• last year
00:01:40We're gonna make okay, you can go cliente que debo recoger estaría y en quizás media hora nos vemos
00:01:51Hola Alison hola
00:01:57Siento mucho llegó tarde está bien espera te abro la puerta gracias
00:02:11Así que alison no parece que seas de por aquí no soy de rusia bienvenida a la soleada australia gracias
00:02:23Que te trae a este hermoso país
00:02:27este aquí por trabajo
00:02:29y mi novio vivía aquí ah que bien si lleva aquí tiempo así que
00:02:36Hace mucho calor aquí y se pondrá peor no puede que te acostumbres tal vez
00:03:08Si voy saliendo ya llegaste el que
00:03:18Entonces quien me verá
00:03:39Buen día señora jay van puede llamarme iván es un placer
00:03:42El placer es mío señor no podía esperar para llegar veniste desde rusia verdad si rusia que alpino san petersburgo
00:03:51Todo el camino hasta per
00:03:54Cielos charles de beber visto potencial en ti bueno dijo que había mucho en mi currículum que calificaba
00:04:00en serio
00:04:03Charles se reportó enfermo así que él no vendrá
00:04:07Pero soy su supervisor y creo que estoy en la posición de reemplazarlo por supuesto y dime
00:04:15Que sabes de la tele que
00:04:18Fue fundada en principios de los noventas
00:04:21Es especialista en telecomunicaciones espera no me refiero a que hacemos aquí de que trata mi área
00:04:29Clientes correcto nuestro día y noche
00:04:33Recibimos miles de llamadas de todo tipo de persona y es su trabajo satisfacer sus necesidades
00:04:39Ahora tengo una prueba para ti
00:04:42Relacionada al cliente claro
00:04:44I'm sold redorante media hora y cuando regrese revisaremos tu respuestas gracias señor
00:05:15Detectives you
00:05:18Dijiste que el traslado era de un solo preso si y ahora está prófugo desde hace dos horas
00:05:25Ellos eran sus escoltas
00:05:26Les reventó una llanta y se detuvieron a cambiarla
00:05:31Después de unos minutos el fugitivo
00:05:33Preguntó si podía orinar y después de varias negativas larguita la rosca de un perno y wilcox decide que es justo dejar que el detenido
00:05:40Bremer bremer saliera bremer no que a wilcox con un golpe en la cabeza
00:05:45y clar que no tenía de lo que pasaba también fue no quedo
00:05:50Tienes suerte de estar vivo
00:05:52una ventaja de dos horas en quien sabe en qué dirección
00:05:57Obviamente es hacia allá
00:06:00Ya revisé tus respuestas y honestamente
00:06:05Necesito sentarme con chars cuando regrese
00:06:08Es decir no te fue nada bien
00:06:12Por ejemplo aquí dice que le pedirías a la gerencia que escriba una carta formal de disculpa a este cliente y bla bla bla bla y
00:06:19Un reembolso completo es lo mejor pero eso no funcionará
00:06:23Me temo que no le entiendo
00:06:26Profesionalmente el señor ajay ben me agrada
00:06:28Pero todo cliente que llama molesto no es un comprador potencial de nuestros productos su trabajo es controlarlos
00:06:36Presionarlo para que compren un producto alternativo
00:06:39Entonces y solo entonces habrás hecho tu trabajo en lo que a mí respecta pero qué pasó con el cliente siempre tiene la razón
00:06:46Ese es el truco debes hacerles pensar que tienen razón si toman otro producto la razón del cliente es solo algo que decimos
00:06:53No esperaba que lo tomaras en cuenta
00:06:56Pero basado en lo que me has dado no puedes un vendedor capaz habría usar ambos lados
00:07:03Volé 10.000 kilómetros para esto
00:07:07Charles dijo que me darían el trabajo no sé de qué otra forma decirlo pero se equivocó
00:07:13Qué se supone que haga ahora con todo respeto señora jay ben ese no es mi problema ya puede irse
00:07:20La emplea dijo que no era dulce entró con oberol graciento y dijo que tenía una cita pero olvidó su cambio de ropa
00:07:27Parece que tiró algo es más inteligente de lo que creía sabes que rastrearemos esas tarjetas empieza a interrogar a la gente a ver si alguien lo vio
00:07:35Vamos a la estación de autobuses veamos si tomó uno
00:07:38Señora que llevaba puesto
00:08:11Hay esta cuando fue esto la hora dice nueve treinta y dos AM
00:08:19Si Daniels
00:08:20Lo siento me retrasé si estoy en camino
00:08:23No no no no espera hacia dónde iba el autobús
00:08:26La ciudad
00:08:27Ve a la estación de autobuses de la ciudad
00:08:30A la estación
00:09:53Quieres un café cariño
00:10:50Ha visto este hombre
00:10:53Hola detective Daniels de la policía estatal como está hoy
00:10:56Mi compañera sólo va a estar preguntando
00:11:02Lamento molestarlo
00:11:03Ha visto este hombre
00:11:05Para nada
00:11:11No puedo revelar información del fugitivo sólo para controlar el rumor por supuesto
00:11:23Muchas gracias
00:11:32Bueno eso fue emocionante
00:11:35Vamos al siguiente lugar
00:11:36Sí vamos
00:11:38Espera tengo que ir al baño
00:11:39¿Por qué no lo dijiste antes?
00:11:41Supongo que iré por un café
00:11:44Y estoy hablando solo
00:11:49No adelante
00:12:10Perdón por esto
00:12:14¡Suelte el arma Brock!
00:12:15¡Déjala ir!
00:12:16¡Hijos de perra suelten sus armas y entren!
00:12:18¡O le voy a disparar!
00:12:19¡Por favor no!
00:12:21¡No lo diré dos veces!
00:12:22¡Suelten sus armas y tirense al suelo!
00:12:30¡Eso es!
00:12:34¡Boca abajo!
00:12:37¡Sí tú!
00:12:38¡Ven aquí!
00:12:39¡Y ponle las esposas!
00:12:45¡Así! ¡Ahora espósalo junto a las de ella!
00:12:47¡Que estén juntos!
00:12:49¡Por favor! ¡Acabo de llegar aquí!
00:12:50¡Cállate! ¡Hazlo!
00:12:55¡Ahora todos!
00:12:56¡Entren juntos a la cocina!
00:13:00¡Miren a todos!
00:13:09¿No se refieren nosotros también, verdad?
00:13:28Convicto prófugo
00:13:30Dos policías dentro de un café, en un movimiento desesperado, tomó a una joven como riel
00:13:36El colectivo Brock Bremer estaba siendo escoltado a una audiencia esta mañana
00:13:40Se rumora que todo fue planeado
00:13:42Se reventó una llanta y escapó Bremer
00:13:44Mientras los oficiales vivían bajo la situación
00:13:47Nos advierten que Bremer está armado y es peligroso
00:13:50Se les pide que no intenten acercarse o detenerlo por su cuenta
00:13:54En su lugar, llame a crimen
00:14:05¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:14:07¿Por qué entramos aquí?
00:14:10¡Por favor! ¡Tengo que saber!
00:14:15Estás bien
00:14:17¿Por qué?
00:14:19¿Por qué?
00:14:21¿Por qué?
00:14:23¿Por qué?
00:14:25¿Por qué?
00:14:27¿Por qué?
00:14:29¿Por qué?
00:14:31¿Por qué?
00:14:33¿Por qué?
00:14:35No te voy a hacer daño
00:14:37Solo conseguiré otro auto
00:14:49Ahora, aquí es donde debes comportarte
00:14:52Sígame la corriente y nadie saldrá herido
00:14:54¿Me entiendes?
00:14:56Y mantén la boca cerrada, yo seré el que habla
00:14:59Sal por aquí
00:15:24Tómame del cuello
00:15:28Tómame del cuello
00:16:03¿Puedes presionar uno?
00:16:13Primer piso
00:16:38Hola, Andrews
00:16:39Buenas noticias
00:16:40Escuché que estás con Jill en el caso
00:16:43Debes estar bromeando
00:16:47Voy por algo de cafeína
00:16:50Ok, gracias
00:16:56Un poco
00:17:02Allí estás, Andrews
00:17:03Ven acá
00:17:04Sé que esto no es fácil para los dos
00:17:06Pero tenemos un secuestro
00:17:07Y necesito toda la ayuda posible
00:17:10Y bien
00:17:11¿Qué tenemos hasta ahora?
00:17:12Allison Haven
00:17:13Llegó desde San Petersburgo
00:17:15Tiene papeles para una entrevista en Westberg
00:17:19Hablando de mala suerte
00:17:23Consigan pistas
00:17:24Puede que contacte a viejos amigos o familia
00:17:26No sabemos lo que le podría hacer
00:17:31No les pido que se besen y reconcilien
00:17:34Solo pido profesionalismo
00:17:41¡Vayan! ¡Vayan!
00:17:43Maldita sea
00:17:45Guardia de Seguridad
00:17:46Peter Townsend
00:17:47Fugitivo Brock Bremer
00:17:48Que cumplió 18 años
00:17:49Por robo a mano armada
00:17:50A la discursal de Westberg
00:17:52En Eastburg hace 3 años
00:17:54Las autoridades acusaron
00:17:55Las autoridades aconsejan
00:17:56Estar al pendiente del sospechoso
00:17:58Ya que se le considera armado y peligroso
00:18:04Están exagerando
00:18:09Oye, oye
00:18:10No las quites
00:18:12Se cansaron mis brazos
00:18:13Necesito saber que no harás nada
00:18:15No hay nada que no pueda hacer desde aquí
00:18:18Que no pueda hacer desde aquí
00:18:23Pero no hagas nada
00:18:24Creo que ya los perdimos
00:18:28No quise gritarte antes
00:18:30En serio, no soy así
00:18:32Solo debía ser convincente, ¿sabes?
00:18:34¿Me vas a dejar ir?
00:18:35Todavía no
00:18:38¿Oíste lo que dijeron?
00:18:39Todos los policías del estado me están buscando
00:18:41Si me alcanzan y estoy solo
00:18:42Estoy muerto
00:18:44Todo lo que tenía estaba en ese café
00:18:47Seguro lo recuperarás
00:18:48La policía lo guarda en algún lugar
00:18:51Te dejaré ir tan pronto pueda
00:18:52Y podrás volver a hacer lo que hacías
00:18:58No tengo nada a lo que volver
00:19:01Vine aquí por un trabajo
00:19:02Me lo garantizaron al 100%
00:19:05Pero el hombre con el que hablé no estaba
00:19:07Y enviaron a otro hombre que me hizo una prueba estúpida
00:19:11Y me echó
00:19:13¿Cuál era el trabajo?
00:19:15Empresa de telemarketing
00:19:18Iba a pasar el rato con mi novio después
00:19:20Pero lo atrapé con una maldita zorra
00:19:25Se suponía que iba a estar con él hoy
00:19:29Sin trabajo, un novio idiota, me secuestraste
00:19:36Lo siento
00:19:40Mira, no sé qué idiota engaña a una chica como tú
00:19:43Pero sé que estás mejor sin él
00:19:51En cuanto al idiota que te secuestró
00:19:54Dime quién es y le pateo el trasero
00:20:00Lamento mucho lo de la mañana
00:20:03Me llamo Brock
00:20:09¿De dónde eres?
00:20:13Bueno, Allison de Colpino
00:20:17Tú y yo visitaremos a un viejo amigo
00:20:20El idiota se escapó con mi dinero
00:20:51Sal, rápido, sal
00:21:06¿Ves el tapete?
00:21:08Dale la vuelta
00:21:10¿Ves el bulto?
00:21:18Abre la puerta
00:21:21Sin estirar
00:21:37No making noise
00:22:02Hi, Brian
00:22:04Shit, shit, shit
00:22:07Brock, Brock
00:22:10You almost gave me a heart attack
00:22:12I was watching you on the news
00:22:13You're the best, man
00:22:14Shut up, Brian
00:22:17You know I could save you, right?
00:22:19You have to know, man
00:22:20What about the money?
00:22:21I need to get out of here
00:22:22Where's the suitcase?
00:22:23I don't have it
00:22:24You're lying, I saw you take it and run
00:22:26Yeah, yeah, I took it, but, but, but
00:22:28Go get it
00:22:29I can't, man
00:22:30What do you mean you can't?
00:22:31You better not have spent it
00:22:33I'm trying to explain
00:22:34I don't have it
00:22:35Mason ran away with the money suitcase
00:22:37The bag I took from him had this
00:22:40Little black bags wrapped
00:22:42What bags?
00:22:43Diamonds, man
00:22:44Damn diamonds
00:22:46I don't know anything about diamonds
00:22:48But they were big
00:22:50You can point me at anything you want
00:22:53But I don't have the money, man
00:22:55Your stupid brother took the wrong suitcase
00:22:58Please stop
00:22:59They were identical, you idiot
00:23:00Please stop
00:23:02Don't kill him
00:23:03You're lying
00:23:04You have your answer
00:23:06Not yet
00:23:08How do I know you're not lying, Brian?
00:23:10Look at my house, man
00:23:11I'd live at my father's house if I had money
00:23:13I'd be on some island, not here
00:23:16I don't know how to sell diamonds
00:23:18So you still have them
00:23:20You could say that
00:23:22Explain yourself better, Brian
00:23:28You have to tell me where they are, man
00:23:35They're in a locker at the Perth train station
00:23:38The key is in a drawer under the magazines
00:23:40Behind your girlfriend
00:24:04Will you come back for me?
00:24:05Of course
00:24:07In all the reports you saw in the last few hours
00:24:09And all the coverage you received that day
00:24:11Have you ever heard your name?
00:24:15And why do you think?
00:24:17Maybe they don't know how to pronounce Brian
00:24:19Shit! I'm sorry, Brian, I'll have to cut this
00:24:26Is anyone there?
00:24:31Why did you do that?
00:24:33I thought we were okay
00:24:34I'm not going to hurt you
00:24:35Get out of here!
00:24:37If you mess with that man, they'll kill us both
00:24:39I won't let anything happen to you
00:24:40But I need the suitcase, okay?
00:24:43I know someone
00:24:44We can move without any problems
00:24:45But I can't do anything without money
00:25:04Let's go get the suitcase
00:25:06No, not yet
00:25:08There's a lot of people
00:25:13How do you know Mason?
00:25:15Brian knew Mason
00:25:16And Mason knew the bank
00:25:18He said there was cash
00:25:19And that we should make the move
00:25:20The move?
00:25:21The robbery
00:25:23And he knew there were diamonds
00:25:26It seems like it
00:25:28I don't know
00:25:29I don't know
00:25:32It seems like it
00:25:43What are you doing here?
00:25:46And my diamonds, Brian?
00:25:47I don't know
00:25:49You ran away with them, didn't you?
00:25:51Yes, yes, yes
00:25:53What makes you think that, man?
00:25:56Or maybe one of those cops
00:25:58They could have gotten away with his
00:26:00Yes, yes, yes, yes
00:26:01Maybe, maybe
00:26:02But if they already left
00:26:03It doesn't make sense, right?
00:26:05There's no...
00:26:06Where the hell are they?
00:26:09Brock was here, right?
00:26:11Yes, yes, he came here
00:26:13But I don't have them
00:26:14I swear
00:26:17No, Mason
00:26:19Please, Mason
00:26:21I don't need your help
00:26:22I don't need your help
00:26:24I don't need you, fat idiot
00:26:32Fat shit
00:26:37Damn bastard
00:26:53Why did you take so long?
00:26:54I smoked half a pack waiting
00:26:55Fuck you, Andrews
00:27:00Mr. Bremer?
00:27:07Are you sure you're aware that your nephew
00:27:09Escaped from the custody?
00:27:11I understand that you were close to him
00:27:13I'm sure
00:27:14I'm sure
00:27:15I'm sure
00:27:16I'm sure
00:27:17I'm sure
00:27:18I'm sure
00:27:19I'm sure
00:27:20I'm sure
00:27:21I'm sure
00:27:22I understand that you were close to him
00:27:28Was there a question in that?
00:27:31You were close to Brock, Mr. Bremer
00:27:34Yes, I was
00:27:35Not anymore
00:27:39The penitentiary said
00:27:40That you were sent letters for three years
00:27:42I never opened them
00:27:43I took them out for you
00:27:52The only thing I know is that the idiot
00:27:54Stole a bank
00:27:58Your testimony says that it was to
00:27:59Take care of your father's finances
00:28:04Which one was his brother, right?
00:28:08Mr. Bremer
00:28:11I try to understand why Brock
00:28:12Had the need to steal a bank to help his father
00:28:15When his brother had the means to help him
00:28:18Do you insinuate that I had something to do with that?
00:28:21I was adopted, detective
00:28:24Do you know what that means?
00:28:26I loved him
00:28:28But he was a very stubborn man
00:28:31I would have given him all the money
00:28:32But I wouldn't take it
00:28:34How was your business doing at the time of the robbery?
00:28:39If you're here to look for Brock
00:28:41He's not here
00:28:43To be honest
00:28:45I can't wait for him to be caught
00:28:47And go back to where he belongs
00:28:51If you want to arrest me for something
00:28:53Just do it
00:29:01Look, there are a lot of letters, yes?
00:29:03And none is open
00:29:04I would say he is more than angry with Brock
00:29:06Or maybe he mentioned us
00:29:07The financial state of his company
00:29:09Some closed letters are not enough to think
00:29:11He had nothing to do with Brock
00:29:13Or that Brock will not come for help
00:29:16Someone come watch
00:29:17I'm already on that
00:29:21We found the car
00:29:33Yes, yes
00:29:35Andrews Clark
00:29:38He went with Daniels to track the calls
00:29:41What did you find?
00:29:42Well, we found the stolen car
00:29:44But it seems that Brock is moving in a silver Honda
00:29:47Yes, the owners confirmed it
00:29:49We got this from the database
00:29:51Look, registration, GPS and images
00:29:55All the information is here
00:29:57Good job
00:29:58We have to inform him
00:30:00Would you mind giving us a copy?
00:30:02Yes, of course, don't worry
00:30:03Leave it to me
00:30:15Brock has a new car
00:30:16Tell Gil
00:30:17Yes, of course
00:30:18Oh wait, I need a photo of the document
00:30:26Hey Chris, wait
00:30:38Are you okay?
00:30:39Yes, yes
00:30:42Who the hell was it?
00:30:43I don't know, but he went that way
00:30:44Very well, you two go that way
00:30:46And you go that way
00:30:47We'll lock him up
00:30:48Let's go
00:32:46Get out
00:32:50Whoa, whoa, whoa
00:32:51Hey, it's me
00:32:52Get her out
00:32:55Did you see him?
00:32:56No, there was no one here
00:32:58Maybe he escaped
00:32:59Did you recognize him?
00:33:00I didn't, but he looked interested in Brock's car
00:33:05I think I heard you with someone
00:33:08No, it was just me
00:33:09It was just me
00:33:14Very well, yes
00:33:15We're on our way
00:33:17It was Gil
00:33:18They found one of Brock's friends dead
00:33:20Let's go
00:33:24At 17, I bought an XK Falcon from my grandfather in 1960
00:33:30The next week, I sold it
00:33:32For twice what I paid
00:33:34At that moment, I got hooked
00:33:36I was making more money
00:33:37In a week than my father in a month
00:33:41One day, I bought a Falcon GT from 1969
00:33:44For a very low price
00:33:46Then, a week later
00:33:49I found out it was fake
00:33:53I don't know what kind of idiot
00:33:54Sells a fake car from a real brand
00:33:57And doesn't expect repercussions
00:33:59But these idiots do
00:34:01They never found their bodies, but
00:34:03They taught me that it doesn't matter
00:34:04Doing things on my own
00:34:09A few years ago
00:34:10I bought something from a guy I trusted
00:34:13But he took my money
00:34:14And the idiot died
00:34:16And my money was in a bank
00:34:18I couldn't get it back
00:34:20Months later
00:34:21I saw the opportunity to join some idiots
00:34:23Who could do the job for me
00:34:25Accept the blame
00:34:26And I get my money back
00:34:29Easy, right?
00:34:33One of them took my bag
00:34:35Called the police
00:34:36And ruined everything
00:34:38An easy job
00:34:39Turned into hell
00:34:40And they almost killed me
00:34:42For trying to get back what was mine
00:34:45So I need your help
00:34:47Because we're competing with the police
00:34:48To find him
00:34:50That son of a bitch on TV
00:34:51Escaped from his transfer
00:34:53He knows where my stuff is
00:34:54And I want him alive
00:34:57When he reveals his location
00:34:58And I get my bag back
00:35:00I'll give each of you 100,000
00:35:03So I suggest you start looking
00:35:05If the police find him first
00:35:06It's over
00:35:30Brian Nichols
00:35:31No address
00:35:32He's not here
00:35:35He was on the robbery list
00:35:39We never had any evidence to link him
00:35:41And then we couldn't find him
00:35:42To question him
00:35:44Yes, I remember checking this place
00:35:46His father insisted
00:35:47He hadn't seen him in months
00:35:50We even watched the place
00:35:52Now, if he was here at that time
00:35:54He never left the building
00:35:55Nobody saw him
00:35:57Someone was afraid of him
00:35:58Primer has a police Glock, right?
00:36:04He either changed it for a Magnum
00:36:06Or this was someone else
00:36:10It's funny you say that
00:36:13Our friend Brian
00:36:14Hurt his attacker
00:36:18I think he still has blood
00:36:21He bet you 100 dollars?
00:36:23I don't know
00:36:24This blood
00:36:26He bet you 100 dollars?
00:36:28This blood is from Bremer
00:36:32We should find the father
00:36:34Before making conclusions
00:36:37Who's watching the Bremer graves?
00:36:49Where are we?
00:36:51My dad's house
00:36:54Very good
00:36:55Put your hands on that
00:36:57But I thought I'd go with you
00:37:00It's been a while since I've seen you
00:37:03I don't know how you'll react
00:37:04When you see me
00:37:05And less bringing a hostage with me
00:37:07So let's go
00:37:13Damn idiot
00:37:18It won't take long
00:37:24Let's go
00:37:31Have you lost your mind?
00:37:33Just a little
00:37:36Please tell me you didn't bring the hostage to my house
00:37:38Are you trying to get me arrested with you?
00:37:41She's safe
00:37:42And I need her
00:37:43And if they catch me and I'm alone
00:37:45They'll shoot me
00:37:48And how have you been?
00:37:54Did you read my letters?
00:37:56What did you want me to say?
00:37:59One would have been good
00:38:00I don't want to be part of this
00:38:03Uncle Ross, I...
00:38:04You have to go
00:38:05I know you're upset, but
00:38:07There was no other way to help him
00:38:08What made you think you'd help even if you did?
00:38:12I wasn't going to accept a no answer
00:38:13You gave up too easily
00:38:14What did you want me to do?
00:38:17I offered to pay for everything
00:38:20And he rejected it
00:38:22He kicked me out of his house
00:38:23What did you want me to do?
00:38:25Go back in so he'd kick me out again?
00:38:27I didn't come to argue
00:38:31Look, I don't know how this is going to turn out
00:38:34But I wanted to see you and tell you I'm sorry
00:38:44I'm sorry
00:38:45I'm sorry
00:38:53I'm going
00:39:00This is all I have
00:39:02Let the poor girl go
00:39:04As soon as I can
00:39:06Thank you
00:39:15I love you
00:39:45I love you
00:40:08I'm coming
00:40:11Oh my God!
00:40:13Oh wow!
00:40:15Oh hello there!
00:40:17Aren't you beautiful?
00:40:18Do you want something to eat?
00:40:23I found him
00:40:25It looks like he fell in love with his queen
00:40:35Here you go
00:40:44Chicken, cheese and mayonnaise
00:40:46Is that all?
00:40:48Maybe salt and pepper
00:40:50But Jane makes the dough
00:40:53But the best I've ever tasted
00:40:58Can I ask you something?
00:41:03Why did you steal a bank?
00:41:05Why not just work for the money?
00:41:08It was a matter of time
00:41:10Our father had cancer
00:41:12Elliot, my brother
00:41:15He needed treatment
00:41:16Which was good
00:41:17But he had no income
00:41:19And he was going to lose the house
00:41:21We all grew up there
00:41:22Mom died there
00:41:24We didn't want him to lose anything else
00:41:27But after not paying
00:41:28The bank wanted all the money
00:41:31Elliot and I had to raise $50,000
00:41:33And we couldn't get it
00:41:36On the radio
00:41:38They say you killed cops
00:41:39I didn't kill anyone
00:41:40The guy
00:41:41The one Brian was talking about
00:41:44Obviously he had another plan
00:41:46He shot a guard and a cop
00:41:48The one who caught me
00:41:49Shot Elliot
00:41:52He pointed his gun at the cop
00:41:54Of course I'd shoot him
00:41:56I'm sorry
00:41:57I've over-thought it
00:41:58No, it's okay
00:42:04My day could have been worse
00:42:07Than today?
00:42:09This morning
00:42:11I thought about what would happen next
00:42:14I'd have to work
00:42:16I'd depend on my income
00:42:17And on a boyfriend
00:42:19But when that failed
00:42:22There was nothing left for me
00:42:27Why are you smiling?
00:42:29I didn't get the job
00:42:30Todd's idiot left me
00:42:32You took me
00:42:35You're the only person
00:42:36Who needed me today
00:42:45I brought some things to take
00:42:47Thank you
00:42:51Please take care of yourself
00:42:52I love you
00:42:54I love you too Aunt Jane
00:43:06I love you too
00:43:36I love you too
00:44:00See you soon
00:44:06Now what?
00:44:08We wait for the dusk
00:44:09And find out what's in the locker room
00:44:16Why don't you forget about this?
00:44:19Why don't you just
00:44:25You don't need to die for this
00:44:27I lost my dad
00:44:28And Elliot in this shit
00:44:30I can't leave
00:44:31And see this idiot
00:44:32Take the rewards
00:44:36I'm sorry
00:44:54Run! Get out of here now!
00:45:00Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
00:45:08Let's go!
00:45:33Ask for backup
00:45:35Andrews, tell Jill to come quick
00:45:39Yes, sir
00:46:05Andrews, behind the tree
00:46:07Go get the bitch
00:46:14Damn bitch
00:46:15Hurry up
00:46:18Come here
00:46:22Shut up
00:46:38Shut up
00:46:43Damn bitch
00:46:50Let's go
00:47:04Let's go!
00:47:11Damn bitch
00:47:14Shut up!
00:47:28Shit! We're late
00:47:29Let's go!
00:47:31Go that way!
00:48:27Let's go!
00:48:49It's better if you cover up
00:48:53Son of a bitch
00:48:58Let me go! Let me go!
00:48:59Bitch! Gun!
00:49:01Help me!
00:49:02Let me go!
00:49:03Get in!
00:49:07Let me go!
00:49:26Let's go!
00:50:24Let's go!
00:50:38Take a seat, Andrews
00:50:44I just talked to Jill
00:50:46Yes, and?
00:50:48And I just wanted to hear a little more details
00:50:51What else do you want me to say?
00:50:52We were close, but Brock escaped along with Allison
00:50:56Because there was another gang in the cemetery
00:50:59Maybe it was Brock's men
00:51:01They saw us coming and hell broke loose
00:51:04Jill thinks the same
00:51:06But if it was Brock's men
00:51:08How could you get in and save Allison in the middle of that damn crusade?
00:51:14With luck, I guess
00:51:18I know you have a great network, Andrews
00:51:22By chance, you wouldn't have ties to that gang, would you?
00:51:27Come on, boss
00:51:28Of course not
00:51:29Come on, everyone knows I have connections
00:51:31But there's no way I'd go that far
00:51:35You know
00:51:36There are certain things I'm willing to let go, Andrews
00:51:39But I draw the line when our men are murdered
00:51:43I had great hopes for Daniels
00:51:45The boy was a prodigy
00:51:48Well, not anymore, boss
00:51:49I'm sorry to say
00:51:51I'll find answers, Andrews
00:51:54Don't make mistakes
00:51:57You're still in the force for saving my neck years ago
00:52:01I haven't forgotten
00:52:04Watch your limits
00:52:07Yes, that's fine, boss
00:52:08Now, if you don't mind
00:52:10I need to finish the report you asked me to
00:52:21Yes, what?
00:52:23How are you?
00:52:24What do you think?
00:52:25The bastard got away
00:52:27Yes, well, listen
00:52:28Something else came up
00:52:29I need to see you in an hour
00:52:32I'm sorry, boss
00:52:33I can't
00:52:34I can't go
00:52:35I can't
00:52:36I can't
00:52:37I can't
00:52:38I can't
00:52:39I can't
00:52:40I can't
00:52:41I can't
00:52:42I can't
00:52:43I can't
00:52:44I can't
00:52:45I can't
00:52:46I can't
00:52:47I can't
00:52:48I can't
00:52:50I can't
00:52:55Here you are
00:53:15Are you okay?
00:53:16I bought all the medicines I could find, and vodka.
00:53:19That should help.
00:53:21Let's get a hotel and clean up this mess, okay?
00:53:37This is unexpected, Andrews.
00:53:39You clearly have something to tell me.
00:53:41Who the hell are you?
00:53:44Come on, Andrews. Spit it out.
00:53:46Look, after what happened today...
00:53:50I can't go on like this, okay? I'm out.
00:53:53Wait. I still need you to find Brock.
00:53:57One of our guys was murdered.
00:54:00I told you what would happen if things got ugly.
00:54:03Gil and the boss are starting to suspect.
00:54:05I didn't shoot your cop. It was your fault.
00:54:08You wanted some diamonds. You knew the risks.
00:54:11And I told you.
00:54:13When someone comes in with me, no one can leave.
00:54:17I knew you'd say that.
00:54:22I didn't think you'd fall so easily.
00:54:28I always knew you had your friends.
00:54:31You have no idea.
00:54:41Throw them out.
00:56:22Just find Brock and you'll be free.
00:56:26Jackson, let's go.
00:57:27You saved me.
00:57:29I needed someone to heal me, didn't I?
00:57:34You came in through here and out through here.
00:57:38How lucky.
00:57:42Come on.
00:57:44Have a drink.
00:57:50This could hurt you.
00:58:12Jen gave us everything.
00:58:15Even dessert.
00:58:19Thank you.
00:58:20Some cookies. They look good.
00:58:36How do you know Jen?
00:58:38She was Mom's best friend.
00:58:40She was like an aunt to us.
00:58:42And when Mom died, we couldn't see the moon.
00:58:45When did your mom die?
00:58:47When I was 13.
00:58:48That's when Elliot and I started stealing.
00:58:51I thought it was to get him out of our system.
00:58:53But when I stopped, I realized
00:58:55that we just wanted life to be real.
00:58:58Does that make sense to you?
00:59:02Did your father get married again?
00:59:04No, Mom was the only one.
00:59:06When she got sick, she used to say
00:59:08that she couldn't wait to be with her.
00:59:11We wanted her to fight.
00:59:27Are you okay?
00:59:29Not even a little.
00:59:32I'm nervous.
00:59:34I'm nervous.
00:59:35You're not alone, my friend.
00:59:41Adults need diapers.
00:59:45Adults need diapers.
00:59:48It's okay to be nervous.
00:59:49He's older than us.
00:59:51Focus on your breathing.
00:59:53And remember why we're doing this.
01:00:03Let's go.
01:00:11Nice car.
01:00:12Thank Brian for this shit.
01:00:14Hey, I don't want anyone to talk bad about old Jesse.
01:00:19And does it work?
01:00:35Let's go!
01:00:51Come on!
01:00:52Let's go!
01:01:03Let's go!
01:01:19Drop your weapon!
01:01:33Drop your weapon!
01:01:43On the ground!
01:02:03Let's go!
01:02:13Let's go!
01:02:31What's wrong?
01:02:32Let's sleep. We have to go now.
01:02:35Let's go!
01:03:00Now I'm a thief.
01:03:06I'm glad you let her go.
01:03:09But you want her to be safe.
01:03:12That's why you called, right?
01:03:14I don't have anyone, uncle.
01:03:16I need a big favor.
01:03:18Okay, I can be on the bridge in an hour.
01:03:31Detective Gil.
01:03:32I'm Vivian from communications.
01:03:34We received a call from Brock Bremer to Ross Bremer.
01:03:37He asked to pick up the girl on the bridge.
01:03:39Yes, I know where it is.
01:03:40Are they there?
01:03:41If he told the truth, he should arrive in half an hour.
01:03:44Thank you.
01:03:48Please don't leave me here.
01:03:50I want to be with you. I want to help you.
01:03:52I don't want you to get hurt.
01:03:54I can't risk it.
01:03:55I need you to wait here, Ross.
01:04:01I have to finish this.
01:04:12This is the train station.
01:04:13He left the girl on the bridge.
01:04:15I bet he's going for the diamonds.
01:04:17You just saved your life, friend.
01:04:19Good job.
01:04:20Yeah, whatever.
01:04:23Dane, Lauren.
01:04:25If you see Mason's men, kill them.
01:04:28Prepare everyone.
01:04:30Oh, and if you see Andrews, shoot him.
01:05:00Hello, I'm Detective Gil from Homicide.
01:05:02Who am I talking to?
01:05:03Edwards, what I'm going to tell you is confidential.
01:05:06You must not share it with anyone until we arrive.
01:05:08Yes, no problem.
01:05:10I'll see you as soon as you get here.
01:05:30Please return the key to the reception.
01:05:33Hello, how are you?
01:05:34I'm fine, Detective Andrews.
01:05:36There's a suspect at the station.
01:05:38We need your help.
01:05:39No problem.
01:05:40I talked to Detective Gil.
01:05:42Where is she?
01:05:43She got ahead of herself.
01:05:44It's a very painful situation.
01:05:45You have to tell her.
01:05:46I can't do that.
01:05:47We're going to contact her.
01:05:48I'm sorry.
01:05:49I don't know where she is.
01:05:50She's been taken.
01:05:51You're going to have to help her.
01:05:52I'm not going to take her.
01:05:53I'm going to contact her.
01:05:54We have to take her home.
01:05:55I'm not going to take her.
01:05:56I'm not going to take her.
01:05:57I can't do that.
01:05:58I'm going to call her.
01:05:59It's a headache. We must enter the security office to watch the videos.
01:06:03No problem. It's this way. Let's go.
01:06:24It can't be.
01:06:49I can't hear you!
01:06:56It's him!
01:07:13Damn dog!
01:07:21Good job.
01:07:23Oh shit!
01:07:25I've never shot anyone before.
01:07:27You'll get used to it.
01:07:30Get ready. Brock is going your way.
01:07:32I'm going after Brock.
01:07:38It's Andrews. He's shooting at us.
01:07:40That damn idiot!
01:07:42Go after him. Do whatever you can.
01:07:44Foxy! Bring me that bitch!
01:07:58Come on! Walk!
01:08:05Shut up!
01:08:06I said shut up!
01:08:07I said shut up!
01:08:08I said shut up!
01:08:09I said shut up!
01:08:10I said shut up!
01:08:11I said shut up!
01:08:12Shut up!
01:08:43Damn it!
01:08:47Parking B.
01:08:54Hey Brock, over here.
01:08:56We're police. It's okay.
01:09:00We know you're innocent. We want to help.
01:09:13Shoot him!
01:09:28Shoot him!
01:09:40What's he up to?
01:09:43Andrews! I've got the bag!
01:11:12Son of a bitch!
01:11:52Hurry up! I've got him!
01:12:55Not bad, Brock.
01:12:56But I still have your girl.
01:12:58We're waiting on the other side of the parking lot.
01:13:00Run! Run!
01:13:30Just wait!
01:13:32I'm sure you know there's more to this than just me.
01:13:35Don't try to rationalize it. You're my top priority.
01:13:38Just listen to me.
01:13:39Mason is behind all this, including your partner.
01:13:42What partner?
01:13:43Your friend Andrews.
01:13:45He and his friends tried to kill me.
01:13:49And I know it doesn't make sense.
01:13:51But look at the other side of the parking lot and you'll see what I'm talking about.
01:13:58Mason has Allison.
01:14:00And he's waiting for me outside.
01:14:03You can shoot me if you want.
01:14:05But I have to save her.
01:14:10To hell with my life!
01:14:37I'll kill you, Brock.
01:14:39Drop your gun.
01:14:40I'll take my diamonds and give you your girl back.
01:14:44We all win.
01:14:45Nothing will bring my brother back.
01:14:47You used us.
01:14:48And I avenged your brother, you idiot.
01:14:51If we hadn't been your pawns,
01:14:54Elios would be alive.
01:14:56Well, it's all semantics.
01:15:00Throw me the bag or you lose your girl.
01:15:10I want your word.
01:15:11What does that matter?
01:15:13What option do you have?
01:15:16Throw me the bag and you'll have your girl.
01:15:20All right, let's go, friend.
01:15:37Let's go.
01:16:10I always win, bitch.
01:16:12Not this time, idiot.
01:16:18Are you okay?
01:16:23We'll help you.
01:16:25It's okay.
01:16:27You'll be fine.
01:16:28I don't want to be fine without you.
01:16:34I love you.
01:16:38Don't leave me.
01:17:01Detective Gil told me everything.
01:17:04He's talking to Allison now.
01:17:07Turns out his nephew Brock is a real man.
01:17:11Will he be okay?
01:17:12He's going to be fine.
01:17:13We'll take good care of Brock.
01:17:15But what's going to happen to him?
01:17:18Well, I'm not a judge.
01:17:21I'd say he'll get a reduced sentence.
01:17:25So he'll go back to prison?
01:17:27Just for a while.
01:17:29Again, considering everything he's done for us.
01:17:33Helping us get rid of Mason's gang.
01:17:37I know it's not the best news, but...
01:17:40After saving his life twice, I think Allison will want to wait.
01:17:45She'll need a place to live. You'll have to take care of her.
01:17:49For Brock.
01:17:53Okay, I'll take care of her.
01:17:56Until my nephew gets out.
01:18:10How are you?
01:18:26I love you.
01:18:27I love you more.
01:18:37Do you have them?
01:19:39It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a
01:20:09miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle, It's a miracle
01:20:39The rain has washed away the color
01:20:48There's got to be a way, a way out of here
01:20:57I wanna disappear with you
01:21:04Live with you
01:21:07Love won't care and I think they do
01:21:14Live with you
01:21:26All this time I knew that you were there
01:21:34A secret message crashed into the wall
01:21:45You made me hold the light to believe in
01:21:53And I know you'll catch me when I'm gone
01:22:14I wanna disappear with you
01:22:23Love won't care and I think they do
01:22:33I wanna disappear with you
01:22:43Love won't care and I think they do
01:22:52I wanna disappear with you
01:23:22I wanna disappear with you