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Finding himself trapped in a cabin in the woods with his white friends, Jay makes a call to a mysterious organization.

"Don't Die First" by Daniel B Foster

#ALTER #horror #shortfilm

Connect with the Filmmakers:

More About "Don't Die First":
Finding himself trapped in a cabin in the woods with his white friends, Jay makes a call to a mysterious organization. The film follows first responders who work at a call line for black people when they realize they are in horror movie situations.

"Don't Die First" Credits:
Directed By Daniel Foster
Written by Daniel Foster & Greg Griffin
Produced by Tierney Drach

Director of Photography Brendan Grant

Composed by Connor Griffin

Angel Maurnaé
Rechard Francois
Shane Liburd
Laurence Butler

Sound Design- Brendan Grant, Greg Griffin
Coloring - Brendan Grant
VFX Supervisor - Sultan Alkazmi

Costume Designer - Anna Nicole Bair

An Unchained Media & Little Black Cloud Production

About ALTER:
ALTER is an ever-expanding platform for the most daring storytellers in the world of horror. We are a home, community and launching pad for our filmmakers. Slip into the dark, disturbing corners of cutting-edge horror.

Filmmakers should visit https://filmfreeway.com/alterdustsubmissions to submit your horror shorts. (Only completed horror shorts will be considered. Unsolicited scripts or pitches will be immediately deleted without review.)

Watch more: https://goo.gl/yvB7EM
Website: watchalter.com
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Sign-up for ALTER newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dChYXb

About Gunpowder + Sky:
Creating content that resonates and impacts pop culture conversation, by empowering creators to take risks and experiment relentlessly in the pursuit of novel stories and formats.

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