• last year
The Ultimate Laughing Riot is back again with more fun and comedy than ever before with Bulbulay season 2 having new situations, new interactions, new instances, and new consequences.

Written By Saba Hassan
Directed By Rana Rizwan

Ayesha Omar,
Hina Dilpazeer,
Mehmood Aslam,
Ashraf Khan,
Shagufta Ejaz.

#bulbulayseason2 #comedy #ARYDigital
#arydrama #AshrafKhan #NabeelZafar #AyeshaOmar #HinaDilpazeer #arydigital #MahmoodAslam #ShaguftaEjaz #entertainment


00:00 *music*
00:12 Hey Jameel, find out about your father.
00:15 It's been a year and he hasn't returned.
00:18 It's not a year, it's been a week, Maa ji.
00:21 But dear, you said he was gone for two days.
00:23 Now he's not even picking up the phone.
00:24 Oh, I'm having that feeling in my heart.
00:26 I'm also feeling very dangerous, Maa ji.
00:29 What do you mean?
00:30 I mean, maybe Mahmood sir has been eaten by a wild animal.
00:39 No!
00:41 Until we find his body, we'll have his funeral prayers performed.
00:46 What stupid things are you saying, Nabeel?
00:48 Mahmood sir will come.
00:49 Maa ji, you just pray.
00:51 He'll come, nothing will happen to him.
00:52 Nabeel, I think you should go to the village to find him.
00:56 Janoo, I won't go to the village.
00:59 I have very important meetings tomorrow and day after.
01:02 Shut up, Nabeel.
01:03 It's okay, Janoo.
01:05 Maa ji, don't worry.
01:06 Don't worry, Maa ji.
01:07 Control yourself.
01:08 Oh, five missed calls.
01:11 Rane has done a lot of work.
01:13 Jauji Begum, Jauji Begum.
01:15 It's a disaster.
01:16 What news have you brought for me?
01:18 What can I tell you, Jauji Begum?
01:19 It's been a week since Mahmood sir returned.
01:22 I know that.
01:23 And Nabeel was talking about a funeral prayer.
01:27 Oh, I'm dead.
01:29 No, no.
01:30 Mahmood sir was such a nice man.
01:33 He used to bring sugar and mela every time.
01:36 Jauji Begum, Mr. Musaqeem.
01:38 Hello.
01:39 Hello.
01:41 You are alive, Mahmood sir.
01:43 Yes, I'm alive.
01:44 I'm in front of you.
01:46 Get up.
01:47 Get up.
01:48 I've become fat.
01:51 And I've become fat by eating desi food.
01:59 Jauji ji, you are amazing.
02:04 Obviously, after returning from the village, one becomes fat.
02:08 Yes, I can see that.
02:10 I can feel it by looking at your face.
02:13 It seems like you've found great happiness after returning from the village.
02:16 Forget all this, Mr. Musaqeem.
02:19 One minute.
02:21 I've brought a small gift for you from the village.
02:27 It's very small.
02:29 But I'll keep it for your happiness.
02:33 Jauji Begum.
02:35 It's for both of you.
02:37 You both fight.
02:38 I'll meet you upstairs.
02:39 Okay.
02:40 Jauji Begum, guess what's inside this?
02:43 Nabeel, call someone.
02:45 Call a relative and ask where Mahmood sir is.
02:49 Maa ji is very upset.
02:50 Even I'm getting upset, dear.
02:52 Earlier, I didn't even know about time.
02:54 I used to spend the whole day hitting my shoes on his face.
02:59 I get bored listening to your 'Shut up, shut up'.
03:02 Shut up, Nabeel.
03:03 Again, shut up, Jauji.
03:04 Nabeel, beautiful.
03:06 How are you, Mahmood sir?
03:10 What's this, Mahmood sir?
03:12 No phone call, no address, no good news.
03:14 Maa ji is very upset with you.
03:16 I thought you got stuck in a river.
03:20 I was absolutely fine.
03:22 I didn't get time to go there.
03:25 And my mobile phone was also damaged.
03:27 I got it fixed on my way back.
03:30 Forget it.
03:31 I got this for you.
03:33 Wait a minute.
03:35 This small box is for you.
03:37 It's a gift.
03:39 And for my daughter-in-law,
03:41 this big box is for you.
03:43 You guys enjoy.
03:45 I'll go and convince my mom.
03:48 Yes, yes.
03:52 Oh, my love.
03:54 Mahmood sir has given me his palace
03:56 in the last 14 years.
03:58 This man got me a gift.
04:00 I think something is fishy.
04:02 I think I should listen to him.
04:05 No, Nabeel. It's a big deal.
04:07 Where did he go?
04:11 Hello, mom.
04:14 Why are you getting upset?
04:16 I'm here now.
04:18 I'm so old, Mr. Mustaqeem.
04:22 What? Old?
04:24 Shut up.
04:25 Why am I old in this youth?
04:27 I'm so old.
04:29 What?
04:30 Mom, listen to me.
04:32 I can't bear your anger.
04:34 I'm very weak.
04:37 Yes, yes. Weak.
04:38 I'm so weak.
04:40 Forget it.
04:42 I'll give you such a news
04:44 that you'll be fine in minutes.
04:46 Really?
04:47 Are you going to be a father again?
04:49 What are you saying, mom?
04:51 Is this something to talk about?
04:52 Listen to me carefully.
04:54 My ancestral land in the village
04:57 has been sold.
04:59 And I've got my share.
05:01 Where is the share, Ashfaq?
05:03 Wait, wait.
05:04 Mom, look at this.
05:06 Look at this.
05:08 A million rupees.
05:11 A million rupees.
05:14 Mom, even walls have ears.
05:17 And hands?
05:18 Not hands, just ears.
05:20 How will I itch my ears
05:22 if I don't have hands?
05:23 Oh, listen to me carefully.
05:26 Don't tell anyone about this at home.
05:29 This should only be between you and me.
05:32 I swear on your head, I won't tell anyone.
05:36 Great.
05:38 Now I'll take you around.
05:41 Really?
05:42 Yes.
05:44 I'll handle this.
05:46 I'll handle it.
05:47 No, no, you leave it.
05:48 I'll handle it.
05:49 Okay.
05:50 Okay.
05:51 Tell me where you're taking me.
05:54 Today, I'll book two tickets
06:00 for myself and mom for Dubai.
06:02 I'll call the travel agent.
06:05 Whose call is this?
06:11 Hello?
06:12 Hello?
06:13 Yes, I've kept the money safely.
06:16 Yes, I've kept it safely.
06:18 It's under my wardrobe.
06:22 Hello?
06:23 But who are you?
06:25 Not my name, but my work.
06:27 I've kidnapped 30 people.
06:30 Oh, you're a wrestler.
06:34 I've kidnapped them.
06:37 What?
06:39 Yes, I've killed 12 of them.
06:42 Why?
06:44 They were not paying me.
06:46 I killed them.
06:47 What do you want from me?
06:49 You sold your land, right?
06:51 I just want 10 lakhs.
06:53 What?
06:54 What did you say?
06:56 Hello?
06:57 Hello?
06:58 Hello?
06:59 I can't hear you.
07:02 Oh, no.
07:04 I didn't come from Punjab for you.
07:07 You tell me.
07:09 I've sworn on my aunt.
07:11 I won't tell anyone.
07:12 That's too much.
07:13 You've done a very bad thing.
07:17 You're scaring me on the phone.
07:19 What are you saying?
07:21 You're fine, right?
07:22 I wake up and see you all of a sudden.
07:25 I get goose bumps.
07:27 Then whose call was it?
07:30 What call?
07:32 Someone has just threatened me on the phone.
07:35 And that person has killed 12 people.
07:38 Yes, Ishfaq.
07:39 Give me the things you've brought from the village.
07:41 Otherwise, I wouldn't have followed you.
07:44 Mom, I've distributed the gifts I've brought from the village.
07:49 Ma'am, at least listen to the phone.
07:54 Yes, yes.
07:56 Pick it up.
07:57 Yes, I'm picking it up.
07:58 Hello?
08:01 You've cut my phone.
08:03 You've got 7 days time.
08:05 If you don't pay me, I'll kill you.
08:09 Ma'am, please clear the room.
08:13 He's saying that he'll kill me.
08:16 I don't want any fight in this house.
08:19 I'm telling you.
08:20 How can anyone kill you?
08:23 Call Mr. Bhatt.
08:25 What happened, dear?
08:26 Why are you calling Mr. Bhatt in every episode?
08:28 Shut up, Naveen.
08:29 Ma'am, call Mr. Bhatt.
08:31 Yes, that's right.
08:33 Call him.
08:34 Yes, yes.
08:35 Hello, Mr. Bhatt?
08:39 Hello?
08:48 You've called the police?
08:49 Don't you love your life?
08:51 No, no, no.
08:53 I haven't called the police.
08:55 Stop your nonsense.
08:56 I know everything.
08:57 First, I'll kidnap the kid.
08:59 Then I'll take 1 crore from you.
09:02 But you demanded 10 lakhs.
09:05 That was before calling the police.
09:07 Not now.
09:08 Now, I'll go to Shamad with you.
09:11 Hang up.
09:12 Hello?
09:14 I'm here.
09:17 Now tell me.
09:18 Who was it?
09:20 I don't know, Mr. Bhatt.
09:21 Some blackmailer.
09:22 First, he was asking me to give him 10 lakhs.
09:24 Now, he's asking me to give him 1 crore.
09:26 Otherwise, I'll kill you.
09:28 1 crore?
09:29 You should've told him that you're a poor man.
09:32 A poor man with a pension.
09:35 I'm not a poor man anymore.
09:38 I'm selling my land in the village.
09:42 I'm getting my share of 1 crore.
09:45 1 crore?
09:46 Speak softly, Mr. Bhatt.
09:48 I didn't tell anyone at home.
09:50 Except for Momo.
09:51 And now, I'm in trouble.
09:54 Mr. Bhatt, help me.
09:57 Don't worry, Mr. Mahmood.
09:59 I'll send you a security guard.
10:03 He won't move from your side.
10:05 He'll keep an eye on you.
10:07 You just have to give him 50,000.
10:09 50,000 for a security guard?
10:12 No, no.
10:13 You have to give me 50,000.
10:15 I'll give him 10,000 out of that.
10:17 Okay, fine.
10:20 But, Mr. Bhatt, don't tell anyone about this land.
10:25 Okay, fine.
10:27 Don't worry.
10:28 Okay, fine.
10:29 Don't tell anyone.
10:32 Don't tell anyone about the money.
10:34 I'll be safe.
10:36 I'm here for Mr. Mahmood's security.
10:38 Mr. Mahmood, what's wrong with you?
10:41 You called a security guard for a mad man?
10:45 Mr. Bhatt sent me.
10:48 He's not a mad man.
10:50 He's a murderer.
10:53 I don't understand.
10:55 What do you have that you're getting a call like this?
10:58 You're right, Mr. Mustaqeem.
11:01 I never had a few hundred rupees in my pocket.
11:06 You don't know.
11:08 He has a lot.
11:10 I mean, I have a lot of money.
11:14 That's good.
11:15 He's here for security.
11:18 He'll bring a small deal.
11:21 I'm not your servant.
11:22 I give high-level security.
11:24 He'll ask me before talking to anyone.
11:26 He'll ask me before eating anything.
11:28 He'll ask me before drinking anything.
11:30 He'll ask me before going to the bathroom.
11:33 You're not his mother.
11:36 He's a death threat.
11:37 The enemy can attack him from anywhere.
11:39 He shouldn't even be sitting in the open.
11:41 Let's go to the room.
11:42 Yes, let's go.
11:44 Let's go, sir.
11:45 Move.
11:46 He took the newspaper.
11:50 Like a rat takes the mouse.
11:52 Where?
11:58 My father is inside.
12:00 He's your stepfather.
12:01 You can kill him.
12:03 Are you in your senses?
12:04 I want to talk to Mr. Mehmood.
12:06 Write it down. He'll read it.
12:10 Move.
12:12 Why?
12:13 I brought tea.
12:14 What's in it?
12:15 Sugar, milk and leaves.
12:16 And poison?
12:17 Why would I give poison to Mr. Mehmood?
12:19 It's my job to check.
12:21 Give it to me.
12:22 You're alive, right?
12:26 The milk is less.
12:30 Next time, milk and leaves.
12:32 Add more.
12:33 I want to meet Ishfanq.
12:35 Mr. Mehmood is inside.
12:36 Let him in.
12:40 I'll shoot you if you come one step closer.
12:42 If anyone comes out of this room,
12:44 it won't be good.
12:45 Because this is a high security zone.
12:47 She's my wife.
12:49 Let her in.
12:50 I'll shoot you if you come one step closer.
12:53 Come on.
12:54 I'm going.
12:56 Ever since the security guy came,
13:00 you guys are always with us.
13:03 Go upstairs to your portion.
13:05 Why are you disturbing us?
13:06 Ever since the guard came,
13:08 he's not letting anyone come upstairs.
13:09 Let's go upstairs and take out the gun.
13:11 He's not letting me meet Nawaan.
13:13 I don't know what state he's in.
13:16 He's doubting us.
13:18 What can we do about Mr. Mehmood?
13:20 He's in jail.
13:22 If we all go together,
13:23 he'll be in trouble.
13:24 He'll take the food with him.
13:26 He's been hungry since morning.
13:29 That's a good idea.
13:31 Let's go together and explain to him.
13:34 That's not a big deal.
13:36 I explain everything so well.
13:40 I've explained it once.
13:42 I've explained it until today.
13:44 Let's go.
13:45 Let's go.
13:46 Let's take the food from the kitchen.
13:48 Let's take the food for Mr. Mehmood.
13:50 Let's take the food from the kitchen.
13:52 Hello?
14:03 So, you'll hide in the room?
14:06 Will I be able to kill you?
14:08 I'll break the wall and come to kill you.
14:11 You won't be able to escape now.
14:13 I'll cut you into pieces.
14:15 I'll take the entire 1 crore.
14:18 1 crore?
14:21 This idiot will come out of nowhere.
14:26 What should I do?
14:28 I'll call Mr. Mehmood once again.
14:32 He's not answering.
14:36 Hello?
14:37 Hello, Mr. Mehmood?
14:39 I'll kill you.
14:40 Don't you dare.
14:41 Move aside.
14:43 Let me feed my father.
14:45 Mr. Mehmood can't eat anything until I eat it.
14:48 Have it quickly.
14:49 We've mixed something in it.
14:51 What?
14:52 Ghee.
14:53 Okay.
14:54 Give it to me.
14:55 Let's go.
14:57 Let's go to the other side.
14:58 There's no world.
15:00 Let's go.
15:06 Let's go to the other side.
15:07 There's no world.
15:09 Let's go.
15:11 You just had to check.
15:17 Let's go.
15:19 Let's go to the other side.
15:21 Let's go to the other side.
15:23 Let's go.
15:25 Let's go.
15:27 You ate all the food.
15:33 What will Mr. Mehmood eat now?
15:35 I have to guard the house.
15:37 If something happens to him, I'll be responsible.
15:40 Move.
15:41 Sir.
15:42 What's this?
15:44 You sent a mad man for security.
15:47 He's not letting me meet Mr. Mehmood.
15:49 I haven't seen him for a long time.
15:51 What's the matter?
15:53 You're still alive.
15:55 Open the door.
15:56 Go inside.
15:57 Stand here and talk.
15:58 The situation is delicate.
15:59 You can get shot from anywhere.
16:01 Stop talking nonsense.
16:02 Move aside.
16:03 Yes, sir.
16:05 Come with me.
16:07 Come with me.
16:09 Come with me.
16:11 Come with me.
16:13 Hey!
16:15 Don't kill me.
16:17 Give me all my money.
16:19 Spare my life.
16:21 Mr. Mehmood.
16:23 You don't have to give me all the money.
16:27 Just give me Rs. 1 lakh.
16:29 I'll bring the mad man and throw him at your feet.
16:32 I'll give you Rs. 2 lakh.
16:35 Get me out of this.
16:37 So that I can get rid of this security guy.
16:40 Don't worry.
16:42 Listen to me carefully.
16:44 Whenever he calls,
16:46 you have to talk long.
16:48 So that I can trace his location.
16:51 Don't worry.
16:59 I'll catch the blackmailer.
17:01 Until then, you cooperate with the security guy.
17:04 Security guy will kill Mr. Mehmood.
17:08 He won't let us eat or drink.
17:11 I don't understand why anyone wants to kill Mr. Mehmood.
17:16 He's a simple man.
17:17 He doesn't have money or property.
17:20 He has sold his property.
17:22 What property?
17:24 He has sold his land and has Rs. 1 crore.
17:27 I have Rs. 1 crore in my car.
17:30 Oh, my God!
17:32 You hid such a big thing from us.
17:35 It means that the guy who is calling Mr. Mehmood,
17:38 he knows that he has so much money.
17:41 Yes, that's why he's after him.
17:43 He has threatened that if he doesn't get the money,
17:47 he can bomb the house.
17:49 That means, he'll bomb my house.
17:53 Let's go.
17:54 We'll rob the house.
17:56 Why are you panicking?
17:59 My team is ready.
18:01 We'll catch him soon.
18:03 I'm going.
18:04 Call me if anything happens.
18:06 Okay, sir.
18:07 There's Rs. 1 crore in this house.
18:11 Why isn't he calling me?
18:14 Call him.
18:17 Call him now.
18:18 He's calling.
18:21 Hello.
18:24 What have you decided?
18:26 Money or death?
18:28 I thought I'll give you the money.
18:31 Well done.
18:32 You saved your life.
18:34 Now, take the entire Rs. 1 crore and bring it to the place I told you.
18:38 Look, I have a lot of pain in my joints.
18:41 I can't walk much.
18:43 You come and take the money from me.
18:45 Do you think I'm mad?
18:47 That I come there and you call the police?
18:50 No, no.
18:51 What are you saying?
18:53 I run away from the police.
18:56 If they come, they'll take the money.
19:00 I'm not coming anywhere.
19:02 You'll have to come.
19:04 Let me think.
19:08 Where should I come with the money?
19:14 Come to the CVO.
19:17 No, no.
19:18 The CVO is very windy.
19:21 I'll catch a cold.
19:23 I had a cold last week.
19:25 Then come to the park in front of your house.
19:27 No, no.
19:29 There are so many mosquitoes there.
19:33 That place is not safe.
19:35 Then tell me where I should come to get the money.
19:39 Do one thing.
19:41 Come outside my house.
19:43 That will be fine.
19:45 I'll give you a tip of Rs. 100-200 for your return.
19:48 Do I look like a beggar to you?
19:50 Don't you dare bring it from your place.
19:52 Hello, Mr. Butt.
19:55 Hello.
19:57 I think I've caught you.
20:00 You're a coward.
20:02 Congratulations.
20:06 The blackmailer has been caught.
20:08 Congratulations.
20:10 Thank God, Mr. Butt has arrested a criminal on time.
20:14 But Mr. Mehmood, you didn't do the right thing by hiding the money.
20:19 We're family.
20:21 You should have shared some of it.
20:23 No problem.
20:25 I'll share it.
20:27 You should have thought about the rights of the land and the house.
20:31 You're all beggars.
20:33 You're all standing in front of your husband and wife.
20:37 You don't have to give that to anyone.
20:39 What?
20:41 The big one.
20:43 You're talking about the mouth.
20:45 You don't have to give it to anyone.
20:47 Until Mr. Butt confirms it, you stay away from him.
20:49 Mr. Butt, you didn't tell me.
20:52 I'll tell you.
20:53 I think I've caught you.
20:55 Let's go to the police station.
20:57 What did I do? Why should I go to the police station?
20:59 You say this in every episode.
21:01 You don't have to go to the police station.
21:03 It's possible, Nabil.
21:04 You're taking him for identification.
21:06 Not for identification.
21:08 His partner has revealed everything.
21:10 He was calling me because he told me to.
21:13 Bring the criminal.
21:15 Come on.
21:17 Sir, I'm not a criminal.
21:19 I'm the cameraman of Bulbul.
21:21 Nabil said that if he does a good job,
21:23 I'll give him an acting chance along with the camera.
21:26 What?
21:27 I'll also give him a share in the money I get from Mr. Mehmood.
21:30 Shame on you, Nabil.
21:32 Very, very shame.
21:34 Mr. Butt, take this disgusting man to the police station.
21:38 Let's go to the police station.
21:40 Not the lodge.
21:43 "Let's go, my friend, let's go to the other side."
21:46 "There is no world, oh, bubble."
21:49 "Let's go, my friend, let's go to the other side."
21:52 "There is no world, oh, bubble."
21:55 "Let's go, my friend, let's go to the other side."
22:01 "There is no world, oh, bubble."
22:08 "Let's go, my friend, let's go to the other side."
22:12 "There is no world, oh, bubble."
22:15 "Let's go, my friend, let's go to the other side."
22:21 "There is no world, oh, bubble."
22:28 ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪