 Oh, how I long, how I long to know that you said there
00:23:23 are times when I look back.
00:23:28 And I'm haunted, I am haunted by my youth.
00:23:36 But my joy, but my joy, but my joy today is that we can all
00:23:48 be proud to say to the world.
00:23:54 Yeah.
00:23:56 Yeah.
00:23:57 Yeah.
00:23:58 Yeah.
00:23:59 You are young and fair.
00:24:03 Yeah.
00:24:04 Yeah.
00:24:05 Yeah.
00:24:06 You are young and fair.
00:24:10 [APPLAUSE]
00:24:13 You are young and fair.
00:24:19 That's right.
00:24:20 You are young and fair.
00:24:26 [APPLAUSE]
00:24:29 When they say Harlem, they weren't driving, were they, fellas?
00:24:45 That's sure enough ghetto soul jumping off.
00:24:49 Thomas.
00:24:51 Hey, listen.
00:24:54 Hey, listen, man.
00:25:00 I got Jimmy Walker, the man who will always be at that Apollo.
00:25:05 He's going to do a thing for us.
00:25:07 Jimmy, come on out here, man.
00:25:08 He's going to let you know about who's really happening.
00:25:10 Somebody else.
00:25:11 Jimmy Walker.
00:25:12 [APPLAUSE]
00:25:14 What's happening?
00:25:15 Goddamn.
00:25:16 I just finished a thing at the Apollo with Melbourne Moore.
00:25:20 Nah, shit.
00:25:22 You know, when I work with white folks, you know, if I don't do well, it don't bother me.
00:25:26 But if you don't do well at the Apollo, the backstage leads into alleyway.
00:25:31 [LAUGHTER]
00:25:34 And dudes be waiting for you back there, you know.
00:25:37 You wasn't funny, sucker.
00:25:40 [LAUGHTER]
00:25:43 [APPLAUSE]
00:25:45 I forget.
00:25:46 Well, I was coming in with the BB and the boys, and we was doing a little drinking.
00:25:51 [LAUGHTER]
00:25:54 And I was sitting in the bar over in 125th Street with the niggas.
00:25:58 The niggas are something, ain't they?
00:26:00 I'm glad I'm one.
00:26:02 [LAUGHTER]
00:26:05 Shit, it's tough to be a nigga nowadays.
00:26:08 All these colored people and Negroes out here, it's tough to be a nigga.
00:26:12 But I was sitting in the bar, and there's always an argument in the bar.
00:26:16 Guy sitting there says, "Hold on, man.
00:26:19 Hold on.
00:26:20 The woman sat next to me, man."
00:26:23 [LAUGHTER]
00:26:25 "Nah, man, the woman sat next to me.
00:26:27 Don't be bad-mouthing.
00:26:30 [LAUGHTER]
00:26:31 You're talking to sweet Willie Johnson."
00:26:35 [LAUGHTER]
00:26:41 "Pull something out, nigga!
00:26:45 Pull something out!"
00:26:47 "Sir, you got a gun."
00:26:49 [LAUGHTER]
00:26:55 "Shoot me!"
00:26:57 [LAUGHTER]
00:26:59 "Shoot me, nigga!"
00:27:02 "What you gonna do?"
00:27:03 "I said, shoot me, goddamn!"
00:27:05 [LAUGHTER]
00:27:18 I want to come on back, but right now I want to bring on a fabulous young lady.
00:27:23 She's been an idol of mine for years, and I really dug her.
00:27:27 And I think you all will really enjoy what she's doing,
00:27:29 because she's really working, doing her thing in her own way.
00:27:32 And need I say any more than Miss Joan Baez.
00:27:35 Come on.
00:27:36 [APPLAUSE]
00:27:40 "It's important, important, man.
00:27:42 Listen, 1-3-5-6-2-3 and 1-4-4-5-3-3.
00:27:46 The deaf wants to see you immediately, man.
00:27:48 Let's get it together, man.
00:27:51 Hey, listen, man.
00:27:53 Hey, here she is, man, Miss Joan Baez.
00:27:57 Come on.
00:27:58 Let's hear it for her.
00:27:59 She's out of sight.
00:28:01 Vote at her, Joan."
00:28:03 [APPLAUSE]
00:28:10 "Thank you.
00:28:13 I'd like to start off by singing a song called 'I Shall Be Released.'
00:28:19 They say everything can be replaced.
00:28:27 They say the distance is not near.
00:28:31 Yet I remember every face of every man who put me here.
00:28:50 I see my light come shining from the west down to the east.
00:29:01 Any day now, any day now, I shall be released.
00:29:17 Well, yonder stands a man in this lonely crowd, a man who swears he's not to blame.
00:29:35 All day long I hear him shouting so loud, keeps crying out that he was frayed.
00:29:50 I see my light come shining from the west down to the east.
00:30:09 Any day now, any day now, we shall be released."
00:30:26 [APPLAUSE]
00:30:40 "Hey, I'd like to thank you very much for letting us in this place.
00:30:44 I know you're not crazy about being here, but I'm really glad that--
00:30:48 I mean, some prisons don't let us in even, you know?"
00:30:52 [LAUGHTER]
00:30:58 "And the most thing that we could hope for today is that everybody have a good time."
00:31:04 [APPLAUSE]
00:31:07 "Okay, this is my sister Mimi Farina."
00:31:11 [APPLAUSE]
00:31:19 [MUSIC]
00:32:50 [APPLAUSE]
00:33:04 "I came from Puerto Rico around 1950.
00:33:08 I've been had a pretty rough life.
00:33:11 My first bus was in 1956.
00:33:14 After that, I've been coming in and out of prison.
00:33:18 I've tried to stay out a few times, but I couldn't get myself together outside.
00:33:23 And I have been spending this 14 out of the past 17 years in and out of prisons, county jails,
00:33:31 doing all kinds of bits.
00:33:33 This is my cat, Pinto.
00:33:36 I had him since he was a little baby. Be cool. Relax.
00:33:40 Little scared.
00:33:42 I built a house there for him.
00:33:44 And at lunchtime, when I have time, I go in the mess hall,
00:33:50 pick up some leftovers from the inmates and the plates, bring it down to him.
00:33:56 How do you feel about that cat?
00:33:58 I like him, because I got him since he was a little baby.
00:34:01 And every time I call him or anything, he just comes running to me.
00:34:04 Like I said, "Pinto, Pinto," two or three times.
00:34:07 Comes running, he starts meowing. That means he wants food.
00:34:11 So I gave him the food and everything is straight.
00:34:15 But I'm going to take him home when I get out.
00:34:17 Right, Pinto? Come on, don't be scared. Go ahead and run.
00:34:21 Go ahead.
00:34:23 Go ahead.
00:34:25 Beautiful cat.
00:34:27 We're going to bring some pride from the organization on to the F.A.
00:34:31 A little quickie, a little quickie.
00:34:34 And a little quick thing.
00:34:38 I want you all to bring on--because they have a message to deliver.
00:34:41 I want you all to dig the message and dig where they're coming from.
00:34:44 Let's check out our own workshop, the drama workshop.
00:34:47 Come on, let's hear it for them.
00:34:49 [music]
00:34:52 [music]
00:34:55 [music]
00:34:58 [music]
00:35:01 [music]
00:35:04 [MUSIC]
00:35:14 [NOISE]
00:35:24 [MUSIC]
00:35:34 [NOISE]
00:35:44 [NOISE]
00:35:54 [NOISE]
00:36:04 [NOISE]
00:36:14 [NOISE]
00:36:25 >> Good morning, I am the prison psychiatrist.
00:36:27 I'm here to determine your sanity.
00:36:28 Did you commit the crime?
00:36:29 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:30 >> Did you commit the crime?
00:36:32 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:33 >> Goodbye.
00:36:34 [LAUGH]
00:36:38 >> I'm with the parole board.
00:36:39 We're here to determine your medical status.
00:36:41 Did you commit this crime?
00:36:42 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:43 >> Did you do it?
00:36:44 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:45 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:46 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:47 [NOISE]
00:36:51 >> Boy, as your employer, I checked your background out.
00:36:54 You didn't tell me you had a record.
00:36:55 You're fine.
00:36:56 >> I didn't do it.
00:36:57 Oh, my God.
00:36:59 >> What you done to your mother?
00:37:01 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:02 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:03 >> Get out of my house.
00:37:05 Get out.
00:37:06 [NOISE]
00:37:12 >> You going back for parole, buddy?
00:37:13 [NOISE]
00:37:20 >> Hey, did you hear me call on the line?
00:37:21 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:22 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:23 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:24 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:25 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:26 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:27 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:28 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:29 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:30 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:31 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:32 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:33 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:34 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:35 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:36 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:37 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:38 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:39 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:40 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:41 >> I didn't do it.
00:37:42 >> You didn't do it.
00:37:43 >> Hey, did you hear me call on the line?
00:37:50 What's your number?
00:37:51 Deep block.
00:37:52 Solitary confinement.
00:37:53 The hole.
00:37:54 [NOISE]
00:38:02 >> Leave me alone, damn it, all right.
00:38:03 All right, I did it, damn it, I did it.
00:38:05 I did it, damn it, I did it.
00:38:07 That's what I mean, damn it, I did it.
00:38:09 I did it, God damn it.
00:38:12 I did it.
00:38:13 [APPLAUSE]
00:38:25 >> Next case.
00:38:27 >> The federal government, they want to get rid of all this, what they call crime in the street.
00:38:31 They should take that ex-con, right, and have jobs prepared for the man out there.
00:38:41 >> I want a job that not only can pay my 40 or 50 dollars a week, because that ain't going to make it.
00:38:47 40, 50 dollars a week, man, I can get a gun and buy me a gun for 40 dollars and I make me 200 or 300 a day.
00:38:54 >> Like they have the alleviation of going to them streets, man, and going to their wives and their kids and having a little bit of love.
00:39:01 That's what they have.
00:39:02 That's what they want to consider it, you know, having a little bit of love out there, man.
00:39:06 We don't have none of this, man.
00:39:08 We have to wait for visits, we have to wait for mail, we have to go through all the changes, we have to go to the service unit, everything, man, is dependent upon them.
00:39:17 We don't have no self-reliant thing, except our minds, and few of us know how to use it, because it's conditioned already, man, to react to four walls.
00:39:25 >> I rapped to a guy, I was in Auburn, and I talked to a guy that did like 38 years, you know, and he, 38 years behind the wall, I tried, I got stabbed in the joint, you know.
00:39:37 And that was a hell of an experience for me, man, and like this guy was like telling me, like, that ain't nothing, kid, it was an old guy, and he's telling me, like, 38 years in here, man, and don't worry, you know, you'll get over it, you know.
00:39:51 And finally, I remember when he was going home, and this guy was like 70-something years old.
00:39:55 He was acting like a young boy, man, you know.
00:39:58 Hey, kid, they're letting me go, you know, they're letting me go, kid, you know.
00:40:01 I said, right, doc.
00:40:02 We used to call him doc.
00:40:03 He wasn't a doctor, he just was the cook, man, in the hospital.
00:40:06 [Applause]
00:40:08 This next little song is just like three stories, and I don't know whether you guys have the patience to listen all the way through, but it will be nice, okay?
00:40:16 And they're all true.
00:40:18 [Music]
00:40:21 Shhh.
00:40:23 Billy Rose was a low rider, Billy Rose was a night fighter, Billy Rose knew trouble like the sound of his own name.
00:40:34 Busted on a drunken charge, driving someone else's car, the local midnight sheriff's claim to fame.
00:40:44 In an Arizona jail, there is some who tell the tale, how Billy fought the sergeant for some milk that he demanded.
00:40:55 Knowing he would pay the cost, knowing they'd remain the boss, they saw he was severely reprimanded.
00:41:07 In the blackest cell on A block, he hanged himself at dawn, with a note stuck to the bunkhead.
00:41:22 Don't f*** with me, just take me home, come and lay, help us lay young Billy down.
00:41:37 Luna was a Mexican, the law calls an alien, for coming past the border with a baby and a wife.
00:41:48 All the clothes upon his back were wet, still he thought that he could get some money and a thing to start a life.
00:41:58 But it hadn't been too very long, when it seemed like everything went wrong, didn't even have the time to find themselves a home.
00:42:08 When this foreigner, brown skinned male, thrown inside a Texas jail, left the wife and baby quite alone.
00:42:20 He's the pain inside him, with a needle in his arm, but the dope just crucified him, and he died to no one's great alarm.
00:42:40 Come and lay, help us lay poor Luna down, and then we'll raise, raise the prisons to the ground.
00:43:00 Billy White was an aging con of 65, who stood a chance to stay alive and leave the joint and walk the streets again.
00:43:10 At the time he was to go to near, he suffered all the joy and fear of leaving, 35 years in the pen.
00:43:20 Then on the day of his release, he was approached by the police, who took him to the warden, walking slowly by his side.
00:43:31 The warden said, "You won't remain here, but it seems the state retainer claims another 10 years of your life."
00:43:43 He stepped out in the Texas sunlight, and the cops all stood around.
00:43:53 Old Keen, a warder and 50 yards, then threw himself down on the ground.
00:44:02 They might as well, just to lay that old man down, and we're gonna raise, raise the prisons to the ground.
00:44:22 Help us raise, raise the prisons to the ground.
00:44:32 [applause]
00:44:50 - What's your name? - Jerry Oster.
00:44:53 - What are you here for? - I'm a reporter for the New York Daily News.
00:44:56 - What do you think about the concert today? - Well, I think it's a remarkable event.
00:45:00 I've never seen anything quite like it, where the audience and the performers and the people on stage are all kind of part of a big happening.
00:45:09 It's really a happening more than anything else.
00:45:11 Here he is, Tommy Berchow. Is he Berchow, brother?
00:45:19 Yeah, this is a little poem I hope y'all call "The Game in the Apple."
00:45:25 Game in the apple. Dig it.
00:45:29 In the playin's game, you need no fame.
00:45:34 Around town, uptown, or downtown.
00:45:38 Morning, noon, and evening too.
00:45:41 You've been in that scuffle too.
00:45:43 Smoking bush, dealing stuff, bumping pills, curing ills, rubbing thighs, checking fives, and getting high.
00:45:52 Miss the big stuff, pushing tough, that angel dust.
00:45:56 Dumping the scene with plenty green.
00:45:59 Your brother man extending his hand to give you the muscle to put in your hustle.
00:46:04 Got beat, blew that cash, got the crash, got no stash, can't lay a blow today.
00:46:11 You name it, they gave it, making plays to cop those trades.
00:46:16 Morphine, opium, codeine, methadrine, procaine, cocaine, DMT, STP, LSD, E, A, T, H.
00:46:29 Black, yellow, and brown, not black, red, and green.
00:46:33 Popping out of L's, sporting gear so well.
00:46:36 Popping out of L's, giving suckers hell.
00:46:39 Popping out of L's, sending chicks to hell.
00:46:42 Yeah, I saw you niggas.
00:46:44 Old niggas, young niggas, little niggas, big niggas, slow niggas, fast niggas, afro niggas, and borinqua niggas.
00:46:53 Yeah, black, yellow, and brown niggas, war niggas, niggas.
00:46:57 What a time you had, nodding off that gag.
00:47:02 How you dig that bag, nodding off that coat.
00:47:06 That's the life you dig, don't call that man a pig.
00:47:10 Can you dig it?
00:47:11 All right.
00:47:12 I'm reading Rolf Ellison, The Invisible Man.
00:47:20 I've saw it around, man, but I've never picked it up.
00:47:25 I've been through the Marxist theory, man, the communist theory and so on.
00:47:34 Help with psychoanalysis.
00:47:40 To me, this is what's happening, man.
00:47:42 This is how I want to fight this battle.
00:47:44 Because now I have really dug into myself.
00:47:47 I'm not saying I have found myself.
00:47:51 I know where I'm going.
00:47:52 I know what I want to do.
00:47:54 Ain't nobody that can stop me.
00:47:56 To stop me, it's going to have to take what I stand for.
00:47:59 And then that right there is my life.
00:48:01 1-3-5-6-2-3.
00:48:04 1-4-4-5-3-3.
00:48:06 The death watcher.
00:48:08 Watch out.
00:48:09 1-4-7-9-6-6, man.
00:48:12 Bust a furlough check.
00:48:13 Get out there.
00:48:14 That's 1-4-7-9-6-6.
00:48:16 Jimmy.
00:48:17 Yeah, all right.
00:48:20 9-7-7-6-4-5-7-15-95.
00:48:30 Yeah.
00:48:31 You know what I'm waiting for?
00:48:34 I'm waiting for the first black president.
00:48:37 I could have manned the cat now.
00:48:39 Walks out on the inaugural day, says,
00:48:41 "Thank you very much for electing me President of the United States.
00:48:46 And I really thank you for electing me the first black President of the United States.
00:48:50 Right now I'd like to give you the State of the Union address.
00:48:54 But first, the number for today."
00:48:57 [laughter]
00:48:59 7-5-4.
00:49:03 Anybody 7-5-4?
00:49:05 Uh-huh.
00:49:06 Y'all ready?
00:49:08 They're ready.
00:49:09 All right, then.
00:49:10 I'm used to warming people up.
00:49:12 See, that's my job.
00:49:13 I just warm the crowd up.
00:49:16 And after they're at their peak of ecstasy, I bring the big one on.
00:49:20 That's my job.
00:49:22 See, I'm not the conventional type of comic.
00:49:24 I'm what they call in the business a jazz comic.
00:49:28 You see that last five minutes?
00:49:30 That was a rip.
00:49:32 [laughter]
00:49:34 But anyway, I want to bring on the big one.
00:49:42 And I guess y'all know who it is.
00:49:44 Y'all all set up?
00:49:46 They getting their thing together?
00:49:47 Because you're going to be setting up.
00:49:48 I want y'all to make them feel at home, because the man's been traveling and he's kind of tired.
00:49:52 But I want y'all to make them really feel at home.
00:49:54 Let's hear it for him.
00:49:55 Come on now.
00:49:56 Mr. B.B. King, come on.
00:49:58 [applause]
00:50:00 Reese?
00:50:12 At the apartment.
00:50:14 He's balling right now.
00:50:16 [laughter]
00:50:18 While they're getting it together,
00:50:20 I was told that some of you dudes don't know anything about blues.
00:50:23 [laughter]
00:50:25 That's what they told me.
00:50:29 So I want to say this to you.
00:50:31 I came to swap some with you.
00:50:33 I imagine quite a few of you dudes have the blues already.
00:50:36 [laughter]
00:50:38 But today--
00:50:39 [phone rings]
00:50:41 That's my signal to shut up.
00:50:43 Today being Thanksgiving,
00:50:45 this is Thanksgiving, right?
00:50:49 [laughter]
00:50:51 Thanksgiving?
00:50:52 All right.
00:50:54 Well, let me say this to you.
00:50:56 It seems like a lot of things have been happening today.
00:51:00 And when I came in, I had to sign in.
00:51:03 [laughter]
00:51:05 And I noticed one of the members of my group you seem to know very well.
00:51:13 [laughter]
00:51:15 How'd it make me feel?
00:51:17 Make me feel good because he works with me.
00:51:20 [applause]
00:51:22 [laughter]
00:51:24 [applause]
00:51:26 [music]
00:51:29 [music]
00:51:32 [music]
00:51:34 [music]
00:51:44 [music]
00:51:53 [music]
00:51:55 [music]
00:52:01 [music]
00:52:09 [music]
00:52:21 [music]
00:52:23 [laughter]
00:52:30 [music]
00:52:32 [music]
00:52:37 [music]
00:52:42 [music]
00:52:48 [music]
00:52:50 [applause]
00:52:54 I've been downhearted, baby.
00:52:58 [applause]
00:53:00 Ever since the day we met.
00:53:06 [applause]
00:53:08 I say I've been downhearted, baby.
00:53:15 [applause]
00:53:18 Ever since the day we met.
00:53:22 You know love is nothing but the blues, woman.
00:53:31 Baby, how blue can you get?
00:53:38 You're even when I'm with you, baby.
00:53:44 [applause]
00:53:47 And you are jealous when we're apart.
00:53:52 [applause]
00:53:57 I say you're even.
00:54:00 You're so even when I'm with you, baby.
00:54:06 And you are jealous when we're apart.
00:54:09 How blue can you get, baby?
00:54:15 The answer's right here in my heart.
00:54:21 I gave you a brand new phone book.
00:54:26 But you said I went and called the line.
00:54:29 I bought you a ten dollar dinner.
00:54:33 And you said thanks for the snack.
00:54:36 But you lived in my penthouse.
00:54:40 You said it was just a shack.
00:54:44 I gave you seven children.
00:54:48 And now you want to give them back.
00:54:51 [applause]
00:54:53 You say love is nothing but the blues.
00:55:10 Baby, how blue can you get?
00:55:16 [applause]
00:55:22 [music]
00:55:30 [applause]
00:55:32 Fellas, we would like to do a tune for you since today is Thanksgiving.
00:55:50 And as John said a while ago, a lot of people do care.
00:55:56 And this is our little contribution to you.
00:56:00 The title of it you'll hear in the song.
00:56:04 Someone really loves you.
00:56:09 Guess who?
00:56:19 Someone really cares.
00:56:28 Guess who?
00:56:31 Something in your heart.
00:56:38 Oh, that surely you'll see.
00:56:46 Oh, not the someone who really cares.
00:56:55 It's me.
00:56:59 [applause]
00:57:01 [music]
00:57:05 [applause]
00:57:08 [music]
00:57:10 [applause]
00:57:12 [music]
00:57:14 [applause]
00:57:16 [music]
00:57:18 [applause]
00:57:20 [music]
00:57:22 [applause]
00:57:24 [music]
00:57:26 [applause]
00:57:28 [music]
00:57:30 [applause]
00:57:32 [music]
00:57:56 Someone will wait eternally.
00:58:08 Someone who wants your love, oh, so desperately.
00:58:24 Someone in your heart.
00:58:30 Oh, that surely you'll see.
00:58:37 Oh, not the someone who really cares.
00:58:49 ♪ Who really cares is me ♪
00:58:52 (audience cheering)
00:58:57 (audience applauding)
00:59:00 (upbeat music)
00:59:02 (audience cheering)
00:59:05 (audience cheering)
00:59:08 (audience cheering)
00:59:11 (upbeat music)
00:59:36 (audience cheering)
00:59:39 ♪ All of your affection is gone, baby ♪
00:59:46 ♪ And your love is growing cold ♪
00:59:52 ♪ I say all of your affection is gone, baby ♪
01:00:02 (audience cheering)
01:00:05 (upbeat music)
01:00:07 ♪ And your love is growing cold ♪
01:00:12 ♪ Hey, but I've got a new story to tell you ♪
01:00:17 ♪ This evening, baby ♪
01:00:22 ♪ One that ain't never been told ♪
01:00:25 (audience cheering)
01:00:28 ♪ I went to work the other day ♪
01:00:33 ♪ And I thought that I'd double back ♪
01:00:37 ♪ And that car I saw sitting in the front of my door ♪
01:00:41 ♪ It looked like a brand new Caroline ♪
01:00:46 ♪ Hey ♪
01:00:52 ♪ I think you're cheating on me, baby ♪
01:00:56 ♪ I think you're cheating on me, baby ♪
01:00:59 ♪ I think you're cheating on me, baby ♪
01:01:04 ♪ Have you given me some outside help ♪
01:01:09 ♪ That I don't think I really need ♪
01:01:14 ♪ The ice man came by this morning ♪
01:01:18 ♪ And you know he didn't leave no ice ♪
01:01:22 ♪ The postman came by later, baby ♪
01:01:26 ♪ And didn't even ring twice ♪
01:01:29 ♪ I think you're cheating on me, baby ♪
01:01:41 ♪ I think you're running out on me ♪
01:01:44 ♪ I believe to my soul, baby ♪
01:01:49 ♪ That you're giving me some outside help ♪
01:01:54 ♪ That I don't think I really need ♪
01:01:59 ♪ Now I want you to tell the ice man ♪
01:02:02 ♪ The next time he better leave some ice ♪
01:02:06 ♪ And I want you to tell the postman ♪
01:02:10 ♪ He better ring more than twice ♪
01:02:14 ♪ And when I come home from work in the morning ♪
01:02:17 ♪ There better still be some groceries in the shed ♪
01:02:21 ♪ And I want you to tell that slick insurance man ♪
01:02:25 ♪ That he better ride some insurance on his head ♪
01:02:30 ♪ I think you're cheating on me, baby ♪
01:02:47 ♪ I think you're giving me some outside help ♪
01:02:51 ♪ That I don't really need ♪
01:02:55 ♪ Yeah ♪
01:02:57 (audience cheering)
01:03:00 Thank you, listen.
01:03:15 I was just told, just told by my man there.
01:03:19 That it's gonna take a little break.
01:03:22 I think he can tell you a little better than I can.
01:03:24 I don't know.
01:03:25 Come on over here with me.
01:03:29 I know I don't look like Joan Baez
01:03:31 and I ain't gonna kiss you,
01:03:32 but go ahead and tell the people what you got to tell me.
01:03:34 ♪ Hey, listen, man ♪
01:03:37 ♪ Remember that God set fire with Mikey ♪
01:03:39 ♪ And B.B. King is saying soul with himself ♪
01:03:41 ♪ Jack, here it is ♪
01:03:44 ♪ We're having a boss time, man ♪
01:03:45 ♪ We're usually having a hard time ♪
01:03:46 ♪ You don't wanna leave ♪
01:03:48 ♪ We're gonna have a 15 minute break ♪
01:03:49 ♪ And they're gonna feed you Captain Sandwiches ♪
01:03:51 ♪ That they promised you ♪
01:03:53 ♪ Then we're gonna do it again ♪
01:03:54 ♪ We ain't going nowhere ♪
01:03:56 ♪ We're gonna stay ♪
01:03:57 ♪ No way ♪
01:03:59 (audience cheering)
01:04:02 (upbeat music)
01:04:05 (audience cheering)
01:04:08 (audience cheering)
01:04:11 ♪ Hey, listen ♪
01:04:16 (audience cheering)
01:04:19 (upbeat music)
01:04:21 (audience cheering)
01:04:24 (upbeat music)
01:04:27 - Listen.
01:04:39 (audience cheering)
01:04:42 What's happening?
01:04:52 - Hey.
01:04:52 - Yo, fellas, listen up.
01:04:54 May I have it quiet a minute?
01:04:56 Everybody sit down for a minute
01:04:59 so we can get on with the show.
01:05:01 All right, fellas, let's be quiet a minute.
01:05:06 We have a problem of time.
01:05:10 Please cooperate because we have a deadline.
01:05:15 The more we can get in, the less we have to cut out.
01:05:18 Now, is this understood?
01:05:21 (dramatic music)
01:05:24 - How long you been driving the bus?
01:05:26 - Three years.
01:05:28 - Is that a choice job in here?
01:05:29 - Yep, I picked it.
01:05:30 - I've been riding this bus for a long time
01:05:33 and you seem to know a lot about the prison here.
01:05:38 How do you feel about this place?
01:05:41 - I like it.
01:05:42 Fine, got no problem.
01:05:45 - You think it's a strange job being inside a prison?
01:05:50 - No.
01:05:52 It's a prison in the mind.
01:05:54 - What happens if you don't act tough to the inmates?
01:06:00 I mean, what happens if you try and be a nice guy?
01:06:02 - I don't act tough.
01:06:03 I need to be me.
01:06:04 - But I mean, if a guy's too nice to these people,
01:06:09 what happens?
01:06:10 - Take him for a ride.
01:06:12 A bad ride.
01:06:12 Take a fool out of him.
01:06:16 - You think this place is giving some of these guys
01:06:19 a chance to get themselves back together?
01:06:23 - It is if they think right.
01:06:24 They'd sit down and look at themselves first.
01:06:28 They look at themselves and that's what this,
01:06:34 that's what time does.
01:06:36 It gives you a chance to look yourself over
01:06:38 and find out what you are.
01:06:40 Everybody shows a sad side.
01:06:44 There's a hell of a lot of humor in it too.
01:06:47 - Tell us something, the funny things you've seen.
01:06:49 - Huh?
01:06:50 - Tell me something funny that you've seen.
01:06:51 - Well, I've seen a guy in here
01:06:53 the day everybody put down his coke.
01:06:55 Used to work for me in the brush shop.
01:06:57 Used to work for me in the shop.
01:07:01 He'd laugh in the morning, laugh at night.
01:07:04 He did his time the best he could.
01:07:06 A lot of guys despised him
01:07:07 'cause he could find humor in the place.
01:07:10 - I got a little story.
01:07:11 The other day I had about four or five apples
01:07:15 in my hands and Officer Sweeney was coming down
01:07:19 and he says, "Tony, what you do with all them apples?"
01:07:22 So I said, "Well, here."
01:07:22 I threw him an apple like this, right?
01:07:26 And two days later he saw me
01:07:30 and he says to me,
01:07:33 "Well, how many, what happened to the apple?"
01:07:37 - Four worms.
01:07:38 - He had four worms.
01:07:39 So ever since then, he calls me apples.
01:07:42 Ain't that right, Officer Sweeney?
01:07:45 - Apple head.
01:07:46 - Apple head, right?
01:07:47 - Who made that?
01:07:50 - An inmate made that.
01:07:51 He laid on the floor and he traced himself.
01:07:54 He painted his likeness on it for me
01:07:57 and then he copied the stripes out of a book.
01:07:59 - Do you have that personal relationship
01:08:01 with the inmates, some of them?
01:08:03 - Oh yes, I have.
01:08:05 Inmates I've known some cases all my life.
01:08:08 I know some inmates better than I know my own family.
01:08:14 They pass the time of day.
01:08:15 I know not long ago I met an inmate
01:08:18 that he was in almost every institution I was in
01:08:22 and we used to sit and talk about the good old days.
01:08:26 It's not like this or not like that.
01:08:28 They realize prison as it is.
01:08:34 - Sing Sing is a very corrupt,
01:08:38 foul,
01:08:41 stinking,
01:08:43 so-called correctional facility.
01:08:46 It is one of the lowest,
01:08:49 dirty,
01:08:51 concentration camps New York State has devised
01:08:56 to incarcerate young men of good will and integrity.
01:09:00 Yeah, get that right.
01:09:01 - Don't worry about that.
01:09:02 - Yeah, I like to scream all the time.
01:09:06 - All right, thank you.
01:09:07 All right, Jimmy Walker.
01:09:12 (audience cheering)
01:09:15 - Now we're gonna have our finale,
01:09:17 the dynamite part of our show.
01:09:18 Y'all been waiting for it.
01:09:20 Come on, let's hear it for him.
01:09:21 You know who it is.
01:09:22 Let's welcome back the fabulous
01:09:24 Bosh's of East College, come on.
01:09:26 (audience cheering)
01:09:29 (smooth jazz music)
01:09:34, (audience cheering)
01:09:39 (smooth jazz music)
01:09:42 (audience cheering)
01:10:02 (smooth jazz music)
01:10:08 (audience cheering)
01:10:11 - Let's get together, come on.
01:10:13 (smooth jazz music)
01:10:16 (audience cheering)
01:10:19 (smooth jazz music)
01:10:22 (audience cheering)
01:10:25 (smooth jazz music)
01:10:32 (audience cheering)
01:10:40 (audience cheering)
01:10:51 (smooth jazz music)
01:10:54 ♪ Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah ♪
01:11:12 ♪ Shake a leg, shake a leg ♪
01:11:17 ♪ But I be turned on, shake a leg and go ♪
01:11:20 ♪ Shake it out of me, shake, shake it out of me ♪
01:11:23 ♪ All that I can do, all that I can do ♪
01:11:26 ♪ I be your muse, I be your pose ♪
01:11:29 ♪ I be your demon, I be your man ♪
01:11:32 ♪ I tell my true, I tell my true ♪
01:11:35 ♪ How he behave, how he behave ♪
01:11:38 ♪ How he behave, how he behave ♪
01:11:41 ♪ How he behave, how he behave ♪
01:11:45 (audience cheering)
01:11:48 (smooth jazz music)
01:11:51 ♪ Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah ♪
01:12:02 ♪ Run, shake a leg, run, shake a leg ♪
01:12:06 ♪ Run, shake a leg, run, shake a leg ♪
01:12:08 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:12:11 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:12:14 ♪ Clap your hands, do you feel good ♪
01:12:17 ♪ Clap your hands, clap your hands ♪
01:12:20 ♪ Clap your hands, clap your hands ♪
01:12:22 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:12:25 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:12:28 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:12:31 ♪ Do you feel good, say yes ♪
01:12:34 ♪ Do you feel good, say yes ♪
01:12:37 ♪ Do you feel good, say yes ♪
01:12:40 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:12:43 ♪ Clap your hands, clap your hands ♪
01:12:45 ♪ Clap your hands, clap your hands ♪
01:12:48 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:12:53 ♪ All in my hands, I feel good ♪
01:12:56 ♪ All in my feet, I feel good ♪
01:12:59 ♪ All over my body, I feel good ♪
01:13:02 ♪ All over my body, I feel good ♪
01:13:05 ♪ All in my hands, I feel good ♪
01:13:08 ♪ All in my feet, I feel good ♪
01:13:11 ♪ All in my hands, I feel good ♪
01:13:14 ♪ All in my feet, I feel good ♪
01:13:17 ♪ All over my body, I feel good ♪
01:13:20 ♪ All over my body, I feel good ♪
01:13:23 ♪ I feel good, I feel good ♪
01:13:26 ♪ All in my hands, I feel good ♪
01:13:30 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:13:33 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:13:36 ♪ Do you feel good, clap your hands ♪
01:13:39 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:13:42 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:13:45 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:13:48 ♪ Do you feel good, do you feel good ♪
01:13:51 ♪ I feel good, I feel good ♪
01:13:54 ♪ I feel good, I feel good ♪
01:13:58 (upbeat music)
01:14:01 - Voice of people!
01:14:07 Voice of people, let's go!
01:14:09 (audience cheering)
01:14:35 Come on, let's hear it for BB King!
01:14:38 Let's hear it for Joe Biden!
01:14:40 Let's hear it for the voices of these people!
01:14:44 Let's go, let's go, let's go!
01:14:47 (audience cheering)
01:14:50 Let's go, let's go, let's go!
01:14:52 (audience cheering)
01:14:55 Let's go!
01:14:56 (audience cheering)
01:14:59 (upbeat music)
01:15:03 Thanks a lot, and many thanks to Joe Biden!
01:15:07 For Joe Biden!
01:15:09 For Joe Biden!
01:15:11 (audience cheering)
01:15:13 Let's hear it for the voice of these people!
01:15:15 The voices of these people!
01:15:17 (upbeat music)
01:15:19 I can't hear you, let's go!
01:15:22 (audience cheering)
01:15:25 For everybody, for everybody!
01:15:28 For everybody, for everybody!
01:15:31 (audience cheering)
01:15:34 Come on, man, come on!
01:15:36 (speaking in foreign language)
01:15:40 Hey, listen, that's about it, fellas.
01:15:44 I'll get that for you.
01:15:46 (audience chattering)
01:15:49 Hey, fellas, we got a card right now, like it's all over.
01:15:54 Did you take it?
01:15:55 Hey, something's gotta end, you know.
01:15:58 So, right, later, see you at chop,
01:16:02 and all that type of thing, you know.
01:16:04 On the lock-in, back in, you know.
01:16:07 Tomorrow, same old thing.
01:16:09 From son to son, right.
01:16:13 Hey, listen, hey, you cats man, tremendous, Jack.
01:16:19 Hey, listen, Sonny, from the voices of these homes,
01:16:23 you back there?
01:16:25 That's Cindy, huh?
01:16:27 And you wanted an autograph from Cindy.
01:16:29 You're in love with Cindy, you're the one.
01:16:31 We know, we know, solid, we'll tell Cindy.
01:16:35 My man got 28 days, he want me to let Cindy know what's happening.
01:16:39 Hey, Cindy, you got 28 days left, and it's all over.
01:16:43 You know, society will say he is no longer guilty,
01:16:47 he paid his debt to society.
01:16:49 Power to the people, man.
01:16:51 Right, yeah.
01:16:54 People outside have a negative attitude.
01:16:58 They say, well, they're animals, and they should be in a cage.
01:17:02 We are in a cage, man.
01:17:05 We are in a cage.
01:17:07 I know what it is, man, to be in a place like this, with nothing.
01:17:10 Wife, kids, family, no one to contact, man.
01:17:15 All we ask, man, is to be treated like human beings.
01:17:20 Don't treat us like an animal, because we are not animals.
01:17:22 The fact that we're in a cage don't make us an animal.
01:17:26 We have feelings, we have emotions.
01:17:29 And we can relate to you if you relate to us.
01:17:33 As a matter of fact, we want to relate to you.
01:17:35 Do you want to relate to us?
01:17:37 Give me a hand.
01:17:39 Show me that because I have a record, you're not going to fire me.
01:17:46 That because I have a record, you're not going to deny me the right to work in a bar,
01:17:51 or own an automobile, or own a house, or go into business, go into contracts.
01:17:57 Help me.
01:17:59 That's what I'm asking for.
01:18:00 Give me a hand, and lead me the right way, so I don't have to come back again.
01:18:06 Because as long as you keep your back to me, I'm going to keep on coming to prison.
01:18:13 Not only me, but other inmates.
01:18:17 Any more questions?
01:18:19 That was it.
01:18:21 [Gunshots]
01:18:50 [Music]
01:18:59 Sing, sing, arsoning, what a thing to be.
01:19:07 A thousand men, locking that pen on a winter's day.
01:19:13 With a sky so gray that the heavens froze.
01:19:17 The front gate closed on the river outside.
01:19:21 Of the wall so high, and the stone so cold.
01:19:25 But the men so bold, that when the tears rose to my eyes,
01:19:32 I broke right down and cried.
01:19:41 [Music]
01:19:47 For I know full well, in those cells, where dreary hells go by,
01:19:55 they're serving time for you and I.
01:19:59 So when we walk by, suspicious eyes that will not cry,
01:20:06 might ask us why we love them not.
01:20:10 At all.
01:20:17 [Music]
01:20:22 Sing, sing, BB King, the voices of East Harlem.
01:20:29 A thousand men, rose from their chairs, fist in the air.
01:20:35 While the music blared, and the visitors shared,
01:20:39 the joy that bared, as emotions flared.
01:20:43 And freedom's heirs, turned to declare,
01:20:47 you can't keep men in cages.
01:20:56 [Music]