• l’année dernière


00:00 [Musique]
00:08 Oh Noah, je me suis juste donné une leçon de peinture sur le corps d'un mammoth.
00:13 Pouvons-nous regarder votre père's vieux Mapsolome?
00:16 Je veux savoir exactement où nous sommes.
00:18 [Musique]
00:25 Alors, où exactement sommes-nous?
00:29 Juste là-bas.
00:31 Et Diamantina?
00:33 Là-bas.
00:35 C'est le plus rapide de la route vers Cape Horn.
00:37 Cape Horn? C'est très neigeux là-bas Noah.
00:41 Pourquoi ne pas juste passer vers l'Afrique?
00:44 Chaque jour extrait augmente le danger pour nous.
00:47 Bien, j'ai décidé. Cape Horn, c'est ce qu'il va être.
00:50 C'est à toi Noah. Tu es le capitaine.
00:53 [Musique]
01:02 Oh! 10/10!
01:06 C'est un style brillant!
01:09 Je suis fière de toi, corps de mammoth.
01:13 [Musique]
01:28 Tu vas bien, Juste là.
01:31 Tu es bien serré.
01:33 Sursautes si nous approchons des rochers.
01:36 [Musique]
01:58 Nous sommes en grand trouble.
02:00 Quelle idée stupide était-ce?
02:02 [Cri]
02:04 [Musique]
02:10 Struz, Noah! Nous sommes en train de sauver le Wombat dans une boîte de carton là-bas!
02:15 Allons-y de retour où nous venons!
02:18 Non, chef d'ingénieur. Nous devons avoir le maximum de puissance.
02:22 Oh, Ski, ce soir avec les poissons, je vais dormir.
02:26 Capitaine Ski, pourquoi fais-tu ça à moi?
02:29 [Musique]
02:56 Va dehors, Nab, et prends le rapport de Jasper.
02:59 Vite, je suis en train de te relier.
03:01 [Musique]
03:12 Regarde, Noah, je n'ai jamais parlé contre toi, mais tu es en train de faire la mauvaise chose.
03:17 Nous devons y retourner.
03:19 Rockwell a raison, n'est-ce pas?
03:21 Noah est parti, Marge, tu vois?
03:23 Allez, Noah, retournons où nous venons sans plus de disputes!
03:28 Noah, Noah, que fais-tu? L'île est en train de se débrouiller. Il n'y a pas de paume à laisser de la place ici.
03:39 Je pense qu'on devrait en parler à Im. Im est un monstre de plus que le peu de puissance.
03:45 [Cri]
03:47 Merci, Im.
03:48 Non, Im n'est pas avec toi, Noah.
03:51 Im Hinford.
03:53 Clairement, si je peux le paraphraser, Noah doit être envoyé en tant que capitaine.
03:59 Noah, mes chiens et moi, eh bien, moi, Reg, devons enfin assumer ma position de leader,
04:06 capitaine, directeur de gouvernement, chef d'exécutif de Noah's, ah, ah, Reg's, île.
04:13 Trois acclamations pour le capitaine Reg!
04:16 [Cris]
04:18 [Musique]
04:27 [Cris]
04:31 [Bruit de l'eau]
04:37 [Cris]
04:42 [Musique]
04:52 [Musique]
05:02 [Musique]
05:18 [Cris]
05:21 [Musique]
05:33 Oh, Noah, Noah!
05:37 Now you've gone and done it, you blinkin' polar twitter-falerious bear!
05:43 You've gone and put the fireball out!
05:47 [Musique]
05:50 I'm sorry.
05:52 It seems that in my eagerness to save us, I have ruined everything.
05:58 Doesn't matter about him, see? Reg is captain now, isn't it?
06:02 Reg will fix things.
06:04 Reg, where's captain Reg?
06:07 Mammoth's body.
06:10 Oh, Mammoth's body, don't leave me alone.
06:14 Noah, look what you've done to Mammoth's body.
06:18 Look at what you've done!
06:20 I'm very sorry.
06:23 Well now, isn't it, see?
06:25 Do something, why don't you, isn't it?
06:28 Save us!
06:29 Ah, where am I?
06:31 Who am I?
06:33 [Musique]
06:40 Now then, when I was in the zoo, I watched the veterinarian fix Vulture Necks a hundred times.
06:46 Give it a go, shall I?
06:49 [Musique]
06:55 Ah!
06:57 [Musique]
07:02 That all right for you, here, Chief Marshal?
07:04 Excellent job.
07:05 Thank you, Chief Sergeant Rocko.
07:08 Right, now, form an orderly queue.
07:11 Rocko is going to strangle you, but it won't hurt.
07:15 [Musique]
07:20 [Musique]
07:25 [Musique]
07:30 [Musique]
07:35 [Musique]
07:40 [Musique]
07:45 [Musique]
07:50 [Musique]
07:55 [Musique]
08:00 Rocko, isn't there anything you can do?
08:04 Oh, he's very old.
08:06 Time's just caught him up, that's all.
08:08 It was the same with my grandfather.
08:11 One day, everyone will be old and dead, except me.
08:16 Don't worry, your mother and I will look after you.
08:21 I do wish I had agreed to marry him a thousand years ago.
08:26 What a fool I've been.
08:28 What about in the ancient world, Salome?
08:31 Wasn't there something you mammoths did when you felt drop-dead crook?
08:35 Yes, in Siberian Russia, there was a particular herb.
08:41 Very rare even then.
08:43 But what chance have we of finding any way out here?
08:49 Don't upset yourself, Salome. He's had a good life.
08:54 No, he hasn't, and it's all my fault.
08:59 Our captain will fix everything, just like what he always does.
09:02 Have you forgotten? We made reach, Captain!
09:05 Oh, no.
09:08 Derek, fetch Raj one of his magazines.
09:14 If I look at the pictures long enough, I may, uh, think of something.
09:18 [Raj laughs]
09:29 [Raj babbles]
09:32 [Raj screams]
09:56 This means, if you will allow me, that we are drifting towards Antarctica.
10:01 The coldest place in the world, where we shall all freeze to death, maybe.
10:08 We're gonna stay up all night, Sasha, and look at the pictures in this here magazine,
10:18 and think hard about all our problems.
10:21 Oh! In that case, excuse me, what have I to worry about?
10:27 Our problems, they are as good as solved.
10:31 Whiskey, whiskey!
10:34 [Raj sighs]
10:36 [music]
10:39 Well, Captain Skeerage, I am waiting a solution.
10:59 This is not a healthy environment for a Desmond.
11:03 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, I am not thirsty.
11:08 [Raj laughs]
11:23 [Raj screams]
11:25 [music]
11:28 [music]
11:32 [music]
11:35 [Raj screams]
11:37 [music]
11:41 [Raj speaks in English]
11:45 [Raj speaks in English]
11:48 [Raj speaks in English]
11:51 [Raj speaks in English]
12:02 [Raj speaks in English]
12:06 [Raj speaks in English]
12:14 [Raj speaks in English]
12:18 [Raj screams]
12:21 [music]
12:24 [Raj laughs]
12:42 [music]
12:45 [Raj screams]
12:51 [Raj screams]
12:55 [Raj laughs]
12:59 All the stupid things.
13:05 This island could have been everything ruined by one stupid, over-anxious bear.
13:11 I'm sorry, Fireball. I thought you'd last forever.
13:16 I never dreamed that...
13:19 [Raj laughs]
13:24 Are you all right, Jasper?
13:26 [Raj laughs]
13:28 I know, Jasper. It is dead.
13:31 All my fault. Don't rub it in.
13:35 [Raj laughs]
13:37 [music]
13:40 You're right, Jasper. It's still burning in there.
13:46 This is just a crust. It's alive.
13:49 No, I'm teaching a rhinoceros to skate.
13:54 [Raj laughs]
13:55 You've never seen anything so peculiar.
13:58 Fireball, it's still alive under the crust.
14:03 Oh, well, oh, very jolly for it. Oh, no, do come outside. You must see.
14:10 Greetings, penguins. I am Noah, a polar bear from the Northern Pole, and this is my island.
14:19 Huh? Oh, yes, you're quite right, Jasper. I'm not captain anymore, but what happens here is still my responsibility.
14:28 Whoever they elect captain, I'm still captain, really.
14:31 You'll help me get this crust off the fireball, won't you?
14:35 [music]
14:38 [Raj laughs]
14:39 Sasha, dear boy. I've never been so pleased to see you.
14:45 Excuse me, but I have a request to make.
14:49 I know what I am about to ask intrudes upon the area of personal hygiene, but my nephew here, he is very cold.
14:58 Perhaps you could make a furball?
15:01 A furball?
15:04 As you can see, his feathers have not yet sprouted, and this is no climate for wandering around in a plucked condition.
15:13 Oh, shoo, a furball, please, for the sake of our friendship.
15:20 I've never seen such a horrid case of the goose bumps.
15:28 Oh, all right, but I want it back. My furballs are my most treasured possession. I love them all.
15:39 [music]
15:44 A bigger size, please. My nephew is very big for his age.
15:50 [music]
16:00 Oisky, oisky, this is perfect. A lion fur overcoat. Say thank you to the nice lion, please.
16:10 [meow]
16:12 Don't mention it.
16:14 [music]
16:19 Ah, well, comes to us all. He was lucky, though, weren't he not, living all them thousands of years?
16:26 Better than being shot by hunters before your prime, eh, Woo?
16:31 Would you like to be alone with him for a bit?
16:34 No, no thank you. I can't take any more. My heart is quite broken.
16:45 [music]
16:54 Come on, Rocko, I'll watch you build a snow gorilla.
16:58 Yeah, yeah. Bye-bye, mammoth's body. How pow.
17:05 [music]
17:14 Excuse me, do not you know there is life to be lived, even for mammoths?
17:22 [music]
17:31 Try some of this, why don't you? It's my private pick you up. The stalk of a rare Siberian herb.
17:41 Eat, eat.
17:43 [music]
17:48 Reg, Reg, I'm coming up.
17:51 Ah, ex-Captain Noah, I believe.
17:55 Yeah, well you can't just come up here unless I says so, got it? So dare.
18:02 We'll have another election, shall we? Ask everyone who is most likely to get us out of this mess.
18:09 Who will they pick, eh, Reg? You or me?
18:14 I'll set my doggies on you.
18:20 Keep away from me with them penguins.
18:23 [laughs]
18:31 Get them away, they're horrible. It's not fair setting penguins on me. I was a good captain, I was.
18:39 [laughs]
18:46 [music]
18:51 Mammoth's body, you're alive. And look at you, you're lively as a pup. How on earth.
19:02 [music]
19:09 Will you marry me?
19:12 [music]
19:17 Will you? Of course I will.
19:20 [music]
