Don Bacon Asks Chairman Brown About Plans To Bolster Nuclear Command & Control Survivability

  • 4 months ago
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing last week, Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) questioned Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin & Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Charles Brown about sending weapons to Ukraine, nuclear threats and getting weapons to Taiwan.

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00:00 - I recognize the gentleman from Nebraska, Mr. Bacon.
00:02 - Thank you, Chairman Rogers, and thank you
00:04 to all three of you for being here today.
00:06 I want to congratulate General Brown on becoming chairman.
00:08 We were colonels together, one stars,
00:10 and base commanders in Europe, so congratulations.
00:13 My first question is to Secretary Austin
00:15 concerning the Ukrainian aid.
00:17 Is it the administration's plan
00:19 to send long-range ATACMs to Ukraine?
00:22 I hope it's yes.
00:23 - We have already done that, sir.
00:28 - You've already done it, but the intention
00:30 is to keep sending more.
00:32 - We will provide as much capability as we can.
00:37 - I think that we want to ensure
00:38 that we're sending difference makers.
00:40 They are not feeding into the gridlock from my perspective.
00:44 General Brown, I want to talk about nuclear survivability.
00:47 For 29 years, we flew the looking glass 24 hours a day
00:51 with a general on board that could take over
00:53 our nuclear forces of the White House,
00:55 the Pentagon, or Stratcom, et cetera.
00:57 In 1990, we stopped flying that mission
00:59 and had it on ground alert primarily.
01:01 We think the threats are back to what they used to be
01:05 with the behavior of Russia and the behavior of China.
01:09 Now we have weapons that can strike us in 15 minutes,
01:12 so we think it's even more imperative
01:13 to have this capability.
01:14 What are the plans to bolster
01:17 our nuclear command and control survivability?
01:23 - This is a, Representative Fitz,
01:25 an ongoing conversation about how we advance
01:29 our nuclear command and control
01:30 and maintain that nuclear command and control
01:32 in the environment we're operating in today,
01:35 particularly against a threat.
01:36 I would also say as we advance the technology,
01:39 there's also opportunities to change that approach as well.
01:43 That's where our focus areas are.
01:45 As we look at combined joint command and control,
01:50 how that also feeds into our new command and control as well.
01:54 - I know there's alternative ways
01:56 to provide that same capability,
01:59 but my impression has been,
02:01 this has been under discussion for years now,
02:04 I think at some point we need to resolve it
02:05 and have a plan so that we can,
02:08 and it's not really for us,
02:09 it's for Russia and China to know
02:10 that no matter what they do,
02:12 they can't catch us asleep and can't decapitate us.
02:16 So it seems to me that we should have a plan soon,
02:19 because I just feel like this has been
02:21 an ongoing discussion of what we should be doing.
02:24 So I just want to submit that to you.
02:27 Back to you, Secretary Austin, on Taiwan.
02:30 Deterrence starts today,
02:32 and I'm under the impression we're being told
02:33 that there's a huge backlog of weapons that we owe Taiwan.
02:38 One report was 20 billion.
02:40 What are we doing to expedite
02:42 getting these weapons to Taiwan?
02:45 - Well, I stood up a Tiger team to address this issue
02:49 as soon as we came on board,
02:51 figure out what the nature of the backlogs was,
02:55 and then what are the things that we can do
02:57 to work through those backlogs
03:00 and get this capability to Taiwan and others,
03:04 quite frankly, as quickly as possible.
03:07 They came up with a number of insights.
03:10 That task force still exists, by the way,
03:12 and my challenge to them is to continue to work through
03:17 challenges and obstacles to make sure
03:20 that we're moving as rapidly as possible.
03:22 As you know, sir, there are a number of things
03:25 that go into this equation, you know,
03:27 industry, industrial issues and challenges,
03:30 you know, you name it.
03:34 But again, I think we have been able
03:36 to move some things forward a bit faster,
03:39 but this work needs to continue on.
03:42 We're gonna reduce the backlog.
03:44 I can't predict to you exactly when that's gonna be,
03:47 but I think, you know, it's a thing
03:50 that we'll stay focused on.
03:53 - Day one of the war is too late,
03:54 and we just know the best way to stop it is sea mines,
03:57 harpoon missiles, long-range air defense.
03:59 And so I think, you know, obviously it's imperative
04:02 that we expedite those deliveries.
04:05 My last thing I would like to point out
04:08 to Secretary Austin or at least discuss,
04:10 we put 31 recommendations together
04:12 to improve quality of life in the military.
04:15 One of them was a targeted pay raise for E1 through E4.
04:18 You know, some of the leaders in OSD,
04:20 I'm not saying yourself, pushed back on that,
04:22 saying the pay is adequate.
04:24 But yet we have good evidence that many of our junior lists
04:26 are on food stamps, relying on food banks,
04:29 and we just think we gotta do better.
04:31 And there was an article that came out today
04:33 or it was yesterday that fast food restaurants
04:37 are paying more than our E4s are getting
04:39 who are not married.
04:41 So we hope that we'll have your support
04:43 for a targeted pay raise for E1 through E4.
04:46 And with like 15 seconds left, would you care to comment?
04:49 - Well, I wanna thank you for the support
04:51 that you've given us to date.
04:53 You know, I asked you for a 4.6% pay raise
04:56 for the 4s in '23, you supported us.
05:00 In '24, the budget that was just appropriated,
05:03 we asked you for a 5.2% pay raise,
05:07 you supported us for that.
05:08 That's the-- - Finalist time's expired.
05:10 - You're not recognized as gentle lady from New.
