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Frank The Tank | Frank Walks
00:00All right I'm getting ready for my next Frank walk and this time I'm walking
00:05with Boomer Esiason, former NFL MVP with the Cincinnati Bengals also played for
00:12Jets and Cardinals and he had a great NFL career and then parlayed it into a
00:17long broadcast career. He worked Monday Night Football on both the TV and radio
00:22side and has hosted CBS's Sunday Football coverage in the studio for 20
00:29years. He's also a host of The Morning Show on WFAN which he's done for almost
00:3420 years as well. He's got great charities off the field too. He raised a
00:40lot of money for Cystic Fibrosis to help his son Gunnar and he's a hockey player
00:46but he's also a New York sports fan so come along as I walk with Boomer Esiason.
00:59Hey how's it going. Yeah well I am. We've got the softest hockey team I've ever seen.
01:13That's all good. We know what we're looking at right there right? Yes. It's
01:18the Freedom Tower. Yes indeed. I was just talking about it. It's 1776 feet.
01:25That's exactly right. Yes. And that replaced the World Trade Center and it's
01:29a symbol of how great our country is don't you think? Yes I like I like the
01:34design that they have those vents out there so the building doesn't sway. Yeah
01:37it doesn't sway that's exactly right. Why are you wearing your devil's shirt?
01:41Well I wanted to show you that people care about Hockey Boomer. Yes but why do
01:48you say your team's soft? They just have no grit. There was a game I went to
01:54where they only recorded six hits. Okay. That's that basically every puck battle
02:00they lose. Every battle in the corner they lose. It's like Jack Hughes is
02:04getting his getting beat up every game but nobody responds.
02:07Yeah yeah Niko Hesha had two concussions this year been thrown to the ringer
02:12nobody responds. He's got... But isn't that why they traded for McDermott? That was too late.
02:19Too late but they also had goalie problems. Yeah. You've also had injuries.
02:23Yeah. You've had defensive problems. Losing Dougie Hamilton was a backbreaker.
02:28Yeah because I mean he's a power play. Dougie Hamilton was the backbreaker.
02:32Alright. And Jack Hughes isn't a hundred percent. Lindy Ruff's a terrible coach.
02:37Well he's not there any longer. Nope. You guys wanted to fire him last year and
02:42they led you all the way to the playoffs. Yeah the problem was it was Andrew Burnett
02:45who was the big the big reason why and then he went to Nashville. Alright so
02:50let's forget about your Devils because they're out of it. Yeah. Let's not worry
02:54about that. I tell you one player I wouldn't mind seeing on the Devils next year.
02:57Who's that? A player that's got a little grit. A free agent. Yeah. Maybe leaving the
03:02island come to New Jersey. Isn't he Matt Martin? Yes it is. You think so? I wouldn't mind.
03:06He's got the type of grit the Devils need. Yeah I think the Islanders like him
03:10though. Yeah they do. You know they kind of understand the kind of player he is.
03:14He knows what kind of player he is. That's the player the Devils need. Yes.
03:18They need, they don't, they have the skilled players. They have the skilled
03:22players all up and down the team. We got Luke Hughes and Simone Emich who are both
03:26gonna be outstanding offensive defensemen. Right. But we don't have a
03:32great defensive defense. And now you're trying to get my son-in-law to go to
03:35Jersey? Yeah. You know how hard it is for me to go to Jersey? I know you were in my
03:40neighborhood once. Yes I was. The Belmont Tavern. That's like down the street from me.
03:44The Belmont Tavern is one of the most underrated, if not the most underrated
03:49Italian restaurants I've ever been in. I mean it's legendary. It is. Well for you
03:53guys over there, for us over here we've never heard of it. You know that's the
03:58way it works. Well I think they invented the Chicken Savoy. Did they
04:02really? That's what their claim is. Well I did not have the Chicken Savoy, I can tell
04:06you that. But yeah that's their big signature dish, the Chicken Savoy.
04:10So like you know how did you become this big sports like legend that you
04:18are right now? You have people working for you, they got people working on you.
04:21Well it all started with the Durant, New Jersey Transit Ramps. Okay. And that
04:28basically launched me. I've been hiding in the shadows for years. I mean I
04:34took broadcasting at Montclair State. I just couldn't find a job and no one
04:39would give me a chance. No one would give me a chance. Yeah. And then I worked at the
04:44courthouse and I built a website that was around for 20 years. Okay. What was
04:52the website? It was sportsencyclopedia.com. Oh I see. Okay so you have this like
04:57this just this understanding of all sports. Yes. What makes teams great. Yeah.
05:02Now do we have any great teams in the tri-state area right now? Not that I see.
05:07Oh so the Rangers aren't a great team. You're biased. You are so biased.
05:12You're gonna get the kiss of death. You gotta get the kiss of death. What's the
05:16kiss of death? The President's Trophy? The President's Trophy. We may not get that.
05:20We could still lose that. We don't care about that. Yeah I tell you what if I was
05:25if the Devils were in a position the Rangers were in. Hey guys. If the Devils were in a
05:30position the Rangers were in, I'd root against them just to lose one or two games just so
05:34they don't get the President's Trophy. Right. Even though the Rangers
05:37actually did win the President's Trophy and the Cup in 94. Yeah. But it happens.
05:43I know it's everybody says it's a kiss of death. It's a bad omen. It's become a curse.
05:47It's not a curse. The Bruins last year. You know it's all about health and a hot
05:53goalie. Right. Yeah and you know who the hottest goalie ever was? The hottest
06:00goalie ever was Martín Brodeur. Yes he was. Until he met Mike Richter. Then Mike
06:06Richter in 94 was by far the hottest goalie. But he was a rookie that year.
06:10But so it doesn't matter. Mike Richter won the Cup for the Rangers.
06:16You know that and I know that. Come on everybody knows that. Yeah Brian Leach was
06:22the con smite that year. Yes he was and Messier was the ultimate leader. Yeah.
06:27The exact perfect guy. You talk about grit. That's grit. The one thing you can't deny
06:33though is the Rangers were kind of the Oilers in disguise. Okay. Right now you know
06:40what you're saying right? I know it's 94. Yeah but it doesn't matter. We won the Cup.
06:43It's okay. Yeah I see you have something for everything that I have. You just
06:49gonna argue with me the whole time? No. But I mean it's it you know how you know
06:55how Devil fans are. Yes. I put it this way. I'll trade our three Cups for that one.
07:01All right well I understand. You might want to just stick it in my face but
07:04that's okay. You know what's funny was? A couple years ago about 10 years ago
07:08and he was a total bust. Yeah. Late first round pick. The Devils drafted
07:14Stéphane Marteau's son. And when they did that I was like oh you got the name
07:21Stéphane Marteau too. That might have been that might have that was like Lou
07:25Lambroul's last draft. Right. And it was like oh god Lou's lost it.
07:30He was a bum. You know what? Lou has not lost it. Lou is the fabric of hockey.
07:38You know that. Yeah. Yeah. As much as I would have loved for him to be our
07:43general manager it never happened. You know he went to the Devils, went to
07:48Toronto and now he's with the Islanders. So he's been all around my
07:52Rangers. I think he's had a lot to do with the with the with the failure of
07:56our teams. I think sometimes that even though you're great for so long that it
08:02kind of a certain point comes when the end has to come. Like the Patriots or
08:06Belichick. It happens. Sure. I know. People move on. And Lou Lambroul should be in the
08:11Devils ring of honor one of these days. He will be. You know that. I know that.
08:16And Devil fans will cheer him on. Oh yeah. I have no ill will to Lou Lambroul.
08:22Right. All right so let's forget about hockey for a second. Your football team.
08:28The Dolphins. They drive me nuts. I would think that they would drive you nuts.
08:33You gotta like their coach though right? I like him just I don't know if he's too
08:38smart for his own good. Really? Yeah. So you're thinking that he's not tough
08:44enough on the guys or? He tries to get too cute with the play calling sometimes.
08:49I think he's brilliant. You don't think he's brilliant? He's smart. Look at what
08:57he's done with Tua Tungabailoa. Yeah. I say one thing and people say did Dolphins
09:02get rid of Tua? I don't think so. Right. I don't think he's he has never gotten a
09:06he's never gotten a fair chance. Let's hold on for one second guys. One second.
09:11We got a guy throwing haymakers over there for no reason. He's shadow boxing.
09:17You don't know what we're gonna run into. You want to say hello to that guy? No I
09:22think staying away from him is probably a wise call. Yes. That's why you're the
09:27quarterback. That's exactly why I'm the quarterback. Stay away from people that just don't seem to be stable for whatever reason.
09:34Yeah stay away from him. But that's the thing you know that's the thing that you run
09:38into New York all the time. I mean. I think we can move on a little bit now.
09:45Just slowly that's all you're moving on. You're moving way too fast for me. I just
09:49got off of work. Now one thing I know is that after you retired from you became
09:58like a hockey player. Yes I did. Yes I picked it up when I was 37 years old.
10:04Believe it or not. And I'm still playing today. I remember going I went to one of
10:10the Mikey Strong games. Yeah it was a great game and it was a little slow on the ice
10:15but still nonetheless had a great time. I mean of course going to the FDNY
10:23NYPD game. The FDNY. That is a legitimate hockey team. Well it's a
10:28legitimate physical game too. You talk about those guys. I've actually been invited to play
10:34with those guys and I will not get on the ice with them. I will not get on the
10:39ice with them. I'm not about checking nowadays. You know I'm saying I'm trying
10:42to stay up. Oh so you're kind of like the devils. You want to say I'm soft? Skilled? Yeah okay I get it.
10:49Yeah the devils are skilled. And then Jack Hughes shouldn't be out there checking
10:53anyone. No he shouldn't be. But that's why I picked up hockey because I think
10:58it's the greatest game. I think it takes it takes so much skill. Yeah. So much
11:03heart and so much desire to make it. I couldn't skate. To the NHL. I couldn't skate.
11:09Yeah. I don't have any balance. Maybe I have a little bit better
11:14balance now but growing up I didn't have any balance. You don't have any balance?
11:18That's hard for me to believe. Growing up I didn't have any balance. Right.
11:23Jackhammers. Jackhammers. Holes in the ground. People swinging at nothing. People
11:31walking all over the place. That's New York. We'll go here guys. Go right. So there's there's a
11:38specific reason why I'm taking you down here. Alright. So I know you're a big
11:43Boomer and Geo fan right? Yes. And what is what has Geo picked up over the last
11:50two years that now all of a sudden he's obsessed with? I have a little, oh pickleball
11:55right? No golf. Oh golf. He has become a crazy golf person and I wanted to tell
12:02you a story about coming down to the World Trade Center and the reflecting
12:09pools and the Freedom Tower and how beautiful this place is. New York is
12:14there's nothing like New York City. Especially this area because it's built
12:18on the back of thousands and thousands of people who rebuilt it. Thousands and
12:23thousands of people who died. Not only on that very fateful day but over the
12:28last 20 years that have continued to die. Yeah the toxins. Right. Cancers, everything.
12:35You name it. Yeah our fabulous government. Oh it's fine to breathe the air. Yeah well
12:41unfortunately that was not the case but people had to be down here to rebuild
12:45this. Of course and the volunteers that are down here just handing out supplies.
12:49Yes. Like the actor Steve Buscemi who basically is a retired fire officer
12:55came down and would help the rescue effort. So to let you know I had a
13:01foundation office on the 101st floor of the North Tower and we're. Say hi Frank.
13:08See that? They're yelling for you Frank.
13:12So we were on the 101st floor of the North Tower. That was the first building
13:18that got hit. And all my buddies worked on the 105th floor. And we were in a
13:25company called Cantor Fitzgerald that lost over 650 people. Yeah I remember Cantor Fitzgerald.
13:29Right so I go back to 1984 when I was drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals. I had
13:36never played golf in my life and I was asked to play in a celebrity golf
13:42tournament called the Long Island Charities Golf Tournament out on Long
13:46Island. I said well I've never played. I'll be more than happy to play but tell
13:51the people whoever I go with then I'm not very good. So the guys that were
13:56running that tournament called this one guy Timmy O'Brien. Don't know him from
14:01Adam. He's a Long Island basketball player. He played at St. Agnes. He was
14:06great. Played at Hartwood College. He was great. And he picked me over Paul Blair.
14:12Remember Paul Blair? Baltimore Orioles. Yes. Yankees also. Right and Paul was an
14:19all you know he was he was already established professional player. I was a
14:23rookie coming out of Maryland. People in Long Island knew who I was and he was a
14:28Long Islander. So Timmy picked me over Paul Blair as his celebrity for that
14:35celebrity golf tournament. Oh nice. Back in June of 1984 and Timmy O'Brien became
14:42one of my best if not my best friend ever in the world. And I try to make it
14:47down here once a month to be reminded of what happened on September 11 2001. And I
14:57wanted to show you Timmy O'Brien's name on one of the pools here if you wouldn't
15:02mind. Sure. You want to see it? Yeah. So all of these guys right here are all
15:12the guys that were on the 105th floor and there's Timmy theme Michael O'Brien
15:16right there. You see that? I like how he did this. This is a nice touch. I guess
15:22they don't turn the pool on. They turn it on when it gets a little bit warmer. Yeah. But it's
15:27beautiful what happened and how they remembered all the names I think. A
15:31couple years ago that one guy that poor guy that like hopped it. Yes. Well
15:36there's a lot of crazy things that go on in New York like I said. Well that guy
15:40was uh that guy was uh the son of a victim. Yes. And he just lost his mother
15:46and it was like. He had too much. Yeah it was like too much. He went he went in
15:51there for like it was bad he went in there but he I fell for the guy. Yes well
15:56we all do so this Timothy Michael O'Brien here turned me on to golf in
16:001984 just like I turned Gio on to golf in 2022. So that that came full circle
16:07for me. But how about Joe Benigno the way he's into golf? Joe Benigno is the
16:11worst. Have you ever played golf with Joe Benigno? Have you ever seen him play golf? I've only done
16:16pitch and putt once and I've done mini golf. That's it that's about it for you
16:19right? Yeah. That's amazing. So let's keep walking. Let's keep walking down this way. Now you're
16:26talking about your foundation. Yes. And your foundation is the Cystic Fibrosis
16:31Foundation. Yeah it's my foundation in my name. I mean I remember when your son
16:37Gunnar was diagnosed. This is like just after you got to the Jets wasn't it?
16:41That's exactly right. It was 1993. It was in the spring. It was around this time a
16:46year. So that was about 30 years ago. And he was a kid. He was like what three four? Yes he
16:52was diagnosed when he had just turned three and I felt like we needed to do
16:58something and that's how I ended up on the 101st floor of the North Tower here
17:04was because of a guy by the name of Howard Luttnick hired Timmy O'Brien.
17:08Timmy O'Brien said I'm not coming unless Boomer can bring his foundation here
17:13and work for free and not pay any rent and that's how I ended up here and yeah
17:19that's when Gunnar was diagnosed back in 1993. And back then it was like the
17:24diagnosis was like bleak but it's amazing how in 30 years and I think a lot of it
17:30has to do with DeRoga your foundation. Well it's it's a collective effort that
17:34started over 65 years ago by other parents who had cystic fibrosis kids who
17:40were dying at the age of five and six and seven and they wanted to do
17:44something about it because nobody was doing anything about it because there
17:48is such a small group of people that suffer from the disease. So oddly enough
17:52I meet Frank DeFord in 1989 who lost his daughter Alex to the disease at the age
17:58of eight. He gives a speech at a dinner that I'm at. It's so awe-inspiring that I
18:03asked him if I could get involved and this is well before Gunnar's even born
18:08and little would you know four years later Gunnar is diagnosed with that same
18:14disease. And so that's when the full press for me anyway started and I found
18:20out how many people had lost so many people leading up to that that I tried
18:26to do whatever I could and to use the platform that I had to raise as much
18:30money as I could. Because I that was the first time I ever heard about it was
18:33when you made the announcement you're not you announced you're gonna do all
18:36this stuff and and I actually followed Gunnar on Twitter. So Gunnar actually as
18:43it turns out just had his 33rd birthday when he was born. The median age was 19
18:48for cystic fibrosis patients. He's not only 33 years old but he's a graduate of
18:54Boston College, the Dartmouth Tuck School of Business. He has his own son
19:00Casper and he has another daughter on the way that's born in as still in July.
19:05Nice. That is a miracle. Was he like a coach or something like that?
19:10He was a hockey coach at Friends Academy. He was a football coach at
19:14Friends Academy out in Long Island and he wasn't feeling well. That was after he
19:19graduated from Boston College and he felt like there was gonna be he was at
19:24end-stage illness that he was gonna need a double lung transplant. And then
19:28in 2017-18 he got a part of a drug trial and that drug trial changed his life
19:35forever. Wow that's nice. That's that's amazing and it and basically it's the
19:40doctors and the foundations that help do this. Hospitals, doctors, parents. I mean
19:45fundraisers, people who run for our Team Boomer team still raise money to this
19:51very day. There's still a lot of things within the cystic fibrosis community
19:55that need support. I mean it's it's amazing how it's just it's it's really
20:01like transformed. It's like now people can actually have lives with it. A real
20:06life. Yeah. And a future. Yeah. And now all CF patients have ever wanted to be is a
20:12part of society. They want jobs. They want families. They don't need handouts. They
20:19want to earn everything they get. They know what being tough is. They know what
20:23facing adversity is all about. And quite frankly Gunnar is the prime example of
20:29that for me at least. And as you can see they do have the fountain on here. Huh
20:34that's nice. Probably the other one they just haven't turned on yet. Yep.
20:40Yeah this is a I always tell New Yorkers is New Yorkers aren't people that go see
20:46things. But this is a place where every New Yorker everybody in the world should
20:51come. Yeah. Just to be reminded of how horrific 9-11 truly was here and the
20:58impact that it had on this city. So it's amazing that it took so many years to
21:03figure out what they wanted to do here. They had all sorts of financial issues.
21:08They had insurance issues. Who owned the building? Who didn't own the building? Was
21:14it one attack? Was it two different attacks? And finally Mayor Bloomberg was
21:19the one that negotiated the entire city through all the different levels of
21:24of things that they had to get through to finally get to what we see now as a
21:29memorial. Which is really amazing when you think about it. Red taping government they always
21:33cause problems you know. It's like everyone tries to nickel-and-dime you.
21:38It's like it's a shame that someone tried to like take advantage of this
21:42situation. Yes well I mean where there's where there are problems there's
21:49opportunity. Yeah. And people are always looking for that opportunity. But I think
21:53like for me anyway. You were fucking pulled the gun white. Mayor Bloomberg was the guy that
21:59figured it all out. And I don't think people give him enough credit for it. I
22:03know the people that are involved in all of this understand the important role
22:07that he played in all of it. And thank God thank God he was in office. That's
22:13all I could tell you. Because if he wasn't man it's this would have been a
22:16mess. Well look at the current occupant. I mean I didn't think it could happen in New York.
22:26You know but when you walk down here and you realize just how beautiful on a
22:30beautiful day on Eclipse Monday. Yeah Eclipse Monday. Exactly. The
22:35Eclipse is coming tonight. That's good. That's gonna be interesting. That's gonna
22:38be I mean. Are you gonna look at it? I'm gonna try to like give a quick glance. Do you have your
22:44glasses for it? No I don't but I'm gonna put my phone up. All right. There's a shield. Okay be
22:49careful. I don't know what's gonna happen. Maybe your head will fall off. I'm not
22:53sure. Well we in New York it could happen. We could get an eclipse or we
22:58could get an earthquake. Yes exactly. A lot of things could happen around here. I mean I
23:03was heading down to last weekend to go to Martinsville for the race and I got my
23:09cone on. All of a sudden I hear like it sounds like a truck's going by. It's shaking.
23:14Yeah it's shaking. It's like do we just have an earthquake? Do you know that I
23:20was the Grand Marshal of that Martinsville race back in 1992? I did the
23:27Nextel. It's Xfinity now. Xfinity now. Xfinity now. I did the Xfinity race on
23:35Saturday. Oh you did? Yep. Did you enjoy it? Yes I was the Grand Marshal. Yeah the Grand
23:41Marshal did the command start your engines. Yes gentlemen start your engines. How does it
23:47sound? It sounds great. Drivers start your engines. Now it's drivers start your engine. Oh that's what it is now?
24:01Yeah there's a woman running the race. All right makes sense.
24:06Yep so now because women have gotten involved in the sport they say drivers
24:10start your engine. Okay well I think it's great don't you? Yeah give everyone a
24:15good chance. Anyone that can do it. Hey were you into the South Carolina Iowa
24:20basketball game? A little bit. I was hoping that Iowa would win because I
24:24wanted to see Caitlin Clark play a championship. She's something special. She
24:28reminds me of Larry Bird. You know I was thinking the same thing. She's like
24:33where she basically carried Iowa. Iowa's like the rest of the Iowa team just
24:40that's why they lost to South Carolina. You know how Magic Johnson or Larry
24:45Bird, Steph Curry even, they see the basketball court. They see it. They see it
24:51differently than everybody else. That's how I that's where I would put her. I
24:56would put her right there. She might be the woman's player
25:00that like launches the WNBA to the next level. I think they're
25:06hoping that for that but you know this she's not the only good one. I mean
25:09there's a whole bunch of young girls that are coming now and I think you
25:13know they're gonna make it legit. I think maybe they should consider I think
25:19doing WNBA in the summer hurts it because everyone's out on the beach or
25:24watching baseball. I don't know if they want to go inside and watch a basketball
25:28game for two hours. So you'd like them to play when the NBA is playing? How about
25:33doing doubleheaders? Maybe yeah that might work. Why not? I think but I
25:39wouldn't say if I put it like exactly the NBA schedule but maybe like
25:45running the WNBA from November to February regular season. Let's
25:51crossover. You think that would hurt it? I think it might that both
25:59teams both leagues are able to cohabitate. Yep. They might actually be
26:04able to promote it better. Okay. We got the single. We got it. Okay let's go.
26:11Look at you you're on top of it. Yeah you got the walkman. Yes. So let me ask you a
26:18question. I know that you like to rant about things and I was watching you
26:23ranting about the Mets opening weekend. I mean can we calm down? We got 162 games
26:30to go. I actually think they're legitimately garbage. Really? Yeah. Okay.
26:35I don't think there's anything that's gonna happen this year that's good. I
26:39don't know about their prospects. I've seen too many prospects come up and be
26:44bust. Do you have an understanding that there are a lot of Met fans that
26:49hate the fact that you're so negative? I've just been broken. Really? Yes. That's
26:55your explanation? I've been broken. Okay. 2007 to 2022 blowing a ten and a half
27:03game lead. Yes. We're brand new to adventuring. It's over. But you gotta remember me and
27:08Craig Carton started in 2007. I know that boomer. We thought we had all the
27:16pitching and everything and we yeah we fell apart. What do we call that
27:23September? Do you remember? Carton called it something. I forget what it was. All I
27:29know is every time we hear the song Free Falling by Tom Petty. It's just like
27:34it takes me down. It just reminds me of that whole month. It must be miserable to
27:39live a like a negative sports life like you do. I mean the dolphins
27:46besides having a terrible logo by now. I mean. A terrible what? Logo. You don't
27:53like the Dolphins logo? No. I want the retro logo. Oh you want the
27:56retro? You want the new one? Yeah. The retro. Oh the old one? Yes. The one that Dan
28:01Marino had? Yes. The one that Larry Zonka had. Alright. When the Dolphins went
28:05undefeated in 1972 17-0 and every year when the last team loses I celebrate.
28:10Yes. Just like you and that 72 team. Yes. Wow. I'll tell you what I didn't realize
28:17you were that upset. Is there anything in sports that brings you joy? I haven't had
28:22any real joy since uh well I had a little bit of joy last year. Okay. Game
28:26seven. Walking out of that arena. That was that was one of my favorite experiences.
28:32Yeah but then you lost the next series so it doesn't matter. You didn't win a
28:36championship. No but it was a a pleasant enough season that I had hope
28:41and then it all just got this year. You know I always tell people that 1988 was
28:51my favorite year as a football player but we didn't win the championship. You
28:56know that's that's a tough thing. Joe Montana going on the field said hey
29:01look there's John Candy. Yes. That's true. I saw John Candy that day too. I mean that's I
29:08love that story. Hey look there's John Candy. Yep. You know that's the way a
29:13quarterback would step in the huddle and try to calm everybody down. You know what
29:17I'm saying? Hey guys what do we got to lose here? We can win the Super Bowl. I
29:20was thinking about that with the Brady and Belichick and their first Super Bowl
29:25against the Rams. Like if you would have told them that they were gonna be tied
29:29with about a minute thirty to go in the game and all they need is an Adam
29:32Vinatieri field goal to win it. Wouldn't you take that if you were the
29:36Patriots going into that game? Yeah. What's funny is I remember watching that
29:40game and the Rams had all the momentum. They said that I know John Madden
29:45who's a great coach, great commentator. I don't know what the Patriots are doing
29:48trying to rush down the field. Only bad things can happen here. Just go to
29:52overtime. You know what the thing is? You should have listened to Westwood One
29:56Radio because I was on there saying what I just told you. Yeah. If you would
30:02have told Bill Belichick that he only has to go about 35 to 40 yards to have
30:07Adam Vinatieri kick a game-winning field goal inside, I would have bet a million
30:14dollars he was gonna go for it. Now I have previously thought Adam Vinatieri
30:19is the greatest kicker of all time. Yep. I think Justin Tucker is like
30:24gaming on him. He's right there, but Adam's got, you know, he's got Super Bowl
30:27winning kicks. He's got, you know, championship game winning kicks. He's got
30:32kicks in the snow. He's got kicks. I mean, not saying that Justin Tucker doesn't. I
30:36mean, Justin Tucker's an awesome kicker. The tuck game kicks. Yes. To me, those are
30:42the greatest kicks of all time. Right, exactly. Everyone talks about the
30:45tuck play, whether or not it was a fumble or not. I think it was a fumble, but
30:50whether, but the tuck, those were not short field goals. No, they weren't.
30:56That was a lot of snow on the ground. And how about the wind? Yeah. You forget the
30:59wind in that game. You know, did you like, did you like the, did you watch the
31:04Dynasty series? Haven't watched it yet. Okay. I wonder if you, I'd really like to
31:08know, because I would imagine you have a total dislike of the Patriots. A total
31:13dislike. Hate them. You can't stand them. So, especially in 2007 when they almost went
31:18undefeated. Yes. And the Giants saved our legacy. Yes. Our legacy, your legacy as
31:24the Dolphins, yes. But they did win 18 games. But that doesn't matter. If you
31:30have that one loss, you have that one loss. And you know what? I bet you
31:34everyone in the Patriots wishes they had lost a regular season game and won a
31:38Super Bowl rather than going 16-0 and losing the Super Bowl. Yeah, but you still
31:42play every game like it's, you know, you got to play every game like you got to go
31:45to win it. You can't take your foot off the pedal. You just can't do that. I
31:48think what happened to the Patriots in that game, in the Super Bowl, is the luck ran
31:54out. And it was... Nah, nah. You know what? You know what happened to the Patriots in that
31:59Super Bowl, Frank? His name is Steve Spagnuolo. That's what happened. Well, yeah.
32:05And do you think, do you think that an assistant coach should ever be elected
32:09to the Hall of Fame? And if there was one, wouldn't Steve Spagnuolo, as
32:16defensive coordinator of the Giants and of the Kansas City Chiefs, winning
32:21multiple Super Bowls, be the first candidate to get into the Pro Football
32:25Hall of Fame as an assistant coach? Well, there'd also be, what was his name? Ernie
32:31Zampezi. Yeah. Would be another candidate. And Dick LeBeau, probably. Dick LeBeau
32:36would be one. Dick LeBeau was a defense coordinator for our Bengal team that
32:40went to the Super Bowl. Yeah. But Steve Spagnuolo, I mean, has really set... I mean,
32:46he's one. You know what I'm saying? Yep. Dick LeBeau, just for service in the NFL,
32:52both as a player and as a coach, is one of the most decorated people in the NFL.
32:57Very good. Some guys just can't do a head coach. You just only be an
33:02assistant. So, you still haven't asked my question. Do you think that that should
33:06be a potential? Yes. I wouldn't be opposed to it. Right. Have you ever been
33:11down here at the North Cove Marina? I've never been in North Cove Marina. I've been
33:15to Battery Park. But do you like the North Cove Marina? Looks very nice. You got
33:20Jersey City right across the way over there. There she is, Lady Liberty, to your
33:24left. By the way, that belongs to New Jersey. You know, you can say whatever you
33:28want. It belongs to America. It was a gift for France. So, stop saying whether you want to
33:33pay your tax dollars up. Keep it fine. I'm good. I'm good with that. But also like the
33:37tourism money. It should be a federal landmark, which it is. And you
33:42should respect it as such. And stop arguing with me about that. But it belongs to New Jersey. No, it
33:47doesn't. It belongs to all of us. Stop being nonsense with the Jersey and this and that. I mean, it's
33:54unbelievable. Well, I just try to get things for Jersey. Yeah, well, you're
34:01going to have congestion pricing for New Jersey. How do you feel about that? I mean, the politicians just don't
34:08listen. They don't care. Right. And they just... I know you're big on the rail system. You
34:15love the rail system. Yeah, and they're raising our rates 30% over the next six
34:19years. Starting with a 15% raise in July. Oh, really? Yes. So, you're on top. For
34:24trains that are falling apart. Right. That are filthy. And the reason why we're
34:28getting this raise is they built a new office for the executives for New Jersey
34:35Transit in Newark, next to Newark Penn Station. Yeah, but the executives need a
34:39nice place to go to work. They could go to Newark Penn Station. But they need a
34:42nice place to go to work. They got to have like the coffee station, snacks in the middle of the day.
34:48You know, if there's ever a some sort of an emergency, they got to call their
34:52families first, make sure they're okay. And then they can have an office in Newark Penn
34:56Station. They can clean up Newark Penn Station for everybody. Well, they're trying to
35:00clean it up. Yeah, the only need to do is paint the rails. Paint the rails, okay.
35:05But I know this is a big stickler for you. Like, you hate mass transit, but you
35:11use it. Yeah, well, New York... I would say the New York City subway is probably how
35:16all mass transit should work. It's probably the best. In what way? It's
35:23reliable 90% of the time. Yes. They keep bringing on new trains. Yes. I like the
35:28fact that they have stations that have... tell you when your next train's coming.
35:33Yep. I mean... That's all been updated. Yes. How about... do you use the ferry? I... I've
35:39been on a set on a ferry a couple times, but I don't use it often. Here comes the
35:42Jersey City Ferry right here. Look at that. Nice. I kind of like being above
35:49ground, especially now that we're having earthquakes. You know what I'm saying?
35:54You know they're laughing at us in California. I know they are. Because on
35:59Friday... Yeah. One of the other Barstool people was also trying to get down to
36:04Martinsville. I drove. Okay. I drove down to Martinsville. This guy was trying to
36:09fly out of Newark and... Ground stop. There was a ground stop. See that, Frank? And of
36:15course Seton Hall's NIT rally was delayed because of the ground stop.
36:20Right. Great job by Seton Hall, by the way. Yeah. Great job winning the NIT. I didn't
36:26know you were a big NIT guy. I'm usually not, but Seton Hall got screwed. St. John's
36:32got screwed. They both got screwed. Okay. They both got screwed. Let's put... let's
36:36put it this way. There's no way the Big East should have only gotten three teams in
36:40the Mountain West. The Mountain West. Who watches the Mountain West? People out
36:44there in the Mountain West. They have feelings, too. Yeah, but come on. You act like
36:49you're the only one with feelings. They have feelings. Yeah, but all... all but one
36:54team in the Mountain West was gone by the second round. Do you celebrate Christmas?
36:59Yes. Do you give nice presents to people? Yeah, I try. Are you happy when you give
37:03their presents... them presents and the way that they react to receiving a
37:07present? Yes. I mean, like other people have feelings. Yeah, well, the Big East
37:14deserved five teams. Five teams. Okay. I kind of agree with you. Maybe... maybe...
37:21all right, so they had three, right? And all three made it to the Sweet 16. Yeah, so it
37:27goes to show you how good of a... how good of a conference they were. And keep in mind
37:33St. Paul beat UConn this year. I know that. So what do you think, Frank? You think St.
37:41John's will win a national championship with Rick Pitino? I don't know yet. I... they have
37:45a disadvantage because they don't have the greatest facilities on campus. Yeah,
37:49but they play at MSG. It's supposed to be the world's greatest arena. It is the
37:53world's greatest arena. Oh, you admit that, huh? And it's in New York, so I got you to
37:56admit that. Yeah. Did you always snuck that in on you? Well, it's... it's... it's great for
38:00basketball. Hockey, not so much. Oh, it's great for hockey. It's awesome for hockey. I
38:05mean, you know, so you don't... there you go. Port Authority, Faraday Terminal. Do you
38:12know the difference between the MTA and a Port Authority? The MTA is New York
38:17City Transit. Yes. It includes... it actually includes Metro-North. Okay. And LAR. Okay.
38:24Port Authority is actually shared between New York and New Jersey and includes the
38:28You're very good. Now, why do we need two of them? That's a good question. Do you
38:34think that's a lot of extra money has to be spent? Yes. That's a good question. Is there
38:38any redundancy there? There's a lot of redundancy. It would be great if the MTA
38:42took over everything. You want the MTA to take over everything? Yeah, they're better than New Jersey Transit. Oh my god. Are you okay? You
38:50feeling all right? Yeah. Okay. I mean, nothing's worse than New Jersey Transit. Okay, so where
38:57does John Calipari end up? Looks like Arkansas. And who's going to replace him? I hope not
39:02Shaw. Really? Yes. I want Shaheen Holloway to be at Seton Hall for at least 10 years.
39:11Well, Shaheen Holloway is very popular. Yes, I know. And he is a star. He fits the mold.
39:18He is a star and I tell you what, if he ever lands at a top level program in Seton Hall,
39:23maybe they could do something. They don't have the NIL money. Do you see Shaheen Holloway
39:30in Lexington? Can you see that? It scares me. What about Billy Donovan? Billy Donovan
39:36in Lexington? That's very possible too. Okay. Anybody else you can think of? Rick Pitino?
39:43I don't think that's going to happen. I don't think that's going to happen either. I think
39:48Rick Pitino is now in his final spot. I think Richard Pitino, his son. Yes. Could be a possibility
39:55for Kentucky, but not Rick Pitino. Rick Pitino, I think he's now wants to, his mission is
40:02to make St. John's back in the limelight. See, I think you might've broken a story here
40:09and we might be ahead of it so far that people aren't thinking the way you're thinking. And
40:14this is why you're the sports fan that you are. You said Shaheen Holloway to Kentucky.
40:22That is, that's, that's scary. It's scary. That's a scary thought. It scares me. It scares
40:27me as a Seton Hall fan. Yep. And I know because I know if he goes, if he goes to Kentucky,
40:34he's going to do great things because he's a great coach. He is. Okay. So I'm a fan of
40:38Holloway. All right. I liked him the moment I saw him at St. Peter's when he took a 15 seed
40:45from the tiniest little college. And you can imagine, I mean, I don't even know why St.
40:51Peter's is like division one. It's like their campus is like, like two buildings. Yes, I know.
40:57It's like in the middle of right there, Jersey city. But it's a great, it's a great story,
41:01but Jersey city has great basketball history. Oh, Bobby Hurley. Yes. Danny Hurley.
41:08Yeah. Well, you're talking about Bobby Hurley senior. Yes. Yeah. Of course. Probably,
41:12probably one of the greatest high school basketball coaches of all time. Very important.
41:18Very important. How's it going? Look at this. People want to know who you are.
41:22They don't give a crap about me. They only care about you.
41:26Well, you had that MVP year, 88, of course. Yeah. It was a whole nother lifetime.
41:30It's just, I mean, the league has changed so much since then. It has. I think if Dan Marino
41:37played in this era. Yeah. With these rules. Yeah. There's no telling how many yards he could have
41:42passed for. Well, if he did that and I played alongside of him, how, how, how would have I done?
41:46Oh, you'd probably play more better numbers too. Yeah. Okay. It's not just about Dan Marino. I
41:51mean, I know he's great and everything, but I mean, my God. Well, Dan's always,
41:54Dan's always been my favorite. I am. I am a contemporary of his. And I hate to tell you
41:58this. Yes. One of my top 10 sports moments. Yes. Is the spike play. Yeah. You know, that's
42:03overrated. You know why that's overrated? Who was the backup quarterback that day?
42:08Do you remember who the backup quarterback for the Miami Dolphins was? Uh, back in 94. Yes.
42:13I was, uh, come on, come on, come on. Bill Belichick got rid of him.
42:20Uh, Bernie Kosar. No. Oh, he was 94. He was 94. I don't even, you're right. It was Kosar.
42:26And this whole spike game thing is a pile of bullshit because Bernie Kosar, when he was the
42:34quarterback of the Browns and the Bengals and the Browns, you know, we had a little
42:38back in the day. Right. So Bernie used to do that. Bernie used to do that all the time.
42:44And we all knew about it. And it wasn't Dan's idea to do that spike. That was Bernie's idea.
42:50I never knew that. Now you know something. And by the way, you know who the, uh,
42:54the defensive back covering on that? Aaron Glenn? Yes. And he covered, it was, it was a crappy throw
43:00and who was it? OJ McDuffie? Uh, no, no. It was, uh, Mark Ingram. Mark Ingram. Makes an
43:06unbelievable catch, back shoulder or back hip catch. But Marvin Washington played that play.
43:12Aaron Glenn played that play. And then it just became known as one of these jet things.
43:18You know what I'm saying? And you got to bring that up to me? Well, I just spent like an hour
43:23and a half with walking you all over the freaking creation. And you bring that up?
43:32Well, you brought up 94 and I picked yourself. Yes. Okay. Touche, I guess.
43:39You want to take a rest? Do you need a rest for a minute? No, no. Sure. I'm doing good.
43:44This is beautiful down here, right? It's nice. It's like when it's not nice, you get more energy
43:48to walk. So this is the whole West side bikeway and waterway, coastal way. And this is all the
43:56stuff that Mike Bloomberg did after 9-11. Remember, I don't know if you remember this. He
44:03said he was going to plant a million trees in the five boroughs and everybody scoffed and laughed
44:08at that. And this is what came out of all of those plans. Have you ever been to Little Island? Yes.
44:14That is trippy. It is trippy. But you got to see this place to believe it, right? Yeah.
44:22New York's not what it used to be. It's probably the most beautiful big city.
44:27I mean, if only we could find a way to get rid of the trash problem. Well, that's a big problem.
44:31You know, you got 8.5 million people in five boroughs, a lot of trash. It's a lot of poop.
44:38I mean, it's something that there's really not much you could do about it. I know in Chicago,
44:43Planner City, they had alleyways. How old are you? I'm 48. So you weren't around when the great
44:49Tom Seaver was pitching? Nope. I vaguely remember his 83 season. Oh, you do? Okay. Yep. The first
44:56season I fully got into baseball was a good season to do it. 85. Dwight Gooden having just
45:04dominance. So I was 7, 8, 9, growing up in the late 60s. And my heroes as ball players were Tom
45:13Seaver, Clyde Frazier, and Rod Gilbert for the Rangers. Well, I've just recently passed away
45:20a couple of years ago. Yep. I just recently said, well, which one passed away last night? Jerry
45:24Grody. Jerry Grody. And Pat Zachary before that, he was 71 years old. I vaguely remember Zachary.
45:31I just remember him with a big beard. Yes. He was actually a Mets got him for Seaver. Yep.
45:38And of course, 85, Gooden, that was just something else that year. And then one year later,
45:43they win the World Series. That team should have won more. That team was sidetracked by a lot of
45:48off the field stuff. Yeah. I love the legacy of that team and how crazy it was. Yes. But I also
45:55know that that craziness imploded eventually. If that team were playing today, that team probably
46:03at least three World Series out of five years. Dynasty. Yeah. And if they had the wild card back
46:08then. Yes. And if Davey Johnson actually had a little bit better of an instinct in 1988 NLCS and
46:18put Randy Myers in game four, that series over, you know, it's amazing. It wasn't Randy Myers
46:25or part of the nasty boys. Yes. Randy Myers, Norm Charlton, John was John Franco part of them. No,
46:32actually it was a straight up trade one for one. Yes. Myers for Franco. Franco. That's what it was.
46:37Okay. Straight up wires. Randy Charlton. And there was another guy there. Dibble dibble.
46:42Dibble. Rob Dibble was nuts. Rob Dibble. That's who. Yes. He was nuts.
46:47You gotta have, you know, so Phil Sims has told me that Bill Parcells has told him many times that
46:54every ship needs a rat or two. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like we got those guys over at WFN.
47:02Got a few rats in there. You know what I mean? Yeah. I can imagine that. You gotta have a few
47:06of those Rob Dibble types. I mean, I remember Rob Dibble got into the, uh, the fight with
47:13Lou Piniella into your clubhouse. Yeah, it was awesome. I mean, Lou Piniella was great.
47:18He was one of the great personalities. I mean, he was a great player. Don't get me wrong.
47:23But as a manager, his personality was the best. He was like picking up third base and throwing it
47:29across the diamond, screaming at the umpires, getting in the face of his players. That man,
47:35that guy was awesome. I remember when he, when he went, he went from Seattle to Tampa
47:40and when he was in Tampa, the Rays just couldn't do anything right. He goes, he goes,
47:45and it supposedly came out and leaked out. He said, he goes, he goes, I look around his team
47:50and I look at his players and I said, now I know why this team sucks. Like John McVay when they
47:56asked him about execution and he goes, I'm all for it. Execute my entire team. That 76 Buccaneer
48:01team. Yes. That, that might be the worst professional team in the last. I played for a
48:08three and 13 Richie Cotai team. That was pretty bad. And the next year I was gone. They spent 80
48:13million on free agency. And he went one in 15. That's exactly right. So we won three games
48:18somehow. I don't know how I did. We, we did that. That was an amazing, amazing time. And that was
48:25pretty bad. That team was pretty bad. I remember you got like a brutal, yeah, like a big, big
48:29concussion. Yeah. With WC a little long. It was just so bad. So, you know, we're from New York,
48:37right? So we know what, what putting a hit out on somebody is about, right? Yeah. Put a hit on that
48:42guy. Take him out. You know, when he's out, take him out, you know, when he's out to dinner with
48:47his family, take them out, that kind of thing. Yeah. I kind of feel like there was a hit put
48:50out on me in that Buffalo game where I took that concussion because Richie Cotai decided
48:58to take a defensive tackle and make him our starting left tackle in Buffalo against Bruce
49:03Smith. Oh boy. Now playing on the road in Buffalo with Bruce Smith is like impossible. You can't
49:10block the guy. You know what I mean? The leading sacker statistically of all time. Yeah. It's uh,
49:16they didn't count stats, but probably Deacon Jones probably has more sacks than him. So what happens
49:22is Everett MacGyver is out at left tackle. Bruce Smith is out there and all of a sudden he moves
49:27his shoulders just like that. Bruce jumps, he's offside, but it's a false start. Nobody can hear
49:34a whistle. I drop back. I'm looking down the field and I've seen it a thousand times. I don't
49:40remember it, but I see it. I've seen it. And he puts the crown of his helmet right underneath my
49:44chin. He'd be ejected today. Exactly. He'd be ejected today. Oh yes. I'm not this Sunday. I'm
49:50speaking Dwight Gooden. We're going out for walk 200. Today's walk 194. Yeah. Appropriately enough
49:5694 for you. Okay. 94 Rangers. 94 Rangers. Yes. 94 spike game. Which is it? Rangers. All right. Okay.
50:06Thank you. You love that, huh? So I, you know, I've switched from Nets to Knicks. You have? Yes.
50:15The Nets. And you know what happened? Yeah. I dabbed up O.J. Annanubi and the next day he had
50:20surgery. Oh good. So you're the bad luck piece then. All right. So what are you doing? So it's
50:26walk 200. Yeah. For the NYPD and the FDNY. Yep. We're going to walk around city field before
50:31Dwight Gooden's normal retirement. Yeah. Okay. And that's going to be, we're going to raise money
50:36for the FDNY, NYPD. We're actually walking with the guys who've been playing in the hockey game.
50:40Oh, I love that. That's great. And you know, the other thing too, so go this way guys.
50:47You know, the other thing too, is that the FDNY and NYPD, like most of us really do appreciate
50:55them. The far majority of population, 95% appreciate the sacrifices that those people make.
51:04Do you agree? Oh yeah. I mean. It's a very loud, small group of people that are always
51:10screaming and yelling about something. And somehow the squeaky wheel always gets the
51:14grease, right? Yeah. The officer who was murdered last week. Jonathan Diller. Yeah. I mean, and then
51:20we put up, we got a shirt out for him. That was, I saw that. I'm glad that we were able to do that.
51:26And I saw Dave Portnoy actually matched the amount of money that they raised for him. And we're
51:31getting involved in tunnels and towers. So that's another September 11th thing. And I mean,
51:40these people run into burning buildings while everyone's running out. That's exactly right.
51:44And when there's guns involved, people are running to go get guns from people. And yeah,
51:49I think what you're doing is amazing. Well, thanks. Do you want to play a little basketball
51:53or something? You want to play some pickleball? I think I could take you to pickleball. Probably.
51:57You sure? Do you do it? Do you do anything like that? Do you? No, I haven't gotten into
52:02pickleball yet, but I got. What are you waiting for? No. Well, I get warmer. Yeah. But you're
52:09losing weight now and things are good. You're thinking healthy, right? Yep. Someone actually
52:13sent me a volare actually, the pickleball paddle people. Okay. Sent me a special New Jersey Devils
52:20pickleball paddle. You know, if you play with somebody, that's pretty good. You really don't
52:25have to move much. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Yes, it is a good thing. Okay. Ride
52:31the coattails. All right. So how many pounds have you lost since you started these walks?
52:3650. Okay. How many more are we shooting for? Well, I go step by step. My next goal is 325.
52:42325. How much you weigh now? 333. You're like a nose tackle. Like Vince Wilfork.
52:50I mean, I look at this. Some of my clothes is now swimming on me. That's good. You're
52:54going to eat. Well, believe me, I don't think I have a problem getting some new clothes.
52:58I think, uh, I think Portnoy would buy you some new clothes. Sure. He has plenty of free stuff
53:02playing around, right? Yep. You like working for him? Oh, it's, it's fun. It's, it's a fun
53:08experience. He's a great guy. He does a lot of good for a lot of people. And, uh, especially a
53:13couple of years ago when, uh, he was raising money for those restaurants during the pandemic. Yep.
53:18That 20 was out there raising money for small businesses. He helped keep a lot of doors open.
53:22Yes, he did. He helped keep a lot of doors. There's a restaurant, uh, called Calabria's in
53:28Livingston. Okay. They just, they said that he saved them and they had, they really just love
53:34him. They treat us like Kings every time we go there. That's great. Yeah. We have, uh, Gabrielle
53:39runs it and, uh, she's like, she treats us like she treats us like Kings every time we go out
53:44there and she's, you don't go there expecting free food. Well, she treats us great. That's all
53:50I'll say. That's great. Oh yes. Uh, how, uh, you mentioned your foundation for, what's the way to
53:59help out donate to, uh, the easiest places for people to go to a sison.org. You can find us right
54:06there in the web. If you Google my name, you can find it. Um, you know, it's not for everybody. I
54:11mean, there's so many different foundations trying to do so many different things and we really try
54:16to stay in our lane and we have so much support within the cystic fibrosis community. So we like
54:21to open it up to other people and they know that every dollar that they give to us, it works and
54:27it, and it makes a difference in the life of a CF family. And one of the great things we're doing
54:32now is we have an IVF program because CF men cannot have children biologically. There's a
54:42problem within their body, so they have to go through IVF and it's a very expensive process.
54:49So now we're helping build families through IVF programs and we've got, I think we've got about
54:55five or six babies on the way now. Including, uh, including Casper and Mika. Yeah. Who's coming very
55:02soon. Yes. I mean, that's, that's terrific. You know, I, I, I, I said, I just, I just, like I said, I follow Gunnar on, uh,
55:09on Twitter. I just like, I threw him a follow, seeing how he's like, uh, become like a coach and,
55:14uh, yeah, he's great. Have you followed Sydney on Twitter? Actually, I think I, I think I do. Yes.
55:20I mean, if you want her husband to come play for your devil, you better start figuring out
55:24what's going on. Yes. I definitely, uh, I put this way, the devils don't need much. They need a
55:30defensive defenseman, probably a goalie, although Jake Allen's played well. Right. They, uh, I wouldn't
55:38mind seeing, uh, Dawes getting a chance. Uh, too late now, too late now. That's all you got to think
55:44about next year. No, no. I'm thinking about next year. Okay. I'm thinking about next year. Um, so
55:50get a different, get a tough defenseman and they would, the one player that I think the devils
55:54really missed is Miles Wood. Yeah. They need, they need grit. They don't have any grit. They have the
55:59speed, they have the talent, they have the offensive diamondism, but they don't have grit.
56:04And they got to, you just got to have defense. You got to be able to block shots. You got to be
56:08able to win puck battles in the corner. I mean, Simon Nemech, he's 20 years old. Yeah. He's going
56:14to be great. That's right. Luke Hughes is going to be great, but he's going to be one of those,
56:17like, guy, those offensive defensemen. Okay. Well, Boomer, I like, thank you. This is, this flew by.
56:25Yes, it did. I mean, this, my dad, this, this flew by. It was a lot of fun. Uh, they're kind of
56:29razzing each other a little bit with the devils and dolphins. Well, Frank, I wish you the best.
56:35And you know why I took you here? See, you got your full view of the Freedom Tower. That's why.
56:41How's that? Say hi to that young man. How's it going? You're welcome. Thank you. Oh, thanks.
56:47Frank, you take it easy. All right, guys. I appreciate it. That was fun, man. Thanks guys.
56:52Thanks guys. Frank Walks is presented by Barley Armor.
