President Joe Biden & First Lady Jill Biden Host Cinco De Mayo Reception At The White House

  • 4 months ago
On Monday, the White House held a Cinco de Mayo reception.

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00:00Hello and welcome to the White House.
00:10Please join me in another round of applause
00:13for our talented musicians who flew all the way here
00:17from Los Angeles this morning.
00:20Today we celebrate Cinco de Mayo and pay tribute to a long line
00:29of Mexican-Americans who have added their own threads
00:33to our rich American tapestry with bravery and vision.
00:39Writers whose poems trace the contours
00:42of our sorrows and our joys.
00:45Activists whose movements for justice achieved hard won progress.
00:52Trailblazers in every career and calling
00:55who have led us toward a more perfect union.
00:59And as we recognize Mexican-Americans who have
01:02so profoundly shaped our country and are continuing to shape it,
01:08we also remember the first step to progress is dreaming.
01:12Creating those images in our own heads even if the odds are
01:17against us.
01:19Reaching for the stars even if we may miss.
01:25Sculpting the world we see when we close our eyes and imagine.
01:30That's what your president does every single day.
01:35He's growing the middle class working
01:42to level the playing field for all families.
01:46He's fighting injustice and inequality, defending our rights
01:51and freedoms and creating a better, brighter future ahead.
01:57But he can't do this alone.
02:00He needs your help, your hopes, your dreams, and your passion
02:06and your determination to make those dreams and those images real.
02:12Thank you for all that you do to lift up our communities.
02:18Thank you for, well, thank you, Joe.
02:21Thank you for helping us celebrate our nation's Mexican-American
02:31heritage today.
02:32And happy Cinco de Mayo.
02:35And now it is my pleasure
02:44to introduce an incredible athlete, not you, Joe,
02:50who is sculpting his own path in the NBA and in his community
02:56and inspiring so many people, so many young people
02:59to reach for their own dreams.
03:02Jaime, so here you go.
03:04It's yours.
03:07Yeah, I don't know if I need that.
03:11Thank you.
03:12Appreciate it.
03:13Thank you, Dr. Biden.
03:16It's such an honor to be here today.
03:17For those of you who don't know, my name is Jaime Jaquez, Jr.
03:20I am from Camarillo, California, and I play in the National,
03:25and I play in the NBA for the Miami Heat.
03:27Go Heat, baby.
03:30I stand here before you on the shoulders of giants.
03:36There are generations of proud
03:38and incredibly accomplished Mexican-Americans
03:40that came before me.
03:42I am proud to continue their legacy and continue
03:44to push the traditions of Mexican-Americans
03:46that make the spirit of our people so great.
03:50A tradition and a spirit that is principled on hard work,
03:53a strong moral code, and the importance of family.
03:56Thank you, President Biden and the administration
03:59for celebrating our community
04:00and all our contributions here today.
04:04And now, without further ado, it is my honor
04:07to welcome the President of the United States,
04:10Mr. President Joe Biden.
04:20Happy Cinco de Mayo.
04:24Four more years.
04:29Four more years.
04:31Four more years.
04:34Thank you, thank you, thank you.
04:36I'm Joe Biden's husband, Joe.
04:40Doug, our second general, is here also.
04:42Doug, good to see you, pal.
04:46And Jaime, thanks for the introduction, pal.
04:49I've always looked up to you.
04:52Congratulations on a great rookie season in the NBA.
04:56As you said, you stand on the shoulders
04:58of those who came before you.
05:00Future generations will stand on your six-foot-six shoulders
05:04and be a hell of a lot taller, man.
05:06Thanks, Pete and Annette and all the members
05:09of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus here today.
05:11I want to publicly say we're going to meet, I promise.
05:14Okay? We got it.
05:16And when I was elected,
05:17I promised my administration would look like America.
05:20I'm proud to say it does.
05:22I want to thank my Cabinet members here today,
05:25Secretary Becerra.
05:26Where are you?
05:28Secretary Cardona, Administrator Guzman,
05:31former Cabinet members of the Obama-Biden administration,
05:35Tom Perez.
05:36Tom, where are you?
05:38Well, I'll tell you what.
05:39On Friday, I had the honor of bestowing
05:41our nation's highest civilian awards
05:43to 19 incredible people,
05:45two trailblazers of Hispanic Americans as well.
05:48Teresa Romo — Romeo, excuse me — Teresa Romeo,
05:53the first Latina to lead the National Union
05:56of American — a national union of American farmworkers.
05:59And if you look inside the door here,
06:00I got only a few busts in there.
06:03And one of them is Cesar Chavez, who started the whole deal.
06:07And Dr. Elaine Ochoa,
06:14the first Latina to travel to space.
06:16I'm glad she decided to come home.
06:20In the land of possibilities,
06:23that represents something essential about America.
06:25We are a nation of immigrants, and we shouldn't forget it.
06:29No, we're not — it's why we're so good,
06:31why we're so strong, why we have such potential.
06:34We're a nation of dreamers.
06:36As Cinco de Mayo represents, we're a nation of freedom.
06:39That's America, the America we share,
06:41the America we're fighting for together.
06:43And the plan's working.
06:45You know, we've created 15 million jobs
06:47since we took office.
06:49Record low unemployment among Latinos.
06:51The fastest small business creation in more than a decade
06:54as we double loan to Latino-owned businesses.
06:58We've invested a record $15 billion
07:01in Hispanic-serving colleges and universities.
07:04And we've — we've relieved student debt for $4.6 million.
07:09A burden disproportionately falling on Latino borrowers.
07:16And you're the future of our nation.
07:17You know, everybody says, Why am I so —
07:19I've always been so fundamentally focused on Latinos.
07:22Simple proposition.
07:24You make up 28 percent of the students in America.
07:27Think — think about it.
07:31Twenty-eight percent of all the students in high school
07:34and grade school in America are Latino.
07:37And I want to tell you, the idea we're not going to pay attention
07:40is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
07:42Look, we have your backs and you've had ours.
07:45In March, in Nevada, I invited the most ambitious housing plan
07:49for decades to come into being.
07:51For example, it boosts construction and rental units
07:54and lowers rent.
07:55Crack down on discrimination by home appraisers
07:58so Latino homes are finally valued as fairly as they were —
08:02when built by wealthy families.
08:04Folks, look, we're in a situation
08:06where the lower cost across the board,
08:09we finally beat Big Pharma — Big Pharma —
08:12and gave Medicare the power to negotiate
08:15lower prescription drug prices.
08:16And, by the way, for example,
08:20we capped insulin at $35 a month,
08:23down from $400 a month for seniors on Medicare,
08:26including 5 million Latinos.
08:29And guess what? It saved not only those lives,
08:33but taxpayers. It saved them $160 billion
08:38in Medicare costs over the next 10 years.
08:41They're not going to have to pay.
08:42So it's a big deal across the board.
08:44We also expanded health coverage through the Affordable Care Act,
08:48doubling the number of Latinos enrolled since 2020.
08:51And I'm proud, last Friday, my administration
08:54finally announced a rule that for the first time
08:56and finally — finally —
08:58I'm able to provide health insurance
09:00through the Affordable Care Act for DACA recipients.
09:03The first bill I introduced was about DACA —
09:09to make sure that they have a path —
09:11direct path to citizenship.
09:13And the President and I — we created that program
09:1512 years ago.
09:17It's given 800,000 DREAMers a chance to go to work
09:20and school and contribute to their immense talents in America.
09:23But more than a third of DREAMers couldn't get health insurance.
09:26It's wrong. And this rule changes all that.
09:30DREAMers can now get health insurance, as they deserve.
09:33My first day in office, I said I sent a comprehensive
09:35immigration reform bill to Congress.
09:37It expands legal pathways for entries for families
09:40and employers.
09:41It includes pathways to citizenship for DREAMers
09:43in the only country that they ever called home.
09:46I love it when people say, Why DREAMers?
09:48Can you imagine a kid two years old saying,
09:51Mom, don't take me for granted. It's against the law.
09:54Give me a break. These have been model citizens.
09:57Congress has to act.
09:59And the right thing to do is to keep pushing forward
10:01until we get it done.
10:03Get it done.
10:04On this day, two years ago,
10:07we were honored to host the First Lady of Mexico
10:10to celebrate the unbreakable bonds between our nations.
10:13Bonds rooted in history, heritage,
10:16boosted by record trade,
10:18embodied in nearly 40 million Mexican-Americans that are here.
10:22I want to thank President López Obrador for his partnership.
10:27We've become friends. I've talked to him all.
10:29He's helped on immigration.
10:30We have a significant economic security,
10:33as well as security overall.
10:36Folks, we're doing all this while cutting the federal deficit
10:39and fighting to make the wealthy and the big corporations
10:42finally begin to pay their fair share.
10:47Under my plan, no one earned less than $400,000 a year
10:50to pay one extra penny in federal taxes.
10:53Not a single penny.
10:55Did you know that there are 1,000 billionaires in America?
10:58Well, guess what? That's good. I'm a capitalist.
11:00You make a billion bucks, go get it.
11:03But guess what? Begin to pay your fair share.
11:07You know what the average tax rate
11:08for a billionaire is in America?
11:118.2 percent in federal taxes.
11:14Anybody want to trade with them?
11:16Well, that's less than the vast majority of Americans.
11:19But no billionaire should pay a lower tax rate
11:22than a teacher, a nurse, a firefighter, a cop.
11:24That's why I propose a minimum tax of 25 percent for billionaires.
11:30You know what that will do? That will raise $500 billion
11:34over the next 10 years.
11:35Imagine what we could do to affordable care for children,
11:38paid leave, lower the federal deficit,
11:40generate significant economic growth.
11:42See, he's cheered.
11:43That's a kid who knows what he's about, man.
11:48But as you know, there are those of a different view.
11:51When my predecessor was in office,
11:53he enacted a $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited
11:56the super wealthy and the biggest corporations
11:58and exploded the federal debt more than any other President
12:01has in his four-year term.
12:03He added more. He wants to do it again.
12:06He also wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act,
12:09denying healthcare to millions of Latinos.
12:11Millions. He wants to go to —
12:14he wants to bring back the big pharma
12:16to be able to charge $400 a month
12:18so they don't eliminate that legislation,
12:21instead of $35 a month.
12:23He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.
12:25He says there's a lot we can do in terms of cutting.
12:28I got one really serious idea how to cut.
12:30A candidate. Anyway.
12:34He brags about getting Roe v. Wade overturned.
12:39He just did an interview with Time magazine and said,
12:41states should monitor women's pregnancy.
12:45Monitor — monitor pregnancies?
12:50He also said we should prosecute those who violate abortion bans.
12:54Kamala, I never let that happen.
12:56We're going to keep fighting to restore Roe v. Wade
12:58as the law of the land.
13:00In the same interview, my predecessor vowed
13:03to use the U.S. military
13:04to deport 11 million people here in America.
13:09He says shouldn't be here.
13:10Going to use the military to deport 11 million people
13:14in America.
13:15He calls immigrants rapists and murderers.
13:18He said they are not people.
13:19He said the immigrants are poisoning
13:22the blood of our country.
13:23He wants to bring back cruel and inhumane family
13:27separation policies that rip children
13:29from their parents at the border.
13:31Folks, that's not who we are.
13:33That's not America.
13:34My administration is reuniting 700 of those families
13:37and still looking.
13:39Families belong together, folks, not separated.
13:44Let me close with this.
13:47We're here in the Rose Garden.
13:49Through that window, the Oval Office will see
13:51I have a bust of Cesar Chavez.
13:53There's only five busts I have in that office.
13:56And in the back corner of the garden here,
13:58the rosebush that's planted in his honor.
14:01He once said, quote,
14:03our ambitions must be broad enough
14:05to include the aspirations and needs of others
14:08for their sake and for our own.
14:11Folks, the reason why we're the fastest
14:13growing country in the world,
14:15why we're the best economy is because of immigration.
14:18That's why we're here.
14:20That's not hyperbole. That's a fact.
14:24What I see in the Latino communities, doctors,
14:26teachers, athletes, artists, communities,
14:28construction workers, first responders
14:31who put themselves on the line to keep the rest of us safe.
14:34You are dreamers and doers.
14:37You're cutting cancer. You're commanding the military.
14:41You're taking deep steps into space.
14:44And it matters. You matter. You really do.
14:47You matter more than we can express.
14:49As I said earlier, you know, when you have 28 percent
14:53of all the students in our schools,
14:55up to high school, 28 percent speaking Spanish,
14:59how, in God's name, can we not pay attention?
15:03Those always have been compelling value
15:05sets to visions of America.
15:07One of those value sets is revenge and retribution.
15:11The other is hope and opportunity that we share.
15:14Honesty, decency, faith, fairness.
15:16That's the future we're building together.
15:18In America, we defend democracy. We don't diminish it.
15:22We protect freedoms. Don't take them away.
15:24In America, where the economy grows in the middle out
15:26and the bottom up, the wealthy pay their fair share.
15:29Working people have a fair shot. That's what we're about.
15:32America, where no one is left behind.
15:34I know we can do this because of you.
15:36I've never been more optimistic about the future.
15:39You just remember who we are.
15:40We're the United States of America,
15:43a nation of immigrants.
15:45And there's nothing, nothing beyond our capacity
15:47when we do it together.
15:49God bless you all. May God bless our troops.
15:52Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
