Joe Wilson Warns ‘War Criminal Putin’ Or The CCP Could Be Funding US Universities

  • 4 months ago
On Tuesday, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) questioned DOE Secretary Miquel Cardona on the funding of U.S. high education institutions durign a House Education and the Workforce Committee hearing.

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00:00 Thank you, Mr. Courtney.
00:01 Mr. Wilson, you're recognized for five minutes.
00:04 Thank you, Madam Chairman.
00:05 And, Ms. Secretary, I, my wife's a teacher.
00:08 I just have such a high regard for the education profession.
00:12 That's why I want it to be local.
00:14 I believe in local elected school boards.
00:16 I did not favor the creation of the Department of Education.
00:20 Every effort of devolution back to the states,
00:23 we've got a great Superintendent, Ellen Weaver,
00:25 in my home state of South Carolina.
00:28 Every way to send it back to elected school boards
00:31 is what should be done.
00:32 Every school district is different.
00:34 And every community is different within the school districts.
00:37 And so the federal government just cannot possibly
00:40 understand or address the issues properly.
00:43 With that in mind, another issue, of course,
00:45 that you've just referenced,
00:46 with Section 117 of the Higher Education Act
00:49 requires institutions of higher education
00:52 that receive federal financial assistance
00:55 to disclose semi-annually
00:57 to the U.S. Department of Education
00:58 any gifts received and any contracts
01:01 with a foreign source that alone or combined
01:04 are valued at $250,000 or more in a calendar year.
01:08 Your administration has decided to move
01:10 this Section 117 enforcement
01:12 to the Federal Student Office of Federal Student Aid,
01:16 which has already overworked.
01:18 What is the status of these reports?
01:21 And this is really critical
01:22 because we've got dictatorships today,
01:25 whether it be war criminal Putin,
01:27 it could be the Chinese Communist Party,
01:29 it could be, we know, the regime in Tehran.
01:34 All are trying to, through disinformation,
01:37 destroy our country.
01:39 And so what's being done to try to stop any disinformation?
01:44 Thank you for that question, Congressman.
01:46 And first of all, happy Teacher Appreciation Week
01:48 to your wife and to all the teachers across the country.
01:53 You know, Section 117 is a very important section
01:55 and we take the responsibility
01:58 of communicating gifts very seriously.
02:00 We've reported close to 39,000 foreign gifts
02:05 worth $21 billion already.
02:08 We believe that transparency is critical.
02:11 And having it move under FSA
02:13 allows us to do that more succinctly.
02:16 As you know, we're a member
02:17 of the FBI's National Counterintelligence Task Force.
02:21 We communicate regularly to ensure
02:22 that the law enforcement armed or the investigation arms
02:26 are informed with information that we have.
02:29 So that system is working well,
02:30 and I agree with you that we need to protect our schools
02:33 from foreign influence.
02:34 And you don't have to do this right now,
02:36 but I would like a question, I would like, for the record,
02:40 if you could get back with me,
02:41 as to what is the status
02:42 of maintaining these quarterly reports?
02:44 Okay.
02:45 This is just critically important
02:46 because it's so sad at Yale, Stanford, and Harvard,
02:51 and in particular, there have been countless examples
02:53 of raging anti-Semitism on the campus.
02:56 These schools also had Section 117 investigations
02:59 under the Trump administration.
03:01 Your department has opened Title VI
03:04 of the Civil Rights Act's investigations
03:06 into these schools in the last few months.
03:08 And we again see dictatorships trying to impact
03:12 the American people as they're trying to promote
03:15 their totalitarian, authoritarian view of the world.
03:19 And we've just got to be prepared.
03:21 And are you coordinating the Open 117 investigations
03:24 with the Open Title VI investigations?
03:28 Thank you for that question.
03:30 We have, as you know, a significant increase
03:33 in Title VI investigations.
03:35 Since October 7th attacks alone,
03:38 over 100 new cases that we have,
03:41 which is why we're asking for an increase
03:44 to make sure that we have enough investigators
03:46 to move on these cases.
03:47 We take into account,
03:49 depending on the investigation request,
03:53 we take into account many different factors.
03:55 So while not speaking generically,
03:58 I can tell you that our Office for Civil Rights
04:00 does take into account different factors
04:02 when requests come in for investigation.
04:05 Well, I'm really greatly concerned.
04:07 The FBI, Commissioner Ray, Director Ray,
04:12 has warned that an attack is imminent here,
04:16 or attacks are imminent across our country,
04:18 and they can be facilitated
04:20 by not acting against these anti-Semites who,
04:23 hey, from the river to the sea,
04:26 that's just a code for murder of the people of Israel.
04:31 And we know that the Hamas covenant of August 18, 1988
04:36 provides Section 7,
04:38 that you chase every Jew behind a rock and tree
04:40 until you find the last Jew,
04:43 and then with the last Jew behind a rock, you...
04:46 (chanting)
04:54 And let...
04:56 (chanting)
04:58 And let me restate and make clear,
05:01 because all of God's children should know,
05:04 and that is that Section 7 of the Hamas covenant
05:07 calls for chasing every Jew behind a rock or tree
05:11 until you find the last Jew behind a rock and you kill him.
05:15 And so it should be known by all Americans,
05:18 and this should not be misunderstood.
05:20 With that, I yield back.
05:22 -Thank you, Mr. Wilson.
